blob: 200716a1d02fc32627fa1b282b5145d3ec8762a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Assembler;
class AssemblerFixup;
class AssemblerBuffer;
class MemoryRegion;
// External labels keep a function pointer to allow them
// to be called from code generated by the assembler.
class ExternalLabel : public ValueObject {
ExternalLabel(const char* name, uword address)
: name_(name), address_(address) {
ASSERT(name != NULL);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
bool is_resolved() const { return address_ != 0; }
uword address() const {
return address_;
const char* name_;
const uword address_;
// Assembler fixups are positions in generated code that hold relocation
// information that needs to be processed before finalizing the code
// into executable memory.
class AssemblerFixup : public ZoneAllocated {
virtual void Process(const MemoryRegion& region, int position) = 0;
// It would be ideal if the destructor method could be made private,
// but the g++ compiler complains when this is subclassed.
virtual ~AssemblerFixup() { UNREACHABLE(); }
AssemblerFixup* previous_;
int position_;
AssemblerFixup* previous() const { return previous_; }
void set_previous(AssemblerFixup* previous) { previous_ = previous; }
int position() const { return position_; }
void set_position(int position) { position_ = position; }
friend class AssemblerBuffer;
// Assembler buffers are used to emit binary code. They grow on demand.
class AssemblerBuffer : public ValueObject {
// Basic support for emitting, loading, and storing.
template<typename T> void Emit(T value) {
*reinterpret_cast<T*>(cursor_) = value;
cursor_ += sizeof(T);
template<typename T> void Remit() {
ASSERT(Size() >= static_cast<intptr_t>(sizeof(T)));
cursor_ -= sizeof(T);
template<typename T> T Load(int position) {
ASSERT(position >= 0 && position <= (Size() - static_cast<int>(sizeof(T))));
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(contents_ + position);
template<typename T> void Store(int position, T value) {
ASSERT(position >= 0 && position <= (Size() - static_cast<int>(sizeof(T))));
*reinterpret_cast<T*>(contents_ + position) = value;
const ZoneGrowableArray<int>& pointer_offsets() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return *pointer_offsets_;
// Emit an object pointer directly in the code.
void EmitObject(const Object& object);
// Emit a fixup at the current location.
void EmitFixup(AssemblerFixup* fixup) {
fixup_ = fixup;
// Get the size of the emitted code.
intptr_t Size() const { return cursor_ - contents_; }
uword contents() const { return contents_; }
// Copy the assembled instructions into the specified memory block
// and apply all fixups.
void FinalizeInstructions(const MemoryRegion& region);
// To emit an instruction to the assembler buffer, the EnsureCapacity helper
// must be used to guarantee that the underlying data area is big enough to
// hold the emitted instruction. Usage:
// AssemblerBuffer buffer;
// AssemblerBuffer::EnsureCapacity ensured(&buffer);
// ... emit bytes for single instruction ...
#if defined(DEBUG)
class EnsureCapacity : public ValueObject {
explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer* buffer);
AssemblerBuffer* buffer_;
intptr_t gap_;
intptr_t ComputeGap() { return buffer_->Capacity() - buffer_->Size(); }
bool has_ensured_capacity_;
bool HasEnsuredCapacity() const { return has_ensured_capacity_; }
class EnsureCapacity : public ValueObject {
explicit EnsureCapacity(AssemblerBuffer* buffer) {
if (buffer->cursor() >= buffer->limit()) buffer->ExtendCapacity();
// When building the C++ tests, assertion code is enabled. To allow
// asserting that the user of the assembler buffer has ensured the
// capacity needed for emitting, we add a dummy method in non-debug mode.
bool HasEnsuredCapacity() const { return true; }
// Returns the position in the instruction stream.
intptr_t GetPosition() const { return cursor_ - contents_; }
// The limit is set to kMinimumGap bytes before the end of the data area.
// This leaves enough space for the longest possible instruction and allows
// for a single, fast space check per instruction.
static const intptr_t kMinimumGap = 32;
uword contents_;
uword cursor_;
uword limit_;
AssemblerFixup* fixup_;
ZoneGrowableArray<int>* pointer_offsets_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
bool fixups_processed_;
uword cursor() const { return cursor_; }
uword limit() const { return limit_; }
intptr_t Capacity() const {
ASSERT(limit_ >= contents_);
return (limit_ - contents_) + kMinimumGap;
// Process the fixup chain.
void ProcessFixups(const MemoryRegion& region);
// Compute the limit based on the data area and the capacity. See
// description of kMinimumGap for the reasoning behind the value.
static uword ComputeLimit(uword data, intptr_t capacity) {
return data + capacity - kMinimumGap;
void ExtendCapacity();
friend class AssemblerFixup;
} // namespace dart
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#include "vm/assembler_ia32.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
#include "vm/assembler_x64.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#include "vm/assembler_arm.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MIPS)
#include "vm/assembler_mips.h"
#error Unknown architecture.
#endif // VM_ASSEMBLER_H_