blob: 2f90ad87950e86be97e5e0dcfe86b5c339daa951 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/code_generator.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
class Location;
class Value;
// Holds all data relevant for execution of deoptimization instructions.
class DeoptimizationContext : public ValueObject {
// 'to_frame_start' points to the return address just below the frame's
// stack pointer. 'num_args' is 0 if there are no arguments or if there
// are optional arguments.
DeoptimizationContext(intptr_t* to_frame_start,
intptr_t to_frame_size,
const Array& object_table,
intptr_t num_args,
DeoptReasonId deopt_reason);
intptr_t* GetFromFrameAddressAt(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < from_frame_size_));
return &from_frame_[index];
intptr_t* GetToFrameAddressAt(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT((0 <= index) && (index < to_frame_size_));
return &to_frame_[index];
intptr_t GetFromFp() const;
intptr_t GetFromPc() const;
intptr_t GetCallerFp() const;
void SetCallerFp(intptr_t callers_fp);
RawObject* ObjectAt(intptr_t index) const {
return object_table_.At(index);
intptr_t RegisterValue(Register reg) const {
return registers_copy_[reg];
double FpuRegisterValue(FpuRegister reg) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<double*>(&fpu_registers_copy_[reg]);
int64_t FpuRegisterValueAsInt64(FpuRegister reg) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(&fpu_registers_copy_[reg]);
simd128_value_t FpuRegisterValueAsSimd128(FpuRegister reg) const {
const float* address = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&fpu_registers_copy_[reg]);
return simd128_value_t().readFrom(address);
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
intptr_t from_frame_size() const { return from_frame_size_; }
DeoptReasonId deopt_reason() const { return deopt_reason_; }
const Array& object_table_;
intptr_t* to_frame_;
const intptr_t to_frame_size_;
intptr_t* from_frame_;
intptr_t from_frame_size_;
intptr_t* registers_copy_;
fpu_register_t* fpu_registers_copy_;
const intptr_t num_args_;
const DeoptReasonId deopt_reason_;
intptr_t caller_fp_;
Isolate* isolate_;
// Represents one deopt instruction, e.g, setup return address, store object,
// store register, etc. The target is defined by instruction's position in
// the deopt-info array.
class DeoptInstr : public ZoneAllocated {
enum Kind {
static DeoptInstr* Create(intptr_t kind_as_int, intptr_t from_index);
DeoptInstr() {}
virtual ~DeoptInstr() {}
virtual const char* ToCString() const = 0;
virtual void Execute(DeoptimizationContext* deopt_context,
intptr_t to_index) = 0;
virtual DeoptInstr::Kind kind() const = 0;
bool Equals(const DeoptInstr& other) const {
return (kind() == other.kind()) && (from_index() == other.from_index());
// Decode the payload of a suffix command. Return the suffix length and
// set the output parameter info_number to the index of the shared suffix.
static intptr_t DecodeSuffix(intptr_t from_index, intptr_t* info_number);
// Get the function and return address which is encoded in this
// kRetAfterAddress deopt instruction.
static uword GetRetAddress(DeoptInstr* instr,
const Array& object_table,
Function* func);
virtual intptr_t from_index() const = 0;
friend class DeoptInfoBuilder;
// Builds a deoptimization info table, one DeoptInfo at a time. Call AddXXX
// methods in the order of their target, starting wih deoptimized code
// continuation pc and ending with the first argument of the deoptimized
// code. Call CreateDeoptInfo to write the accumulated instructions into
// the heap and reset the builder's internal state for the next DeoptInfo.
class DeoptInfoBuilder : public ValueObject {
explicit DeoptInfoBuilder(const intptr_t num_args);
// 'object_table' holds all objects referred to by DeoptInstr in
// all DeoptInfo instances for a single Code object.
const GrowableObjectArray& object_table() { return object_table_; }
// Return address before instruction.
void AddReturnAddress(const Function& function,
intptr_t deopt_id,
intptr_t to_index);
// Copy from optimized frame to unoptimized.
void AddCopy(Value* value, const Location& from_loc, intptr_t to_index);
void AddPcMarker(const Function& function, intptr_t to_index);
void AddCallerFp(intptr_t to_index);
void AddCallerPc(intptr_t to_index);
RawDeoptInfo* CreateDeoptInfo();
class TrieNode;
intptr_t FindOrAddObjectInTable(const Object& obj) const;
intptr_t CalculateStackIndex(const Location& from_loc) const;
GrowableArray<DeoptInstr*> instructions_;
const GrowableObjectArray& object_table_;
const intptr_t num_args_;
// Used to compress entries by sharing suffixes.
TrieNode* trie_root_;
intptr_t current_info_number_;
// Utilities for managing the deopt table and its entries. The table is
// stored in an Array in the heap. It consists of triples of (PC offset,
// info, reason). Elements of each entry are stored consecutively in the
// array.
class DeoptTable : public AllStatic {
// Return the array size in elements for a given number of table entries.
static intptr_t SizeFor(intptr_t length);
// Set the entry at the given index into the table (not an array index).
static void SetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
const Smi& offset,
const DeoptInfo& info,
const Smi& reason);
// Return the length of the table in entries.
static intptr_t GetLength(const Array& table);
// Set the output parameters (offset, info, reason) to the entry values at
// the index into the table (not an array index).
static void GetEntry(const Array& table,
intptr_t index,
Smi* offset,
DeoptInfo* info,
Smi* reason);
static const intptr_t kEntrySize = 3;
} // namespace dart