blob: 0dbef795839cd899d26a9e453ed706a11ab32eae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Unit tests for markdown.
// TODO(rnystrom): Use "package:" URL (#4968).
// TODO(rnystrom): Better path to unittest.
/// Most of these tests are based on observing how showdown behaves:
void main() {
group('Paragraphs', () {
validate('consecutive lines form a single paragraph', '''
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
''', '''
<p>This is the first line.
This is the second line.</p>
// TODO(rnystrom): The rules here for what happens to lines following a
// paragraph appear to be completely arbitrary in markdown. If it makes the
// code significantly cleaner, we should consider ourselves free to change
// these tests.
validate('are terminated by a header', '''
# header
''', '''
validate('are terminated by a setext header', '''
''', '''
validate('are terminated by a hr', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('consume an unordered list', '''
* list
''', '''
* list</p>
validate('consume an ordered list', '''
1. list
''', '''
1. list</p>
group('Setext headers', () {
validate('h1', '''
''', '''
validate('h2', '''
''', '''
validate('h1 on first line becomes text', '''
''', '''
validate('h2 on first line becomes text', '''
''', '''
validate('h1 turns preceding list into text', '''
- list
''', '''
<h1>- list</h1>
validate('h2 turns preceding list into text', '''
- list
''', '''
<h1>- list</h1>
validate('h1 turns preceding blockquote into text', '''
> quote
''', '''
<h1>> quote</h1>
validate('h2 turns preceding blockquote into text', '''
> quote
''', '''
<h1>> quote</h1>
group('Headers', () {
validate('h1', '''
# header
''', '''
validate('h2', '''
## header
''', '''
validate('h3', '''
### header
''', '''
validate('h4', '''
#### header
''', '''
validate('h5', '''
##### header
''', '''
validate('h6', '''
###### header
''', '''
validate('trailing "#" are removed', '''
# header ######
''', '''
group('Unordered lists', () {
validate('asterisk, plus and hyphen', '''
* star
- dash
+ plus
''', '''
validate('allow numbered lines after first', '''
* a
1. b
''', '''
validate('allow a tab after the marker', '''
''', '''
validate('wrap items in paragraphs if blank lines separate', '''
* one
* two
''', '''
validate('force paragraph on item before and after blank lines', '''
* one
* two
* three
''', '''
validate('do not force paragraph if item is already block', '''
* > quote
* # header
''', '''
validate('can contain multiple paragraphs', '''
* one
* three
''', '''
// TODO(rnystrom): This is how most other markdown parsers handle
// this but that seems like a nasty special case. For now, let's not
// worry about it.
validate('can nest using indentation', '''
* parent
* child
''', '''
group('Ordered lists', () {
validate('start with numbers', '''
1. one
45. two
12345. three
''', '''
validate('allow unordered lines after first', '''
1. a
* b
''', '''
group('Blockquotes', () {
validate('single line', '''
> blah
''', '''
validate('with two paragraphs', '''
> first
> second
''', '''
validate('nested', '''
> one
>> two
> > > three
''', '''
group('Code blocks', () {
validate('single line', '''
''', '''
validate('include leading whitespace after indentation', '''
''', '''
validate('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
group('Horizontal rules', () {
validate('from dashes', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('from asterisks', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('from underscores', '''
''', '''
<hr />
validate('can include up to two spaces', '''
_ _ _
''', '''
<hr />
group('Block-level HTML', () {
validate('single line', '''
''', '''
validate('multi-line', '''
''', '''
validate('blank line ends block', '''
''', '''
validate('HTML can be bogus', '''
''', '''
group('Strong', () {
validate('using asterisks', '''
before **strong** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('using underscores', '''
before __strong__ after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('unmatched asterisks', '''
before ** after
''', '''
<p>before ** after</p>
validate('unmatched underscores', '''
before __ after
''', '''
<p>before __ after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a **one** b __two__ c
''', '''
<p>a <strong>one</strong> b <strong>two</strong> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before **first
second** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>first
second</strong> after</p>
group('Emphasis and strong', () {
validate('single asterisks', '''
before *em* after
''', '''
<p>before <em>em</em> after</p>
validate('single underscores', '''
before _em_ after
''', '''
<p>before <em>em</em> after</p>
validate('double asterisks', '''
before **strong** after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('double underscores', '''
before __strong__ after
''', '''
<p>before <strong>strong</strong> after</p>
validate('unmatched asterisk', '''
before *after
''', '''
<p>before *after</p>
validate('unmatched underscore', '''
before _after
''', '''
<p>before _after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a *one* b _two_ c
''', '''
<p>a <em>one</em> b <em>two</em> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before *first
second* after
''', '''
<p>before <em>first
second</em> after</p>
validate('not processed when surrounded by spaces', '''
a * b * c _ d _ e
''', '''
<p>a * b * c _ d _ e</p>
validate('strong then emphasis', '''
''', '''
validate('emphasis then strong', '''
''', '''
validate('emphasis inside strong', '''
**strong *em***
''', '''
<p><strong>strong <em>em</em></strong></p>
validate('mismatched in nested', '''
*a _b* c_
''', '''
<p><em>a _b</em> c_</p>
validate('cannot nest tags of same type', '''
*a _b *c* d_ e*
''', '''
<p><em>a _b </em>c<em> d_ e</em></p>
group('Inline code', () {
validate('simple case', '''
before `source` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>source</code> after</p>
validate('unmatched backtick', '''
before ` after
''', '''
<p>before ` after</p>
validate('multiple spans in one text', '''
a `one` b `two` c
''', '''
<p>a <code>one</code> b <code>two</code> c</p>
validate('multi-line', '''
before `first
second` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>first
second</code> after</p>
validate('double backticks', '''
before ``can `contain` backticks`` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>can `contain` backticks</code> after</p>
validate('double backticks with spaces', '''
before `` `tick` `` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>`tick`</code> after</p>
validate('multiline double backticks with spaces', '''
before ``in `tick`
another`` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>in `tick`
another</code> after</p>
validate('ignore markup inside code', '''
before `*b* _c_` after
''', '''
<p>before <code>*b* _c_</code> after</p>
validate('escape HTML characters', '''
''', '''
validate('escape HTML tags', '''
'*' `<em>`
''', '''
<p>'*' <code>&lt;em&gt;</code></p>
group('HTML encoding', () {
validate('less than and ampersand are escaped', '''
< &
''', '''
<p>&lt; &amp;</p>
validate('greater than is not escaped', '''
not you >
''', '''
<p>not you ></p>
validate('existing entities are untouched', '''
''', '''
group('Autolinks', () {
validate('basic link', '''
before <> after
''', '''
<p>before <a href=""></a> after</p>
validate('handles ampersand in url', '''
''', '''
<p><a href="">;b=2</a></p>
group('Reference links', () {
validate('double quotes for title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: "woo"
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('single quoted title', """
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: 'woo'
""", '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('parentheses for title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
[a]: (woo)
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('no title', '''
links [are] [a] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('unknown link becomes plaintext', '''
[not] [known]
''', '''
<p>[not] [known]</p>
validate('can style link contents', '''
links [*are*] [a] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href=""><em>are</em></a> awesome</p>
validate('inline styles after a bad link are processed', '''
[bad] `code`
''', '''
<p>[bad] <code>code</code></p>
validate('empty reference uses text from link', '''
links [are][] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('references are case-insensitive', '''
links [ARE][] awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">ARE</a> awesome</p>
group('Inline links', () {
validate('double quotes for title', '''
links [are]( "woo") awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="" title="woo">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('no title', '''
links [are] ( awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href="">are</a> awesome</p>
validate('can style link contents', '''
links [*are*]( awesome
''', '''
<p>links <a href=""><em>are</em></a> awesome</p>
* Removes eight spaces of leading indentation from a multiline string.
* Note that this is very sensitive to how the literals are styled. They should
* be:
* '''
* Text starts on own line. Lines up with subsequent lines.
* Lines are indented exactly 8 characters from the left margin.'''
* This does nothing if text is only a single line.
// TODO(nweiz): Make this auto-detect the indentation level from the first
// non-whitespace line.
String cleanUpLiteral(String text) {
var lines = text.split('\n');
if (lines.length <= 1) return text;
for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].length > 8) {
lines[j] = lines[j].substring(8, lines[j].length);
} else {
lines[j] = '';
return Strings.join(lines, '\n');
validate(String description, String markdown, String html) {
test(description, () {
markdown = cleanUpLiteral(markdown);
html = cleanUpLiteral(html);
var result = markdownToHtml(markdown);
var passed = compareOutput(html, result);
if (!passed) {
// Remove trailing newline.
html = html.substring(0, html.length - 1);
print('FAIL: $description');
print(' expect: ${html.replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}');
print(' actual: ${result.replaceAll("\n", "\n ")}');
expect(passed, isTrue);
/// Does a loose comparison of the two strings of HTML. Ignores differences in
/// newlines and indentation.
compareOutput(String a, String b) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
skipIgnored(String s, int i) {
// Ignore newlines.
while ((i < s.length) && (s[i] == '\n')) {
// Ignore indentation.
while ((i < s.length) && (s[i] == ' ')) i++;
return i;
while (true) {
i = skipIgnored(a, i);
j = skipIgnored(b, j);
// If one string runs out of non-ignored strings, the other must too.
if (i == a.length) return j == b.length;
if (j == b.length) return i == a.length;
if (a[i] != b[j]) return false;