blob: 808c1c73eed90f4720503ae95a60cc9b646866a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.redundant_join_elimination;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'optimizers.dart';
/// Eliminates redundant join points.
/// A redundant join point is a continuation that immediately branches
/// based on one of its parameters, and that parameter is a constant value
/// at every invocation. Each invocation is redirected to jump directly
/// to the branch target.
/// Internally in this pass, parameters are treated as names with lexical
/// scoping, and a given parameter "name" may be declared by more than
/// one continuation. The reference chains for parameters are therefore
/// meaningless during this pass, until repaired by [AlphaRenamer] at
/// the end.
class RedundantJoinEliminator extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Redundant join elimination';
final Set<Branch> workSet = new Set<Branch>();
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
while (workSet.isNotEmpty) {
Branch branch = workSet.first;
new AlphaRenamer().visit(node);
void processBranch(Branch node) {
/// Returns the body of [node], ignoring all LetCont nodes.
Expression getEffectiveBody(InteriorNode node) {
while (true) {
Expression body = node.body;
if (body is LetCont) {
node = body;
} else {
return body;
/// Returns the parent of [node], ignoring all LetCont nodes.
InteriorNode getEffectiveParent(Expression node) {
while (true) {
Node parent = node.parent;
if (parent is LetCont) {
node = parent;
} else {
return parent;
void rewriteBranch(Branch branch) {
InteriorNode parent = getEffectiveParent(branch);
if (parent is! Continuation) return;
Continuation branchCont = parent;
// Other optimizations take care of single-use continuations.
if (!branchCont.hasMultipleUses) return;
// It might be beneficial to rewrite calls to recursive continuations,
// but we currently do not support this.
if (branchCont.isRecursive) return;
// Check that the branching condition is a parameter on the
// enclosing continuation.
// Note: Do not use the parent pointer for this check, because parameters
// are temporarily shared between different continuations during this pass.
Primitive condition = branch.condition.definition;
int parameterIndex = branchCont.parameters.indexOf(condition);
if (parameterIndex == -1) return;
// Check that all callers hit a fixed branch, and count the number
// of times each branch is hit.
// We know all callers are InvokeContinuations because they are the only
// valid uses of a multi-use continuation.
int trueHits = 0, falseHits = 0;
InvokeContinuation trueCall, falseCall;
for (Reference ref = branchCont.firstRef; ref != null; ref = {
InvokeContinuation invoke = ref.parent;
Primitive argument = invoke.arguments[parameterIndex].definition;
if (argument is! Constant) return; // Branching condition is unknown.
Constant constant = argument;
if (isTruthyConstant(constant.value, strict: branch.isStrictCheck)) {
trueCall = invoke;
} else {
falseCall = invoke;
// The optimization is now known to be safe, but it only pays off if
// one of the callers can inline its target, since otherwise we end up
// replacing a boolean variable with a labeled break.
// TODO(asgerf): The labeled break might be better? Evaluate.
if (!(trueHits == 1 && !trueCall.isEscapingTry ||
falseHits == 1 && !falseCall.isEscapingTry)) {
// Lift any continuations bound inside branchCont so they are in scope at
// the call sites. When lifting, the parameters of branchCont fall out of
// scope, so they are added as parameters on each lifted continuation.
// Schematically:
// (LetCont (branchCont (x1, x2, x3) =
// (LetCont (innerCont (y) = ...) in
// [... innerCont(y') ...]))
// =>
// (LetCont (innerCont (y, x1, x2, x3) = ...) in
// (LetCont (branchCont (x1, x2, x3) =
// [... innerCont(y', x1, x2, x3) ...])
// Parameter objects become shared between branchCont and the lifted
// continuations. [AlphaRenamer] will clean up at the end of this pass.
LetCont outerLetCont = branchCont.parent;
while (branchCont.body is LetCont) {
LetCont innerLetCont = branchCont.body;
for (Continuation innerCont in innerLetCont.continuations) {
for (Reference ref = innerCont.firstRef; ref != null; ref = {
Expression use = ref.parent;
if (use is InvokeContinuation) {
for (Parameter param in branchCont.parameters) {
use.arguments.add(new Reference<Primitive>(param)..parent = use);
} else {
// The branch will be eliminated, so don't worry about updating it.
assert(use == branch);
assert(branchCont.body == branch);
Continuation trueCont = branch.trueContinuation.definition;
Continuation falseCont = branch.falseContinuation.definition;
assert(branchCont != trueCont);
assert(branchCont != falseCont);
// Rewrite every invocation of branchCont to call either the true or false
// branch directly. Since these were lifted out above branchCont, they are
// now in scope.
// Since trueCont and falseCont were branch targets, they originally
// had no parameters, and so after the lifting, their parameters are
// exactly the same as those accepted by branchCont.
while (branchCont.firstRef != null) {
Reference reference = branchCont.firstRef;
InvokeContinuation invoke = branchCont.firstRef.parent;
Constant condition = invoke.arguments[parameterIndex].definition;
if (isTruthyConstant(condition.value, strict: branch.isStrictCheck)) {
} else {
assert(branchCont.firstRef != reference);
// Remove the now-unused branchCont continuation.
if (outerLetCont.continuations.isEmpty) {
// We may have created new redundant join points in the two branches.
void enqueueContinuation(Continuation cont) {
Expression body = getEffectiveBody(cont);
if (body is Branch) {
/// Ensures parameter objects are not shared between different continuations,
/// akin to alpha-renaming variables so every variable is named uniquely.
/// For example:
/// LetCont (k1 x = (return x)) in
/// LetCont (k2 x = (InvokeContinuation k3 x)) in ...
/// =>
/// LetCont (k1 x = (return x)) in
/// LetCont (k2 x' = (InvokeContinuation k3 x')) in ...
/// After lifting LetConts in the main pass above, parameter objects can have
/// multiple bindings. Each reference implicitly refers to the binding that
/// is currently in scope.
/// This returns the IR to its normal form after redundant joins have been
/// eliminated.
class AlphaRenamer extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor {
Map<Parameter, Parameter> renaming = <Parameter, Parameter>{};
processContinuation(Continuation cont) {
if (cont.isReturnContinuation) return;
List<Parameter> shadowedKeys = <Parameter>[];
List<Parameter> shadowedValues = <Parameter>[];
// Create new parameters and update the environment.
for (int i = 0; i < cont.parameters.length; ++i) {
Parameter param = cont.parameters[i];
// If the parameter appears to belong to another continuation,
// create a new parameter object for this continuation.
if (param.parent != cont) {
Parameter newParam = new Parameter(param.hint);
newParam.type = param.type;
renaming[param] = newParam;
cont.parameters[i] = newParam;
newParam.parent = cont;
pushAction(() {
// Restore the original environment.
for (int i = 0; i < cont.parameters.length; ++i) {
if (shadowedValues[i] != null) {
renaming[shadowedKeys[i]] = shadowedValues[i];
processReference(Reference ref) {
Parameter target = renaming[ref.definition];
if (target != null) {