blob: 0e12020adedd5bea630380d9ca4dff517a0861ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
// @dart = 2.9
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/hierarchy_based_type_environment.dart'
show HierarchyBasedTypeEnvironment;
import 'standard_bounds.dart' show TypeSchemaStandardBounds;
import 'type_constraint_gatherer.dart' show TypeConstraintGatherer;
import 'type_demotion.dart';
import 'type_schema.dart' show UnknownType, typeSchemaToString, isKnown;
import 'type_schema_elimination.dart' show greatestClosure, leastClosure;
// TODO(paulberry): try to push this functionality into kernel.
FunctionType substituteTypeParams(
FunctionType type,
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap,
List<TypeParameter> newTypeParameters) {
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromMap(substitutionMap);
return new FunctionType(,
namedParameters: type.namedParameters
.map((named) => new NamedType(, substitution.substituteType(named.type),
isRequired: named.isRequired))
typeParameters: newTypeParameters,
requiredParameterCount: type.requiredParameterCount,
typedefType: type.typedefType == null
? null
: substitution.substituteType(type.typedefType));
/// Given a [FunctionType], gets the type of the named parameter with the given
/// [name], or `dynamic` if there is no parameter with the given name.
DartType getNamedParameterType(FunctionType functionType, String name) {
return functionType.getNamedParameter(name) ?? const DynamicType();
/// Given a [FunctionType], gets the type of the [i]th positional parameter, or
/// `dynamic` if there is no parameter with that index.
DartType getPositionalParameterType(FunctionType functionType, int i) {
if (i < functionType.positionalParameters.length) {
return functionType.positionalParameters[i];
} else {
return const DynamicType();
/// A constraint on a type parameter that we're inferring.
class TypeConstraint {
/// The lower bound of the type being constrained. This bound must be a
/// subtype of the type being constrained.
DartType lower;
/// The upper bound of the type being constrained. The type being constrained
/// must be a subtype of this bound.
DartType upper;
: lower = const UnknownType(),
upper = const UnknownType();
TypeConstraint._(this.lower, this.upper);
TypeConstraint clone() => new TypeConstraint._(lower, upper);
String toString() =>
'${typeSchemaToString(lower)} <: <type> <: ${typeSchemaToString(upper)}';
class TypeSchemaEnvironment extends HierarchyBasedTypeEnvironment
with TypeSchemaStandardBounds {
final ClassHierarchy hierarchy;
TypeSchemaEnvironment(CoreTypes coreTypes, this.hierarchy)
: super(coreTypes, hierarchy);
InterfaceType get objectNonNullableRawType {
return coreTypes.objectNonNullableRawType;
InterfaceType functionRawType(Nullability nullability) {
return coreTypes.functionRawType(nullability);
InterfaceType objectRawType(Nullability nullability) {
return coreTypes.objectRawType(nullability);
/// Modify the given [constraint]'s lower bound to include [lower].
void addLowerBound(
TypeConstraint constraint, DartType lower, Library clientLibrary) {
constraint.lower =
getStandardUpperBound(constraint.lower, lower, clientLibrary);
/// Modify the given [constraint]'s upper bound to include [upper].
void addUpperBound(
TypeConstraint constraint, DartType upper, Library clientLibrary) {
constraint.upper =
getStandardLowerBound(constraint.upper, upper, clientLibrary);
DartType getTypeOfSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(DartType type1, DartType type2,
{bool isNonNullableByDefault: false}) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) {
return super.getTypeOfSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(type1, type2,
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
} else {
// TODO(paulberry): this matches what is defined in the spec. It would be
// nice if we could change kernel to match the spec and not have to
// override.
if (type1 is InterfaceType && type1.classNode == coreTypes.intClass) {
if (type2 is InterfaceType && type2.classNode == coreTypes.intClass) {
return type2.withDeclaredNullability(type1.nullability);
if (type2 is InterfaceType &&
type2.classNode == coreTypes.doubleClass) {
return type2.withDeclaredNullability(type1.nullability);
return coreTypes.numRawType(type1.nullability);
DartType getContextTypeOfSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(
DartType contextType, DartType type1, DartType type2,
{bool isNonNullableByDefault: false}) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (contextType is! NeverType &&
type1 is! NeverType &&
isSubtypeOf(type1, coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If e is an expression of the form e1 + e2, e1 - e2, e1 * e2, e1 % e2
// or e1.remainder(e2), where C is the context type of e and T is the
// static type of e1, and where T is a non-Never subtype of num, then:
if (isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
!isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
isSubtypeOf(type1, coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If int <: C, not num <: C, and T <: int, then the context type of
// e2 is int.
return coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType;
} else if (isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
!isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
!isSubtypeOf(type1, coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If double <: C, not num <: C, and not T <: double, then the context
// type of e2 is double.
return coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType;
} else {
// Otherwise, the context type of e2 is num.
return coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType;
return type2;
DartType getContextTypeOfSpecialCasedTernaryOperator(
DartType contextType, DartType receiverType, DartType operandType,
{bool isNonNullableByDefault: false}) {
if (isNonNullableByDefault) {
if (receiverType is! NeverType &&
isSubtypeOf(receiverType, coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If e is an expression of the form e1.clamp(e2, e3) where C is the
// context type of e and T is the static type of e1 where T is a
// non-Never subtype of num, then:
if (isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
!isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
isSubtypeOf(receiverType, coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If int <: C, not num <: C, and T <: int, then the context type of
// e2 and e3 is int.
return coreTypes.intNonNullableRawType;
} else if (isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
!isSubtypeOf(coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType, contextType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
isSubtypeOf(receiverType, coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType,
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
// If double <: C, not num <: C, and T <: double, then the context
// type of e2 and e3 is double.
return coreTypes.doubleNonNullableRawType;
} else {
// Otherwise the context type of e2 an e3 is num
return coreTypes.numNonNullableRawType;
return operandType;
/// Infers a generic type, function, method, or list/map literal
/// instantiation, using the downward context type as well as the argument
/// types if available.
/// For example, given a function type with generic type parameters, this
/// infers the type parameters from the actual argument types.
/// Concretely, given a function type with parameter types P0, P1, ... Pn,
/// result type R, and generic type parameters T0, T1, ... Tm, use the
/// argument types A0, A1, ... An to solve for the type parameters.
/// For each parameter Pi, we want to ensure that Ai <: Pi. We can do this by
/// running the subtype algorithm, and when we reach a type parameter Tj,
/// recording the lower or upper bound it must satisfy. At the end, all
/// constraints can be combined to determine the type.
/// All constraints on each type parameter Tj are tracked, as well as where
/// they originated, so we can issue an error message tracing back to the
/// argument values, type parameter "extends" clause, or the return type
/// context.
/// If non-null values for [formalTypes] and [actualTypes] are provided, this
/// is upwards inference. Otherwise it is downward inference.
void inferGenericFunctionOrType(
DartType declaredReturnType,
List<TypeParameter> typeParametersToInfer,
List<DartType> formalTypes,
List<DartType> actualTypes,
DartType returnContextType,
List<DartType> inferredTypes,
Library clientLibrary,
{bool isConst: false}) {
assert((formalTypes?.length ?? 0) == (actualTypes?.length ?? 0));
if (typeParametersToInfer.isEmpty) {
// Create a TypeConstraintGatherer that will allow certain type parameters
// to be inferred. It will optimistically assume these type parameters can
// be subtypes (or supertypes) as necessary, and track the constraints that
// are implied by this.
TypeConstraintGatherer gatherer =
new TypeConstraintGatherer(this, typeParametersToInfer, clientLibrary);
if (!isEmptyContext(returnContextType)) {
if (isConst) {
returnContextType = new TypeVariableEliminator(
? const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable)
: const NullType(),
? objectNullableRawType
: objectLegacyRawType)
gatherer.tryConstrainUpper(declaredReturnType, returnContextType);
if (formalTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < formalTypes.length; i++) {
// Try to pass each argument to each parameter, recording any type
// parameter bounds that were implied by this assignment.
gatherer.tryConstrainLower(formalTypes[i], actualTypes[i]);
typeParametersToInfer, inferredTypes, clientLibrary,
downwardsInferPhase: formalTypes == null);
for (int i = 0; i < inferredTypes.length; i++) {
inferredTypes[i] = demoteTypeInLibrary(inferredTypes[i], clientLibrary);
bool hasOmittedBound(TypeParameter parameter) {
// If the bound was omitted by the programmer, the Kernel representation for
// the parameter will look similar to the following:
// T extends Object = dynamic
// Note that it's not possible to receive [Object] as [TypeParameter.bound]
// and `dynamic` as [TypeParameter.defaultType] from the front end in any
// other way.
DartType bound = parameter.bound;
return bound is InterfaceType &&
identical(bound.classNode, coreTypes.objectClass) &&
parameter.defaultType is DynamicType;
/// Use the given [constraints] to substitute for type variables.
/// [typeParametersToInfer] is the set of type parameters that should be
/// substituted for. [inferredTypes] should be a list of the same length.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is `true`, then we are in the first pass of
/// inference, pushing context types down. This means we are allowed to push
/// down `?` to precisely represent an unknown type. [inferredTypes] should
/// be initially populated with `?`. These `?`s will be replaced, if
/// appropriate, with the types that were inferred by downwards inference.
/// If [downwardsInferPhase] is `false`, then we are in the second pass of
/// inference, and must not conclude `?` for any type formal. In this pass,
/// [inferredTypes] should contain the values from the first pass. They will
/// be replaced with the final inferred types.
void inferTypeFromConstraints(
Map<TypeParameter, TypeConstraint> constraints,
List<TypeParameter> typeParametersToInfer,
List<DartType> inferredTypes,
Library clientLibrary,
{bool downwardsInferPhase: false}) {
List<DartType> typesFromDownwardsInference =
downwardsInferPhase ? null : inferredTypes.toList(growable: false);
for (int i = 0; i < typeParametersToInfer.length; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParam = typeParametersToInfer[i];
DartType typeParamBound = typeParam.bound;
DartType extendsConstraint;
if (!hasOmittedBound(typeParam)) {
extendsConstraint =
Substitution.fromPairs(typeParametersToInfer, inferredTypes)
TypeConstraint constraint = constraints[typeParam];
if (downwardsInferPhase) {
inferredTypes[i] = _inferTypeParameterFromContext(
constraint, extendsConstraint, clientLibrary);
} else {
inferredTypes[i] = _inferTypeParameterFromAll(
isContravariant: typeParam.variance == Variance.contravariant,
preferUpwardsInference: !typeParam.isLegacyCovariant);
IsSubtypeOf performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(
DartType subtype, DartType supertype) {
if (subtype is UnknownType) return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
DartType unwrappedSupertype = supertype;
while (unwrappedSupertype is FutureOrType) {
unwrappedSupertype = (unwrappedSupertype as FutureOrType).typeArgument;
if (unwrappedSupertype is UnknownType) {
return const IsSubtypeOf.always();
return super.performNullabilityAwareSubtypeCheck(subtype, supertype);
bool isEmptyContext(DartType context) {
if (context is DynamicType) {
// Analyzer treats a type context of `dynamic` as equivalent to an empty
// context. TODO(paulberry): this is not spec'ed anywhere; do we still
// want to do this?
return true;
return context == null;
/// True if [member] is a binary operator that returns an `int` if both
/// operands are `int`, and otherwise returns `double`.
/// Note that this behavior depends on the receiver type, so we can only make
/// this determination if we know the type of the receiver.
/// This is a case of type-based overloading, which in Dart is only supported
/// by giving special treatment to certain arithmetic operators.
bool isSpecialCasesBinaryForReceiverType(
Procedure member, DartType receiverType,
{bool isNonNullableByDefault}) {
assert(isNonNullableByDefault != null);
if (!isNonNullableByDefault) {
// TODO(paulberry): this matches what is defined in the spec. It would be
// nice if we could change kernel to match the spec and not have to
// override.
if ( == 'remainder') return false;
if (!(receiverType is InterfaceType &&
identical(receiverType.classNode, coreTypes.intClass))) {
return false;
return isSpecialCasedBinaryOperator(member,
isNonNullableByDefault: isNonNullableByDefault);
bool isTop(DartType t) {
if (t is UnknownType) {
return true;
} else {
return super.isTop(t);
/// Computes the constraint solution for a type variable based on a given set
/// of constraints.
/// If [grounded] is `true`, then the returned type is guaranteed to be a
/// known type (i.e. it will not contain any instances of `?`).
/// If [isContravariant] is `true`, then we are solving for a contravariant
/// type parameter which means we choose the upper bound rather than the
/// lower bound for normally covariant type parameters.
DartType solveTypeConstraint(
TypeConstraint constraint, DartType topType, DartType bottomType,
{bool grounded: false, bool isContravariant: false}) {
assert(bottomType == const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable) ||
bottomType == const NullType());
if (!isContravariant) {
// Prefer the known bound, if any.
if (isKnown(constraint.lower)) return constraint.lower;
if (isKnown(constraint.upper)) return constraint.upper;
// Otherwise take whatever bound has partial information,
// e.g. `Iterable<?>`
if (constraint.lower is! UnknownType) {
return grounded
? leastClosure(constraint.lower, topType, bottomType)
: constraint.lower;
} else if (constraint.upper is! UnknownType) {
return grounded
? greatestClosure(constraint.upper, topType, bottomType)
: constraint.upper;
} else {
return grounded ? const DynamicType() : const UnknownType();
} else {
// Prefer the known bound, if any.
if (isKnown(constraint.upper)) return constraint.upper;
if (isKnown(constraint.lower)) return constraint.lower;
// Otherwise take whatever bound has partial information,
// e.g. `Iterable<?>`
if (constraint.upper is! UnknownType) {
return grounded
? greatestClosure(constraint.upper, topType, bottomType)
: constraint.upper;
} else if (constraint.lower is! UnknownType) {
return grounded
? leastClosure(constraint.lower, topType, bottomType)
: constraint.lower;
} else {
return grounded ? bottomType : const UnknownType();
/// Determine if the given [type] satisfies the given type [constraint].
bool typeSatisfiesConstraint(DartType type, TypeConstraint constraint) {
return isSubtypeOf(
constraint.lower, type, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities) &&
isSubtypeOf(type, constraint.upper, SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities);
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromAll(
DartType typeFromContextInference,
TypeConstraint constraint,
DartType extendsConstraint,
Library clientLibrary,
{bool isContravariant: false,
bool preferUpwardsInference: false}) {
// See if we already fixed this type from downwards inference.
// If so, then we aren't allowed to change it based on argument types unless
// [preferUpwardsInference] is true.
if (!preferUpwardsInference && isKnown(typeFromContextInference)) {
return typeFromContextInference;
if (extendsConstraint != null) {
constraint = constraint.clone();
addUpperBound(constraint, extendsConstraint, clientLibrary);
return solveTypeConstraint(
? coreTypes.objectNullableRawType
: const DynamicType(),
? const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable)
: const NullType(),
grounded: true,
isContravariant: isContravariant);
DartType _inferTypeParameterFromContext(TypeConstraint constraint,
DartType extendsConstraint, Library clientLibrary) {
DartType t = solveTypeConstraint(
? coreTypes.objectNullableRawType
: const DynamicType(),
? const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable)
: const NullType());
if (!isKnown(t)) {
return t;
// If we're about to make our final choice, apply the extends clause.
// This gives us a chance to refine the choice, in case it would violate
// the `extends` clause. For example:
// Object obj = math.min/*<infer Object, error>*/(1, 2);
// If we consider the `T extends num` we conclude `<num>`, which works.
if (extendsConstraint != null) {
constraint = constraint.clone();
addUpperBound(constraint, extendsConstraint, clientLibrary);
return solveTypeConstraint(
? coreTypes.objectNullableRawType
: const DynamicType(),
? const NeverType(Nullability.nonNullable)
: const NullType());
return t;
class TypeVariableEliminator extends Substitution {
final DartType bottomType;
final DartType topType;
TypeVariableEliminator(this.bottomType, this.topType);
DartType getSubstitute(TypeParameter parameter, bool upperBound) {
return upperBound ? bottomType : topType;