blob: 59c4686dfe88c8fc366f53f7a6d3714cf403d181 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_outline.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/utilities/flutter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
/// Computer for Flutter specific outlines.
class FlutterOutlineComputer {
static const CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = 'forDesignTime';
/// Code to append to the instrumented library code.
static const RENDER_APPEND = r'''
final flutterDesignerWidgets = <int, Widget>{};
T _registerWidgetInstance<T extends Widget>(int id, T widget) {
flutterDesignerWidgets[id] = widget;
return widget;
final ResolvedUnitResult resolvedUnit;
Flutter flutter;
final List<protocol.FlutterOutline> _depthFirstOrder = [];
int nextWidgetId = 0;
/// This map is filled with information about widget classes that can be
/// rendered. Its keys are class name offsets.
final Map<int, _WidgetClass> widgets = {};
final List<protocol.SourceEdit> instrumentationEdits = [];
String instrumentedCode;
protocol.FlutterOutline compute() {
protocol.Outline dartOutline = new DartUnitOutlineComputer(
withBasicFlutter: false,
flutter = Flutter.of(resolvedUnit.session);
// Find widget classes.
// IDEA plugin only supports rendering widgets in libraries.
var unitElement = resolvedUnit.unit.declaredElement;
if (unitElement.source == unitElement.librarySource) {
// Convert Dart outlines into Flutter outlines.
var flutterDartOutline = _convert(dartOutline);
// Create outlines for widgets.
resolvedUnit.unit.accept(new _FlutterOutlineBuilder(this));
// Compute instrumented code.
if (widgets.values.any((w) => w.hasDesignTimeConstructor)) {
instrumentationEdits.sort((a, b) => b.offset - a.offset);
instrumentedCode = SourceEdit.applySequence(
instrumentedCode += RENDER_APPEND;
return flutterDartOutline;
/// If the given [argument] for the [parameter] can be represented as a
/// Flutter attribute, add it to the [attributes].
void _addAttribute(List<protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute> attributes,
Expression argument, ParameterElement parameter) {
if (parameter == null) {
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
argument = (argument as NamedExpression).expression;
String name = parameter.displayName;
var label = resolvedUnit.content.substring(argument.offset, argument.end);
if (label.contains('\n')) {
label = '…';
if (argument is BooleanLiteral) {
attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
literalValueBoolean: argument.value));
} else if (argument is IntegerLiteral) {
attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
literalValueInteger: argument.value));
} else if (argument is StringLiteral) {
attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label,
literalValueString: argument.stringValue));
} else {
if (argument is FunctionExpression) {
bool hasParameters = argument.parameters != null &&
if (argument.body is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
label = hasParameters ? '(…) => …' : '() => …';
} else {
label = hasParameters ? '(…) { … }' : '() { … }';
} else if (argument is ListLiteral) {
label = '[…]';
} else if (argument is SetOrMapLiteral) {
label = '{…}';
attributes.add(new protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute(name, label));
int _addInstrumentationEdits(Expression expression) {
int id = nextWidgetId++;
instrumentationEdits.add(new protocol.SourceEdit(
expression.offset, 0, '_registerWidgetInstance($id, '));
instrumentationEdits.add(new protocol.SourceEdit(expression.end, 0, ')'));
return id;
protocol.FlutterOutline _convert(protocol.Outline dartOutline) {
protocol.FlutterOutline flutterOutline = new protocol.FlutterOutline(
dartElement: dartOutline.element);
if (dartOutline.children != null) {
flutterOutline.children =;
// Fill rendering information for widget classes.
if (dartOutline.element.kind == protocol.ElementKind.CLASS) {
var widget = widgets[dartOutline.element.location.offset];
if (widget != null) {
flutterOutline.isWidgetClass = true;
if (widget.hasDesignTimeConstructor) {
flutterOutline.renderConstructor = CONSTRUCTOR_NAME;
flutterOutline.stateClassName = widget.state?.name?.name;
flutterOutline.stateOffset = widget.state?.offset;
flutterOutline.stateLength = widget.state?.length;
return flutterOutline;
/// If the [node] is a supported Flutter widget creation, create a new
/// outline item for it. If the node is not a widget creation, but its type
/// is a Flutter Widget class subtype, and [withGeneric] is `true`, return
/// a widget reference outline item.
protocol.FlutterOutline _createOutline(Expression node, bool withGeneric) {
DartType type = node.staticType;
if (!flutter.isWidgetType(type)) {
return null;
String className = type.element.displayName;
if (node is InstanceCreationExpression) {
int id = _addInstrumentationEdits(node);
var attributes = <protocol.FlutterOutlineAttribute>[];
var children = <protocol.FlutterOutline>[];
for (var argument in node.argumentList.arguments) {
bool isWidgetArgument = flutter.isWidgetType(argument.staticType);
bool isWidgetListArgument =
String parentAssociationLabel;
Expression childrenExpression;
if (argument is NamedExpression) {
parentAssociationLabel =;
childrenExpression = argument.expression;
} else {
childrenExpression = argument;
if (isWidgetArgument) {
var child = _createOutline(childrenExpression, true);
if (child != null) {
child.parentAssociationLabel = parentAssociationLabel;
} else if (isWidgetListArgument) {
if (childrenExpression is ListLiteral) {
for (var element in childrenExpression.elements) {
var child = _createOutline(element, true);
if (child != null) {
} else {
ParameterElement parameter = argument.staticParameterElement;
_addAttribute(attributes, argument, parameter);
return new protocol.FlutterOutline(
className: className,
attributes: attributes,
children: children,
id: id);
// A generic Widget typed expression.
if (withGeneric) {
var kind = protocol.FlutterOutlineKind.GENERIC;
String variableName;
if (node is SimpleIdentifier) {
kind = protocol.FlutterOutlineKind.VARIABLE;
variableName =;
String label;
if (kind == protocol.FlutterOutlineKind.GENERIC) {
label = _getShortLabel(node);
int id = _addInstrumentationEdits(node);
return new protocol.FlutterOutline(
kind, node.offset, node.length, node.offset, node.length,
className: className,
variableName: variableName,
label: label,
id: id);
return null;
/// Return the `State` declaration for the given `StatefulWidget` declaration.
/// Return `null` if cannot be found.
ClassDeclaration _findState(ClassDeclaration widget) {
MethodDeclaration createStateMethod = widget.members.firstWhere(
(method) =>
method is MethodDeclaration && == 'createState' &&
method.body != null,
orElse: () => null);
if (createStateMethod == null) {
return null;
DartType stateType;
FunctionBody buildBody = createStateMethod.body;
if (buildBody is ExpressionFunctionBody) {
stateType = buildBody.expression.staticType;
} else if (buildBody is BlockFunctionBody) {
List<Statement> statements = buildBody.block.statements;
if (statements.isNotEmpty) {
Statement lastStatement = statements.last;
if (lastStatement is ReturnStatement) {
stateType = lastStatement.expression?.staticType;
if (stateType == null) {
return null;
ClassElement stateElement;
if (stateType is InterfaceType && flutter.isState(stateType.element)) {
stateElement = stateType.element;
} else {
return null;
for (var stateNode in resolvedUnit.unit.declarations) {
if (stateNode is ClassDeclaration &&
stateNode.declaredElement == stateElement) {
return stateNode;
return null;
/// Fill [widgets] with information about classes that can be rendered.
void _findWidgets() {
for (var widget in resolvedUnit.unit.declarations) {
if (widget is ClassDeclaration) {
int nameOffset =;
var designTimeConstructor = widget.getConstructor(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
bool hasDesignTimeConstructor = designTimeConstructor != null;
InterfaceType superType = widget.declaredElement.supertype;
if (flutter.isExactlyStatelessWidgetType(superType)) {
widgets[nameOffset] =
new _WidgetClass(nameOffset, hasDesignTimeConstructor);
} else if (flutter.isExactlyStatefulWidgetType(superType)) {
ClassDeclaration state = _findState(widget);
if (state != null) {
widgets[nameOffset] =
new _WidgetClass(nameOffset, hasDesignTimeConstructor, state);
String _getShortLabel(AstNode node) {
if (node is MethodInvocation) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if ( != null) {
if (node.argumentList == null || node.argumentList.arguments.isEmpty) {
} else {
return buffer.toString();
return node.toString();
/// The instrumented code is put into a temporary directory for Dart VM to
/// run. So, any relative URIs must be changed to corresponding absolute URIs.
void _rewriteRelativeDirectives() {
for (var directive in resolvedUnit.unit.directives) {
if (directive is UriBasedDirective) {
String uriContent = directive.uriContent;
Source source = directive.uriSource;
if (uriContent != null && source != null) {
try {
if (!Uri.parse(uriContent).isAbsolute) {
instrumentationEdits.add(new SourceEdit(directive.uri.offset,
directive.uri.length, "'${source.uri}'"));
} on FormatException {}
class _FlutterOutlineBuilder extends GeneralizingAstVisitor<void> {
final FlutterOutlineComputer computer;
void visitExpression(Expression node) {
var outline = computer._createOutline(node, false);
if (outline != null) {
for (var parent in computer._depthFirstOrder) {
if (parent.offset < outline.offset &&
outline.offset + outline.length < parent.offset + parent.length) {
parent.children ??= <protocol.FlutterOutline>[];
} else {
/// Information about a Widget class that can be rendered.
class _WidgetClass {
final int nameOffset;
/// Is `true` if has `forDesignTime` constructor, so can be rendered.
final bool hasDesignTimeConstructor;
/// If a `StatefulWidget` with the `State` in the same file.
final ClassDeclaration state;
_WidgetClass(this.nameOffset, this.hasDesignTimeConstructor, [this.state]);