blob: bdfefed40cfe8a3fceb2e7838fe1be730629f40e [file] [log] [blame]
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue53170.dart:5:38: Error: The implemented interface 'String' must be a supertype of the representation type 'num' of extension type 'S1'.
// Try changing the interface type to a supertype of 'num' or the representation type to a subtype of 'String'.
// extension type S1(num id) implements String /* Error */ {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue53170.dart:11:41: Error: The representation type 'String' of extension type 'V2' must be a subtype of the representation type 'num' of the implemented extension type 'V1'.
// Try changing the representation type to a subtype of 'num'.
// extension type V2(String id) implements V1 /* Error */ {}
// ^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extension_types/issue53170.dart:17:41: Error: The representation type 'String' of extension type 'W2' must be a subtype of the representation type 'num' of the implemented extension type 'W1<num>'.
// Try changing the representation type to a subtype of 'num'.
// extension type W2(String id) implements W1<num> /* Error */ {}
// ^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
extension type S1(core::num id) implements core::String {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::num;
constructor = self::S1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::S1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type S2(core::int id) implements core::num {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::int;
constructor = self::S2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::S2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type V1(core::num id) {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::num;
constructor = self::V1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::V1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type V2(core::String id) implements self::V1 /* = core::num */ {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::String;
constructor = self::V2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::V2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type V3(core::int id) implements self::V1 /* = core::num */ {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::int;
constructor = self::V3|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::V3|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type W1<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(T% id) {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() T%;
constructor = self::W1|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type W2(core::String id) implements self::W1<core::num> /* = core::num */ {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::String;
constructor = self::W2|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::W2|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
extension type W3(core::int id) implements self::W1<core::num> /* = core::num */ {
abstract inline-class-member representation-field get id() core::int;
constructor = self::W3|constructor#;
constructor tearoff = self::W3|constructor#_#new#tearOff;
static inline-class-member method S1|constructor#(core::num id) → self::S1 /* = core::num */ {
lowered final self::S1 /* = core::num */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method S1|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::num id) → self::S1 /* = core::num */
return self::S1|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method S2|constructor#(core::int id) → self::S2 /* = core::int */ {
lowered final self::S2 /* = core::int */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method S2|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::S2 /* = core::int */
return self::S2|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method V1|constructor#(core::num id) → self::V1 /* = core::num */ {
lowered final self::V1 /* = core::num */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method V1|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::num id) → self::V1 /* = core::num */
return self::V1|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method V2|constructor#(core::String id) → self::V2 /* = core::String */ {
lowered final self::V2 /* = core::String */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method V2|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::String id) → self::V2 /* = core::String */
return self::V2|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method V3|constructor#(core::int id) → self::V3 /* = core::int */ {
lowered final self::V3 /* = core::int */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method V3|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::V3 /* = core::int */
return self::V3|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method W1|constructor#<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::W1|constructor#::T% id) → self::W1<self::W1|constructor#::T%> /* = self::W1|constructor#::T% */ {
lowered final self::W1<self::W1|constructor#::T%> /* = self::W1|constructor#::T% */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff<T extends core::Object? = dynamic>(self::W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T% id) → self::W1<self::W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T%>% /* = self::W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T% */
return self::W1|constructor#<self::W1|constructor#_#new#tearOff::T%>(id);
static inline-class-member method W2|constructor#(core::String id) → self::W2 /* = core::String */ {
lowered final self::W2 /* = core::String */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method W2|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::String id) → self::W2 /* = core::String */
return self::W2|constructor#(id);
static inline-class-member method W3|constructor#(core::int id) → self::W3 /* = core::int */ {
lowered final self::W3 /* = core::int */ #this = id;
return #this;
static inline-class-member method W3|constructor#_#new#tearOff(core::int id) → self::W3 /* = core::int */
return self::W3|constructor#(id);