blob: a41e3bd379bc38ba1abfbf18cbd61a9db84ea086 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_OS_H_
#define VM_OS_H_
#include "vm/globals.h"
// Forward declarations.
struct tm;
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
// Interface to the underlying OS platform.
class OS {
// Returns the abbreviated time-zone name for the given instant.
// For example "CET" or "CEST".
static const char* GetTimeZoneName(int64_t seconds_since_epoch);
// Returns the difference in seconds between local time and UTC for the given
// instant.
// For example 3600 for CET, and 7200 for CEST.
static int GetTimeZoneOffsetInSeconds(int64_t seconds_since_epoch);
// Returns the difference in seconds between local time and UTC when no
// daylight saving is active.
// For example 3600 in CET and CEST.
static int GetLocalTimeZoneAdjustmentInSeconds();
// Returns the current time in milliseconds measured
// from midnight January 1, 1970 UTC.
static int64_t GetCurrentTimeMillis();
// Returns the current time in microseconds measured
// from midnight January 1, 1970 UTC.
static int64_t GetCurrentTimeMicros();
// Returns a cleared aligned array of type T with n entries.
// Alignment must be >= 16 and a power of two.
template<typename T>
static T* AllocateAlignedArray(intptr_t n, intptr_t alignment) {
T* result = reinterpret_cast<T*>(OS::AlignedAllocate(n * sizeof(*result),
memset(result, 0, n * sizeof(*result));
return result;
// Returns an aligned pointer in the C heap with room for size bytes.
// Alignment must be >= 16 and a power of two.
static void* AlignedAllocate(intptr_t size, intptr_t alignment);
// Frees a pointer returned from AlignedAllocate.
static void AlignedFree(void* ptr);
// Returns the activation frame alignment constraint or zero if
// the platform doesn't care. Guaranteed to be a power of two.
static word ActivationFrameAlignment();
// This constant is guaranteed to be greater or equal to the
// preferred code alignment on all platforms.
static const int kMaxPreferredCodeAlignment = 32;
// Returns the preferred code alignment or zero if
// the platform doesn't care. Guaranteed to be a power of two.
static word PreferredCodeAlignment();
// Returns the stack size limit.
static uword GetStackSizeLimit();
// Returns number of available processor cores.
static int NumberOfAvailableProcessors();
// Sleep the currently executing thread for millis ms.
static void Sleep(int64_t millis);
// Debug break.
static void DebugBreak();
// Not all platform support strndup.
static char* StrNDup(const char* s, intptr_t n);
// Print formatted output to stdout/stderr for debugging.
static void Print(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(1, 2);
static void PrintErr(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(1, 2);
static void VFPrint(FILE* stream, const char* format, va_list args);
// Print formatted output info a buffer.
// Does not write more than size characters (including the trailing '\0').
// Returns the number of characters (excluding the trailing '\0')
// that would been written if the buffer had been big enough. If
// the return value is greater or equal than the given size then the
// output has been truncated. The return value is never negative.
// The buffer will always be terminated by a '\0', unless the buffer
// is of size 0. The buffer might be NULL if the size is 0.
// This specification conforms to C99 standard which is implemented
// by glibc 2.1+ with one exception: the C99 standard allows a
// negative return value. We will terminate the vm rather than let
// that occur.
static int SNPrint(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ...)
static int VSNPrint(char* str, size_t size,
const char* format,
va_list args);
// Converts a C string which represents a valid dart integer into a 64 bit
// value.
// Returns false if it is unable to convert the string to a 64 bit value,
// the failure could be because of underflow/overflow or invalid characters.
// On success the function returns true and 'value' contains the converted
// value.
static bool StringToInt64(const char* str, int64_t* value);
// Register code observers relevant to this OS.
static void RegisterCodeObservers();
// Initialize the OS class.
static void InitOnce();
// Shut down the OS class.
static void Shutdown();
static void Abort();
static void Exit(int code);
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_OS_H_