blob: ec947a492f987084b444de326b83e6327e8fbff2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Library containing identifier, names, and selectors commonly used through
/// the compiler.
library dart2js.common.names;
import '../elements/names.dart' show Name, PublicName;
import '../universe/call_structure.dart' show CallStructure;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
/// [String]s commonly used.
class Identifiers {
/// The name of the call operator.
static const String call = 'call';
/// The name of the current element property used on iterators in for-each
/// loops.
static const String current = 'current';
/// The name of the from environment constructors on 'int', 'bool' and
/// 'String'.
static const String fromEnvironment = 'fromEnvironment';
/// The name of the iterator property used in for-each loops.
static const String iterator = 'iterator';
/// The name of the `loadLibrary` getter defined on deferred prefixes.
static const String loadLibrary = 'loadLibrary';
/// The name of the main method.
static const String main = 'main';
/// The name of the no such method handler on 'Object'.
static const String noSuchMethod_ = 'noSuchMethod';
/// The name of the runtime type property on 'Object'.
static const String runtimeType_ = 'runtimeType';
/// The name of the getter returning the size of containers and strings.
static const String length = 'length';
/// The name of the signature function in closure classes.
static const String signature = ':signature';
/// [Name]s commonly used.
class Names {
/// The name of the call operator.
static const Name call = const PublicName(;
/// The name of the current element property used on iterators in for-each
/// loops.
static const Name current = const PublicName(Identifiers.current);
/// The name of the dynamic type.
static const Name dynamic_ = const PublicName('dynamic');
/// The name of the iterator property used in for-each loops.
static const Name iterator = const PublicName(Identifiers.iterator);
/// The name of the move next method used on iterators in for-each loops.
static const Name moveNext = const PublicName('moveNext');
/// The name of the no such method handler on 'Object'.
static const Name noSuchMethod_ = const PublicName(Identifiers.noSuchMethod_);
/// The name of the to-string method on 'Object'.
static const Name toString_ = const PublicName('toString');
static const Name INDEX_NAME = const PublicName("[]");
static const Name INDEX_SET_NAME = const PublicName("[]=");
static const Name CALL_NAME =;
static const Name length = const PublicName(Identifiers.length);
static const Name runtimeType_ = const PublicName(Identifiers.runtimeType_);
static const Name genericInstantiation = const PublicName('instantiate');
/// The name of the signature function in closure classes.
static const Name signature = const PublicName(Identifiers.signature);
/// [Selector]s commonly used.
class Selectors {
/// The selector for calling the cancel method on 'StreamIterator'.
static final Selector cancel =
new PublicName('cancel'), CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
/// The selector for getting the current element property used in for-each
/// loops.
static final Selector current = new Selector.getter(Names.current);
/// The selector for getting the iterator property used in for-each loops.
static final Selector iterator = new Selector.getter(Names.iterator);
/// The selector for calling the move next method used in for-each loops.
static final Selector moveNext =
new, CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
/// The selector for calling the no such method handler on 'Object'.
static final Selector noSuchMethod_ =
new, CallStructure.ONE_ARG);
/// The selector for tearing off noSuchMethod.
static final Selector noSuchMethodGetter =
new Selector.getter(Names.noSuchMethod_);
/// The selector for calling the to-string method on 'Object'.
static final Selector toString_ =
new, CallStructure.NO_ARGS);
/// The selector for tearing off toString.
static final Selector toStringGetter = new Selector.getter(Names.toString_);
static final Selector hashCode_ =
new Selector.getter(const PublicName('hashCode'));
static final Selector compareTo =
new PublicName("compareTo"), CallStructure.ONE_ARG);
static final Selector equals = new Selector.binaryOperator('==');
static final Selector length = new Selector.getter(Names.length);
static final Selector codeUnitAt =
new PublicName('codeUnitAt'), CallStructure.ONE_ARG);
static final Selector index = new Selector.index();
static final Selector runtimeType_ = new Selector.getter(Names.runtimeType_);
/// List of all the selectors held in static fields.
/// These objects are shared between different runs in batch-mode and must
/// thus remain in the [Selector.canonicalizedValues] map.
static final List<Selector> ALL = <Selector>[
/// [Uri]s commonly used.
class Uris {
/// The URI for 'dart:async'.
static final Uri dart_async = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'async');
/// The URI for 'dart:collection'.
static final Uri dart_collection =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'collection');
/// The URI for 'dart:core'.
static final Uri dart_core = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'core');
/// The URI for 'dart:html'.
static final Uri dart_html = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'html');
/// The URI for 'dart:html_common'.
static final Uri dart_html_common =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'html_common');
/// The URI for 'dart:indexed_db'.
static final Uri dart_indexed_db =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'indexed_db');
/// The URI for 'dart:isolate'.
static final Uri dart_isolate = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'isolate');
/// The URI for 'dart:math'.
static final Uri dart_math = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'math');
/// The URI for 'dart:mirrors'.
static final Uri dart_mirrors = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'mirrors');
/// The URI for 'dart:_internal'.
static final Uri dart__internal = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_internal');
/// The URI for 'dart:_native_typed_data'.
static final Uri dart__native_typed_data =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_native_typed_data');
/// The URI for 'dart:typed_data'.
static final Uri dart_typed_data =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'typed_data');
/// The URI for 'dart:svg'.
static final Uri dart_svg = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'svg');
/// The URI for 'dart:web_audio'.
static final Uri dart_web_audio = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'web_audio');
/// The URI for 'dart:web_gl'.
static final Uri dart_web_gl = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'web_gl');
/// The URI for 'dart:web_sql'.
static final Uri dart_web_sql = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: 'web_sql');
/// The URI for 'dart:_js_helper'.
static final Uri dart__js_helper =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_js_helper');
/// The URI for 'dart:_interceptors'.
static final Uri dart__interceptors =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_interceptors');
/// The URI for 'dart:_foreign_helper'.
static final Uri dart__foreign_helper =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_foreign_helper');
/// The URI for 'dart:_js_names'.
static final Uri dart__js_names = new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_js_names');
/// The URI for 'dart:_js_embedded_names'.
static final Uri dart__js_embedded_names =
new Uri(scheme: 'dart', path: '_js_embedded_names');
/// The URI for 'package:js'.
static final Uri package_js = new Uri(scheme: 'package', path: 'js/js.dart');
/// The URI for 'package:meta/dart2js.dart'.
static final Uri package_meta_dart2js =
new Uri(scheme: 'package', path: 'meta/dart2js.dart');