blob: 7b17591d2a88d84b737ea645700829f31d4c60bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library server.performance.local;
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'benchmark_scenario.dart';
main(List<String> args) async {
String pathRepository = args[0];
String pathServer = '$pathRepository/pkg/analysis_server';
String pathAnalyzer = '$pathRepository/pkg/analyzer';
String now = new;
print('Benchmark started: $now');
String id = 'local-initialAnalysis-1';
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'analyzer' analysis root.
2. Measure the time to finish initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> times = await BenchmarkScenario
roots: [pathAnalyzer], numOfRepeats: 3);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-initialAnalysis-2';
String description = r'''
1. Start server, set 'analyzer' and 'analysis_server' analysis roots.
2. Measure the time to finish initial analysis.
3. Shutdown the server.
4. Go to (1).
List<int> times = await BenchmarkScenario
roots: [pathAnalyzer, pathServer], numOfRepeats: 3);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-change-1';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analyzer'.
2. Change a method body in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Measure the time to finish analysis.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario().waitAnalyze_change_analyze(
roots: [pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'if (hasDirectiveChange) {', insertStr: 'print(12345);'),
numOfRepeats: 10);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-change-2';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analyzer'.
2. Change the name of a public method in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Measure the time to finish analysis.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario().waitAnalyze_change_analyze(
roots: [pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'resolveDirective(An',
afterStrBack: 3,
insertStr: 'NewName'),
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-completion-1';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analyzer'.
2. Change a method body in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'if (hasDirectiveChange) {',
insertStr: 'print(12345);'),
completeAfterStr: 'print(12345);',
numOfRepeats: 10);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-completion-2';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analyzer'.
2. Change the name of a public method in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'DeltaResult validate(In',
afterStrBack: 3,
insertStr: 'NewName'),
completeAfterStr: 'if (hasDirectiveChange) {',
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-completion-3';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analysis_server' and 'analyzer'.
2. Change a method body in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [pathServer, pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'if (hasDirectiveChange) {',
insertStr: 'print(12345);'),
completeAfterStr: 'print(12345);',
numOfRepeats: 10);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-completion-4';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analysis_server' and 'analyzer'.
2. Change the name of a public method in src/task/dart.dart.
3. Request code completion in this method and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [pathServer, pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/task/dart.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'DeltaResult validate(In',
afterStrBack: 3,
insertStr: 'NewName'),
completeAfterStr: 'if (hasDirectiveChange) {',
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);
String id = 'local-refactoring-1';
String description = r'''
1. Open 'analyzer'.
2. Change the name of a public method in src/context/cache.dart.
3. Request rename refactoring for `getSourcesWithFullName` and measure time to get results.
4. Rollback changes to the file and wait for analysis.
5. Go to (2).
List<int> times = await new BenchmarkScenario()
roots: [pathAnalyzer],
file: '$pathAnalyzer/lib/src/context/cache.dart',
fileChange: new FileChange(
afterStr: 'getState(An', afterStrBack: 3, insertStr: 'NewName'),
refactoringAtStr: 'getSourcesWithFullName(String path)',
refactoringKind: RefactoringKind.RENAME,
refactoringOptions: new RenameOptions('getSourcesWithFullName2'),
numOfRepeats: 5);
printBenchmarkResults(id, description, times);