blob: 69ba4a51dfdda1883ffc72530e452aca310cfccf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
/// Implements constant evaluation for dev compiler:
/// [isConstant] determines if an expression is constant.
/// [evaluate] computes the value of a constant expression, if available.
class DevCompilerConstants {
/// Determines if an expression is constant.
bool isConstant(Expression e) => e is ConstantExpression;
/// Evaluates [e] to find its constant value, returning `null` if evaluation
/// failed, or if the constant was unavailable.
/// Returns [NullConstant] to represent the `null` value.
Constant evaluate(Expression e) {
return e is ConstantExpression ? e.constant : null;
/// If [node] is an annotation with a field named [name], returns that field's
/// value.
/// This assumes the field is populated from a named argument with that name,
/// or from the first positional argument.
/// For example:
/// class MyAnnotation {
/// final String name;
/// // ...
/// const MyAnnotation(*, ... other params ... */);
/// }
/// @MyAnnotation('FooBar')
/// main() { ... }
/// Given the node for `@MyAnnotation('FooBar')` this will return `'FooBar'`.
Object getFieldValueFromAnnotation(Expression node, String name) {
if (node is ConstantExpression) {
var constant = node.constant;
if (constant is InstanceConstant) {
var value = constant.fieldValues.entries
.firstWhere((e) => == name,
orElse: () => null)
if (value is PrimitiveConstant) return value.value;
if (value is UnevaluatedConstant) {
return _evaluateAnnotationArgument(value.expression);
return null;
// TODO(jmesserly): this does not use the normal evaluation engine, because
// it won't work if we don't have the const constructor body available.
// We may need to address this in the kernel outline files.
if (node is ConstructorInvocation) {
Expression first;
var named = node.arguments.named;
if (named.isNotEmpty) {
first =
named.firstWhere((n) => == name, orElse: () => null)?.value;
var positional = node.arguments.positional;
if (positional.isNotEmpty) first ??= positional[0];
if (first != null) {
return _evaluateAnnotationArgument(first);
return null;
Object _evaluateAnnotationArgument(Expression node) {
if (node is ConstantExpression) {
var constant = node.constant;
if (constant is PrimitiveConstant) return constant.value;
if (node is StaticGet) {
var target =;
if (target is Field) {
return _evaluateAnnotationArgument(target.initializer);
return node is BasicLiteral ? node.value : null;
/// Implement the class for compiler specific behavior.
class DevCompilerConstantsBackend extends ConstantsBackend {
const DevCompilerConstantsBackend();
NumberSemantics get numberSemantics => NumberSemantics.js;
bool shouldInlineConstant(ConstantExpression initializer) {
var constant = initializer.constant;
if (constant is StringConstant) {
// Only inline small string constants, not large ones.
// (The upper bound value is arbitrary.)
return constant.value.length < 32;
} else if (constant is PrimitiveConstant) {
// Inline all other primitives.
return true;
} else {
// Don't inline other constants, because it would take too much code size.
// Better to refer to them by their field/variable name.
return false;