blob: 26c0d804442145d6c7c961c692a26fcfb1631cb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/code_descriptors.h"
#include "vm/code_generator.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Code;
class DeoptInfoBuilder;
class FlowGraph;
class FlowGraphCompiler;
class Function;
template <typename T> class GrowableArray;
class ParsedFunction;
class ParallelMoveResolver : public ValueObject {
explicit ParallelMoveResolver(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler);
// Resolve a set of parallel moves, emitting assembler instructions.
void EmitNativeCode(ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move);
class ScratchFpuRegisterScope : public ValueObject {
ScratchFpuRegisterScope(ParallelMoveResolver* resolver,
FpuRegister blocked);
FpuRegister reg() const { return reg_; }
ParallelMoveResolver* resolver_;
FpuRegister reg_;
bool spilled_;
class ScratchRegisterScope : public ValueObject {
ScratchRegisterScope(ParallelMoveResolver* resolver, Register blocked);
Register reg() const { return reg_; }
ParallelMoveResolver* resolver_;
Register reg_;
bool spilled_;
bool IsScratchLocation(Location loc);
intptr_t AllocateScratchRegister(Location::Kind kind,
intptr_t blocked,
intptr_t register_count,
bool* spilled);
void SpillScratch(Register reg);
void RestoreScratch(Register reg);
void SpillFpuScratch(FpuRegister reg);
void RestoreFpuScratch(FpuRegister reg);
// friend class ScratchXmmRegisterScope;
// Build the initial list of moves.
void BuildInitialMoveList(ParallelMoveInstr* parallel_move);
// Perform the move at the moves_ index in question (possibly requiring
// other moves to satisfy dependencies).
void PerformMove(int index);
// Emit a move and remove it from the move graph.
void EmitMove(int index);
// Execute a move by emitting a swap of two operands. The move from
// source to destination is removed from the move graph.
void EmitSwap(int index);
// Verify the move list before performing moves.
void Verify();
// Helpers for non-trivial source-destination combinations that cannot
// be handled by a single instruction.
void MoveMemoryToMemory(const Address& dst, const Address& src);
void StoreObject(const Address& dst, const Object& obj);
void Exchange(Register reg, const Address& mem);
void Exchange(const Address& mem1, const Address& mem2);
FlowGraphCompiler* compiler_;
// List of moves not yet resolved.
GrowableArray<MoveOperands*> moves_;
// Used for describing a deoptimization point after call (lazy deoptimization).
// For deoptimization before instruction use class CompilerDeoptInfoWithStub.
class CompilerDeoptInfo : public ZoneAllocated {
CompilerDeoptInfo(intptr_t deopt_id, DeoptReasonId reason)
: pc_offset_(-1),
deoptimization_env_(NULL) {}
RawDeoptInfo* CreateDeoptInfo(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler,
DeoptInfoBuilder* builder);
void AllocateIncomingParametersRecursive(Environment* env,
intptr_t* stack_height);
// No code needs to be generated.
virtual void GenerateCode(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler, intptr_t stub_ix) {}
intptr_t pc_offset() const { return pc_offset_; }
void set_pc_offset(intptr_t offset) { pc_offset_ = offset; }
intptr_t deopt_id() const { return deopt_id_; }
DeoptReasonId reason() const { return reason_; }
const Environment* deoptimization_env() const { return deoptimization_env_; }
void set_deoptimization_env(Environment* env) { deoptimization_env_ = env; }
intptr_t pc_offset_;
const intptr_t deopt_id_;
const DeoptReasonId reason_;
Environment* deoptimization_env_;
class CompilerDeoptInfoWithStub : public CompilerDeoptInfo {
CompilerDeoptInfoWithStub(intptr_t deopt_id,
DeoptReasonId reason)
: CompilerDeoptInfo(deopt_id, reason), entry_label_() {
ASSERT(reason != kDeoptAtCall);
Label* entry_label() { return &entry_label_; }
// Implementation is in architecture specific file.
virtual void GenerateCode(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler, intptr_t stub_ix);
Label entry_label_;
class SlowPathCode : public ZoneAllocated {
SlowPathCode() : entry_label_(), exit_label_() { }
Label* entry_label() { return &entry_label_; }
Label* exit_label() { return &exit_label_; }
virtual void EmitNativeCode(FlowGraphCompiler* compiler) = 0;
Label entry_label_;
Label exit_label_;
struct CidTarget {
intptr_t cid;
Function* target;
intptr_t count;
CidTarget(intptr_t cid_arg,
Function* target_arg,
intptr_t count_arg)
: cid(cid_arg), target(target_arg), count(count_arg) {}
class FlowGraphCompiler : public ValueObject {
class BlockInfo : public ZoneAllocated {
: jump_label_(&block_label_),
is_marked_(false) {}
Label* jump_label() const { return jump_label_; }
void set_jump_label(Label* label) { jump_label_ = label; }
// Label of the block that will follow this block in the generated code.
// Can be NULL if the block is the last block.
Label* fallthrough_label() const { return fallthrough_label_; }
void set_fallthrough_label(Label* fallthrough_label) {
fallthrough_label_ = fallthrough_label;
bool WasCompacted() const {
return jump_label_ != &block_label_;
bool is_marked() const { return is_marked_; }
void mark() { is_marked_ = true; }
Label* jump_label_;
Label block_label_;
Label* fallthrough_label_;
bool is_marked_;
FlowGraphCompiler(Assembler* assembler,
const FlowGraph& flow_graph,
bool is_optimizing);
static bool SupportsUnboxedMints();
// Accessors.
Assembler* assembler() const { return assembler_; }
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function() const { return parsed_function_; }
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& block_order() const {
return block_order_;
DescriptorList* pc_descriptors_list() const {
return pc_descriptors_list_;
BlockEntryInstr* current_block() const { return current_block_; }
void set_current_block(BlockEntryInstr* value) {
current_block_ = value;
static bool CanOptimize();
bool CanOptimizeFunction() const;
bool is_optimizing() const { return is_optimizing_; }
const GrowableArray<BlockInfo*>& block_info() const { return block_info_; }
ParallelMoveResolver* parallel_move_resolver() {
return &parallel_move_resolver_;
// Constructor is lighweight, major initialization work should occur here.
// This makes it easier to measure time spent in the compiler.
void InitCompiler();
void CompileGraph();
void VisitBlocks();
// Bail out of the flow graph compiler. Does not return to the caller.
void Bailout(const char* reason);
// Returns 'true' if code generation for this function is complete, i.e.,
// no fall-through to regular code is needed.
bool TryIntrinsify();
void GenerateCallRuntime(intptr_t token_pos,
intptr_t deopt_id,
const RuntimeEntry& entry,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateCall(intptr_t token_pos,
const ExternalLabel* label,
PcDescriptors::Kind kind,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateDartCall(intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
const ExternalLabel* label,
PcDescriptors::Kind kind,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateAssertAssignable(intptr_t token_pos,
intptr_t deopt_id,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
const String& dst_name,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateInstanceOf(intptr_t token_pos,
intptr_t deopt_id,
const AbstractType& type,
bool negate_result,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateInstanceCall(intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
LocationSummary* locs,
const ICData& ic_data);
void GenerateStaticCall(intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
const Function& function,
intptr_t argument_count,
const Array& argument_names,
LocationSummary* locs);
void GenerateNumberTypeCheck(Register kClassIdReg,
const AbstractType& type,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
void GenerateStringTypeCheck(Register kClassIdReg,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
void GenerateListTypeCheck(Register kClassIdReg,
Label* is_instance_lbl);
void EmitComment(Instruction* instr);
void EmitOptimizedInstanceCall(ExternalLabel* target_label,
const ICData& ic_data,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
LocationSummary* locs);
void EmitInstanceCall(ExternalLabel* target_label,
const ICData& ic_data,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
LocationSummary* locs);
void EmitMegamorphicInstanceCall(const ICData& ic_data,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
LocationSummary* locs);
void EmitTestAndCall(const ICData& ic_data,
Register class_id_reg,
intptr_t arg_count,
const Array& arg_names,
Label* deopt,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_index,
LocationSummary* locs);
void EmitDoubleCompareBranch(Condition true_condition,
FpuRegister left,
FpuRegister right,
BranchInstr* branch);
void EmitDoubleCompareBool(Condition true_condition,
FpuRegister left,
FpuRegister right,
Register result);
void EmitEqualityRegConstCompare(Register reg,
const Object& obj,
bool needs_number_check);
void EmitEqualityRegRegCompare(Register left,
Register right,
bool needs_number_check);
// Implement equality: if any of the arguments is null do identity check.
// Fallthrough calls super equality.
void EmitSuperEqualityCallPrologue(Register result, Label* skip_call);
intptr_t StackSize() const;
// Returns assembler label associated with the given block entry.
Label* GetJumpLabel(BlockEntryInstr* block_entry) const;
bool WasCompacted(BlockEntryInstr* block_entry) const;
// Returns true if there is a next block after the current one in
// the block order and if it is the given block.
bool CanFallThroughTo(BlockEntryInstr* block_entry) const;
void AddExceptionHandler(intptr_t try_index,
intptr_t outer_try_index,
intptr_t pc_offset,
const Array& handler_types);
void AddCurrentDescriptor(PcDescriptors::Kind kind,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos);
void RecordSafepoint(LocationSummary* locs);
Label* AddDeoptStub(intptr_t deopt_id, DeoptReasonId reason);
void AddDeoptIndexAtCall(intptr_t deopt_id, intptr_t token_pos);
void AddSlowPathCode(SlowPathCode* slow_path);
void FinalizeExceptionHandlers(const Code& code);
void FinalizePcDescriptors(const Code& code);
void FinalizeDeoptInfo(const Code& code);
void FinalizeStackmaps(const Code& code);
void FinalizeVarDescriptors(const Code& code);
void FinalizeComments(const Code& code);
void FinalizeStaticCallTargetsTable(const Code& code);
const Class& double_class() const { return double_class_; }
const Class& float32x4_class() const { return float32x4_class_; }
void SaveLiveRegisters(LocationSummary* locs);
void RestoreLiveRegisters(LocationSummary* locs);
// Returns true if the compiled function has a finally clause.
bool HasFinally() const;
intptr_t CurrentTryIndex() const {
if (current_block_ == NULL) {
return CatchClauseNode::kInvalidTryIndex;
return current_block_->try_index();
bool may_reoptimize() const { return may_reoptimize_; }
static Condition FlipCondition(Condition condition);
static bool EvaluateCondition(Condition condition, intptr_t l, intptr_t r);
// Array/list element address computations.
static intptr_t DataOffsetFor(intptr_t cid);
static intptr_t ElementSizeFor(intptr_t cid);
static FieldAddress ElementAddressForIntIndex(intptr_t cid,
intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
intptr_t offset);
static FieldAddress ElementAddressForRegIndex(intptr_t cid,
intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
Register index);
static Address ExternalElementAddressForIntIndex(intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
intptr_t offset);
static Address ExternalElementAddressForRegIndex(intptr_t index_scale,
Register array,
Register index);
friend class CheckStackOverflowSlowPath; // For pending_deoptimization_env_.
void EmitFrameEntry();
void AddStaticCallTarget(const Function& function);
void GenerateDeferredCode();
void EmitInstructionPrologue(Instruction* instr);
void EmitInstructionEpilogue(Instruction* instr);
// Emit code to load a Value into register 'dst'.
void LoadValue(Register dst, Value* value);
void EmitStaticCall(const Function& function,
const Array& arguments_descriptor,
intptr_t argument_count,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t token_pos,
LocationSummary* locs);
// Type checking helper methods.
void CheckClassIds(Register class_id_reg,
const GrowableArray<intptr_t>& class_ids,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
RawSubtypeTestCache* GenerateInlineInstanceof(intptr_t token_pos,
const AbstractType& type,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
RawSubtypeTestCache* GenerateInstantiatedTypeWithArgumentsTest(
intptr_t token_pos,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
bool GenerateInstantiatedTypeNoArgumentsTest(intptr_t token_pos,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
RawSubtypeTestCache* GenerateUninstantiatedTypeTest(
intptr_t token_pos,
const AbstractType& dst_type,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_label);
RawSubtypeTestCache* GenerateSubtype1TestCacheLookup(
intptr_t token_pos,
const Class& type_class,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
enum TypeTestStubKind {
RawSubtypeTestCache* GenerateCallSubtypeTestStub(TypeTestStubKind test_kind,
Register instance_reg,
Register type_arguments_reg,
Register temp_reg,
Label* is_instance_lbl,
Label* is_not_instance_lbl);
// Returns true if checking against this type is a direct class id comparison.
bool TypeCheckAsClassEquality(const AbstractType& type);
void GenerateBoolToJump(Register bool_reg, Label* is_true, Label* is_false);
void CopyParameters();
void GenerateInlinedGetter(intptr_t offset);
void GenerateInlinedSetter(intptr_t offset);
// Perform a greedy local register allocation. Consider all registers free.
void AllocateRegistersLocally(Instruction* instr);
// Map a block number in a forward iteration into the block number in the
// corresponding reverse iteration. Used to obtain an index into
// block_order for reverse iterations.
intptr_t reverse_index(intptr_t index) const {
return block_order_.length() - index - 1;
// Returns 'sorted' array in decreasing count order.
// The expected number of elements to sort is less than 10.
static void SortICDataByCount(const ICData& ic_data,
GrowableArray<CidTarget>* sorted);
void CompactBlock(BlockEntryInstr* block);
void CompactBlocks();
class Assembler* assembler_;
const ParsedFunction& parsed_function_;
const FlowGraph& flow_graph_;
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& block_order_;
// Compiler specific per-block state. Indexed by postorder block number
// for convenience. This is not the block's index in the block order,
// which is reverse postorder.
BlockEntryInstr* current_block_;
ExceptionHandlerList* exception_handlers_list_;
DescriptorList* pc_descriptors_list_;
StackmapTableBuilder* stackmap_table_builder_;
GrowableArray<BlockInfo*> block_info_;
GrowableArray<CompilerDeoptInfo*> deopt_infos_;
GrowableArray<SlowPathCode*> slow_path_code_;
// Stores: [code offset, function, null(code)].
const GrowableObjectArray& static_calls_target_table_;
const bool is_optimizing_;
// Set to true if optimized code has IC calls.
bool may_reoptimize_;
const Class& double_class_;
const Class& float32x4_class_;
ParallelMoveResolver parallel_move_resolver_;
// Currently instructions generate deopt stubs internally by
// calling AddDeoptStub. To communicate deoptimization environment
// that should be used when deoptimizing we store it in this variable.
// In future AddDeoptStub should be moved out of the instruction template.
Environment* pending_deoptimization_env_;
} // namespace dart