blob: f2caa9e627d2ff68033af10773c7a9c544b3ba09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_HASH_MAP_H_
#define VM_HASH_MAP_H_
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
template <typename KeyValueTrait>
class DirectChainedHashMap: public ValueObject {
DirectChainedHashMap() : array_size_(0),
free_list_head_(kNil) {
DirectChainedHashMap(const DirectChainedHashMap& other);
void Insert(typename KeyValueTrait::Pair kv);
typename KeyValueTrait::Value Lookup(typename KeyValueTrait::Key key) const;
bool IsEmpty() const { return count_ == 0; }
void Clear() {
if (!IsEmpty()) {
count_ = 0;
InitArray(array_, array_size_);
InitArray(lists_, lists_size_);
lists_[0].next = kNil;
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < lists_size_; ++i) {
lists_[i].next = i - 1;
free_list_head_ = lists_size_ - 1;
// A linked list of T values. Stored in arrays.
struct HashMapListElement {
HashMapListElement() : kv(), next(kNil) { }
typename KeyValueTrait::Pair kv;
intptr_t next; // Index in the array of the next list element.
static const intptr_t kNil = -1; // The end of a linked list
static void InitArray(HashMapListElement* array, intptr_t size) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
array[i] = HashMapListElement();
// Must be a power of 2.
static const intptr_t kInitialSize = 16;
void Resize(intptr_t new_size);
void ResizeLists(intptr_t new_size);
uword Bound(uword value) const { return value & (array_size_ - 1); }
intptr_t array_size_;
intptr_t lists_size_;
intptr_t count_; // The number of values stored in the HashMap.
HashMapListElement* array_; // Primary store - contains the first value
// with a given hash. Colliding elements are stored in linked lists.
HashMapListElement* lists_; // The linked lists containing hash collisions.
intptr_t free_list_head_; // Unused elements in lists_ are on the free list.
template <typename KeyValueTrait>
typename KeyValueTrait::Value
Lookup(typename KeyValueTrait::Key key) const {
const typename KeyValueTrait::Value kNoValue =
KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(typename KeyValueTrait::Pair());
uword hash = static_cast<uword>(KeyValueTrait::Hashcode(key));
uword pos = Bound(hash);
if (KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(array_[pos].kv) != kNoValue) {
if (KeyValueTrait::IsKeyEqual(array_[pos].kv, key)) {
return KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(array_[pos].kv);
intptr_t next = array_[pos].next;
while (next != kNil) {
if (KeyValueTrait::IsKeyEqual(lists_[next].kv, key)) {
return KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(lists_[next].kv);
next = lists_[next].next;
return kNoValue;
template <typename KeyValueTrait>
DirectChainedHashMap(const DirectChainedHashMap& other)
: ValueObject(),
free_list_head_(other.free_list_head_) {
memmove(array_, other.array_, array_size_ * sizeof(HashMapListElement));
memmove(lists_, other.lists_, lists_size_ * sizeof(HashMapListElement));
template <typename KeyValueTrait>
void DirectChainedHashMap<KeyValueTrait>::Resize(intptr_t new_size) {
const typename KeyValueTrait::Value kNoValue =
KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(typename KeyValueTrait::Pair());
ASSERT(new_size > count_);
// Hashing the values into the new array has no more collisions than in the
// old hash map, so we can use the existing lists_ array, if we are careful.
// Make sure we have at least one free element.
if (free_list_head_ == kNil) {
ResizeLists(lists_size_ << 1);
HashMapListElement* new_array =
InitArray(new_array, new_size);
HashMapListElement* old_array = array_;
intptr_t old_size = array_size_;
intptr_t old_count = count_;
count_ = 0;
array_size_ = new_size;
array_ = new_array;
if (old_array != NULL) {
// Iterate over all the elements in lists, rehashing them.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < old_size; ++i) {
if (KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(old_array[i].kv) != kNoValue) {
intptr_t current = old_array[i].next;
while (current != kNil) {
intptr_t next = lists_[current].next;
lists_[current].next = free_list_head_;
free_list_head_ = current;
current = next;
// Rehash the directly stored value.
ASSERT(count_ == old_count);
template <typename T>
void DirectChainedHashMap<T>::ResizeLists(intptr_t new_size) {
ASSERT(new_size > lists_size_);
HashMapListElement* new_lists =
InitArray(new_lists, new_size);
HashMapListElement* old_lists = lists_;
intptr_t old_size = lists_size_;
lists_size_ = new_size;
lists_ = new_lists;
if (old_lists != NULL) {
memmove(lists_, old_lists, old_size * sizeof(HashMapListElement));
for (intptr_t i = old_size; i < lists_size_; ++i) {
lists_[i].next = free_list_head_;
free_list_head_ = i;
template <typename KeyValueTrait>
void DirectChainedHashMap<KeyValueTrait>::
Insert(typename KeyValueTrait::Pair kv) {
const typename KeyValueTrait::Value kNoValue =
KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(typename KeyValueTrait::Pair());
ASSERT(KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(kv) != kNoValue);
// Resizing when half of the hashtable is filled up.
if (count_ >= array_size_ >> 1) Resize(array_size_ << 1);
ASSERT(count_ < array_size_);
uword pos = Bound(
if (KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(array_[pos].kv) == kNoValue) {
array_[pos].kv = kv;
array_[pos].next = kNil;
} else {
if (free_list_head_ == kNil) {
ResizeLists(lists_size_ << 1);
intptr_t new_element_pos = free_list_head_;
ASSERT(new_element_pos != kNil);
free_list_head_ = lists_[free_list_head_].next;
lists_[new_element_pos].kv = kv;
lists_[new_element_pos].next = array_[pos].next;
ASSERT(array_[pos].next == kNil ||
KeyValueTrait::ValueOf(lists_[array_[pos].next].kv) != kNoValue);
array_[pos].next = new_element_pos;
template<typename T>
class PointerKeyValueTrait {
typedef T* Value;
typedef T* Key;
typedef T* Pair;
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) {
return kv;
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) {
return kv;
static inline intptr_t Hashcode(Key key) {
return key->Hashcode();
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) {
return kv->Equals(key);
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_HASH_MAP_H_