blob: e411b3e36b204ded3d36c9ab941971a6ffa6fe86 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_api.h"
typedef struct _Dart_Breakpoint* Dart_Breakpoint;
typedef struct _Dart_StackTrace* Dart_StackTrace;
typedef struct _Dart_ActivationFrame* Dart_ActivationFrame;
* An id used to uniquely represent an Isolate in the debugger wire protocol
* messages.
typedef Dart_Port Dart_IsolateId;
* ILLEGAL_ISOLATE_ID is a number guaranteed never to be associated with a
* valid isolate.
// DEPRECATED -- use Dart_PausedEventHandler
typedef void Dart_BreakpointHandler(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id,
Dart_Breakpoint breakpoint,
Dart_StackTrace stack_trace);
typedef void Dart_ExceptionThrownHandler(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id,
Dart_Handle exception_object,
Dart_StackTrace stack_trace);
typedef enum {
kCreated = 0,
} Dart_IsolateEvent;
* Represents a location in Dart code.
typedef struct {
Dart_Handle script_url; // Url (string) of the script.
int32_t library_id; // Library in which the script is loaded.
int32_t token_pos; // Code address.
} Dart_CodeLocation;
typedef void Dart_IsolateEventHandler(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id,
Dart_IsolateEvent kind);
typedef void Dart_PausedEventHandler(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id,
const Dart_CodeLocation& location);
typedef void Dart_BreakpointResolvedHandler(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id,
intptr_t bp_id,
const Dart_CodeLocation& location);
* Caches a given \object and returns an object id. The object id is only
* valid while the VM is paused. The cache is invalidated when the VM
* resumes.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* Returns an id >= 0 on success, or -1 if there is an error.
DART_EXPORT intptr_t Dart_CacheObject(Dart_Handle object_in);
* Returns a cached object given the \obj_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetCachedObject(intptr_t obj_id);
* Returns a list of ids (integers) of all the libraries loaded in the
* current isolate.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to a list of library ids.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLibraryIds();
* Returns true if the debugger can step into code of the given library.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLibraryDebuggable(intptr_t library_id,
bool* is_debuggable);
* Requets that debugging be enabled for the given library.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetLibraryDebuggable(intptr_t library_id,
bool is_debuggable);
* Returns a list of urls (strings) of all the scripts loaded in the
* given library.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to a list of string handles.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetScriptURLs(Dart_Handle library_url);
* Returns a string containing the source code of the given script
* in the given library.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to string containing the source text if no error
* occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ScriptGetSource(
intptr_t library_id,
Dart_Handle script_url_in);
* Returns an array containing line number and token offset info
* for the given script.
* Returns an array of numbers. Null values indicate the beginning of
* a new line. The first number after null is the line number.
* The line number is followed by pairs of numbers, with the first value
* being the "token offset" and the second value being the character offset
* of the token relative to the beginning of the script.
* The "token offset" is a value that is used to indicate a location
* in code, similarly to a "PC" address.
* Source lines with no tokens are omitted.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array or an error object.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ScriptGetTokenInfo(
intptr_t library_id,
Dart_Handle script_url_in);
* Returns a string containing a generated source code of the given script
* in the given library. This is essentially used to pretty print dart code
* generated from any tool (e.g: dart2dart).
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to string containing the source text if no error
* occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GenerateScriptSource(Dart_Handle library_url_in,
Dart_Handle script_url_in);
* Sets a breakpoint at line \line_number in \script_url, or the closest
* following line (within the same function) where a breakpoint can be set.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle containing the breakpoint id, which is an integer
* value, or an error object if a breakpoint could not be set.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetBreakpoint(
Dart_Handle script_url,
intptr_t line_number);
* Deletes the breakpoint with the given id \pb_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_RemoveBreakpoint(intptr_t bp_id);
* Get the script URL of the breakpoint with the given id \pb_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the URL (string) of the script, or an error
* object.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetBreakpointURL(intptr_t bp_id);
* Get the line number of the breakpoint with the given id \pb_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the line number (integer) of the script,
* or an error object.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetBreakpointLine(intptr_t bp_id);
* Sets a one-time breakpoint at the entry of the given function.
* If class_name is the empty string, looks for a library function
* with the given name.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle containing the breakpoint id, which is an integer
* value, or an error object if a breakpoint could not be set.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetBreakpointAtEntry(
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle class_name,
Dart_Handle function_name);
* Sets a breakpoint at the entry of the given function. If class_name
* is the empty string, looks for a library function with the given
* name.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_OneTimeBreakAtEntry(
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle class_name,
Dart_Handle function_name);
* Can be called from the breakpoint handler. Sets the debugger to
* single step mode.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetStepOver();
* Can be called from the breakpoint handler. Causes the debugger to
* break after at the beginning of the next function call.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetStepInto();
* Can be called from the breakpoint handler. Causes the debugger to
* break after returning from the current Dart function.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetStepOut();
* DEPRECATED -- use Dart_SetPausedEventHandler
* Installs a handler callback function that gets called by the VM
* when a breakpoint has been reached.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetBreakpointHandler(
Dart_BreakpointHandler bp_handler);
* Installs a handler callback function that gets called by the VM
* when a breakpoint location has been reached or when stepping.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetPausedEventHandler(
Dart_PausedEventHandler handler);
* Installs a callback function that gets called by the VM when
* a breakpoint has been resolved to an actual url and line number.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetBreakpointResolvedHandler(
Dart_BreakpointResolvedHandler handler);
* Installs a callback function that gets called by the VM when
* an exception has been thrown.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetExceptionThrownHandler(
Dart_ExceptionThrownHandler handler);
* Installs a callback function that gets called by the VM when
* an isolate event happens, e.g:
* - creation of a new isolate
* - shutdown of an isolate
* - interruption of an isolate
DART_EXPORT void Dart_SetIsolateEventHandler(Dart_IsolateEventHandler handler);
// On which exceptions to pause.
typedef enum {
kNoPauseOnExceptions = 1,
} Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo;
* Define on which exceptions the debugger pauses.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_SetExceptionPauseInfo(
Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo pause_info);
* Returns on which exceptions the debugger pauses.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
DART_EXPORT Dart_ExceptionPauseInfo Dart_GetExceptionPauseInfo();
* Returns in \trace the the current stack trace, or NULL if the
* VM is not paused.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetStackTrace(Dart_StackTrace* trace);
* Returns in \length the number of activation frames in the given
* stack trace.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_StackTraceLength(
Dart_StackTrace trace,
intptr_t* length);
* Returns in \frame the activation frame with index \frame_index.
* The activation frame at the top of stack has index 0.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetActivationFrame(
Dart_StackTrace trace,
int frame_index,
Dart_ActivationFrame* frame);
* DEPRECATED -- Use Dart_ActivationframeGetLocation instead.
* Returns information about the given activation frame.
* \function_name receives a string handle with the qualified
* function name.
* \script_url receives a string handle with the url of the
* source script that contains the frame's function.
* \line_number receives the line number in the script.
* \library_id receives the id of the library in which the
* function in this frame is defined.
* Any or all of the out parameters above may be NULL.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ActivationFrameInfo(
Dart_ActivationFrame activation_frame,
Dart_Handle* function_name,
Dart_Handle* script_url,
intptr_t* line_number,
intptr_t* library_id);
* Returns code location of the given activation frame.
* \function_name receives a string handle with the qualified
* function name.
* \location.script_url receives a string handle with the url of
* the source script that contains the frame's function.
* Receives a null handle if there is no textual location
* that corresponds to the frame, e.g. for implicitly
* generated constructors.
* \location.library_id receives the id of the library in which the
* function in this frame is defined.
* \location.token_pos receives the token position in the script.
* Any of the out parameters above may be NULL.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the True object if no error occurs.
* A handle to the False object if there is no text
* position for the frame.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_ActivationFrameGetLocation(
Dart_ActivationFrame activation_frame,
Dart_Handle* function_name,
Dart_CodeLocation* location);
* Returns an array containing all the local variable names and values of
* the given \activation_frame.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing variable names and
* corresponding values. The array is empty if the activation frame has
* no variables. If non-empty, variable names are at array offsets 2*n,
* values at offset 2*n+1.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLocalVariables(
Dart_ActivationFrame activation_frame);
* Returns an array containing all the global variable names and values of
* the library with given \library_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing variable names and
* corresponding values. Variable names are at array offsets 2*n,
* values at offset 2*n+1.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetGlobalVariables(intptr_t library_id);
* Returns the class of the given \object.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the class object.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetObjClass(Dart_Handle object);
* Returns in \class_id the class id of the given \object. The id is valid
* for the lifetime of the isolate.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return True if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetObjClassId(Dart_Handle object,
intptr_t* class_id);
* Returns the superclass of the given class \cls.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the class object.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetSuperclass(Dart_Handle cls);
* Returns info about the given class \cls_id.
* \param class_name receives handle to class name (string) if non-null.
* \param library receives handle to library in which the class
* is defined, if non-null.
* \param super_class_id receives the class id to the super class of
* \cls_id if non-null.
* \param static_fields If non-null, receives an array containing field
* names and values of static fields of the class. Names are
* at array offsets 2*n, values at offset 2*n+1.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to the value true if no error occurs.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetClassInfo(intptr_t class_id,
Dart_Handle* class_name,
intptr_t* library_id,
intptr_t* super_class_id,
Dart_Handle* static_fields);
* Returns an array containing all instance field names and values of
* the given \object.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing field names and
* corresponding field values. The array is empty if the object has
* no fields. If non-empty, field names are at array offsets 2*n,
* values at offset 2*n+1. Field values may also be a handle to an
* error object if an error was encountered evaluating the field.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetInstanceFields(Dart_Handle object);
* Returns an array containing all static field names and values of
* the given class \cls.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing field names and
* corresponding field values. The array is empty if the class has
* no static fields. If non-empty, field names are at array offsets 2*n,
* values at offset 2*n+1. Field values may also be a handle to an
* error object if an error was encountered evaluating the field.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetStaticFields(Dart_Handle cls);
* Returns an array containing all variable names and values of
* the given library \library_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing variable names and
* corresponding values. The array is empty if the library has
* no variables. If non-empty, variable names are at array offsets 2*n,
* values at offset 2*n+1. Variable values may also be a handle to an
* error object if an error was encountered evaluating the value.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLibraryFields(intptr_t library_id);
* Returns an array containing all imported libraries of
* the given library \library_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A handle to an array containing prefix names and
* library ids. The array is empty if the library has
* no imports. If non-empty, import prefixes are at array offsets 2*n,
* corresponding library ids at offset 2*n+1. Prefixes may be null
* which indicates the respective library has been imported without
* a prefix.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLibraryImports(intptr_t library_id);
* Returns the url of the library \library_id.
* Requires there to be a current isolate.
* \return A string handle containing the URL of the library.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle Dart_GetLibraryURL(intptr_t library_id);
* Returns the isolate object corresponding to the isolate id.
* \return The Dart_Isolate object corresponding to the isolate id.
* If the specified id is invalid NULL is returned.
DART_EXPORT Dart_Isolate Dart_GetIsolate(Dart_IsolateId isolate_id);
* Returns VM status information. VM status is implemented using a
* different status plug-in for each type of status; for example, there
* might be an "isolate" plug-in that returns information about the
* current isolates.
* To get a list of status types, this function is called with a
* status_type parameter of "statustypes". This list is useful when
* building a status dashboard.
* TODO(tball): we need to figure out which isolate this command needs
* to be sent to after parsing the string and then send an OOB message
* to that isolate.
* \param request A REST-like string, which uses '/' to separate
* parameters. The first parameter is always the status type.
* \return The requested status as a JSON formatted string, with the
* contents defined by the status plug-in. The caller is responsible
* for freeing this string.
DART_EXPORT char* Dart_GetVmStatus(const char* request);