blob: 0aa2a9cef729bdc3d3a609064053d1d1472a6349 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_DEBUGGER_H_
#define VM_DEBUGGER_H_
#include "include/dart_debugger_api.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/port.h"
namespace dart {
class SourceBreakpoint;
class CodeBreakpoint;
class Isolate;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class ActiveVariables;
class RemoteObjectCache;
// SourceBreakpoint represents a user-specified breakpoint location in
// Dart source. There may be more than one CodeBreakpoint object per
// SourceBreakpoint.
class SourceBreakpoint {
SourceBreakpoint(intptr_t id, const Function& func, intptr_t token_pos);
RawFunction* function() const { return function_; }
intptr_t token_pos() const { return token_pos_; }
intptr_t id() const { return id_; }
RawScript* SourceCode();
RawString* SourceUrl();
intptr_t LineNumber();
void GetCodeLocation(Library* lib, Script* script, intptr_t* token_pos);
void Enable();
void Disable();
bool IsEnabled() const { return is_enabled_; }
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
void set_function(const Function& func);
void set_next(SourceBreakpoint* value) { next_ = value; }
SourceBreakpoint* next() const { return this->next_; }
const intptr_t id_;
RawFunction* function_;
const intptr_t token_pos_;
intptr_t line_number_;
bool is_enabled_;
SourceBreakpoint* next_;
friend class Debugger;
// CodeBreakpoint represents a location in compiled code. There may be
// more than one CodeBreakpoint for one SourceBreakpoint, e.g. when a
// function gets compiled as a regular function and as a closure.
class CodeBreakpoint {
CodeBreakpoint(const Function& func, intptr_t pc_desc_index);
RawFunction* function() const { return function_; }
uword pc() const { return pc_; }
intptr_t token_pos() const { return token_pos_; }
bool IsInternal() const { return src_bpt_ == NULL; }
RawScript* SourceCode();
RawString* SourceUrl();
intptr_t LineNumber();
void Enable();
void Disable();
bool IsEnabled() const { return is_enabled_; }
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
SourceBreakpoint* src_bpt() const { return src_bpt_; }
void set_src_bpt(SourceBreakpoint* value) { src_bpt_ = value; }
void set_next(CodeBreakpoint* value) { next_ = value; }
CodeBreakpoint* next() const { return this->next_; }
intptr_t pc_desc_index() const { return pc_desc_index_; }
void PatchCode();
void RestoreCode();
void PatchFunctionReturn();
void RestoreFunctionReturn();
RawFunction* function_;
intptr_t pc_desc_index_;
intptr_t token_pos_;
uword pc_;
intptr_t line_number_;
bool is_enabled_;
SourceBreakpoint* src_bpt_;
CodeBreakpoint* next_;
PcDescriptors::Kind breakpoint_kind_;
union {
uword target_address_;
uint8_t raw[2 * sizeof(uword)];
} saved_bytes_;
friend class Debugger;
// ActivationFrame represents one dart function activation frame
// on the call stack.
class ActivationFrame : public ZoneAllocated {
ActivationFrame(uword pc, uword fp, uword sp, const Code& code);
uword pc() const { return pc_; }
uword fp() const { return fp_; }
uword sp() const { return sp_; }
const Function& function() const {
return function_;
const Code& code() const {
return code_;
RawString* QualifiedFunctionName();
RawString* SourceUrl();
RawScript* SourceScript();
RawLibrary* Library();
intptr_t TokenPos();
intptr_t LineNumber();
void SetContext(const Context& ctx) { ctx_ = ctx.raw(); }
// The context level of a frame is the context level at the
// PC/token index of the frame. It determines the depth of the context
// chain that belongs to the function of this activation frame.
intptr_t ContextLevel();
const char* ToCString();
intptr_t NumLocalVariables();
void VariableAt(intptr_t i,
String* name,
intptr_t* token_pos,
intptr_t* end_pos,
Instance* value);
RawArray* GetLocalVariables();
RawContext* GetSavedContext();
intptr_t PcDescIndex();
intptr_t TryIndex();
void GetPcDescriptors();
void GetVarDescriptors();
void GetDescIndices();
RawInstance* GetLocalVarValue(intptr_t slot_index);
RawInstance* GetInstanceCallReceiver(intptr_t num_actual_args);
uword pc_;
uword fp_;
uword sp_;
// The anchor of the context chain for this function.
Context& ctx_;
const Code& code_;
const Function& function_;
intptr_t token_pos_;
intptr_t pc_desc_index_;
intptr_t line_number_;
intptr_t context_level_;
bool vars_initialized_;
LocalVarDescriptors& var_descriptors_;
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t> desc_indices_;
PcDescriptors& pc_desc_;
friend class Debugger;
friend class DebuggerStackTrace;
// Array of function activations on the call stack.
class DebuggerStackTrace : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit DebuggerStackTrace(int capacity)
: trace_(capacity) { }
intptr_t Length() const { return trace_.length(); }
ActivationFrame* ActivationFrameAt(int i) const {
ASSERT(i < trace_.length());
return trace_[i];
ActivationFrame* GetHandlerFrame(const Instance& exc_obj) const;
void AddActivation(ActivationFrame* frame);
ZoneGrowableArray<ActivationFrame*> trace_;
friend class Debugger;
typedef void BreakpointHandler(Dart_Port isolate_id,
SourceBreakpoint* bpt,
DebuggerStackTrace* stack);
class Debugger {
enum EventType {
kBreakpointReached = 1,
kBreakpointResolved = 2,
kExceptionThrown = 3,
kIsolateCreated = 4,
kIsolateShutdown = 5,
kIsolateInterrupted = 6,
struct DebuggerEvent {
EventType type;
union {
ActivationFrame* top_frame;
SourceBreakpoint* breakpoint;
const Object* exception;
Dart_Port isolate_id;
typedef void EventHandler(DebuggerEvent *event);
void Initialize(Isolate* isolate);
void Shutdown();
void NotifyCompilation(const Function& func);
RawFunction* ResolveFunction(const Library& library,
const String& class_name,
const String& function_name);
// Set breakpoint at closest location to function entry.
SourceBreakpoint* SetBreakpointAtEntry(const Function& target_function);
SourceBreakpoint* SetBreakpointAtLine(const String& script_url,
intptr_t line_number);
void OneTimeBreakAtEntry(const Function& target_function);
void RemoveBreakpoint(intptr_t bp_id);
SourceBreakpoint* GetBreakpointById(intptr_t id);
void SetStepOver() { resume_action_ = kStepOver; }
void SetStepInto() { resume_action_ = kStepInto; }
void SetStepOut() { resume_action_ = kStepOut; }
void SetExceptionPauseInfo(Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo pause_info);
Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo GetExceptionPauseInfo();
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
// Called from Runtime when a breakpoint in Dart code is reached.
void BreakpointCallback();
// Returns true if there is at least one breakpoint set in func.
// Checks for both user-defined and internal temporary breakpoints.
bool HasBreakpoint(const Function& func);
DebuggerStackTrace* StackTrace() const { return stack_trace_; }
RawArray* GetInstanceFields(const Instance& obj);
RawArray* GetStaticFields(const Class& cls);
RawArray* GetLibraryFields(const Library& lib);
RawArray* GetGlobalFields(const Library& lib);
intptr_t CacheObject(const Object& obj);
RawObject* GetCachedObject(intptr_t obj_id);
bool IsValidObjectId(intptr_t obj_id);
Dart_Port GetIsolateId() { return isolate_id_; }
static void SetEventHandler(EventHandler* handler);
// Utility functions.
static const char* QualifiedFunctionName(const Function& func);
RawObject* GetInstanceField(const Class& cls,
const String& field_name,
const Instance& object);
RawObject* GetStaticField(const Class& cls,
const String& field_name);
void SignalBpReached();
void SignalExceptionThrown(const Instance& exc);
static void SignalIsolateEvent(EventType type);
enum ResumeAction {
void DeoptimizeWorld();
void InstrumentForStepping(const Function& target_function);
SourceBreakpoint* SetBreakpoint(const Function& target_function,
intptr_t first_token_pos,
intptr_t last_token_pos);
void RemoveInternalBreakpoints();
void UnlinkCodeBreakpoints(SourceBreakpoint* src_bpt);
void RegisterSourceBreakpoint(SourceBreakpoint* bpt);
void RegisterCodeBreakpoint(CodeBreakpoint* bpt);
SourceBreakpoint* GetSourceBreakpoint(const Function& func,
intptr_t token_pos);
CodeBreakpoint* MakeCodeBreakpoint(const Function& func,
intptr_t first_token_pos,
intptr_t last_token_pos);
// Returns NULL if no breakpoint exists for the given address.
CodeBreakpoint* GetCodeBreakpoint(uword breakpoint_address);
void SyncBreakpoint(SourceBreakpoint* bpt);
static DebuggerStackTrace* CollectStackTrace();
void SignalBpResolved(SourceBreakpoint *bpt);
bool IsDebuggable(const Function& func);
intptr_t nextId() { return next_id_++; }
bool ShouldPauseOnException(DebuggerStackTrace* stack_trace,
const Instance& exc);
void CollectLibraryFields(const GrowableObjectArray& field_list,
const Library& lib,
const String& prefix,
bool include_private_fields);
Isolate* isolate_;
Dart_Port isolate_id_; // A unique ID for the isolate in the debugger.
bool initialized_;
// ID number generator.
intptr_t next_id_;
// Current stack trace. Valid while executing breakpoint callback code.
DebuggerStackTrace* stack_trace_;
RemoteObjectCache* obj_cache_;
SourceBreakpoint* src_breakpoints_;
CodeBreakpoint* code_breakpoints_;
// Tells debugger what to do when resuming execution after a breakpoint.
ResumeAction resume_action_;
// If >= 0, last_bpt_line contains the line number of the last breakpoint
// location for which the breakpoint callback function was called.
intptr_t last_bpt_line_;
// Do not call back to breakpoint handler if this flag is set.
// Effectively this means ignoring breakpoints. Set when Dart code may
// be run as a side effect of getting values of fields.
bool ignore_breakpoints_;
intptr_t exc_pause_info_;
static BreakpointHandler* bp_handler_;
static EventHandler* event_handler_;
friend class Isolate;
friend class SourceBreakpoint;
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_DEBUGGER_H_