blob: 5caae778c3c0a16648bfa88ae63d68b552bb3335 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/assist.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/assist/assist.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'assist_processor.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ConvertToIfElementTest extends AssistProcessorTest {
AssistKind get kind => DartAssistKind.CONVERT_TO_IF_ELEMENT;
void setUp() {
experiments: [EnableString.control_flow_collections]);
test_conditional_list() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd', 'e'];
await assertHasAssist('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', if (b) 'c' else 'd', 'e'];
test_conditional_list_caret_at_start_of_expression() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', /*caret*/b ? 'c' : 'd', 'e'];
await assertHasAssist('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', if (b) 'c' else 'd', 'e'];
test_conditional_list_withParentheses() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', (b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd'), 'e'];
await assertHasAssist('''
f(bool b) {
return ['a', if (b) 'c' else 'd', 'e'];
test_conditional_map() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return {'a' : 1, b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd' : 2, 'e' : 3};
await assertNoAssist();
test_conditional_notConditional() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return {'/*caret*/a', b ? 'c' : 'd', 'e'};
await assertNoAssist();
test_conditional_notInLiteral() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd';
await assertNoAssist();
test_conditional_set() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return {'a', b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd', 'e'};
await assertHasAssist('''
f(bool b) {
return {'a', if (b) 'c' else 'd', 'e'};
test_conditional_set_withParentheses() async {
await resolveTestUnit('''
f(bool b) {
return {'a', ((b /*caret*/? 'c' : 'd')), 'e'};
await assertHasAssist('''
f(bool b) {
return {'a', if (b) 'c' else 'd', 'e'};