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// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
library engine.error;
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'source.dart';
import 'ast.dart' show ASTNode;
import 'scanner.dart' show Token;
* Instances of the enumeration {@code ErrorSeverity} represent the severity of an {@link ErrorCode}.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class ErrorSeverity implements Comparable<ErrorSeverity> {
* The severity representing a non-error. This is never used for any error code, but is useful for
* clients.
static final ErrorSeverity NONE = new ErrorSeverity('NONE', 0, " ", "none");
* The severity representing a warning. Warnings can become errors if the {@code -Werror} command
* line flag is specified.
static final ErrorSeverity WARNING = new ErrorSeverity('WARNING', 1, "W", "warning");
* The severity representing an error.
static final ErrorSeverity ERROR = new ErrorSeverity('ERROR', 2, "E", "error");
static final List<ErrorSeverity> values = [NONE, WARNING, ERROR];
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The name of the severity used when producing machine output.
String _machineCode;
* The name of the severity used when producing readable output.
String _displayName;
* Initialize a newly created severity with the given names.
* @param machineCode the name of the severity used when producing machine output
* @param displayName the name of the severity used when producing readable output
ErrorSeverity(this.__name, this.__ordinal, String machineCode, String displayName) {
this._machineCode = machineCode;
this._displayName = displayName;
* Return the name of the severity used when producing readable output.
* @return the name of the severity used when producing readable output
String get displayName => _displayName;
* Return the name of the severity used when producing machine output.
* @return the name of the severity used when producing machine output
String get machineCode => _machineCode;
* Return the severity constant that represents the greatest severity.
* @param severity the severity being compared against
* @return the most sever of this or the given severity
ErrorSeverity max(ErrorSeverity severity) => this.ordinal >= severity.ordinal ? this : severity;
int compareTo(ErrorSeverity other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;
* Instances of the class {@code ErrorReporter} wrap an error listener with utility methods used to
* create the errors being reported.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class ErrorReporter {
* The error listener to which errors will be reported.
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener;
* The default source to be used when reporting errors.
Source _defaultSource;
* The source to be used when reporting errors.
Source _source;
* Initialize a newly created error reporter that will report errors to the given listener.
* @param errorListener the error listener to which errors will be reported
* @param defaultSource the default source to be used when reporting errors
ErrorReporter(AnalysisErrorListener errorListener, Source defaultSource) {
if (errorListener == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("An error listener must be provided");
} else if (defaultSource == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A default source must be provided");
this._errorListener = errorListener;
this._defaultSource = defaultSource;
this._source = defaultSource;
* Report an error with the given error code and arguments.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param node the node specifying the location of the error
* @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error message
void reportError(ErrorCode errorCode, ASTNode node, List<Object> arguments) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, node.offset, node.length, errorCode, [arguments]));
* Report an error with the given error code and arguments.
* @param errorCode the error code of the error to be reported
* @param token the token specifying the location of the error
* @param arguments the arguments to the error, used to compose the error message
void reportError2(ErrorCode errorCode, Token token, List<Object> arguments) {
_errorListener.onError(new AnalysisError.con2(_source, token.offset, token.length, errorCode, [arguments]));
* Set the source to be used when reporting errors. Setting the source to {@code null} will cause
* the default source to be used.
* @param source the source to be used when reporting errors
void set source(Source source2) {
this._source = source2 == null ? _defaultSource : source2;
* Instances of the class {@code AnalysisError} represent an error discovered during the analysis of
* some Dart code.
* @see AnalysisErrorListener
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class AnalysisError {
* An empty array of errors used when no errors are expected.
static List<AnalysisError> NO_ERRORS = new List<AnalysisError>(0);
* A {@link Comparator} that sorts by the name of the file that the {@link AnalysisError} was
* found.
static Comparator<AnalysisError> FILE_COMPARATOR = (AnalysisError o1, AnalysisError o2) => o1.source.shortName.compareTo(o2.source.shortName);
* A {@link Comparator} that sorts error codes first by their severity (errors first, warnings
* second), and then by the the error code type.
static Comparator<AnalysisError> ERROR_CODE_COMPARATOR = (AnalysisError o1, AnalysisError o2) {
ErrorCode errorCode1 = o1.errorCode;
ErrorCode errorCode2 = o2.errorCode;
ErrorSeverity errorSeverity1 = errorCode1.errorSeverity;
ErrorSeverity errorSeverity2 = errorCode2.errorSeverity;
ErrorType errorType1 = errorCode1.type;
ErrorType errorType2 = errorCode2.type;
if (errorSeverity1 == errorSeverity2) {
return errorType1.compareTo(errorType2);
} else {
return errorSeverity2.compareTo(errorSeverity1);
* The error code associated with the error.
ErrorCode _errorCode;
* The localized error message.
String _message;
* The source in which the error occurred, or {@code null} if unknown.
Source _source;
* The character offset from the beginning of the source (zero based) where the error occurred.
int _offset = 0;
* The number of characters from the offset to the end of the source which encompasses the
* compilation error.
int _length = 0;
* Initialize a newly created analysis error for the specified source. The error has no location
* information.
* @param source the source for which the exception occurred
* @param errorCode the error code to be associated with this error
* @param arguments the arguments used to build the error message
AnalysisError.con1(Source source2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
_jtd_constructor_131_impl(source2, errorCode2, arguments);
_jtd_constructor_131_impl(Source source2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
this._source = source2;
this._errorCode = errorCode2;
this._message = JavaString.format(errorCode2.message, arguments);
* Initialize a newly created analysis error for the specified source at the given location.
* @param source the source for which the exception occurred
* @param offset the offset of the location of the error
* @param length the length of the location of the error
* @param errorCode the error code to be associated with this error
* @param arguments the arguments used to build the error message
AnalysisError.con2(Source source2, int offset2, int length2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
_jtd_constructor_132_impl(source2, offset2, length2, errorCode2, arguments);
_jtd_constructor_132_impl(Source source2, int offset2, int length2, ErrorCode errorCode2, List<Object> arguments) {
this._source = source2;
this._offset = offset2;
this._length = length2;
this._errorCode = errorCode2;
this._message = JavaString.format(errorCode2.message, arguments);
* Return the error code associated with the error.
* @return the error code associated with the error
ErrorCode get errorCode => _errorCode;
* Return the number of characters from the offset to the end of the source which encompasses the
* compilation error.
* @return the length of the error location
int get length => _length;
* Return the localized error message.
* @return the localized error message
String get message => _message;
* Return the character offset from the beginning of the source (zero based) where the error
* occurred.
* @return the offset to the start of the error location
int get offset => _offset;
* Return the source in which the error occurred, or {@code null} if unknown.
* @return the source in which the error occurred
Source get source => _source;
int get hashCode {
int hashCode = _offset;
hashCode ^= (_message != null) ? _message.hashCode : 0;
hashCode ^= (_source != null) ? _source.hashCode : 0;
return hashCode;
* Set the source in which the error occurred to the given source.
* @param source the source in which the error occurred
void set source(Source source2) {
this._source = source2;
String toString() {
JavaStringBuilder builder = new JavaStringBuilder();
builder.append((_source != null) ? _source.fullName : "<unknown source>");
builder.append(_offset + _length - 1);
builder.append("): ");
return builder.toString();
* The interface {@code ErrorCode} defines the behavior common to objects representing error codes
* associated with {@link AnalysisError analysis errors}.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
abstract class ErrorCode {
* Return the severity of this error.
* @return the severity of this error
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity;
* Return the message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
* @return the message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error
String get message;
* Return the type of the error.
* @return the type of the error
ErrorType get type;
* Return {@code true} if this error should cause recompilation of the source during the next
* incremental compilation.
* @return {@code true} if this error should cause recompilation of the source during the next
* incremental compilation
bool needsRecompilation();
* Instances of the enumeration {@code ErrorType} represent the type of an {@link ErrorCode}.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class ErrorType implements Comparable<ErrorType> {
* Compile-time errors are errors that preclude execution. A compile time error must be reported
* by a Dart compiler before the erroneous code is executed.
static final ErrorType COMPILE_TIME_ERROR = new ErrorType('COMPILE_TIME_ERROR', 0, ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
* Static warnings are those warnings reported by the static checker. They have no effect on
* execution. Static warnings must be provided by Dart compilers used during development.
static final ErrorType STATIC_WARNING = new ErrorType('STATIC_WARNING', 1, ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
* Many, but not all, static warnings relate to types, in which case they are known as static type
* warnings.
static final ErrorType STATIC_TYPE_WARNING = new ErrorType('STATIC_TYPE_WARNING', 2, ErrorSeverity.WARNING);
* Syntactic errors are errors produced as a result of input that does not conform to the grammar.
static final ErrorType SYNTACTIC_ERROR = new ErrorType('SYNTACTIC_ERROR', 3, ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The severity of this type of error.
ErrorSeverity _severity;
* Initialize a newly created error type to have the given severity.
* @param severity the severity of this type of error
ErrorType(this.__name, this.__ordinal, ErrorSeverity severity) {
this._severity = severity;
* Return the severity of this type of error.
* @return the severity of this type of error
ErrorSeverity get severity => _severity;
int compareTo(ErrorType other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;
* The enumeration {@code CompileTimeErrorCode} defines the error codes used for compile time
* errors. The convention for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem
* that caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is wrong and,
* when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class CompileTimeErrorCode implements Comparable<CompileTimeErrorCode>, ErrorCode {
* 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if a name <i>N</i> is re-exported by a library
* <i>L</i> and <i>N</i> is introduced into the export namespace of <i>L</i> by more than one
* export.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode AMBIGUOUS_EXPORT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('AMBIGUOUS_EXPORT', 0, "");
* 14.1 Imports: If a name <i>N</i> is referenced by a library <i>L</i> and <i>N</i> is introduced
* into the top level scope <i>L</i> by more than one import then:
* <ol>
* <li>It is a static warning if <i>N</i> is used as a type annotation.
* <li>In checked mode, it is a dynamic error if <i>N</i> is used as a type annotation and
* referenced during a subtype test.
* <li>Otherwise, it is a compile-time error.
* </ol>
static final CompileTimeErrorCode AMBIGUOUS_IMPORT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('AMBIGUOUS_IMPORT', 1, "");
* 12.33 Argument Definition Test: It is a compile time error if <i>v</i> does not denote a formal
* parameter.
* @param the name of the identifier in the argument definition test that is not a parameter
static final CompileTimeErrorCode ARGUMENT_DEFINITION_TEST_NON_PARAMETER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('ARGUMENT_DEFINITION_TEST_NON_PARAMETER', 2, "'%s' is not a parameter");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error to use a built-in identifier other than
* dynamic as a type annotation.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE', 3, "The built-in identifier '%s' cannot be as a type");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error if a built-in identifier is used as the
* declared name of a class, type parameter or type alias.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_NAME', 4, "The built-in identifier '%s' cannot be used as a type name");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error if a built-in identifier is used as the
* declared name of a class, type parameter or type alias.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPEDEF_NAME', 5, "The built-in identifier '%s' cannot be used as a type alias name");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is a compile-time error if a built-in identifier is used as the
* declared name of a class, type parameter or type alias.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_AS_TYPE_VARIABLE_NAME', 6, "The built-in identifier '%s' cannot be used as a type variable name");
* 13.9 Switch: It is a compile-time error if the class <i>C</i> implements the operator
* <i>==</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPE_IMPLEMENTS_EQUALS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPE_IMPLEMENTS_EQUALS', 7, "The switch case expression type '%s' cannot override the == operator");
* 12.1 Constants: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a compile-time constant would raise
* an exception.
* 7.6 Constructors: A constructor name always begins with the name of its immediately enclosing
* class, and may optionally be followed by a dot and an identifier <i>id</i>. It is a
* compile-time error if <i>id</i> is the name of a member declared in the immediately enclosing
* class.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_FIELD', 9, "'%s' cannot be used to name a constructor and a method in this class");
* 7.6 Constructors: A constructor name always begins with the name of its immediately enclosing
* class, and may optionally be followed by a dot and an identifier <i>id</i>. It is a
* compile-time error if <i>id</i> is the name of a member declared in the immediately enclosing
* class.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_METHOD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONFLICTING_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME_AND_METHOD', 10, "'%s' cannot be used to name a constructor and a field in this class");
* 7.6.3 Constant Constructors: It is a compile-time error if a constant constructor is declared
* by a class that has a non-final instance variable.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NON_FINAL_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_CONSTRUCTOR_WITH_NON_FINAL_FIELD', 11, "Classes with non-final fields cannot define 'const' constructors");
* 6.2 Formal Parameters: It is a compile-time error if a formal parameter is declared as a
* constant variable.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_FORMAL_PARAMETER', 12, "Parameters cannot be 'const'");
* 5 Variables: A constant variable must be initialized to a compile-time constant or a
* compile-time error occurs.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_INITIALIZED_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_VALUE', 13, "'const' variables must be constant value");
* 12.11.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if evaluation of a constant object results in an
* uncaught exception being thrown.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_EVAL_THROWS_EXCEPTION', 14, "'const' constructors cannot throw exceptions");
* 12.11.2 Const: If <i>T</i> is a parameterized type <i>S&lt;U<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* U<sub>m</sub>&gt;</i>, let <i>R = S</i>; It is a compile time error if <i>S</i> is not a
* generic type with <i>m</i> type parameters.
* @param typeName the name of the type being referenced (<i>S</i>)
* @param parameterCount the number of type parameters that were declared
* @param argumentCount the number of type arguments provided
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS', 15, "The type '%s' is declared with %d type parameters, but %d type arguments were given");
* 12.11.2 Const: If <i>e</i> is of the form <i>const T(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>,
* x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i> it is a
* compile-time error if the type <i>T</i> does not declare a constant constructor with the same
* name as the declaration of <i>T</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_NON_CONST = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_NON_CONST', 16, "The constructor being called is not a 'const' constructor");
* 12.11.2 Const: In all of the above cases, it is a compile-time error if <i>a<sub>i</sub>, 1
* &lt;= i &lt;= n + k</i>, is not a compile-time constant expression.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_ARGUMENT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_NON_CONSTANT_ARGUMENT', 17, "");
* 12.11.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if <i>T</i> is not a class accessible in the current
* scope, optionally followed by type arguments.
* <p>
* 12.11.2 Const: If <i>e</i> is of the form <i>const<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>,
* x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip; x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i> it is a
* compile-time error if <i>T</i> is not a class accessible in the current scope, optionally
* followed by type arguments.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_NON_TYPE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_NON_TYPE', 18, "");
* 12.11.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if <i>T</i> includes any type parameters.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_TYPE_PARAMETERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_TYPE_PARAMETERS', 19, "");
* 12.11.2 Const: It is a compile-time error if <i></i> is not the name of a constant
* constructor declared by the type <i>T</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode CONST_WITH_UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('CONST_WITH_UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR', 20, "");
* 15.3.1 Typedef: It is a compile-time error if any default values are specified in the signature
* of a function type alias.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode DEFAULT_VALUE_IN_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('DEFAULT_VALUE_IN_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS', 21, "Default values aren't allowed in typedefs");
* 3.1 Scoping: It is a compile-time error if there is more than one entity with the same name
* declared in the same scope.
* @param duplicateName the name of the duplicate entity
static final CompileTimeErrorCode DUPLICATE_DEFINITION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('DUPLICATE_DEFINITION', 22, "The name '%s' is already defined");
* 7 Classes: It is a compile-time error if a class declares two members of the same name.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME', 23, "");
* 7 Classes: It is a compile-time error if a class has an instance member and a static member
* with the same name.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME_INSTANCE_STATIC = new CompileTimeErrorCode('DUPLICATE_MEMBER_NAME_INSTANCE_STATIC', 24, "");
* 12.14.2 Binding Actuals to Formals: It is a compile-time error if <i>q<sub>i</sub> =
* q<sub>j</sub></i> for any <i>i != j</i> [where <i>q<sub>i</sub></i> is the label for a named
* argument].
static final CompileTimeErrorCode DUPLICATE_NAMED_ARGUMENT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('DUPLICATE_NAMED_ARGUMENT', 25, "");
* 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at the specified URI is
* not a library declaration.
* @param uri the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
static final CompileTimeErrorCode EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY = new CompileTimeErrorCode('EXPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY', 26, "The exported library '%s' must not have a part-of directive");
* 7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error if the extends clause of a class <i>C</i> includes
* a type expression that does not denote a class available in the lexical scope of <i>C</i>.
* @param typeName the name of the superclass that was not found
static final CompileTimeErrorCode EXTENDS_NON_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('EXTENDS_NON_CLASS', 27, "Classes can only extend other classes");
* 12.2 Null: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement Null.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement int.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement double.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for any type other than the types int and double to
* attempt to extend or implement num.
* <p>
* 12.4 Booleans: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement bool.
* <p>
* 12.5 Strings: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement String.
* @param typeName the name of the type that cannot be extended
static final CompileTimeErrorCode EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('EXTENDS_DISALLOWED_CLASS', 28, "Classes cannot extend '%s'");
* 12.2 Null: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement Null.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement int.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement double.
* <p>
* 12.3 Numbers: It is a compile-time error for any type other than the types int and double to
* attempt to extend or implement num.
* <p>
* 12.4 Booleans: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement bool.
* <p>
* 12.5 Strings: It is a compile-time error for a class to attempt to extend or implement String.
* @param typeName the name of the type that cannot be implemented
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPLEMENTS_DISALLOWED_CLASS', 29, "Classes cannot implement '%s'");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile time
* error if more than one initializer corresponding to a given instance variable appears in
* <i>k</i>’s list.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FIELD_INITIALIZED_BY_MULTIPLE_INITIALIZERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FIELD_INITIALIZED_BY_MULTIPLE_INITIALIZERS', 30, "The field '%s' cannot be initialized twice in the same constructor");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile time
* error if <i>k</i>’s initializer list contains an initializer for a final variable <i>f</i>
* whose declaration includes an initialization expression.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_INITIALIZER_AND_DECLARATION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_INITIALIZER_AND_DECLARATION', 31, "Values cannot be set in the constructor if they are final, and have already been set");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile time
* error if <i>k</i>’s initializer list contains an initializer for a variable that is initialized
* by means of an initializing formal of <i>k</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_PARAMETER_AND_INITIALIZER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FIELD_INITIALIZED_IN_PARAMETER_AND_INITIALIZER', 32, "Fields cannot be initialized in both the parameter list and the initializers");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: It is a compile-time error if an initializing formal is used by
* a function other than a non-redirecting generative constructor.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FIELD_INITIALIZER_OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FIELD_INITIALIZER_OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR', 33, "Initializing formal fields can only be used in constructors");
* 5 Variables: It is a compile-time error if a final instance variable that has been initialized
* at its point of declaration is also initialized in a constructor.
* @param name the name of the field in question
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FINAL_INITIALIZED_IN_DECLARATION_AND_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FINAL_INITIALIZED_IN_DECLARATION_AND_CONSTRUCTOR', 34, "'%s' is final and was given a value when it was declared, so it cannot be set to a new value");
* 5 Variables: It is a compile-time error if a final instance variable that has is initialized by
* means of an initializing formal of a constructor is also initialized elsewhere in the same
* constructor.
* @param name the name of the field in question
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FINAL_INITIALIZED_MULTIPLE_TIMES = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FINAL_INITIALIZED_MULTIPLE_TIMES', 35, "'%s' is a final field and so can only be set once");
* 5 Variables: It is a compile-time error if a library, static or local variable <i>v</i> is
* final and <i>v</i> is not initialized at its point of declaration.
* @param name the name of the variable in question
static final CompileTimeErrorCode FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED = new CompileTimeErrorCode('FINAL_NOT_INITIALIZED', 36, "The final variable '%s' must be initialized");
* 7.2 Getters: It is a compile-time error if a class has both a getter and a method with the same
* name.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode GETTER_AND_METHOD_WITH_SAME_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('GETTER_AND_METHOD_WITH_SAME_NAME', 37, "");
* 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the implements clause of a class includes
* type dynamic.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_DYNAMIC = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPLEMENTS_DYNAMIC', 38, "Classes cannot implement 'dynamic'");
* 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the implements clause of a class <i>C</i>
* includes a type expression that does not denote a class available in the lexical scope of
* <i>C</i>.
* @param typeName the name of the interface that was not found
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_NON_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPLEMENTS_NON_CLASS', 39, "Classes can only implement other classes");
* 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if a type <i>T</i> appears more than once in
* the implements clause of a class.
* @param name the name of the type in question
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_REPEATED = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPLEMENTS_REPEATED', 40, "'%s' can only be implemented once");
* 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if the interface of a class <i>C</i> is a
* superinterface of itself.
* @param name the name of the type in question
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPLEMENTS_SELF = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPLEMENTS_SELF', 41, "'%s' cannot implement itself");
* 14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error to import two different libraries with the same name.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPORT_DUPLICATED_LIBRARY_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPORT_DUPLICATED_LIBRARY_NAME', 42, "");
* 14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at the specified URI is
* not a library declaration.
* @param uri the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
static final CompileTimeErrorCode IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY = new CompileTimeErrorCode('IMPORT_OF_NON_LIBRARY', 43, "The imported library '%s' must not have a part-of directive");
* 13.9 Switch: It is a compile-time error if values of the expressions <i>e<sub>k</sub></i> are
* not instances of the same class <i>C</i>, for all <i>1 &lt;= k &lt;= n</i>.
* @param expressionSource the expression source code that is the unexpected type
* @param expectedType the name of the expected type
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INCONSISTENT_CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPES = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INCONSISTENT_CASE_EXPRESSION_TYPES', 44, "Case expressions must have the same types, '%s' is not a %s'");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile-time
* error if <i>k</i>'s initializer list contains an initializer for a variable that is not an
* instance variable declared in the immediately surrounding class.
* @param id the name of the initializing formal that is not an instance variable in the
* immediately enclosing class
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INITIALIZER_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INITIALIZER_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD', 45, "'%s' is not a variable in the enclosing class");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile-time
* error if <i>k</i>'s initializer list contains an initializer for a variable that is not an
* instance variable declared in the immediately surrounding class.
* @param id the name of the initializing formal that is a static variable in the immediately
* enclosing class
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INITIALIZER_FOR_STATIC_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INITIALIZER_FOR_STATIC_FIELD', 46, "'%s' is a static variable in the enclosing class, variables initialized in a constructor cannot be static");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: An initializing formal has the form <i></i>. It is a
* compile-time error if <i>id</i> is not the name of an instance variable of the immediately
* enclosing class.
* @param id the name of the initializing formal that is not an instance variable in the
* immediately enclosing class
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_NON_EXISTANT_FIELD', 47, "'%s' is not a variable in the enclosing class");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: An initializing formal has the form <i></i>. It is a
* compile-time error if <i>id</i> is not the name of an instance variable of the immediately
* enclosing class.
* @param id the name of the initializing formal that is a static variable in the immediately
* enclosing class
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_STATIC_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INITIALIZING_FORMAL_FOR_STATIC_FIELD', 48, "'%s' is a static variable in the enclosing class, variables initialized in a constructor cannot be static");
* TODO(brianwilkerson) Remove this when we have decided on how to report errors in compile-time
* constants. Until then, this acts as a placeholder for more informative errors.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_CONSTANT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_CONSTANT', 49, "");
* 7.6 Constructors: It is a compile-time error if the name of a constructor is not a constructor
* name.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME', 50, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a compile-time error if <i>M</i> is not the name of the immediately
* enclosing class.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_FACTORY_NAME_NOT_A_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_FACTORY_NAME_NOT_A_CLASS', 51, "");
* 7.1 Instance Methods: It is a static warning if an instance method <i>m1</i> overrides an
* instance member <i>m2</i>, the signature of <i>m2</i> explicitly specifies a default value for
* a formal parameter <i>p</i> and the signature of <i>m1</i> specifies a different default value
* for <i>p</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_VALUE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_VALUE', 52, "");
* 7.1: It is a compile-time error if an instance method <i>m1</i> overrides an instance member
* <i>m2</i> and <i>m1</i> does not declare all the named parameters declared by <i>m2</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_NAMED = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_NAMED', 53, "");
* 7.1 Instance Methods: It is a compile-time error if an instance method m1 overrides an instance
* member <i>m2</i> and <i>m1</i> has fewer optional positional parameters than <i>m2</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_POSITIONAL = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_POSITIONAL', 54, "");
* 7.1 Instance Methods: It is a compile-time error if an instance method <i>m1</i> overrides an
* instance member <i>m2</i> and <i>m1</i> has a different number of required parameters than
* <i>m2</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_REQUIRED', 55, "");
* 12.10 This: It is a compile-time error if this appears in a top-level function or variable
* initializer, in a factory constructor, or in a static method or variable initializer, or in the
* initializer of an instance variable.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_REFERENCE_TO_THIS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_REFERENCE_TO_THIS', 56, "");
* 12.7 Maps: It is a compile-time error if the first type argument to a map literal is not
* String.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FOR_KEY = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_FOR_KEY', 57, "The first type argument to a map literal must be 'String'");
* 12.6 Lists: It is a compile time error if the type argument of a constant list literal includes
* a type parameter.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_LIST', 58, "");
* 12.7 Maps: It is a compile time error if the type arguments of a constant map literal include a
* type parameter.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_MAP = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_TYPE_ARGUMENT_IN_CONST_MAP', 59, "");
* 14.2 Exports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at the specified URI is
* not a library declaration.
* <p>
* 14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error if the compilation unit found at the specified URI is
* not a library declaration.
* <p>
* 14.3 Parts: It is a compile time error if the contents of the URI are not a valid part
* declaration.
* @param uri the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
static final CompileTimeErrorCode INVALID_URI = new CompileTimeErrorCode('INVALID_URI', 60, "'%s' is not a valid uri");
* 13.13 Break: It is a compile-time error if no such statement <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within
* the innermost function in which <i>s<sub>b</sub></i> occurs.
* <p>
* 13.14 Continue: It is a compile-time error if no such statement or case clause
* <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within the innermost function in which <i>s<sub>c</sub></i> occurs.
* @param labelName the name of the unresolvable label
static final CompileTimeErrorCode LABEL_IN_OUTER_SCOPE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('LABEL_IN_OUTER_SCOPE', 61, "Cannot reference label '%s' declared in an outer method");
* 13.13 Break: It is a compile-time error if no such statement <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within
* the innermost function in which <i>s<sub>b</sub></i> occurs.
* <p>
* 13.14 Continue: It is a compile-time error if no such statement or case clause
* <i>s<sub>E</sub></i> exists within the innermost function in which <i>s<sub>c</sub></i> occurs.
* @param labelName the name of the unresolvable label
static final CompileTimeErrorCode LABEL_UNDEFINED = new CompileTimeErrorCode('LABEL_UNDEFINED', 62, "Cannot reference undefined label '%s'");
* 7 Classes: It is a compile time error if a class <i>C</i> declares a member with the same name
* as <i>C</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MEMBER_WITH_CLASS_NAME = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MEMBER_WITH_CLASS_NAME', 63, "");
* 9 Mixins: It is a compile-time error if a declared or derived mixin explicitly declares a
* constructor.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_DECLARES_CONSTRUCTOR', 64, "");
* 9 Mixins: It is a compile-time error if a mixin is derived from a class whose superclass is not
* Object.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_INHERITS_FROM_NOT_OBJECT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_INHERITS_FROM_NOT_OBJECT', 65, "");
* 9.1 Mixin Application: It is a compile-time error if <i>M</i> does not denote a class or mixin
* available in the immediately enclosing scope.
* @param typeName the name of the mixin that was not found
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_OF_NON_CLASS', 66, "Classes can only mixin other classes");
* 9.1 Mixin Application: If <i>M</i> is a class, it is a compile time error if a well formed
* mixin cannot be derived from <i>M</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_OF_NON_MIXIN = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_OF_NON_MIXIN', 67, "");
* 9 Mixins: It is a compile-time error if a declared or derived mixin refers to super.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_REFERENCES_SUPER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_REFERENCES_SUPER', 68, "");
* 9.1 Mixin Application: It is a compile-time error if <i>S</i> does not denote a class available
* in the immediately enclosing scope.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MIXIN_WITH_NON_CLASS_SUPERCLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MIXIN_WITH_NON_CLASS_SUPERCLASS', 69, "");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. Then <i>k</i> may
* include at most one superinitializer in its initializer list or a compile time error occurs.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode MULTIPLE_SUPER_INITIALIZERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('MULTIPLE_SUPER_INITIALIZERS', 70, "");
* 12.11.1 New: It is a compile time error if <i>S</i> is not a generic type with <i>m</i> type
* parameters.
* @param typeName the name of the type being referenced (<i>S</i>)
* @param parameterCount the number of type parameters that were declared
* @param argumentCount the number of type arguments provided
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NEW_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NEW_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS', 71, "The type '%s' is declared with %d type parameters, but %d type arguments were given");
* 13.2 Expression Statements: It is a compile-time error if a non-constant map literal that has
* no explicit type arguments appears in a place where a statement is expected.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONST_MAP_AS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONST_MAP_AS_EXPRESSION_STATEMENT', 72, "");
* 13.9 Switch: Given a switch statement of the form <i>switch (e) { label<sub>11</sub> &hellip;
* label<sub>1j1</sub> case e<sub>1</sub>: s<sub>1</sub> &hellip; label<sub>n1</sub> &hellip;
* label<sub>njn</sub> case e<sub>n</sub>: s<sub>n</sub> default: s<sub>n+1</sub>}</i> or the form
* <i>switch (e) { label<sub>11</sub> &hellip; label<sub>1j1</sub> case e<sub>1</sub>:
* s<sub>1</sub> &hellip; label<sub>n1</sub> &hellip; label<sub>njn</sub> case e<sub>n</sub>:
* s<sub>n</sub>}</i>, it is a compile-time error if the expressions <i>e<sub>k</sub></i> are not
* compile-time constants, for all <i>1 &lt;= k &lt;= n</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_CASE_EXPRESSION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_CASE_EXPRESSION', 73, "Case expressions must be constant");
* 6.2.2 Optional Formals: It is a compile-time error if the default value of an optional
* parameter is not a compile-time constant.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_DEFAULT_VALUE', 74, "Default values of an optional parameter must be constant");
* 12.6 Lists: It is a compile time error if an element of a constant list literal is not a
* compile-time constant.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_LIST_ELEMENT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_LIST_ELEMENT', 75, "'const' lists must have all constant values");
* 12.7 Maps: It is a compile time error if either a key or a value of an entry in a constant map
* literal is not a compile-time constant.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_MAP_KEY', 76, "The keys in a map must be constant");
* 12.7 Maps: It is a compile time error if either a key or a value of an entry in a constant map
* literal is not a compile-time constant.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_MAP_VALUE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_MAP_VALUE', 77, "The values in a 'const' map must be constant");
* 7.6.3 Constant Constructors: Any expression that appears within the initializer list of a
* constant constructor must be a potentially constant expression, or a compile-time error occurs.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode NON_CONSTANT_VALUE_IN_INITIALIZER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('NON_CONSTANT_VALUE_IN_INITIALIZER', 78, "");
* 7.9 Superclasses: It is a compile-time error to specify an extends clause for class Object.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode OBJECT_CANNOT_EXTEND_ANOTHER_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('OBJECT_CANNOT_EXTEND_ANOTHER_CLASS', 79, "");
* 7.1.1 Operators: It is a compile-time error to declare an optional parameter in an operator.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_IN_OPERATOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('OPTIONAL_PARAMETER_IN_OPERATOR', 80, "");
* 8 Interfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface member <i>m1</i> overrides an
* interface member <i>m2</i> and <i>m1</i> does not declare all the named parameters declared by
* <i>m2</i> in the same order.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode OVERRIDE_MISSING_NAMED_PARAMETERS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('OVERRIDE_MISSING_NAMED_PARAMETERS', 81, "");
* 8 Interfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface member <i>m1</i> overrides an
* interface member <i>m2</i> and <i>m1</i> has a different number of required parameters than
* <i>m2</i>.
* 14.3 Parts: It is a compile time error if the contents of the URI are not a valid part
* declaration.
* @param uri the uri pointing to a non-library declaration
static final CompileTimeErrorCode PART_OF_NON_PART = new CompileTimeErrorCode('PART_OF_NON_PART', 83, "The included part '%s' must have a part-of directive");
* 14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error if the current library declares a top-level member
* named <i>p</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode PREFIX_COLLIDES_WITH_TOP_LEVEL_MEMBER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('PREFIX_COLLIDES_WITH_TOP_LEVEL_MEMBER', 84, "");
* 6.2.2 Optional Formals: It is a compile-time error if the name of a named optional parameter
* begins with an ‘_’ character.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode PRIVATE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('PRIVATE_OPTIONAL_PARAMETER', 85, "");
* 12.1 Constants: It is a compile-time error if the value of a compile-time constant expression
* depends on itself.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RECURSIVE_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RECURSIVE_COMPILE_TIME_CONSTANT', 86, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a compile-time error if a redirecting factory constructor redirects to
* itself, either directly or indirectly via a sequence of redirections.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RECURSIVE_FACTORY_REDIRECT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RECURSIVE_FACTORY_REDIRECT', 87, "");
* 15.3.1 Typedef: It is a compile-time error if a typedef refers to itself via a chain of
* references that does not include a class type.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RECURSIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RECURSIVE_FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS', 88, "");
* 8.1 Superinterfaces: It is a compile-time error if an interface is a superinterface of itself.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RECURSIVE_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RECURSIVE_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE', 89, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a compile-time error if <i>k</i> is prefixed with the const modifier but
* <i>k’</i> is not a constant constructor.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode REDIRECT_TO_NON_CONST_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('REDIRECT_TO_NON_CONST_CONSTRUCTOR', 90, "");
* 13.3 Local Variable Declaration: It is a compile-time error if <i>e</i> refers to the name
* <i>v</i> or the name <i>v=</i>.
* 16.1.1 Reserved Words: A reserved word may not be used as an identifier; it is a compile-time
* error if a reserved word is used where an identifier is expected.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RESERVED_WORD_AS_IDENTIFIER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RESERVED_WORD_AS_IDENTIFIER', 92, "");
* 12.8.1 Rethrow: It is a compile-time error if an expression of the form <i>rethrow;</i> is not
* enclosed within a on-catch clause.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RETHROW_OUTSIDE_CATCH = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RETHROW_OUTSIDE_CATCH', 93, "rethrow must be inside of a catch clause");
* 13.11 Return: It is a compile-time error if a return statement of the form <i>return e;</i>
* appears in a generative constructor.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode RETURN_IN_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('RETURN_IN_GENERATIVE_CONSTRUCTOR', 94, "");
* 6.1 Function Declarations: It is a compile-time error to preface a function declaration with
* the built-in identifier static.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTION', 95, "");
* 5 Variables: It is a compile-time error to preface a top level variable declaration with the
* built-in identifier static.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE = new CompileTimeErrorCode('STATIC_TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE', 96, "");
* 12.15.4 Super Invocation: A super method invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>super.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. It is a compile-time error if a super method invocation
* occurs in a top-level function or variable initializer, in an instance variable initializer or
* initializer list, in class Object, in a factory constructor, or in a static method or variable
* initializer.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('SUPER_IN_INVALID_CONTEXT', 97, "");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is a compile-time
* error if a generative constructor of class Object includes a superinitializer.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT = new CompileTimeErrorCode('SUPER_INITIALIZER_IN_OBJECT', 98, "");
* 12.11 Instance Creation: It is a compile-time error if a constructor of a non-generic type
* invoked by a new expression or a constant object expression is passed any type arguments.
* <p>
* 12.32 Type Cast: It is a compile-time error if <i>T</i> is a parameterized type of the form
* <i>G&lt;T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>&gt;</i> and <i>G</i> is not a generic type with
* <i>n</i> type parameters.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_NON_GENERIC_CLASS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('TYPE_ARGUMENTS_FOR_NON_GENERIC_CLASS', 99, "");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>C</i> be the class in which the superinitializer appears
* and let <i>S</i> be the superclass of <i>C</i>. Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. It is
* a compile-time error if class <i>S</i> does not declare a generative constructor named <i>S</i>
* (respectively <i></i>)
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: Let <i>k</i> be a generative constructor. Each final instance
* variable <i>f</i> declared in the immediately enclosing class must have an initializer in
* <i>k</i>'s initializer list unless it has already been initialized by one of the following
* means:
* <ol>
* <li>Initialization at the declaration of <i>f</i>.
* <li>Initialization by means of an initializing formal of <i>k</i>.
* </ol>
* or a compile-time error occurs.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode UNINITIALIZED_FINAL_FIELD = new CompileTimeErrorCode('UNINITIALIZED_FINAL_FIELD', 101, "");
* 14.1 Imports: It is a compile-time error if <i>x</i> is not a compile-time constant, or if
* <i>x</i> involves string interpolation.
* <p>
* 14.3 Parts: It is a compile-time error if <i>s</i> is not a compile-time constant, or if
* <i>s</i> involves string interpolation.
* <p>
* 14.5 URIs: It is a compile-time error if the string literal <i>x</i> that describes a URI is
* not a compile-time constant, or if <i>x</i> involves string interpolation.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION = new CompileTimeErrorCode('URI_WITH_INTERPOLATION', 102, "URIs cannot use string interpolation");
* 7.1.1 Operators: It is a compile-time error if the arity of the user-declared operator []= is
* not 2. It is a compile time error if the arity of a user-declared operator with one of the
* names: &lt;, &gt;, &lt;=, &gt;=, ==, +, /, ~/, *, %, |, ^, &, &lt;&lt;, &gt;&gt;, [] is not 1.
* It is a compile time error if the arity of the user-declared operator - is not 0 or 1. It is a
* compile time error if the arity of the user-declared operator ~ is not 0.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_OPERATOR = new CompileTimeErrorCode('WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_OPERATOR', 103, "");
* 7.3 Setters: It is a compile-time error if a setter’s formal parameter list does not include
* exactly one required formal parameter <i>p</i>.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_SETTER = new CompileTimeErrorCode('WRONG_NUMBER_OF_PARAMETERS_FOR_SETTER', 104, "");
* 12.11 Instance Creation: It is a compile-time error if a constructor of a generic type with
* <i>n</i> type parameters invoked by a new expression or a constant object expression is passed
* <i>m</i> type arguments where <i>m != n</i>.
* <p>
* 12.31 Type Test: It is a compile-time error if <i>T</i> is a parameterized type of the form
* <i>G&lt;T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>&gt;</i> and <i>G</i> is not a generic type with
* <i>n</i> type parameters.
static final CompileTimeErrorCode WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = new CompileTimeErrorCode('WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS', 105, "");
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
String _message;
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given message.
* @param message the message template used to create the message to be displayed for the error
CompileTimeErrorCode(this.__name, this.__ordinal, String message) {
this._message = message;
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR.severity;
String get message => _message;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.COMPILE_TIME_ERROR;
bool needsRecompilation() => true;
int compareTo(CompileTimeErrorCode other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;
* The enumeration {@code StaticWarningCode} defines the error codes used for static warnings. The
* convention for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem that caused
* the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is wrong and, when
* appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class StaticWarningCode implements Comparable<StaticWarningCode>, ErrorCode {
* 12.11.1 New: It is a static warning if the static type of <i>a<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n+
* k</i> may not be assigned to the type of the corresponding formal parameter of the constructor
* <i></i> (respectively <i>T</i>).
* <p>
* 12.11.2 Const: It is a static warning if the static type of <i>a<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;=
* n+ k</i> may not be assigned to the type of the corresponding formal parameter of the
* constructor <i></i> (respectively <i>T</i>).
* <p>
* 12.14.2 Binding Actuals to Formals: Let <i>T<sub>i</sub></i> be the static type of
* <i>a<sub>i</sub></i>, let <i>S<sub>i</sub></i> be the type of <i>p<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;=
* n+k</i> and let <i>S<sub>q</sub></i> be the type of the named parameter <i>q</i> of <i>f</i>.
* It is a static warning if <i>T<sub>j</sub></i> may not be assigned to <i>S<sub>j</sub>, 1 &lt;=
* j &lt;= m</i>.
* <p>
* 12.14.2 Binding Actuals to Formals: Furthermore, each <i>q<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= l</i>,
* must have a corresponding named parameter in the set <i>{p<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* p<sub>n+k</sub>}</i> or a static warning occurs. It is a static warning if
* <i>T<sub>m+j</sub></i> may not be assigned to <i>S<sub>r</sub></i>, where <i>r = q<sub>j</sub>,
* 1 &lt;= j &lt;= l</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE = new StaticWarningCode('ARGUMENT_TYPE_NOT_ASSIGNABLE', 0, "");
* 5 Variables: Attempting to assign to a final variable elsewhere will cause a NoSuchMethodError
* to be thrown, because no setter is defined for it. The assignment will also give rise to a
* static warning for the same reason.
static final StaticWarningCode ASSIGNMENT_TO_FINAL = new StaticWarningCode('ASSIGNMENT_TO_FINAL', 1, "");
* 13.9 Switch: It is a static warning if the last statement of the statement sequence
* <i>s<sub>k</sub></i> is not a break, continue, return or throw statement.
static final StaticWarningCode CASE_BLOCK_NOT_TERMINATED = new StaticWarningCode('CASE_BLOCK_NOT_TERMINATED', 2, "");
* 12.32 Type Cast: It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the
* current lexical scope.
static final StaticWarningCode CAST_TO_NON_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('CAST_TO_NON_TYPE', 3, "");
* 16.1.2 Comments: A token of the form <i>[new c](uri)</i> will be replaced by a link in the
* formatted output. The link will point at the constructor named <i>c</i> in <i>L</i>. The title
* of the link will be <i>c</i>. It is a static warning if uri is not the URI of a dart library
* <i>L</i>, or if <i>c</i> is not the name of a constructor of a class declared in the exported
* namespace of <i>L</i>.
* 16.1.2 Comments: A token of the form <i>[id](uri)</i> will be replaced by a link in the
* formatted output. The link will point at the declaration named <i>id</i> in <i>L</i>. The title
* of the link will be <i>id</i>. It is a static warning if uri is not the URI of a dart library
* <i>L</i>, or if <i>id</i> is not a name declared in the exported namespace of <i>L</i>.
* 16.1.2 Comments: It is a static warning if <i>c</i> does not denote a constructor that
* available in the scope of the documentation comment.
* 16.1.2 Comments: It is a static warning if <i>id</i> does not denote a declaration that
* available in the scope of the documentation comment.
* 16.1.2 Comments: A token of the form <i>[id](uri)</i> will be replaced by a link in the
* formatted output. The link will point at the declaration named <i>id</i> in <i>L</i>. The title
* of the link will be <i>id</i>. It is a static warning if uri is not the URI of a dart library
* <i>L</i>, or if <i>id</i> is not a name declared in the exported namespace of <i>L</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode COMMENT_REFERENCE_URI_NOT_LIBRARY = new StaticWarningCode('COMMENT_REFERENCE_URI_NOT_LIBRARY', 8, "");
* 7.4 Abstract Instance Members: It is a static warning if an abstract member is declared or
* inherited in a concrete class.
static final StaticWarningCode CONCRETE_CLASS_WITH_ABSTRACT_MEMBER = new StaticWarningCode('CONCRETE_CLASS_WITH_ABSTRACT_MEMBER', 9, "");
* 7.2 Getters: It is a static warning if a class <i>C</i> declares an instance getter named
* <i>v</i> and an accessible static member named <i>v</i> or <i>v=</i> is declared in a
* superclass of <i>C</i>.
* 7.3 Setters: It is a static warning if a class <i>C</i> declares an instance setter named
* <i>v=</i> and an accessible static member named <i>v=</i> or <i>v</i> is declared in a
* superclass of <i>C</i>.
* 7.2 Getters: It is a static warning if a class declares a static getter named <i>v</i> and also
* has a non-static setter named <i>v=</i>.
* 7.3 Setters: It is a static warning if a class declares a static setter named <i>v=</i> and
* also has a non-static member named <i>v</i>.
* 12.11.2 Const: Given an instance creation expression of the form <i>const q(a<sub>1</sub>,
* &hellip; a<sub>n</sub>)</i> it is a static warning if <i>q</i> is the constructor of an
* abstract class but <i>q</i> is not a factory constructor.
static final StaticWarningCode CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS = new StaticWarningCode('CONST_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS', 14, "Abstract classes cannot be created with a 'const' expression");
* 12.7 Maps: It is a static warning if the values of any two keys in a map literal are equal.
static final StaticWarningCode EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP = new StaticWarningCode('EQUAL_KEYS_IN_MAP', 15, "Keys in a map cannot be equal");
* 7.6.1 Generative Constructors: An initializing formal has the form <i></i>. It is a
* static warning if the static type of <i>id</i> is not assignable to <i>T<sub>id</sub></i>.
static final StaticWarningCode FIELD_INITIALIZER_WITH_INVALID_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('FIELD_INITIALIZER_WITH_INVALID_TYPE', 16, "");
* 12.14.2 Binding Actuals to Formals: It is a static warning if <i>m &lt; h</i> or if <i>m &gt;
* n</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS = new StaticWarningCode('INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS', 17, "");
* 7.1 Instance Methods: It is a static warning if a class <i>C</i> declares an instance method
* named <i>n</i> and an accessible static member named <i>n</i> is declared in a superclass of
* <i>C</i>.
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a static warning if <i></i> is not a constructor name.
static final StaticWarningCode INVALID_FACTORY_NAME = new StaticWarningCode('INVALID_FACTORY_NAME', 19, "");
* 7.2 Getters: It is a static warning if a getter <i>m1</i> overrides a getter <i>m2</i> and the
* type of <i>m1</i> is not a subtype of the type of <i>m2</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_GETTER_TYPE', 20, "");
* 7.1 Instance Methods: It is a static warning if an instance method <i>m1</i> overrides an
* instance method <i>m2</i> and the type of <i>m1</i> is not a subtype of the type of <i>m2</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_RETURN_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_RETURN_TYPE', 21, "");
* 7.3 Setters: It is a static warning if a setter <i>m1</i> overrides a setter <i>m2</i> and the
* type of <i>m1</i> is not a subtype of the type of <i>m2</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER_RETURN_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('INVALID_OVERRIDE_SETTER_RETURN_TYPE', 22, "");
* 12.15.4 Super Invocation: A super method invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>super.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. If <i>S.m</i> exists, it is a static warning if the type
* <i>F</i> of <i>S.m</i> may not be assigned to a function type.
static final StaticWarningCode INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION = new StaticWarningCode('INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION', 23, "");
* 7.3 Setters: It is a static warning if a class has a setter named <i>v=</i> with argument type
* <i>T</i> and a getter named <i>v</i> with return type <i>S</i>, and <i>T</i> may not be
* assigned to <i>S</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode MISMATCHED_GETTER_AND_SETTER_TYPES = new StaticWarningCode('MISMATCHED_GETTER_AND_SETTER_TYPES', 24, "");
* 12.11.1 New: It is a static warning if <i>q</i> is a constructor of an abstract class and
* <i>q</i> is not a factory constructor.
static final StaticWarningCode NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS = new StaticWarningCode('NEW_WITH_ABSTRACT_CLASS', 25, "Abstract classes cannot be created with a 'new' expression");
* 12.11.1 New: It is a static warning if <i>T</i> is not a class accessible in the current scope,
* optionally followed by type arguments.
static final StaticWarningCode NEW_WITH_NON_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('NEW_WITH_NON_TYPE', 26, "");
* 12.11.1 New: If <i>T</i> is a class or parameterized type accessible in the current scope then:
* 1. If <i>e</i> is of the form <i>new<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>,
* x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i> it is a
* static warning if <i></i> is not the name of a constructor declared by the type <i>T</i>.
* If <i>e</i> of the form <i>new T(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>:
* a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip; x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+kM/sub>)</i> it is a static warning if the
* type <i>T</i> does not declare a constructor with the same name as the declaration of <i>T</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode NEW_WITH_UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR = new StaticWarningCode('NEW_WITH_UNDEFINED_CONSTRUCTOR', 27, "");
* 7.10 Superinterfaces: It is a static warning if the implicit interface of a non-abstract class
* <i>C</i> includes an instance member <i>m</i> and <i>C</i> does not declare or inherit a
* corresponding instance member <i>m</i>.
* 7.9.1 Inheritance and Overriding: It is a static warning if a non-abstract class inherits an
* abstract method.
* 12.31 Type Test: It is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the
* current lexical scope.
static final StaticWarningCode NON_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('NON_TYPE', 30, "");
* 13.10 Try: An on-catch clause of the form <i>on T catch (p<sub>1</sub>, p<sub>2</sub>) s</i> or
* <i>on T s</i> matches an object <i>o</i> if the type of <i>o</i> is a subtype of <i>T</i>. It
* is a static warning if <i>T</i> does not denote a type available in the lexical scope of the
* catch clause.
static final StaticWarningCode NON_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE = new StaticWarningCode('NON_TYPE_IN_CATCH_CLAUSE', 31, "");
* 7.1.1 Operators: It is a static warning if the return type of the user-declared operator []= is
* explicitly declared and not void.
static final StaticWarningCode NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_OPERATOR = new StaticWarningCode('NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_OPERATOR', 32, "");
* 7.3 Setters: It is a static warning if a setter declares a return type other than void.
static final StaticWarningCode NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_SETTER = new StaticWarningCode('NON_VOID_RETURN_FOR_SETTER', 33, "");
* 8 Interfaces: It is a static warning if an interface member <i>m1</i> overrides an interface
* member <i>m2</i> and the type of <i>m1</i> is not a subtype of the type of <i>m2</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode OVERRIDE_NOT_SUBTYPE = new StaticWarningCode('OVERRIDE_NOT_SUBTYPE', 34, "");
* 8 Interfaces: It is a static warning if an interface method <i>m1</i> overrides an interface
* method <i>m2</i>, the signature of <i>m2</i> explicitly specifies a default value for a formal
* parameter <i>p</i> and the signature of <i>m1</i> specifies a different default value for
* <i>p</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode OVERRIDE_WITH_DIFFERENT_DEFAULT = new StaticWarningCode('OVERRIDE_WITH_DIFFERENT_DEFAULT', 35, "");
* 14.3 Parts: It is a static warning if the referenced part declaration <i>p</i> names a library
* other than the current library as the library to which <i>p</i> belongs.
* @param expectedLibraryName the name of expected library name
* @param actualLibraryName the non-matching actual library name from the "part of" declaration
static final StaticWarningCode PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY = new StaticWarningCode('PART_OF_DIFFERENT_LIBRARY', 36, "Expected this library to be part of '%s', not '%s'");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a static warning if the function type of <i>k’</i> is not a subtype of
* the type of <i>k</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode REDIRECT_TO_INVALID_RETURN_TYPE = new StaticWarningCode('REDIRECT_TO_INVALID_RETURN_TYPE', 37, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a static warning if type does not denote a class accessible in the
* current scope; if type does denote such a class <i>C</i> it is a static warning if the
* referenced constructor (be it <i>type</i> or <i></i>) is not a constructor of <i>C</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode REDIRECT_TO_MISSING_CONSTRUCTOR = new StaticWarningCode('REDIRECT_TO_MISSING_CONSTRUCTOR', 38, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a static warning if type does not denote a class accessible in the
* current scope; if type does denote such a class <i>C</i> it is a static warning if the
* referenced constructor (be it <i>type</i> or <i></i>) is not a constructor of <i>C</i>.
static final StaticWarningCode REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS = new StaticWarningCode('REDIRECT_TO_NON_CLASS', 39, "");
* 13.11 Return: Let <i>f</i> be the function immediately enclosing a return statement of the form
* <i>return;</i> It is a static warning if both of the following conditions hold:
* <ol>
* <li><i>f</i> is not a generative constructor.
* <li>The return type of <i>f</i> may not be assigned to void.
* </ol>
static final StaticWarningCode RETURN_WITHOUT_VALUE = new StaticWarningCode('RETURN_WITHOUT_VALUE', 40, "");
* 13.9 Switch: It is a static warning if the type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to the type of
* <i>e<sub>k</sub></i>.
static final StaticWarningCode SWITCH_EXPRESSION_NOT_ASSIGNABLE = new StaticWarningCode('SWITCH_EXPRESSION_NOT_ASSIGNABLE', 41, "");
* 12.15.3 Static Invocation: A static method invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>C.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. It is a static warning if <i>C</i> does not denote a
* class in the current scope.
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_CLASS = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_CLASS', 42, "Undefined class '%s'");
* 12.17 Getter Invocation: It is a static warning if there is no class <i>C</i> in the enclosing
* lexical scope of <i>i</i>, or if <i>C</i> does not declare, implicitly or explicitly, a getter
* named <i>m</i>.
* @param getterName the name of the getter
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the getter is being looked for
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_GETTER = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_GETTER', 43, "There is no such getter '%s' in '%s'");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is as static warning if an identifier expression of the form
* <i>id</i> occurs inside a top level or static function (be it function, method, getter, or
* setter) or variable initializer and there is no declaration <i>d</i> with name <i>id</i> in the
* lexical scope enclosing the expression.
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER', 44, "Undefined name '%s'");
* 12.30 Identifier Reference: It is as static warning if an identifier expression of the form
* <i>id</i> occurs inside a top level or static function (be it function, method, getter, or
* setter) or variable initializer and there is no declaration <i>d</i> with name <i>id</i> in the
* lexical scope enclosing the expression.
* @param operator the name of the operator
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the operator is being looked for
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_OPERATOR = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_OPERATOR', 45, "There is no such operator '%s' in '%s'");
* 12.18 Assignment: It is as static warning if an assignment of the form <i>v = e</i> occurs
* inside a top level or static function (be it function, method, getter, or setter) or variable
* initializer and there is no declaration <i>d</i> with name <i>v=</i> in the lexical scope
* enclosing the assignment.
* <p>
* 12.18 Assignment: It is a static warning if there is no class <i>C</i> in the enclosing lexical
* scope of the assignment, or if <i>C</i> does not declare, implicitly or explicitly, a setter
* <i>v=</i>.
* @param setterName the name of the getter
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the setter is being looked for
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_SETTER = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_SETTER', 46, "There is no such setter '%s' in '%s'");
* 12.15.3 Static Invocation: It is a static warning if <i>C</i> does not declare a static method
* or getter <i>m</i>.
* @param methodName the name of the method
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the method is being looked for
static final StaticWarningCode UNDEFINED_STATIC_METHOD_OR_GETTER = new StaticWarningCode('UNDEFINED_STATIC_METHOD_OR_GETTER', 47, "There is no such static method '%s' in '%s'");
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
String _message;
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given type and message.
* @param message the message template used to create the message to be displayed for the error
StaticWarningCode(this.__name, this.__ordinal, String message) {
this._message = message;
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING.severity;
String get message => _message;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_WARNING;
bool needsRecompilation() => true;
int compareTo(StaticWarningCode other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;
* The interface {@code AnalysisErrorListener} defines the behavior of objects that listen for{@link AnalysisError analysis errors} being produced by the analysis engine.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
abstract class AnalysisErrorListener {
* An error listener that ignores errors that are reported to it.
AnalysisErrorListener _NULL_LISTENER = new AnalysisErrorListener_4();
* This method is invoked when an error has been found by the analysis engine.
* @param error the error that was just found (not {@code null})
void onError(AnalysisError error);
class AnalysisErrorListener_4 implements AnalysisErrorListener {
void onError(AnalysisError event) {
* The enumeration {@code StaticTypeWarningCode} defines the error codes used for static type
* warnings. The convention for this class is for the name of the error code to indicate the problem
* that caused the error to be generated and for the error message to explain what is wrong and,
* when appropriate, how the problem can be corrected.
* @coverage dart.engine.error
class StaticTypeWarningCode implements Comparable<StaticTypeWarningCode>, ErrorCode {
* 12.18 Assignment: Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>. It is a static type
* warning if <i>T</i> does not have an accessible instance setter named <i>v=</i>.
static final StaticTypeWarningCode INACCESSIBLE_SETTER = new StaticTypeWarningCode('INACCESSIBLE_SETTER', 0, "");
* 8.1.1 Inheritance and Overriding: However, if there are multiple members <i>m<sub>1</sub>,
* &hellip; m<sub>k</sub></i> with the same name <i>n</i> that would be inherited (because
* identically named members existed in several superinterfaces) then at most one member is
* inherited. If the static types <i>T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>k</sub></i> of the members
* <i>m<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, m<sub>k</sub></i> are not identical, then there must be a member
* <i>m<sub>x</sub></i> such that <i>T<sub>x</sub> &lt; T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= x &lt;= k</i> for
* all <i>i, 1 &lt;= i &lt; k</i>, or a static type warning occurs. The member that is inherited
* is <i>m<sub>x</sub></i>, if it exists; otherwise:
* <ol>
* <li>If all of <i>m<sub>1</sub>, &hellip; m<sub>k</sub></i> have the same number <i>r</i> of
* required parameters and the same set of named parameters <i>s</i>, then let <i>h = max(
* numberOfOptionalPositionals( m<sub>i</sub> ) ), 1 &lt;= i &lt;= k</i>. <i>I</i> has a method
* named <i>n</i>, with <i>r</i> required parameters of type dynamic, <i>h</i> optional positional
* parameters of type dynamic, named parameters <i>s</i> of type dynamic and return type dynamic.
* <li>Otherwise none of the members <i>m<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, m<sub>k</sub></i> is inherited.
* </ol>
static final StaticTypeWarningCode INCONSISTENT_METHOD_INHERITANCE = new StaticTypeWarningCode('INCONSISTENT_METHOD_INHERITANCE', 1, "");
* 12.18 Assignment: It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be
* assigned to the static type of <i>v</i>. The static type of the expression <i>v = e</i> is the
* static type of <i>e</i>.
* <p>
* 12.18 Assignment: It is a static type warning if the static type of <i>e</i> may not be
* assigned to the static type of <i>C.v</i>. The static type of the expression <i>C.v = e</i> is
* the static type of <i>e</i>.
* <p>
* 12.18 Assignment: Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>. It is a static type
* warning if the static type of <i>e<sub>2</sub></i> may not be assigned to <i>T</i>.
* @param rhsTypeName the name of the right hand side type
* @param lhsTypeName the name of the left hand side type
static final StaticTypeWarningCode INVALID_ASSIGNMENT = new StaticTypeWarningCode('INVALID_ASSIGNMENT', 2, "A value of type '%s' cannot be assigned to a variable of type '%s'");
* 12.14.4 Function Expression Invocation: A function expression invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>e<sub>f</sub>(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip; a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>,
* &hellip;, x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>, where <i>e<sub>f</sub></i> is an expression.
* <p>
* It is a static type warning if the static type <i>F</i> of <i>e<sub>f</sub></i> may not be
* assigned to a function type.
* <p>
* 12.15.1 Ordinary Invocation: An ordinary method invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>o.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>.
* <p>
* Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>o</i>. It is a static type warning if <i>T</i> does not
* have an accessible instance member named <i>m</i>. If <i>T.m</i> exists, it is a static warning
* if the type <i>F</i> of <i>T.m</i> may not be assigned to a function type. If <i>T.m</i> does
* not exist, or if <i>F</i> is not a function type, the static type of <i>i</i> is dynamic.
* <p>
* 12.15.3 Static Invocation: It is a static type warning if the type <i>F</i> of <i>C.m</i> may
* not be assigned to a function type.
* @param nonFunctionIdentifier the name of the identifier that is not a function type
static final StaticTypeWarningCode INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION = new StaticTypeWarningCode('INVOCATION_OF_NON_FUNCTION', 3, "'%s' is not a method");
* 12.19 Conditional: It is a static type warning if the type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i> may not be
* assigned to bool.
* <p>
* 13.5 If: It is a static type warning if the type of the expression <i>b</i> may not be assigned
* to bool.
* <p>
* 13.7 While: It is a static type warning if the type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to bool.
* <p>
* 13.8 Do: It is a static type warning if the type of <i>e</i> cannot be assigned to bool.
static final StaticTypeWarningCode NON_BOOL_CONDITION = new StaticTypeWarningCode('NON_BOOL_CONDITION', 4, "Conditions must have a static type of 'bool'");
* 13.15 Assert: It is a static type warning if the type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to either
* bool or () &rarr; bool
static final StaticTypeWarningCode NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION = new StaticTypeWarningCode('NON_BOOL_EXPRESSION', 5, "Assertions must be on either a 'bool' or '() -> bool'");
* 15.8 Parameterized Types: It is a static type warning if <i>A<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;=
* n</i> does not denote a type in the enclosing lexical scope.
static final StaticTypeWarningCode NON_TYPE_AS_TYPE_ARGUMENT = new StaticTypeWarningCode('NON_TYPE_AS_TYPE_ARGUMENT', 6, "");
* 7.6.2 Factories: It is a static type warning if any of the type arguments to <i>k’</i> are not
* subtypes of the bounds of the corresponding formal type parameters of type.
static final StaticTypeWarningCode REDIRECT_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS = new StaticTypeWarningCode('REDIRECT_WITH_INVALID_TYPE_PARAMETERS', 7, "");
* 13.11 Return: It is a static type warning if the type of <i>e</i> may not be assigned to the
* declared return type of the immediately enclosing function.
* @param actualReturnType the return type as declared in the return statement
* @param expectedReturnType the expected return type as defined by the method
* @param methodName the name of the method
static final StaticTypeWarningCode RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE = new StaticTypeWarningCode('RETURN_OF_INVALID_TYPE', 8, "The return type '%s' is not a '%s', as defined by the method '%s'");
* 12.11 Instance Creation: It is a static type warning if any of the type arguments to a
* constructor of a generic type <i>G</i> invoked by a new expression or a constant object
* expression are not subtypes of the bounds of the corresponding formal type parameters of
* <i>G</i>.
* @param boundedTypeName the name of the type used in the instance creation that should be
* limited by the bound as specified in the class declaration
* @param boundingTypeName the name of the bounding type
static final StaticTypeWarningCode TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS = new StaticTypeWarningCode('TYPE_ARGUMENT_NOT_MATCHING_BOUNDS', 9, "'%s' does not extend '%s'");
* 10 Generics: It is a static type warning if a type parameter is a supertype of its upper bound.
* <p>
* 15.8 Parameterized Types: If <i>S</i> is the static type of a member <i>m</i> of <i>G</i>, then
* the static type of the member <i>m</i> of <i>G&lt;A<sub>1</sub>, &hellip; A<sub>n</sub>&gt;</i>
* is <i>[A<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, A<sub>n</sub>/T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>]S</i>
* where <i>T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip; T<sub>n</sub></i> are the formal type parameters of <i>G</i>.
* Let <i>B<sub>i</sub></i> be the bounds of <i>T<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>. It is a
* static type warning if <i>A<sub>i</sub></i> is not a subtype of <i>[A<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;,
* A<sub>n</sub>/T<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, T<sub>n</sub>]B<sub>i</sub>, 1 &lt;= i &lt;= n</i>.
static final StaticTypeWarningCode TYPE_ARGUMENT_VIOLATES_BOUNDS = new StaticTypeWarningCode('TYPE_ARGUMENT_VIOLATES_BOUNDS', 10, "");
* Specification reference needed. This is equivalent to {@link #UNDEFINED_METHOD}, but for
* top-level functions.
* @param methodName the name of the method that is undefined
static final StaticTypeWarningCode UNDEFINED_FUNCTION = new StaticTypeWarningCode('UNDEFINED_FUNCTION', 11, "The FUNCTION '%s' is not defined");
* 12.17 Getter Invocation: Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e</i>. It is a static type
* warning if <i>T</i> does not have a getter named <i>m</i>.
* @param getterName the name of the getter
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the getter is being looked for
static final StaticTypeWarningCode UNDEFINED_GETTER = new StaticTypeWarningCode('UNDEFINED_GETTER', 12, "There is no such getter '%s' in '%s'");
* 12.15.1 Ordinary Invocation: Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>o</i>. It is a static type
* warning if <i>T</i> does not have an accessible instance member named <i>m</i>.
* @param methodName the name of the method that is undefined
* @param typeName the resolved type name that the method lookup is happening on
static final StaticTypeWarningCode UNDEFINED_METHOD = new StaticTypeWarningCode('UNDEFINED_METHOD', 13, "The method '%s' is not defined for the class '%s'");
* 12.18 Assignment: Let <i>T</i> be the static type of <i>e<sub>1</sub></i>. It is a static type
* warning if <i>T</i> does not have an accessible instance setter named <i>v=</i>.
* @param setterName the name of the setter
* @param enclosingType the name of the enclosing type where the setter is being looked for
static final StaticTypeWarningCode UNDEFINED_SETTER = new StaticTypeWarningCode('UNDEFINED_SETTER', 14, "There is no such setter '%s' in '%s'");
* 12.15.4 Super Invocation: A super method invocation <i>i</i> has the form
* <i>super.m(a<sub>1</sub>, &hellip;, a<sub>n</sub>, x<sub>n+1</sub>: a<sub>n+1</sub>, &hellip;
* x<sub>n+k</sub>: a<sub>n+k</sub>)</i>. It is a static type warning if <i>S</i> does not have an
* accessible instance member named <i>m</i>.
* @param methodName the name of the method that is undefined
* @param typeName the resolved type name that the method lookup is happening on
static final StaticTypeWarningCode UNDEFINED_SUPER_METHOD = new StaticTypeWarningCode('UNDEFINED_SUPER_METHOD', 15, "There is no such method '%s' in '%s'");
* 15.8 Parameterized Types: It is a static type warning if <i>G</i> is not an accessible generic
* type declaration with <i>n</i> type parameters.
* @param typeName the name of the type being referenced (<i>G</i>)
* @param parameterCount the number of type parameters that were declared
* @param argumentCount the number of type arguments provided
static final StaticTypeWarningCode WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = new StaticTypeWarningCode('WRONG_NUMBER_OF_TYPE_ARGUMENTS', 16, "The type '%s' is declared with %d type parameters, but %d type arguments were given");
final String __name;
final int __ordinal;
int get ordinal => __ordinal;
* The message template used to create the message to be displayed for this error.
String _message;
* Initialize a newly created error code to have the given type and message.
* @param message the message template used to create the message to be displayed for the error
StaticTypeWarningCode(this.__name, this.__ordinal, String message) {
this._message = message;
ErrorSeverity get errorSeverity => ErrorType.STATIC_TYPE_WARNING.severity;
String get message => _message;
ErrorType get type => ErrorType.STATIC_TYPE_WARNING;
bool needsRecompilation() => true;
int compareTo(StaticTypeWarningCode other) => __ordinal - other.__ordinal;
String toString() => __name;