| // This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to |
| // significant change. Please see the README file for more information. |
| |
| library engine.resolver_test; |
| |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_core.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_engine.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_junit.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/source_io.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/error.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/scanner.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/ast.dart' hide Annotation; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/parser.dart' show ParserErrorCode; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/element.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/resolver.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/engine.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/java_engine_io.dart'; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/sdk.dart' show DartSdk; |
| import 'package:analyzer_experimental/src/generated/sdk_io.dart' show DirectoryBasedDartSdk; |
| import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart' as _ut; |
| import 'test_support.dart'; |
| import 'ast_test.dart' show ASTFactory; |
| import 'element_test.dart' show ElementFactory; |
| |
| class TypePropagationTest extends ResolverTestCase { |
| void test_as() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " bool get g => true;", "}", "A f(var p) {", " if ((p as A).g) {", " return p;", " } else {", " return null;", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.thenStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_assert() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " assert (p is A);", " return p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_assignment() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var v;", " v = 0;", " return v;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[2] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeProvider.intType, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_assignment_afterInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var v = 0;", " v = 1.0;", " return v;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[2] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeProvider.doubleType, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_initializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var v = 0;", " return v;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeProvider.intType, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_conditional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " return (p is A) ? p : null;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| ConditionalExpression conditional = statement.expression as ConditionalExpression; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = conditional.thenExpression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_if() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is A) {", " return p;", " } else {", " return null;", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.thenStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_if_logicalAnd() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is A && p != null) {", " return p;", " } else {", " return null;", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.thenStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_postConditional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " A a = (p is A) ? p : throw null;", " return p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_postIf() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is A) {", " A a = p;", " } else {", " return null;", " }", " return p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_is_subclass() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {", " B m() => this;", "}", "A f(A p) {", " if (p is B) {", " return p.m();", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[2] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.thenStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| MethodInvocation invocation = statement.expression as MethodInvocation; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(invocation.methodName.element); |
| } |
| void test_isNot_conditional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " return (p is! A) ? null : p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| ConditionalExpression conditional = statement.expression as ConditionalExpression; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = conditional.elseExpression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_isNot_if() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is! A) {", " return null;", " } else {", " return p;", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.elseStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_isNot_if_logicalOr() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is! A || null == p) {", " return null;", " } else {", " return p;", " }", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| IfStatement ifStatement = body2.block.statements[0] as IfStatement; |
| ReturnStatement statement = ((ifStatement.elseStatement as Block)).statements[0] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_isNot_postConditional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " A a = (p is! A) ? throw null : p;", " return p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_isNot_postIf() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "A f(var p) {", " if (p is! A) {", " return null;", " }", " return p;", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| ClassDeclaration classA = unit.declarations[0] as ClassDeclaration; |
| InterfaceType typeA = classA.element.type; |
| FunctionDeclaration function = unit.declarations[1] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[1] as ReturnStatement; |
| SimpleIdentifier variableName = statement.expression as SimpleIdentifier; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeA, variableName.staticType); |
| } |
| void test_query() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["import 'dart:html';", "", "main() {", " var v1 = query('a');", " var v2 = query('A');", " var v3 = query('body:active');", " var v4 = query('button[foo=\"bar\"]');", " var v5 = query('div.class');", " var v6 = query('input#id');", " var v7 = query('select#id');", " // invocation of method", " var m1 = document.query('div');", " // unsupported currently", " var b1 = query('noSuchTag');", " var b2 = query('DART_EDITOR_NO_SUCH_TYPE');", " var b3 = query('body div');", " return [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, m1, b1, b2, b3];", "}"])); |
| LibraryElement library = resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| CompilationUnit unit = resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| FunctionDeclaration main = unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration; |
| BlockFunctionBody body2 = main.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody; |
| ReturnStatement statement = body2.block.statements[11] as ReturnStatement; |
| NodeList<Expression> elements2 = ((statement.expression as ListLiteral)).elements; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("AnchorElement", elements2[0].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("AnchorElement", elements2[1].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("BodyElement", elements2[2].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("ButtonElement", elements2[3].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("DivElement", elements2[4].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("InputElement", elements2[5].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("SelectElement", elements2[6].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("DivElement", elements2[7].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("Element", elements2[8].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("Element", elements2[9].staticType.name); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertEquals("Element", elements2[10].staticType.name); |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('TypePropagationTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_as', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_as); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_assert', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assert); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_assignment', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assignment); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_assignment_afterInitializer', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_assignment_afterInitializer); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_initializer', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_initializer); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_isNot_conditional', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isNot_conditional); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_isNot_if', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isNot_if); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_isNot_if_logicalOr', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isNot_if_logicalOr); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_isNot_postConditional', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isNot_postConditional); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_isNot_postIf', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_isNot_postIf); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_conditional', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_conditional); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_if', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_if); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_if_logicalAnd', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_if_logicalAnd); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_postConditional', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_postConditional); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_postIf', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_postIf); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_is_subclass', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_is_subclass); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_query', () { |
| final __test = new TypePropagationTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_query); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class NonErrorResolverTest extends ResolverTestCase { |
| void test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_formalParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(var v) {", " return ?v;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_namedParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f({var v : 0}) {", " return ?v;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_optionalParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f([var v]) {", " return ?v;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_breakWithoutLabelInSwitch() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " void m(int i) {", " switch (i) {", " case 0:", " break;", " }", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsType_dynamic() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " dynamic x;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_int() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(int i) {", " switch(i) {", " case(1) : return 1;", " default: return 0;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_Object() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class IntWrapper {", " final int value;", " const IntWrapper(this.value);", "}", "", "f(IntWrapper intWrapper) {", " switch(intWrapper) {", " case(const IntWrapper(1)) : return 1;", " default: return 0;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_String() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(String s) {", " switch(s) {", " case('1') : return 1;", " default: return 0;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_constInstanceVar() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " const int x = 0;", " const A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_finalInstanceVar() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x = 0;", " const A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_static() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static int x;", " const A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_syntheticField() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " const A();", " set x(value) {}", " get x {return 0;}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_defaultValueInFunctionTypeAlias() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["typedef F([x]);"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_duplicateDefinition_emptyName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["Map _globalMap = {", " 'a' : () {},", " 'b' : () {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_duplicateDefinition_getter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["bool get a => true;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib1;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([""])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " int y;", " A() : x = 0, y = 0 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_fieldNotFinal() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x = 0;", " A() : x = 1 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_finalFieldNotSet() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x;", " A() : x = 1 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A(this.x) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor_defaultParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A([this.x]) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final x;", " A() : x = 1 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializingFormal() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final x;", " A(this.x) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_finalNotInitialized_atDeclaration() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x = 0;", " A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_finalNotInitialized_fieldFormal() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x = 0;", " A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_finalNotInitialized_initializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x;", " A() : x = 0 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib;", "import 'part.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/part.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib1;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib;", "import 'part.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/part.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([""])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_inconsistentCaseExpressionTypes() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(var p) {", " switch (p) {", " case 1:", " break;", " case 2:", " break;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_initializingFormalForNonExistantField() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A(this.x) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invalidAssignment() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var x;", " var y;", " x = y;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invalidAssignment_toDynamic() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var g;", " g = () => 0;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_dynamic() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " var f;", "}", "class B extends A {", " g() {", " f();", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_getter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " var g;", "}", "f() {", " A a;", " a.g();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var g;", " g();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_newWithAbstractClass_factory() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["abstract class A {", " factory A() { return new B(); }", "}", "class B implements A {", " B() {}", "}", "A f() {", " return new A();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolExpression_assert_bool() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " assert(true);", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolExpression_assert_functionType() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["bool makeAssertion() => true;", "f() {", " assert(makeAssertion);", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_rethrowOutsideCatch() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " void m() {", " try {} catch (e) {rethrow;}", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_dynamic() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class TypeError {}", "class A {", " static void testLogicalOp() {", " testOr(a, b, onTypeError) {", " try {", " return a || b;", " } on TypeError catch (t) {", " return onTypeError;", " }", " }", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_subtype() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {}", "A f(B b) { return b; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_supertype() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {}", "B f(A a) { return a; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {}", "class G<E extends A> {", " const G() {}", "}", "f() { return const G<B>(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {}", "class G<E extends A> {}", "f() { return new G<B>(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedGetter_typeSubstitution() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<E> {", " E element;", "}", "class B extends A<List> {", " m() {", " element.last;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedIdentifier_hide() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart' hide a;"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib1;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedIdentifier_show() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart' show a;"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib1;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedOperator_tilde() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["const A = 3;", "const B = ~((1 << A) - 1);"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertNoErrors(); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('NonErrorResolverTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_formalParameter', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_formalParameter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_namedParameter', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_namedParameter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_optionalParameter', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter_optionalParameter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_breakWithoutLabelInSwitch', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_breakWithoutLabelInSwitch); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_builtInIdentifierAsType_dynamic', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_builtInIdentifierAsType_dynamic); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_Object', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_Object); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_String', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_String); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_int', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals_int); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_constInstanceVar', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_constInstanceVar); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_finalInstanceVar', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_finalInstanceVar); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_static', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_static); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_syntheticField', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField_syntheticField); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_defaultValueInFunctionTypeAlias', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_defaultValueInFunctionTypeAlias); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_duplicateDefinition_emptyName', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_duplicateDefinition_emptyName); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_duplicateDefinition_getter', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_duplicateDefinition_getter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_exportOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_fieldNotFinal', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_fieldNotFinal); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_finalFieldNotSet', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fieldInitializedInInitializerAndDeclaration_finalFieldNotSet); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor_defaultParameters', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_fieldInitializerOutsideConstructor_defaultParameters); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializer', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializer); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializingFormal', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_finalInitializedInDeclarationAndConstructor_initializingFormal); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_finalNotInitialized_atDeclaration', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_finalNotInitialized_atDeclaration); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_finalNotInitialized_fieldFormal', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_finalNotInitialized_fieldFormal); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_finalNotInitialized_initializer', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_finalNotInitialized_initializer); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryDeclared); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_importOfNonLibrary_libraryNotDeclared); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_inconsistentCaseExpressionTypes', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_inconsistentCaseExpressionTypes); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_initializingFormalForNonExistantField', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_initializingFormalForNonExistantField); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invalidAssignment', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidAssignment); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invalidAssignment_toDynamic', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidAssignment_toDynamic); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_dynamic', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_dynamic); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_getter', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_getter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_newWithAbstractClass_factory', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_newWithAbstractClass_factory); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolExpression_assert_bool', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolExpression_assert_bool); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolExpression_assert_functionType', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolExpression_assert_functionType); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_rethrowOutsideCatch', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_rethrowOutsideCatch); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_dynamic', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_dynamic); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_subtype', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_subtype); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_supertype', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_supertype); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedGetter_typeSubstitution', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedGetter_typeSubstitution); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedIdentifier_hide', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedIdentifier_hide); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedIdentifier_show', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedIdentifier_show); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedOperator_tilde', () { |
| final __test = new NonErrorResolverTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedOperator_tilde); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class LibraryTest extends EngineTestCase { |
| /** |
| * The error listener to which all errors will be reported. |
| */ |
| GatheringErrorListener _errorListener; |
| /** |
| * The source factory used to create libraries. |
| */ |
| SourceFactory _sourceFactory; |
| /** |
| * The analysis context to pass in to all libraries created by the tests. |
| */ |
| AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; |
| /** |
| * The library used by the tests. |
| */ |
| Library _library5; |
| void setUp() { |
| _sourceFactory = new SourceFactory.con2([new FileUriResolver()]); |
| _analysisContext = new AnalysisContextImpl(); |
| _analysisContext.sourceFactory = _sourceFactory; |
| _errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener(); |
| _library5 = library("/lib.dart"); |
| } |
| void test_addExport() { |
| Library exportLibrary = library("/exported.dart"); |
| _library5.addExport(ASTFactory.exportDirective2("exported.dart", []), exportLibrary); |
| List<Library> exports2 = _library5.exports; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, exports2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(exportLibrary, exports2[0]); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_addImport() { |
| Library importLibrary = library("/imported.dart"); |
| _library5.addImport(ASTFactory.importDirective2("imported.dart", null, []), importLibrary); |
| List<Library> imports2 = _library5.imports; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, imports2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(importLibrary, imports2[0]); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getExplicitlyImportsCore() { |
| JUnitTestCase.assertFalse(_library5.explicitlyImportsCore); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getExport() { |
| ExportDirective directive = ASTFactory.exportDirective2("exported.dart", []); |
| Library exportLibrary = library("/exported.dart"); |
| _library5.addExport(directive, exportLibrary); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(exportLibrary, _library5.getExport(directive)); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getExports() { |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, _library5.exports); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getImport() { |
| ImportDirective directive = ASTFactory.importDirective2("imported.dart", null, []); |
| Library importLibrary = library("/imported.dart"); |
| _library5.addImport(directive, importLibrary); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(importLibrary, _library5.getImport(directive)); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getImports() { |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(0, _library5.imports); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getImportsAndExports() { |
| _library5.addImport(ASTFactory.importDirective2("imported.dart", null, []), library("/imported.dart")); |
| _library5.addExport(ASTFactory.exportDirective2("exported.dart", []), library("/exported.dart")); |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(2, _library5.importsAndExports); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getLibraryScope() { |
| LibraryElementImpl element = new LibraryElementImpl(_analysisContext, ASTFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["lib"])); |
| element.definingCompilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl("lib.dart"); |
| _library5.libraryElement = element; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(_library5.libraryScope); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_getLibrarySource() { |
| JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(_library5.librarySource); |
| } |
| void test_setExplicitlyImportsCore() { |
| _library5.explicitlyImportsCore = true; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertTrue(_library5.explicitlyImportsCore); |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_setLibraryElement() { |
| LibraryElementImpl element = new LibraryElementImpl(_analysisContext, ASTFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["lib"])); |
| _library5.libraryElement = element; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(element, _library5.libraryElement); |
| } |
| Library library(String definingCompilationUnitPath) => new Library(_analysisContext, _errorListener, new FileBasedSource.con1(_sourceFactory.contentCache, FileUtilities2.createFile(definingCompilationUnitPath))); |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('LibraryTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_addExport', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_addExport); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_addImport', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_addImport); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getExplicitlyImportsCore', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getExplicitlyImportsCore); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getExport', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getExport); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getExports', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getExports); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getImport', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getImport); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getImports', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getImports); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getImportsAndExports', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getImportsAndExports); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getLibraryScope', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getLibraryScope); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_getLibrarySource', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_getLibrarySource); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_setExplicitlyImportsCore', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_setExplicitlyImportsCore); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_setLibraryElement', () { |
| final __test = new LibraryTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_setLibraryElement); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class StaticTypeWarningCodeTest extends ResolverTestCase { |
| void fail_inaccessibleSetter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INACCESSIBLE_SETTER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_inconsistentMethodInheritance() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INCONSISTENT_METHOD_INHERITANCE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonTypeAsTypeArgument() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int A;", "class B<E> {}", "f(B<A> b) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_TYPE_AS_TYPE_ARGUMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_redirectWithInvalidTypeParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.REDIRECT_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_typeArgumentViolatesBounds() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.TYPE_ARGUMENT_VIOLATES_BOUNDS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invalidAssignment_instanceVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", "}", "f() {", " A a;", " a.x = '0';", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invalidAssignment_localVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " int x;", " x = '0';", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invalidAssignment_staticVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static int x;", "}", "f() {", " A.x = '0';", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVALID_ASSIGNMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_class() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " void m() {", " A();", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " int x;", " return x();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_ordinaryInvocation() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", "}", "class B {", " m() {", " A.x();", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION]); |
| } |
| void test_invocationOfNonFunction_staticInvocation() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static int get g => 0;", " f() {", " A.g();", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolCondition_conditional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() { return 3 ? 2 : 1; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolCondition_do() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " do {} while (3);", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolCondition_if() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " if (3) return 2; else return 1;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolCondition_while() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " while (3) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_CONDITION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_nonBoolExpression() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " assert(0);", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_function() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int f() { return '0'; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_localFunction() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " String m() {", " int f() { return '0'; }", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_returnOfInvalidType_method() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int f() { return '0'; }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B {}", "class G<E extends A> {", " const G() {}", "}", "f() { return const G<B>(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B {}", "class G<E extends A> {}", "f() { return new G<B>(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedFunction() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["void f() {", " g();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_FUNCTION]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedGetter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class T {}", "f(T e) { return e.m; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedGetter_static() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "var a = A.B;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_GETTER]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedMethod() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " void m() {", " n();", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_METHOD]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedSetter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class T {}", "f(T e1) { e1.m = 0; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedSetter_static() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "f() { A.B = 0;}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SETTER]); |
| } |
| void test_undefinedSuperMethod() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {", " m() { return super.m(); }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.UNDEFINED_SUPER_METHOD]); |
| } |
| void test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooFew() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<E, F> {}", "A<A> a = null;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooMany() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<E> {}", "A<A, A> a = null;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([StaticTypeWarningCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('StaticTypeWarningCodeTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_invalidAssignment_instanceVariable', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidAssignment_instanceVariable); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invalidAssignment_localVariable', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidAssignment_localVariable); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invalidAssignment_staticVariable', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invalidAssignment_staticVariable); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_class', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_class); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_localVariable); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_ordinaryInvocation', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_ordinaryInvocation); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_invocationOfNonFunction_staticInvocation', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_invocationOfNonFunction_staticInvocation); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolCondition_conditional', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolCondition_conditional); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolCondition_do', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolCondition_do); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolCondition_if', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolCondition_if); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolCondition_while', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolCondition_while); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_nonBoolExpression', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_nonBoolExpression); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_function', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_function); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_localFunction', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_localFunction); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_returnOfInvalidType_method', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_returnOfInvalidType_method); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_const); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_typeArgumentNotMatchingBounds_new); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedFunction', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedFunction); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedGetter', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedGetter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedGetter_static', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedGetter_static); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedMethod', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedMethod); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedSetter', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedSetter); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedSetter_static', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedSetter_static); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_undefinedSuperMethod', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_undefinedSuperMethod); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooFew', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooFew); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooMany', () { |
| final __test = new StaticTypeWarningCodeTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_tooMany); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class TypeResolverVisitorTest extends EngineTestCase { |
| /** |
| * The error listener to which errors will be reported. |
| */ |
| GatheringErrorListener _listener; |
| /** |
| * The object representing the information about the library in which the types are being |
| * resolved. |
| */ |
| Library _library; |
| /** |
| * The type provider used to access the types. |
| */ |
| TestTypeProvider _typeProvider; |
| /** |
| * The visitor used to resolve types needed to form the type hierarchy. |
| */ |
| TypeResolverVisitor _visitor; |
| void fail_visitConstructorDeclaration() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitFieldFormalParameter_noType() { |
| FormalParameter node = ASTFactory.fieldFormalParameter(Keyword.VAR, null, "p"); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_typeProvider.dynamicType, resolve5(node, [])); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitFieldFormalParameter_type() { |
| FormalParameter node = ASTFactory.fieldFormalParameter(null, ASTFactory.typeName4("int", []), "p"); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_typeProvider.intType, resolve5(node, [])); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitFunctionDeclaration() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitFunctionTypeAlias() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitFunctionTypedFormalParameter() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitMethodDeclaration() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void fail_visitVariableDeclaration() { |
| JUnitTestCase.fail("Not yet tested"); |
| ClassElement type = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []); |
| VariableDeclaration node = ASTFactory.variableDeclaration("a"); |
| ASTFactory.variableDeclarationList(null, ASTFactory.typeName(type, []), [node]); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(type.type, node.name.staticType); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void setUp() { |
| _listener = new GatheringErrorListener(); |
| SourceFactory factory = new SourceFactory.con2([new FileUriResolver()]); |
| AnalysisContextImpl context = new AnalysisContextImpl(); |
| context.sourceFactory = factory; |
| Source librarySource = new FileBasedSource.con1(factory.contentCache, FileUtilities2.createFile("/lib.dart")); |
| _library = new Library(context, _listener, librarySource); |
| LibraryElementImpl element = new LibraryElementImpl(context, ASTFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["lib"])); |
| element.definingCompilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl("lib.dart"); |
| _library.libraryElement = element; |
| _typeProvider = new TestTypeProvider(); |
| _visitor = new TypeResolverVisitor.con1(_library, librarySource, _typeProvider); |
| } |
| void test_visitCatchClause_exception() { |
| CatchClause clause = ASTFactory.catchClause("e", []); |
| SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = clause.exceptionParameter; |
| exceptionParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptionParameter2); |
| resolve(clause, _typeProvider.objectType, null, []); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitCatchClause_exception_stackTrace() { |
| CatchClause clause = ASTFactory.catchClause2("e", "s", []); |
| SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = clause.exceptionParameter; |
| exceptionParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptionParameter2); |
| SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = clause.stackTraceParameter; |
| stackTraceParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(stackTraceParameter2); |
| resolve(clause, _typeProvider.objectType, _typeProvider.stackTraceType, []); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitCatchClause_on_exception() { |
| ClassElement exceptionElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("E", []); |
| TypeName exceptionType = ASTFactory.typeName(exceptionElement, []); |
| CatchClause clause = ASTFactory.catchClause4(exceptionType, "e", []); |
| SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = clause.exceptionParameter; |
| exceptionParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptionParameter2); |
| resolve(clause, exceptionElement.type, null, [exceptionElement]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitCatchClause_on_exception_stackTrace() { |
| ClassElement exceptionElement = ElementFactory.classElement2("E", []); |
| TypeName exceptionType = ASTFactory.typeName(exceptionElement, []); |
| ((exceptionType.name as SimpleIdentifier)).element = exceptionElement; |
| CatchClause clause = ASTFactory.catchClause5(exceptionType, "e", "s", []); |
| SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = clause.exceptionParameter; |
| exceptionParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(exceptionParameter2); |
| SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = clause.stackTraceParameter; |
| stackTraceParameter2.element = new LocalVariableElementImpl(stackTraceParameter2); |
| resolve(clause, exceptionElement.type, _typeProvider.stackTraceType, [exceptionElement]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitClassDeclaration() { |
| ClassElement elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []); |
| ClassElement elementB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B", []); |
| ClassElement elementC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C", []); |
| ClassElement elementD = ElementFactory.classElement2("D", []); |
| ExtendsClause extendsClause2 = ASTFactory.extendsClause(ASTFactory.typeName(elementB, [])); |
| WithClause withClause2 = ASTFactory.withClause([ASTFactory.typeName(elementC, [])]); |
| ImplementsClause implementsClause2 = ASTFactory.implementsClause([ASTFactory.typeName(elementD, [])]); |
| ClassDeclaration declaration = ASTFactory.classDeclaration(null, "A", null, extendsClause2, withClause2, implementsClause2, []); |
| declaration.name.element = elementA; |
| resolveNode(declaration, [elementA, elementB, elementC, elementD]); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementB.type, elementA.supertype); |
| List<InterfaceType> mixins2 = elementA.mixins; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, mixins2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementC.type, mixins2[0]); |
| List<InterfaceType> interfaces2 = elementA.interfaces; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, interfaces2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementD.type, interfaces2[0]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitClassTypeAlias() { |
| ClassElement elementA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []); |
| ClassElement elementB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B", []); |
| ClassElement elementC = ElementFactory.classElement2("C", []); |
| ClassElement elementD = ElementFactory.classElement2("D", []); |
| WithClause withClause2 = ASTFactory.withClause([ASTFactory.typeName(elementC, [])]); |
| ImplementsClause implementsClause2 = ASTFactory.implementsClause([ASTFactory.typeName(elementD, [])]); |
| ClassTypeAlias alias = ASTFactory.classTypeAlias("A", null, null, ASTFactory.typeName(elementB, []), withClause2, implementsClause2); |
| alias.name.element = elementA; |
| resolveNode(alias, [elementA, elementB, elementC, elementD]); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementB.type, elementA.supertype); |
| List<InterfaceType> mixins2 = elementA.mixins; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, mixins2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementC.type, mixins2[0]); |
| List<InterfaceType> interfaces2 = elementA.interfaces; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, interfaces2); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(elementD.type, interfaces2[0]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_noType() { |
| FormalParameter node = ASTFactory.simpleFormalParameter3("p"); |
| node.identifier.element = new ParameterElementImpl(ASTFactory.identifier3("p")); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(_typeProvider.dynamicType, resolve5(node, [])); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_type() { |
| InterfaceType intType2 = _typeProvider.intType; |
| ClassElement intElement = intType2.element; |
| FormalParameter node = ASTFactory.simpleFormalParameter4(ASTFactory.typeName(intElement, []), "p"); |
| SimpleIdentifier identifier2 = node.identifier; |
| ParameterElementImpl element = new ParameterElementImpl(identifier2); |
| identifier2.element = element; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(intType2, resolve5(node, [intElement])); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitTypeName_noParameters_noArguments() { |
| ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []); |
| TypeName typeName2 = ASTFactory.typeName(classA, []); |
| typeName2.type = null; |
| resolveNode(typeName2, [classA]); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classA.type, typeName2.type); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitTypeName_parameters_arguments() { |
| ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", ["E"]); |
| ClassElement classB = ElementFactory.classElement2("B", []); |
| TypeName typeName2 = ASTFactory.typeName(classA, [ASTFactory.typeName(classB, [])]); |
| typeName2.type = null; |
| resolveNode(typeName2, [classA, classB]); |
| InterfaceType resultType = typeName2.type as InterfaceType; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classA, resultType.element); |
| List<Type2> resultArguments = resultType.typeArguments; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, resultArguments); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classB.type, resultArguments[0]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitTypeName_parameters_noArguments() { |
| ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", ["E"]); |
| TypeName typeName2 = ASTFactory.typeName(classA, []); |
| typeName2.type = null; |
| resolveNode(typeName2, [classA]); |
| InterfaceType resultType = typeName2.type as InterfaceType; |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(classA, resultType.element); |
| List<Type2> resultArguments = resultType.typeArguments; |
| EngineTestCase.assertLength(1, resultArguments); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(DynamicTypeImpl.instance, resultArguments[0]); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| void test_visitTypeName_void() { |
| ClassElement classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A", []); |
| TypeName typeName = ASTFactory.typeName4("void", []); |
| resolveNode(typeName, [classA]); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(VoidTypeImpl.instance, typeName.type); |
| _listener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Analyze the given catch clause and assert that the types of the parameters have been set to the |
| * given types. The types can be null if the catch clause does not have the corresponding |
| * parameter. |
| * @param node the catch clause to be analyzed |
| * @param exceptionType the expected type of the exception parameter |
| * @param stackTraceType the expected type of the stack trace parameter |
| * @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is |
| * being resolved |
| */ |
| void resolve(CatchClause node, InterfaceType exceptionType, InterfaceType stackTraceType, List<Element> definedElements) { |
| resolveNode(node, definedElements); |
| SimpleIdentifier exceptionParameter2 = node.exceptionParameter; |
| if (exceptionParameter2 != null) { |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(exceptionType, exceptionParameter2.staticType); |
| } |
| SimpleIdentifier stackTraceParameter2 = node.stackTraceParameter; |
| if (stackTraceParameter2 != null) { |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(stackTraceType, stackTraceParameter2.staticType); |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * Return the type associated with the given parameter after the static type analyzer has computed |
| * a type for it. |
| * @param node the parameter with which the type is associated |
| * @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is |
| * being resolved |
| * @return the type associated with the parameter |
| */ |
| Type2 resolve5(FormalParameter node, List<Element> definedElements) { |
| resolveNode(node, definedElements); |
| return ((node.identifier.element as ParameterElement)).type; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Return the element associated with the given identifier after the resolver has resolved the |
| * identifier. |
| * @param node the expression to be resolved |
| * @param definedElements the elements that are to be defined in the scope in which the element is |
| * being resolved |
| * @return the element to which the expression was resolved |
| */ |
| void resolveNode(ASTNode node, List<Element> definedElements) { |
| for (Element element in definedElements) { |
| _library.libraryScope.define(element); |
| } |
| node.accept(_visitor); |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('TypeResolverVisitorTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_visitCatchClause_exception', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitCatchClause_exception); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitCatchClause_exception_stackTrace', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitCatchClause_exception_stackTrace); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitCatchClause_on_exception', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitCatchClause_on_exception); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitCatchClause_on_exception_stackTrace', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitCatchClause_on_exception_stackTrace); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitClassDeclaration', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassDeclaration); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitClassTypeAlias', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitClassTypeAlias); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_noType', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_noType); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_type', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitSimpleFormalParameter_type); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitTypeName_noParameters_noArguments', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeName_noParameters_noArguments); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitTypeName_parameters_arguments', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeName_parameters_arguments); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitTypeName_parameters_noArguments', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeName_parameters_noArguments); |
| }); |
| _ut.test('test_visitTypeName_void', () { |
| final __test = new TypeResolverVisitorTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_visitTypeName_void); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class ResolverTestCase extends EngineTestCase { |
| /** |
| * The source factory used to create {@link Source sources}. |
| */ |
| SourceFactory _sourceFactory; |
| /** |
| * The error listener used during resolution. |
| */ |
| GatheringErrorListener _errorListener; |
| /** |
| * The analysis context used to parse the compilation units being resolved. |
| */ |
| AnalysisContextImpl _analysisContext; |
| /** |
| * Assert that the number of errors that have been gathered matches the number of errors that are |
| * given and that they have the expected error codes. The order in which the errors were gathered |
| * is ignored. |
| * @param expectedErrorCodes the error codes of the errors that should have been gathered |
| * @throws AssertionFailedError if a different number of errors have been gathered than were |
| * expected |
| */ |
| void assertErrors(List<ErrorCode> expectedErrorCodes) { |
| _errorListener.assertErrors2(expectedErrorCodes); |
| } |
| void setUp() { |
| _errorListener = new GatheringErrorListener(); |
| _analysisContext = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore(); |
| _sourceFactory = _analysisContext.sourceFactory; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Add a source file to the content provider. The file path should be absolute. |
| * @param filePath the path of the file being added |
| * @param contents the contents to be returned by the content provider for the specified file |
| * @return the source object representing the added file |
| */ |
| Source addSource(String filePath, String contents) { |
| Source source = new FileBasedSource.con1(_sourceFactory.contentCache, FileUtilities2.createFile(filePath)); |
| _sourceFactory.setContents(source, contents); |
| ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet(); |
| changeSet.added(source); |
| _analysisContext.applyChanges(changeSet); |
| return source; |
| } |
| /** |
| * Assert that no errors have been gathered. |
| * @throws AssertionFailedError if any errors have been gathered |
| */ |
| void assertNoErrors() { |
| _errorListener.assertNoErrors(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Create a library element that represents a library named {@code "test"} containing a single |
| * empty compilation unit. |
| * @return the library element that was created |
| */ |
| LibraryElementImpl createTestLibrary() => createTestLibrary2(new AnalysisContextImpl(), "test", []); |
| /** |
| * Create a library element that represents a library with the given name containing a single |
| * empty compilation unit. |
| * @param libraryName the name of the library to be created |
| * @return the library element that was created |
| */ |
| LibraryElementImpl createTestLibrary2(AnalysisContext context, String libraryName, List<String> typeNames) { |
| int count = typeNames.length; |
| List<CompilationUnitElementImpl> sourcedCompilationUnits = new List<CompilationUnitElementImpl>(count); |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| String typeName = typeNames[i]; |
| ClassElementImpl type = new ClassElementImpl(ASTFactory.identifier3(typeName)); |
| String fileName = "${typeName}.dart"; |
| CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl(fileName); |
| compilationUnit.source = createSource2(fileName); |
| compilationUnit.types = <ClassElement> [type]; |
| sourcedCompilationUnits[i] = compilationUnit; |
| } |
| String fileName = "${libraryName}.dart"; |
| CompilationUnitElementImpl compilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl(fileName); |
| compilationUnit.source = createSource2(fileName); |
| LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(context, ASTFactory.libraryIdentifier2([libraryName])); |
| library.definingCompilationUnit = compilationUnit; |
| library.parts = sourcedCompilationUnits; |
| return library; |
| } |
| AnalysisContext get analysisContext => _analysisContext; |
| GatheringErrorListener get errorListener => _errorListener; |
| SourceFactory get sourceFactory => _sourceFactory; |
| /** |
| * Return a type provider that can be used to test the results of resolution. |
| * @return a type provider |
| */ |
| TypeProvider get typeProvider { |
| Source coreSource = _analysisContext.sourceFactory.forUri(DartSdk.DART_CORE); |
| LibraryElement coreElement = _analysisContext.getLibraryElement(coreSource); |
| return new TypeProviderImpl(coreElement); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Given a library and all of its parts, resolve the contents of the library and the contents of |
| * the parts. This assumes that the sources for the library and its parts have already been added |
| * to the content provider using the method {@link #addSource(String,String)}. |
| * @param librarySource the source for the compilation unit that defines the library |
| * @param unitSources the sources for the compilation units that are part of the library |
| * @return the element representing the resolved library |
| * @throws AnalysisException if the analysis could not be performed |
| */ |
| LibraryElement resolve(Source librarySource, List<Source> unitSources) { |
| LibraryResolver resolver = new LibraryResolver.con2(_analysisContext, _errorListener); |
| return resolver.resolveLibrary(librarySource, true); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Return the resolved compilation unit corresponding to the given source in the given library. |
| * @param source the source of the compilation unit to be returned |
| * @param library the library in which the compilation unit is to be resolved |
| * @return the resolved compilation unit |
| * @throws Exception if the compilation unit could not be resolved |
| */ |
| CompilationUnit resolveCompilationUnit(Source source, LibraryElement library) => _analysisContext.resolveCompilationUnit(source, library); |
| /** |
| * Verify that all of the identifiers in the compilation units associated with the given sources |
| * have been resolved. |
| * @param resolvedElementMap a table mapping the AST nodes that have been resolved to the element |
| * to which they were resolved |
| * @param sources the sources identifying the compilation units to be verified |
| * @throws Exception if the contents of the compilation unit cannot be accessed |
| */ |
| void verify(List<Source> sources) { |
| ResolutionVerifier verifier = new ResolutionVerifier(); |
| for (Source source in sources) { |
| _analysisContext.parseCompilationUnit(source).accept(verifier); |
| } |
| verifier.assertResolved(); |
| } |
| /** |
| * Create a source object representing a file with the given name and give it an empty content. |
| * @param fileName the name of the file for which a source is to be created |
| * @return the source that was created |
| */ |
| FileBasedSource createSource2(String fileName) { |
| FileBasedSource source = new FileBasedSource.con1(_sourceFactory.contentCache, FileUtilities2.createFile(fileName)); |
| _sourceFactory.setContents(source, ""); |
| return source; |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('ResolverTestCase', () { |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class TypeProviderImplTest extends EngineTestCase { |
| void test_creation() { |
| InterfaceType objectType = classElement("Object", null, []).type; |
| InterfaceType boolType = classElement("bool", objectType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType numType = classElement("num", objectType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType doubleType = classElement("double", numType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType functionType = classElement("Function", objectType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType intType = classElement("int", numType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType listType = classElement("List", objectType, ["E"]).type; |
| InterfaceType mapType = classElement("Map", objectType, ["K", "V"]).type; |
| InterfaceType stackTraceType = classElement("StackTrace", objectType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType stringType = classElement("String", objectType, []).type; |
| InterfaceType typeType = classElement("Type", objectType, []).type; |
| CompilationUnitElementImpl unit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl("lib.dart"); |
| unit.types = <ClassElement> [boolType.element, doubleType.element, functionType.element, intType.element, listType.element, mapType.element, objectType.element, stackTraceType.element, stringType.element, typeType.element]; |
| LibraryElementImpl library = new LibraryElementImpl(new AnalysisContextImpl(), ASTFactory.libraryIdentifier2(["lib"])); |
| library.definingCompilationUnit = unit; |
| TypeProviderImpl provider = new TypeProviderImpl(library); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(boolType, provider.boolType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(provider.bottomType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(doubleType, provider.doubleType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertNotNull(provider.dynamicType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(functionType, provider.functionType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(intType, provider.intType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(listType, provider.listType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(mapType, provider.mapType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(objectType, provider.objectType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(stackTraceType, provider.stackTraceType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(stringType, provider.stringType); |
| JUnitTestCase.assertSame(typeType, provider.typeType); |
| } |
| ClassElement classElement(String typeName, InterfaceType superclassType, List<String> parameterNames) { |
| ClassElementImpl element = new ClassElementImpl(ASTFactory.identifier3(typeName)); |
| element.supertype = superclassType; |
| InterfaceTypeImpl type = new InterfaceTypeImpl.con1(element); |
| element.type = type; |
| int count = parameterNames.length; |
| if (count > 0) { |
| List<TypeVariableElementImpl> typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableElementImpl>(count); |
| List<TypeVariableTypeImpl> typeArguments = new List<TypeVariableTypeImpl>(count); |
| for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { |
| TypeVariableElementImpl variable = new TypeVariableElementImpl(ASTFactory.identifier3(parameterNames[i])); |
| typeVariables[i] = variable; |
| typeArguments[i] = new TypeVariableTypeImpl(variable); |
| variable.type = typeArguments[i]; |
| } |
| element.typeVariables = typeVariables; |
| type.typeArguments = typeArguments; |
| } |
| return element; |
| } |
| static dartSuite() { |
| _ut.group('TypeProviderImplTest', () { |
| _ut.test('test_creation', () { |
| final __test = new TypeProviderImplTest(); |
| runJUnitTest(__test, __test.test_creation); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| class CompileTimeErrorCodeTest extends ResolverTestCase { |
| void fail_ambiguousExport() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart';", "export 'lib2.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class N {}"])); |
| addSource("/lib2.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class N {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.AMBIGUOUS_EXPORT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_ambiguousImport_function() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "import 'lib1.dart';", "import 'lib2.dart';", "g() { return f(); }"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {}"])); |
| addSource("/lib2.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.AMBIGUOUS_IMPORT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_ambiguousImport_typeAnnotation() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "import 'lib1.dart';", "import 'lib2.dart';", "class A extends N {}"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class N {}"])); |
| addSource("/lib2.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class N {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.AMBIGUOUS_IMPORT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_compileTimeConstantRaisesException() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT_RAISES_EXCEPTION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_constWithNonConstantArgument() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class T {", " T(a) {};", "}", "f(p) { return const T(p); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_ARGUMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_constWithNonType() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int A;", "f() {", " return const A();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_TYPE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_constWithTypeParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_TYPE_PARAMETERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_constWithUndefinedConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " A(x) {}", "}", "f() {", " return const A(0);", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_duplicateDefinition() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " int m = 0;", " m(a) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_duplicateMemberName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x = 0;", " int x() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_duplicateMemberNameInstanceStatic() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " static int x;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME_INSTANCE_STATIC]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_duplicateNamedArgument() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f({a, a}) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_NAMED_ARGUMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_null() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends Null {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_null() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements Null {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_finalNotInitialized_inConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int x;", " A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_getterAndMethodWithSameName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " get x -> 0;", " x(y) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.GETTER_AND_METHOD_WITH_SAME_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_importDuplicatedLibraryName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library test;", "import 'lib1.dart';", "import 'lib2.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib;"])); |
| addSource("/lib2.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPORT_DUPLICATED_LIBRARY_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidConstructorName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidFactoryNameNotAClass() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_FACTORY_NAME_NOT_A_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidOverrideDefaultValue() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m([a = 0]) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m([a = 1]) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_VALUE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidOverrideNamed() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m({a, b}) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m({a}) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_OVERRIDE_NAMED]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidOverridePositional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m([a, b]) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m([a]) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_OVERRIDE_POSITIONAL]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidOverrideRequired() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m(a) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m(a, b) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidReferenceToThis_staticMethod() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static m() { return this; }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_REFERENCE_TO_THIS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidReferenceToThis_topLevelFunction() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() { return this; }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_REFERENCE_TO_THIS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidReferenceToThis_variableInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int x = this;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_REFERENCE_TO_THIS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidTypeArgumentInConstList() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<E> {", " m() {", " return const <E>[]", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_invalidTypeArgumentInConstMap() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<E> {", " m() {", " return const <String, E>{}", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_MAP]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_memberWithClassName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int A = 0;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MEMBER_WITH_CLASS_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinDeclaresConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " A() {}", "}", "class B extends Object mixin A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinInheritsFromNotObject() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {}", "class C extends Object mixin B {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_INHERITS_FROM_NOT_OBJECT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinOfNonClass() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["var A;", "class B extends Object mixin A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinOfNonMixin() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_OF_NON_MIXIN]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinReferencesSuper() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " toString() -> super.toString();", "}", "class B extends Object mixin A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_REFERENCES_SUPER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_mixinWithNonClassSuperclass() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int A;", "class B extends Object mixin A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MIXIN_WITH_NON_CLASS_SUPERCLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_multipleSuperInitializers() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B extends A {", " B() : super(), super() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.MULTIPLE_SUPER_INITIALIZERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonConstantDefaultValue_named() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f({x : 2 + 3}) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonConstantDefaultValue_positional() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f([x = 2 + 3]) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonConstMapAsExpressionStatement() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " {'a' : 0, 'b' : 1};", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONST_MAP_AS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonConstMapKey() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(a) {", " return const {a : 0};", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_nonConstValueInInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static C;", " int a;", " A() : a = C {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.NON_CONSTANT_VALUE_IN_INITIALIZER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_objectCannotExtendAnotherClass() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.OBJECT_CANNOT_EXTEND_ANOTHER_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_optionalParameterInOperator() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " operator +([p]) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_IN_OPERATOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_overrideMissingNamedParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m(a, {b}) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m(a) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.OVERRIDE_MISSING_NAMED_PARAMETERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_overrideMissingRequiredParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " m(a) {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " m(a, b) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.OVERRIDE_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_prefixCollidesWithTopLevelMembers() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["import 'dart:uri' as uri;", "var uri = null;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.PREFIX_COLLIDES_WITH_TOP_LEVEL_MEMBER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_privateOptionalParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f({_p : 0}) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.PRIVATE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveCompileTimeConstant() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["const x = y + 1;", "const y = x + 1;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveFactoryRedirect() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_FACTORY_REDIRECT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveFunctionTypeAlias_direct() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["typedef F(F f);"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveFunctionTypeAlias_indirect() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["typedef F(G g);", "typedef G(F f);"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveInterfaceInheritance_direct() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_recursiveInterfaceInheritance_indirect() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements B {}", "class B implements A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RECURSIVE_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_redirectToNonConstConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.REDIRECT_TO_NON_CONST_CONSTRUCTOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_referenceToDeclaredVariableInInitializer_getter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " int x = x + 1;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_referenceToDeclaredVariableInInitializer_setter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " int x = x++;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_reservedWordAsIdentifier() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int class = 2;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RESERVED_WORD_AS_IDENTIFIER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_returnInGenerativeConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " A() { return 0; }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.RETURN_IN_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_staticTopLevelFunction_topLevel() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["static f() {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_staticTopLevelVariable() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["static int x;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_factoryConstructor() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_instanceVariableInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " var a;", "}", "class B extends A {", " var b = super.a;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_staticMethod() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static m() {}", "}", "class B extends A {", " static n() { return super.m(); }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_staticVariableInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " static a = 0;", "}", "class B extends A {", " static b = super.a;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_topLevelFunction() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " super.f();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInInvalidContext_variableInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["var v = super.v;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_superInitializerInObject() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_typeArgumentsForNonGenericClass_creation_const() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "f(p) {", " return const A<int>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_NON_GENERIC_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_typeArgumentsForNonGenericClass_creation_new() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "f(p) {", " return new A<int>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_NON_GENERIC_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_typeArgumentsForNonGenericClass_typeCast() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "f(p) {", " return p as A<int>;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_NON_GENERIC_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_undefinedConstructorInInitializer() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource([])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_INITIALIZER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_uninitializedFinalField() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " final int i;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.UNINITIALIZED_FINAL_FIELD]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfParametersForOperator() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " operator []=(i) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_OPERATOR]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfParametersForSetter_tooFew() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["set x() {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_SETTER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfParametersForSetter_tooMany() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["set x(a, b) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_SETTER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_creation_const_tooFew() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<K, V> {}", "f(p) {", " return const C<A>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_creation_const_tooMany() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<E> {}", "f(p) {", " return const C<A, A>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_creation_new_tooFew() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<K, V> {}", "f(p) {", " return new C<A>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_creation_new_tooMany() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<E> {}", "f(p) {", " return new C<A, A>();", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_typeTest_tooFew() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<K, V> {}", "f(p) {", " return p is C<A>;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void fail_wrongNumberOfTypeArguments_typeTest_tooMany() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class C<E> {}", "f(p) {", " return p is C<A, A>;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_argumentDefinitionTestNonParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " var v = 0;", " return ?v;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION_TEST_NON_PARAMETER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsType() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f() {", " typedef x;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE, StaticWarningCode.UNDEFINED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsTypedefName_classTypeAlias() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {}", "class B {}", "typedef as = A with B;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsTypedefName_functionTypeAlias() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["typedef bool as();"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsTypeName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class as {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_builtInIdentifierAsTypeVariableName() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A<as> {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_caseExpressionTypeImplementsEquals() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class IntWrapper {", " final int value;", " const IntWrapper(this.value);", " bool operator ==(IntWrapper x) {", " return value == x.value;", " }", "}", "", "f(IntWrapper a) {", " switch(a) {", " case(const IntWrapper(1)) : return 1;", " default: return 0;", " }", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPE_IMPLEMENTS_EQUALS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_conflictingConstructorNameAndMember_field() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A.x() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_FIELD]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_conflictingConstructorNameAndMember_method() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " const A.x() {}", " void x() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_METHOD]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constConstructorWithNonFinalField() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " const A() {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NON_FINAL_FIELD]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constEvalThrowsException() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class C {", " const C() { throw null; }", "}", "f() { return const C(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constFormalParameter_fieldFormalParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " var x;", " A(const this.x) {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constFormalParameter_simpleFormalParameter() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(const x) {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constInitializedWithNonConstValue() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["f(p) {", " const C = p;", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constWithInvalidTypeParameters() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " const A() {}", "}", "f() { return const A<A>(); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_constWithNonConst() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class T {", " T(a, b, {c, d}) {}", "}", "f() { return const T(0, 1, c: 2, d: 3); }"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.CONST_WITH_NON_CONST]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_defaultValueInFunctionTypeAlias() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["typedef F([x = 0]);"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DEFAULT_VALUE_IN_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_duplicateMemberError() { |
| Source librarySource = addSource("/lib.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library lib;", "", "part 'a.dart';", "part 'b.dart';"])); |
| Source sourceA = addSource("/a.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["part of lib;", "", "class A {}"])); |
| Source sourceB = addSource("/b.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["part of lib;", "", "class A {}"])); |
| resolve(librarySource, [sourceA, sourceB]); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.DUPLICATE_DEFINITION]); |
| verify([librarySource, sourceA, sourceB]); |
| } |
| void test_exportOfNonLibrary() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["library L;", "export 'lib1.dart';"])); |
| addSource("/lib1.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["part of lib;"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsNonClass_class() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["int A;", "class B extends A {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_NON_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_bool() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends bool {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_double() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends double {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_int() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends int {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_num() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends num {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_extends_String() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A extends String {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_bool() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements bool {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_double() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements double {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_int() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements int {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_num() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements num {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_extendsOrImplementsDisallowedClass_implements_String() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A implements String {}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| assertErrors([CompileTimeErrorCode.IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS]); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A() : x = 0, x = 1 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers_multipleInits() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " A() : x = 0, x = 1, x = 2 {}", "}"])); |
| resolve(source, []); |
| verify([source]); |
| } |
| void test_fieldInitializedByMultipleInitializers_multipleNames() { |
| Source source = addSource("/test.dart", EngineTestCase.createSource(["class A {", " int x;", " int y;", " A() : x = 0, x