blob: d98df90ebe73ad7a2437fdbef8d94122d710b278 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
// part of "common_patch.dart";
class _IOServicePorts {
// We limit the number of IO Service ports per isolate so that we don't
// spawn too many threads all at once, which can crash the VM on Windows.
static const int maxPorts = 32;
List<SendPort> _ports = <SendPort>[];
List<SendPort> _freePorts = <SendPort>[];
Map<int, SendPort> _usedPorts = new HashMap<int, SendPort>();
SendPort _getPort(int forRequestId) {
if (_freePorts.isEmpty && _usedPorts.length < maxPorts) {
final SendPort port = _newServicePort();
if (!_freePorts.isEmpty) {
final SendPort port = _freePorts.removeLast();
_usedPorts[forRequestId] = port;
return port;
// We have already allocated the max number of ports. Re-use an
// existing one.
final SendPort port = _ports[forRequestId % maxPorts];
_usedPorts[forRequestId] = port;
return port;
void _returnPort(int forRequestId) {
final SendPort port = _usedPorts.remove(forRequestId);
if (!_usedPorts.values.contains(port)) {
static SendPort _newServicePort() native "IOService_NewServicePort";
class _IOService {
static _IOServicePorts _servicePorts = new _IOServicePorts();
static RawReceivePort _receivePort;
static SendPort _replyToPort;
static HashMap<int, Completer> _messageMap = new HashMap<int, Completer>();
static int _id = 0;
static Future _dispatch(int request, List data) {
int id;
do {
id = _getNextId();
} while (_messageMap.containsKey(id));
final SendPort servicePort = _servicePorts._getPort(id);
final Completer completer = new Completer();
_messageMap[id] = completer;
try {
servicePort.send(<dynamic>[id, _replyToPort, request, data]);
} catch (error) {
if (_messageMap.length == 0) {
return completer.future;
static void _ensureInitialize() {
if (_receivePort == null) {
_receivePort = new RawReceivePort();
_replyToPort = _receivePort.sendPort;
_receivePort.handler = (data) {
assert(data is List && data.length == 2);
if (_messageMap.length == 0) {
static void _finalize() {
_id = 0;
_receivePort = null;
static int _getNextId() {
if (_id == 0x7FFFFFFF) _id = 0;
return _id++;