blob: beb70250cec7051e6da5aea266cff35a827f1508 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/plugin/edit/fix/fix_core.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/change_workspace.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/lint_codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/change_builder/change_workspace.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/fixes/fixes.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
/// A base class defining support for writing fix processor tests that are
/// specific to fixes associated with lints that use the FixKind.
abstract class FixProcessorLintTest extends FixProcessorTest {
/// Return the lint code being tested.
String get lintCode;
/// Find the error that is to be fixed by computing the errors in the file,
/// using the [errorFilter] to filter out errors that should be ignored, and
/// expecting that there is a single remaining error. The error filter should
/// return `true` if the error should not be ignored.
Future<AnalysisError> _findErrorToFix(
bool Function(AnalysisError) errorFilter,
{int length}) async {
int index = testCode.indexOf('/*LINT*/');
if (index < 0) {
fail('Missing "/*LINT*/" marker');
return new AnalysisError(testSource, index + '/*LINT*/'.length, length ?? 0,
new LintCode(lintCode, '<ignored>'));
/// A base class defining support for writing fix processor tests.
abstract class FixProcessorTest extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
/// The errors in the file for which fixes are being computed.
List<AnalysisError> _errors;
/// The source change associated with the fix that was found, or `null` if
/// neither [assertHasFix] nor [assertHasFixAllFix] has been invoked.
SourceChange change;
/// The result of applying the [change] to the file content, or `null` if
/// neither [assertHasFix] nor [assertHasFixAllFix] has been invoked.
String resultCode;
/// Return the kind of fixes being tested by this test class.
FixKind get kind;
/// The workspace in which fixes contributor operates.
ChangeWorkspace get workspace {
return DartChangeWorkspace([session]);
Future<void> assertHasFix(String expected,
{bool Function(AnalysisError) errorFilter,
int length,
String target,
int expectedNumberOfFixesForKind,
String matchFixMessage}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix(errorFilter, length: length);
Fix fix = await _assertHasFix(error,
expectedNumberOfFixesForKind: expectedNumberOfFixesForKind,
matchFixMessage: matchFixMessage);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
String fileContent = testCode;
if (target != null) {
expect(fileEdits.first.file, convertPath(target));
fileContent = getFile(target).readAsStringSync();
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(fileContent, change.edits[0].edits);
expect(resultCode, expected);
assertHasFixAllFix(ErrorCode errorCode, String expected,
{String target}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFixOfType(errorCode);
Fix fix = await _assertHasFixAllFix(error);
change = fix.change;
// apply to "file"
List<SourceFileEdit> fileEdits = change.edits;
expect(fileEdits, hasLength(1));
String fileContent = testCode;
if (target != null) {
expect(fileEdits.first.file, convertPath(target));
fileContent = getFile(target).readAsStringSync();
resultCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(fileContent, change.edits[0].edits);
expect(resultCode, expected);
Future<void> assertHasFixWithoutApplying(
{bool Function(AnalysisError) errorFilter}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix(errorFilter);
Fix fix = await _assertHasFix(error);
change = fix.change;
void assertLinkedGroup(LinkedEditGroup group, List<String> expectedStrings,
[List<LinkedEditSuggestion> expectedSuggestions]) {
List<Position> expectedPositions = _findResultPositions(expectedStrings);
expect(group.positions, unorderedEquals(expectedPositions));
if (expectedSuggestions != null) {
expect(group.suggestions, unorderedEquals(expectedSuggestions));
/// Compute fixes for all of the errors in the test file to effectively assert
/// that no exceptions will be thrown by doing so.
Future<void> assertNoExceptions() async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
for (var error in errors) {
await _computeFixes(error);
/// Compute fixes and ensure that there is no fix of the [kind] being tested by
/// this class.
Future<void> assertNoFix({bool Function(AnalysisError) errorFilter}) async {
AnalysisError error = await _findErrorToFix(errorFilter);
await _assertNoFix(error);
List<LinkedEditSuggestion> expectedSuggestions(
LinkedEditSuggestionKind kind, List<String> values) {
return {
return new LinkedEditSuggestion(value, kind);
void setUp() {
verifyNoTestUnitErrors = false;
/// Computes fixes and verifies that there is a fix for the given [error] of the appropriate kind.
/// Optionally, if a [matchFixMessage] is passed, then the kind as well as the fix message must
/// match to be returned.
Future<Fix> _assertHasFix(AnalysisError error,
{int expectedNumberOfFixesForKind, String matchFixMessage}) async {
// Compute the fixes for this AnalysisError
final List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
if (expectedNumberOfFixesForKind != null) {
int actualNumberOfFixesForKind = 0;
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.kind == kind) {
if (actualNumberOfFixesForKind != expectedNumberOfFixesForKind) {
"Expected $expectedNumberOfFixesForKind fixes of kind $kind, but found $actualNumberOfFixesForKind:\n${fixes.join('\n')}");
// If a matchFixMessage was provided,
if (matchFixMessage != null) {
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (matchFixMessage == fix?.change?.message) {
return fix;
'Expected to find fix $kind with name $matchFixMessage in\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
// Assert that none of the fixes are a fix-all fix.
Fix foundFix = null;
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.isFixAllFix()) {
fail('A fix-all fix was found for the error: $error '
'in the computed set of fixes:\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
} else if (fix.kind == kind) {
foundFix ??= fix;
if (foundFix == null) {
fail('Expected to find fix $kind in\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
return foundFix;
/// Computes fixes and verifies that there is a fix for the given [error] of
/// the appropriate kind.
Future<Fix> _assertHasFixAllFix(AnalysisError error) async {
if (!kind.canBeAppliedTogether()) {
fail('Expected to find and return fix-all FixKind for $kind, '
'but kind.canBeAppliedTogether is ${kind.canBeAppliedTogether}');
// Compute the fixes for the error.
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
// Assert that there exists such a fix in the list.
Fix foundFix = null;
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.kind == kind && fix.isFixAllFix()) {
foundFix = fix;
if (foundFix == null) {
fail('No fix-all fix was found for the error: $error '
'in the computed set of fixes:\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
return foundFix;
Future<void> _assertNoFix(AnalysisError error) async {
List<Fix> fixes = await _computeFixes(error);
for (Fix fix in fixes) {
if (fix.kind == kind) {
fail('Unexpected fix $kind in\n${fixes.join('\n')}');
Future<List<AnalysisError>> _computeErrors() async {
if (_errors == null) {
if (testAnalysisResult != null) {
_errors = testAnalysisResult.errors;
if (_errors == null) {
var result = await session.getResolvedUnit(testFile);
_errors = result.errors;
return _errors;
/// Computes fixes for the given [error] in [testUnit].
Future<List<Fix>> _computeFixes(AnalysisError error) async {
var context = new DartFixContextImpl(workspace, testAnalysisResult, error);
return await new DartFixContributor().computeFixes(context);
/// Find the error that is to be fixed by computing the errors in the file,
/// using the [errorFilter] to filter out errors that should be ignored, and
/// expecting that there is a single remaining error. The error filter should
/// return `true` if the error should not be ignored.
Future<AnalysisError> _findErrorToFix(
bool Function(AnalysisError) errorFilter,
{int length}) async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
if (errorFilter != null) {
if (errors.length == 1) {
fail('Unnecessary error filter');
errors = errors.where(errorFilter).toList();
if (errors.length == 0) {
fail('Expected one error, found: none');
} else if (errors.length > 1) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('Expected one error, found:');
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
buffer.writeln(' $error [${error.errorCode}]');
return errors[0];
Future<AnalysisError> _findErrorToFixOfType(ErrorCode errorCode) async {
List<AnalysisError> errors = await _computeErrors();
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
if (error.errorCode == errorCode) {
return error;
return null;
List<Position> _findResultPositions(List<String> searchStrings) {
List<Position> positions = <Position>[];
for (String search in searchStrings) {
int offset = resultCode.indexOf(search);
positions.add(new Position(testFile, offset));
return positions;