blob: 8927b665d4ef0a7272391fc9c609933a75c90392 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library js_backend.runtime_types;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart' show Identifiers;
import '../common_elements.dart'
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import '../js/js.dart' show js;
import '../js_emitter/js_emitter.dart' show ModularEmitter;
import '../options.dart';
import '../universe/codegen_world_builder.dart';
import '../universe/feature.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import 'namer.dart';
import 'native_data.dart';
import 'runtime_types_codegen.dart';
import 'runtime_types_resolution.dart';
typedef jsAst.Expression OnVariableCallback(TypeVariableType variable);
/// Interface for the needed runtime type checks.
abstract class RuntimeTypesChecks {
/// Returns the required runtime type checks.
TypeChecks get requiredChecks;
/// Return all classes needed for runtime type information.
Iterable<ClassEntity> get requiredClasses;
class TrivialTypesChecks implements RuntimeTypesChecks {
final TypeChecks _typeChecks;
final Set<ClassEntity> _allClasses;
: _allClasses = _typeChecks.classes.toSet();
TypeChecks get requiredChecks => _typeChecks;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get requiredClasses => _allClasses;
/// Interface for computing the needed runtime type checks.
abstract class RuntimeTypesChecksBuilder {
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(
DartType typeArgument, DartType bound);
/// Registers that a generic [instantiation] is used.
void registerGenericInstantiation(GenericInstantiation instantiation);
/// Computes the [RuntimeTypesChecks] for the data in this builder.
RuntimeTypesChecks computeRequiredChecks(
CodegenWorld codegenWorld, CompilerOptions options);
bool get rtiChecksBuilderClosed;
class TrivialRuntimeTypesChecksBuilder implements RuntimeTypesChecksBuilder {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final TrivialRuntimeTypesSubstitutions _substitutions;
bool rtiChecksBuilderClosed = false;
TrivialRuntimeTypesChecksBuilder(this._closedWorld, this._substitutions);
ElementEnvironment get _elementEnvironment => _closedWorld.elementEnvironment;
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(
DartType typeArgument, DartType bound) {}
void registerGenericInstantiation(GenericInstantiation instantiation) {}
RuntimeTypesChecks computeRequiredChecks(
CodegenWorld codegenWorld, CompilerOptions options) {
rtiChecksBuilderClosed = true;
Map<ClassEntity, ClassUse> classUseMap = <ClassEntity, ClassUse>{};
for (ClassEntity cls in _closedWorld.classHierarchy
.subtypes()) {
ClassUse classUse = new ClassUse()
..directInstance = true
..checkedInstance = true
..typeArgument = true
..checkedTypeArgument = true
..typeLiteral = true
..functionType = _computeFunctionType(_elementEnvironment, cls);
classUseMap[cls] = classUse;
TypeChecks typeChecks = _substitutions._requiredChecks =
return new TrivialTypesChecks(typeChecks);
Set<ClassEntity> computeCheckedClasses(
CodegenWorldBuilder codegenWorldBuilder, Set<DartType> implicitIsChecks) {
return _closedWorld.classHierarchy
Set<FunctionType> computeCheckedFunctions(
CodegenWorldBuilder codegenWorldBuilder, Set<DartType> implicitIsChecks) {
return new Set<FunctionType>();
abstract class RuntimeTypesSubstitutionsMixin
implements RuntimeTypesSubstitutions {
JClosedWorld get _closedWorld;
TypeChecks get _requiredChecks;
JElementEnvironment get _elementEnvironment =>
DartTypes get _types => _closedWorld.dartTypes;
RuntimeTypesNeed get _rtiNeed => _closedWorld.rtiNeed;
/// Compute the required type checks and substitutions for the given
/// instantiated and checked classes.
// TODO(fishythefish): Unify type checks and substitutions once old RTI is
// removed.
TypeChecks _computeChecks(Map<ClassEntity, ClassUse> classUseMap) {
// Run through the combination of instantiated and checked
// arguments and record all combination where the element of a checked
// argument is a superclass of the element of an instantiated type.
TypeCheckMapping result = new TypeCheckMapping();
Set<ClassEntity> handled = new Set<ClassEntity>();
// Empty usage object for classes with no direct rti usage.
final ClassUse emptyUse = new ClassUse();
/// Compute the $isX and $asX functions need for [cls].
ClassChecks computeChecks(ClassEntity cls) {
if (!handled.add(cls)) return result[cls];
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap[cls] ?? emptyUse;
ClassChecks checks = new ClassChecks(classUse.functionType);
result[cls] = checks;
// Find the superclass from which [cls] inherits checks.
ClassEntity superClass = _elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(cls,
skipUnnamedMixinApplications: true);
ClassChecks superChecks;
bool extendsSuperClassTrivially = false;
if (superClass != null) {
// Compute the checks inherited from [superClass].
superChecks = computeChecks(superClass);
// Does [cls] extend [superClass] trivially?
// For instance:
// class A<T> {}
// class B<S> extends A<S> {}
// class C<U, V> extends A<U> {}
// class D extends A<int> {}
// here `B` extends `A` trivially, but `C` and `D` don't.
extendsSuperClassTrivially = isTrivialSubstitution(cls, superClass);
bool isNativeClass = _closedWorld.nativeData.isNativeClass(cls);
if (classUse.typeArgument ||
classUse.typeLiteral ||
(isNativeClass && classUse.checkedInstance)) {
Substitution substitution = computeSubstitution(cls, cls);
// We need [cls] at runtime - even if [cls] is not instantiated. Either
// as a type argument, for a type literal or for an is-test if [cls] is
// native.
checks.add(new TypeCheck(cls, substitution, needsIs: isNativeClass));
// Compute the set of classes that [cls] inherited properties from.
// This set reflects the emitted class hierarchy and therefore uses
// `getEffectiveMixinClass` to find the inherited mixins.
Set<ClassEntity> inheritedClasses = new Set<ClassEntity>();
ClassEntity other = cls;
while (other != null) {
if (classUse.instance &&
_elementEnvironment.isMixinApplication(other)) {
// We don't mixin [other] if [cls] isn't instantiated, directly or
// indirectly.
other = _elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(other);
/// Compute the needed check for [cls] against the class of the super
/// [type].
void processSupertype(InterfaceType type) {
ClassEntity checkedClass = type.element;
ClassUse checkedClassUse = classUseMap[checkedClass] ?? emptyUse;
// Where [cls] inherits properties for [checkedClass].
bool inheritsFromCheckedClass = inheritedClasses.contains(checkedClass);
// If [cls] inherits properties from [checkedClass] and [checkedClass]
// needs type arguments, [cls] must provide a substitution for
// [checkedClass].
// For instance:
// class M<T> {
// m() => T;
// }
// class S {}
// class C extends S with M<int> {}
// Here `C` needs an `$asM` substitution function to provide the value
// of `T` in `M.m`.
bool needsTypeArgumentsForCheckedClass = inheritsFromCheckedClass &&
// Whether [checkedClass] is used in an instance test or type argument
// test.
// For instance:
// class A {}
// class B {}
// test(o) => o is A || o is List<B>;
// Here `A` is used in an instance test and `B` is used in a type
// argument test.
bool isChecked = checkedClassUse.checkedTypeArgument ||
if (isChecked || needsTypeArgumentsForCheckedClass) {
// We need an $isX and/or $asX property on [cls] for [checkedClass].
// Whether `cls` implements `checkedClass` trivially.
// For instance:
// class A<T> {}
// class B<S> implements A<S> {}
// class C<U, V> implements A<U> {}
// class D implements A<int> {}
// here `B` implements `A` trivially, but `C` and `D` don't.
bool implementsCheckedTrivially =
isTrivialSubstitution(cls, checkedClass);
// Whether [checkedClass] is generic.
// Currently [isTrivialSubstitution] reports that [cls] implements
// [checkedClass] trivially if [checkedClass] is not generic. In this
// case the substitution is not only trivial it is also not needed.
bool isCheckedGeneric =
// The checks for [checkedClass] inherited for [superClass].
TypeCheck checkFromSuperClass =
superChecks != null ? superChecks[checkedClass] : null;
// Whether [cls] need an explicit $isX property for [checkedClass].
// If [cls] inherits from [checkedClass] it also inherits the $isX
// property automatically generated on [checkedClass].
bool needsIs = !inheritsFromCheckedClass && isChecked;
if (checkFromSuperClass != null) {
// The superclass has a substitution function for [checkedClass].
// Check if we can reuse this it of need to override it.
// The inherited $isX property does _not_ need to be overriding.
if (extendsSuperClassTrivially) {
// [cls] implements [checkedClass] the same way as [superClass]
// so the inherited substitution function already works.
checks.add(new TypeCheck(checkedClass, null, needsIs: false));
} else {
// [cls] implements [checkedClass] differently from [superClass]
// so the inherited substitution function needs to be replaced.
if (implementsCheckedTrivially) {
// We need an explicit trivial substitution function for
// [checkedClass] that overrides the inherited function.
checks.add(new TypeCheck(checkedClass,
isCheckedGeneric ? const Substitution.trivial() : null,
needsIs: false));
} else {
// We need a non-trivial substitution function for
// [checkedClass].
Substitution substitution =
computeSubstitution(cls, checkedClass);
new TypeCheck(checkedClass, substitution, needsIs: false));
assert(substitution != null);
for (DartType argument in substitution.arguments) {
argument = argument.withoutNullability;
if (argument is InterfaceType) {
} else {
// The superclass has no substitution function for [checkedClass].
if (implementsCheckedTrivially) {
// We don't add an explicit substitution function for
// [checkedClass] because the substitution is trivial and doesn't
// need to override an inherited function.
checks.add(new TypeCheck(checkedClass, null, needsIs: needsIs));
} else {
// We need a non-trivial substitution function for
// [checkedClass].
Substitution substitution =
computeSubstitution(cls, checkedClass);
new TypeCheck(checkedClass, substitution, needsIs: needsIs));
assert(substitution != null);
for (DartType argument in substitution.arguments) {
argument = argument.withoutNullability;
if (argument is InterfaceType) {
for (InterfaceType type in _types.getSupertypes(cls)) {
FunctionType callType = _types.getCallType(_types.getThisType(cls));
if (callType != null) {
return checks;
for (ClassEntity cls in classUseMap.keys) {
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap[cls] ?? emptyUse;
if (classUse.directInstance ||
classUse.typeArgument ||
classUse.typeLiteral) {
// Add checks only for classes that are live either as instantiated
// classes or type arguments passed at runtime.
return result;
Set<ClassEntity> getClassesUsedInSubstitutions(TypeChecks checks) {
Set<ClassEntity> instantiated = new Set<ClassEntity>();
ArgumentCollector collector = new ArgumentCollector();
for (ClassEntity target in checks.classes) {
ClassChecks classChecks = checks[target];
for (TypeCheck check in classChecks.checks) {
Substitution substitution = check.substitution;
if (substitution != null) {
return instantiated..addAll(collector.classes);
// TODO(sra): This computation misses substitutions for reading type
// parameters.
// TODO(karlklose): maybe precompute this value and store it in typeChecks?
bool isTrivialSubstitution(ClassEntity cls, ClassEntity check) {
if (cls.isClosure) {
// TODO(karlklose): handle closures.
return true;
// If there are no type variables, we do not need a substitution.
if (!_elementEnvironment.isGenericClass(check)) {
return true;
// JS-interop classes need an explicit substitution to mark the type
// arguments as `any` type.
if (_closedWorld.nativeData.isJsInteropClass(cls)) {
return false;
// If the type is the same, we do not need a substitution.
if (cls == check) {
return true;
InterfaceType originalType = _elementEnvironment.getThisType(cls);
InterfaceType type = _types.asInstanceOf(originalType, check);
// [type] is not a subtype of [check]. we do not generate a check and do not
// need a substitution.
if (type == null) return true;
// Run through both lists of type variables and check if the type variables
// are identical at each position. If they are not, we need to calculate a
// substitution function.
List<DartType> variables = originalType.typeArguments;
List<DartType> arguments = type.typeArguments;
if (variables.length != arguments.length) {
return false;
for (int index = 0; index < variables.length; index++) {
if (variables[index] != arguments[index]) {
return false;
return true;
Substitution getSubstitution(ClassEntity cls, ClassEntity other) {
// Look for a precomputed check.
for (TypeCheck check in _requiredChecks[cls].checks) {
if (check.cls == other) {
return check.substitution;
// There is no precomputed check for this pair (because the check is not
// done on type arguments only. Compute a new substitution.
return computeSubstitution(cls, other);
Substitution computeSubstitution(ClassEntity cls, ClassEntity check,
{bool alwaysGenerateFunction: false}) {
if (isTrivialSubstitution(cls, check)) return null;
// Unnamed mixin application classes do not need substitutions, because they
// are never instantiated and their checks are overwritten by the class that
// they are mixed into.
InterfaceType type = _elementEnvironment.getThisType(cls);
InterfaceType target = _types.asInstanceOf(type, check);
List<DartType> typeVariables = type.typeArguments;
if (_closedWorld.nativeData.isJsInteropClass(cls)) {
int typeArguments = target.typeArguments.length;
// Generic JS-interop class need an explicit substitution to mark
// the type arguments as `any` type.
return new Substitution.jsInterop(typeArguments);
} else if (typeVariables.isEmpty && !alwaysGenerateFunction) {
return new Substitution.list(target.typeArguments);
} else {
return new Substitution.function(target.typeArguments, typeVariables);
class TrivialRuntimeTypesSubstitutions extends RuntimeTypesSubstitutionsMixin {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
TypeChecks _requiredChecks;
abstract class RuntimeTypesEncoder {
jsAst.Expression getSignatureEncoding(ModularNamer namer,
ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type, jsAst.Expression this_);
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a function type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFunctionType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a FutureOr type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFutureOrType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the void type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsVoidType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the dynamic type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsDynamicType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a type argument of js-interop class.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsJsInteropTypeArgument;
/// Returns a [jsAst.Expression] representing the given [type]. Type variables
/// are replaced by the [jsAst.Expression] returned by [onVariable].
jsAst.Expression getTypeRepresentation(
ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type, OnVariableCallback onVariable);
jsAst.Expression getJsInteropTypeArguments(int count);
/// Fixed strings used for runtime types encoding.
RuntimeTypeTags get rtiTags;
class _RuntimeTypesChecks implements RuntimeTypesChecks {
final RuntimeTypesSubstitutions _substitutions;
final TypeChecks requiredChecks;
final Iterable<ClassEntity> _typeLiterals;
final Iterable<ClassEntity> _typeArguments;
_RuntimeTypesChecks(this._substitutions, this.requiredChecks,
this._typeLiterals, this._typeArguments);
Iterable<ClassEntity> get requiredClasses {
Set<ClassEntity> required = new Set<ClassEntity>();
return required;
class RuntimeTypesImpl
with RuntimeTypesSubstitutionsMixin
implements RuntimeTypesChecksBuilder {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
// The set of type arguments tested against type variable bounds.
final Set<DartType> checkedTypeArguments = new Set<DartType>();
// The set of tested type variable bounds.
final Set<DartType> checkedBounds = new Set<DartType>();
TypeChecks cachedRequiredChecks;
bool rtiChecksBuilderClosed = false;
JCommonElements get _commonElements => _closedWorld.commonElements;
JElementEnvironment get _elementEnvironment =>
RuntimeTypesNeed get _rtiNeed => _closedWorld.rtiNeed;
TypeChecks get _requiredChecks => cachedRequiredChecks;
Map<ClassEntity, ClassUse> classUseMapForTesting;
final Set<GenericInstantiation> _genericInstantiations =
new Set<GenericInstantiation>();
void registerTypeVariableBoundsSubtypeCheck(
DartType typeArgument, DartType bound) {
void registerGenericInstantiation(GenericInstantiation instantiation) {
RuntimeTypesChecks computeRequiredChecks(
CodegenWorld codegenWorld, CompilerOptions options) {
TypeVariableTests typeVariableTests = new TypeVariableTests(
forRtiNeeds: false);
Set<DartType> explicitIsChecks = typeVariableTests.explicitIsChecks;
Set<DartType> implicitIsChecks = typeVariableTests.implicitIsChecks;
Map<ClassEntity, ClassUse> classUseMap = <ClassEntity, ClassUse>{};
if (retainDataForTesting) {
classUseMapForTesting = classUseMap;
Set<FunctionType> checkedFunctionTypes = new Set<FunctionType>();
Set<ClassEntity> typeLiterals = new Set<ClassEntity>();
Set<ClassEntity> typeArguments = new Set<ClassEntity>();
// The [liveTypeVisitor] is used to register class use in the type of
// instantiated objects like `new T` and the function types of
// tear offs and closures.
// A type found in a covariant position of such types is considered live
// whereas a type found in a contravariant position of such types is
// considered tested.
// For instance
// new A<B Function(C)>();
// makes A and B live but C tested.
TypeVisitor liveTypeVisitor =
new TypeVisitor(onClass: (ClassEntity cls, {TypeVisitorState state}) {
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new ClassUse());
switch (state) {
case TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument:
classUse.typeArgument = true;
case TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument:
classUse.typeArgument = true;
classUse.checkedTypeArgument = true;
case TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral:
classUse.typeLiteral = true;
// The [testedTypeVisitor] is used to register class use in type tests like
// `o is T` and `o as T` (both implicit and explicit).
// A type found in a covariant position of such types is considered tested
// whereas a type found in a contravariant position of such types is
// considered live.
// For instance
// o is A<B Function(C)>;
// makes A and B tested but C live.
TypeVisitor testedTypeVisitor =
new TypeVisitor(onClass: (ClassEntity cls, {TypeVisitorState state}) {
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new ClassUse());
switch (state) {
case TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument:
classUse.typeArgument = true;
classUse.checkedTypeArgument = true;
case TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument:
classUse.typeArgument = true;
case TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral:
classUse.checkedInstance = true;
codegenWorld.instantiatedClasses.forEach((ClassEntity cls) {
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new ClassUse());
classUse.instance = true;
Set<ClassEntity> visitedSuperClasses = {};
codegenWorld.instantiatedTypes.forEach((InterfaceType type) {
ClassUse classUse =
classUseMap.putIfAbsent(type.element, () => new ClassUse());
classUse.directInstance = true;
FunctionType callType = _types.getCallType(type);
if (callType != null) {
// Superclass might make classes live as type arguments. For instance
// class A {}
// class B<T> {}
// class C implements B<A> {}
// main() => new C();
// Here `A` is live as a type argument through the liveness of `C`.
for (InterfaceType supertype
in _closedWorld.dartTypes.getSupertypes(type.element)) {
if (supertype.typeArguments.isEmpty &&
visitedSuperClasses.contains(supertype.element)) {
// If [superclass] is not generic then a second visit cannot add more
// information that the first. In the example above, visiting `C`
// twice can only result in a second registration of `A` as live
// type argument.
for (FunctionEntity element in codegenWorld.closurizedStatics) {
FunctionType functionType = _elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(element);
for (FunctionEntity element in codegenWorld.closurizedMembers) {
FunctionType functionType = _elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(element);
void processMethodTypeArguments(_, Set<DartType> typeArguments) {
for (DartType typeArgument in typeArguments) {
typeArgument, TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument);
codegenWorld.liveTypeArguments.forEach((DartType type) {
liveTypeVisitor.visitType(type, TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument);
codegenWorld.constTypeLiterals.forEach((DartType type) {
liveTypeVisitor.visitType(type, TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral);
bool isFunctionChecked = false;
void processCheckedType(DartType t) {
t = t.withoutNullability;
if (t is FunctionType) {
} else if (t is InterfaceType) {
isFunctionChecked =
isFunctionChecked || t.element == _commonElements.functionClass;
// A closure class implements the function type of its `call`
// method and needs a signature function for testing its function type
// against typedefs and function types that are used in is-checks. Since
// closures have a signature method iff they need it and should have a
// function type iff they have a signature, we process all classes.
void processClass(ClassEntity cls) {
ClassFunctionType functionType =
_computeFunctionType(_elementEnvironment, cls);
if (functionType != null) {
ClassUse classUse = classUseMap.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new ClassUse());
classUse.functionType = functionType;
// Collect classes that are 'live' either through instantiation or use in
// type arguments.
List<ClassEntity> liveClasses = <ClassEntity>[];
classUseMap.forEach((ClassEntity cls, ClassUse classUse) {
if (classUse.isLive) {
codegenWorld.forEachGenericMethod((FunctionEntity method) {
if (_closedWorld.annotationsData
.isEmitted) {
if (_rtiNeed.methodNeedsTypeArguments(method)) {
for (TypeVariableType typeVariable
in _elementEnvironment.getFunctionTypeVariables(method)) {
DartType bound =
bound, TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument);
cachedRequiredChecks = _computeChecks(classUseMap);
rtiChecksBuilderClosed = true;
return new _RuntimeTypesChecks(
this, cachedRequiredChecks, typeArguments, typeLiterals);
/// Computes the function type of [cls], if any.
/// In Dart 1, any class with a `call` method has a function type, in Dart 2
/// only closure classes have a function type.
ClassFunctionType _computeFunctionType(
ElementEnvironment elementEnvironment, ClassEntity cls) {
FunctionEntity signatureFunction;
if (cls.isClosure) {
// Use signature function if available.
signatureFunction =
elementEnvironment.lookupLocalClassMember(cls, Identifiers.signature);
if (signatureFunction == null) {
// In Dart 2, a closure only needs its function type if it has a
// signature function.
return null;
} else {
// Only closures have function type in Dart 2.
return null;
MemberEntity call =
if (call != null && call.isFunction) {
FunctionEntity callFunction = call;
FunctionType callType = elementEnvironment.getFunctionType(callFunction);
return new ClassFunctionType(callFunction, callType, signatureFunction);
return null;
class RuntimeTypesEncoderImpl implements RuntimeTypesEncoder {
final ElementEnvironment _elementEnvironment;
final CommonElements commonElements;
final TypeRepresentationGenerator _representationGenerator;
final RuntimeTypesNeed _rtiNeed;
final RuntimeTypeTags rtiTags;
RuntimeTypesEncoderImpl(this.rtiTags, NativeBasicData nativeData,
this._elementEnvironment, this.commonElements, this._rtiNeed)
: _representationGenerator =
new TypeRepresentationGenerator(rtiTags, nativeData);
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a function type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFunctionType {
return _representationGenerator.templateForIsFunctionType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a FutureOr type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFutureOrType {
return _representationGenerator.templateForIsFutureOrType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the void type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsVoidType {
return _representationGenerator.templateForIsVoidType;
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the dynamic type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsDynamicType {
return _representationGenerator.templateForIsDynamicType;
jsAst.Template get templateForIsJsInteropTypeArgument {
return _representationGenerator.templateForIsJsInteropTypeArgument;
jsAst.Expression getTypeRepresentation(
ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type, OnVariableCallback onVariable) {
return _representationGenerator.getTypeRepresentation(
emitter, type, onVariable);
String getTypeVariableName(TypeVariableType type) {
String name =;
return name.replaceAll('#', '_');
jsAst.Expression getTypeEncoding(ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type,
{bool alwaysGenerateFunction: false}) {
ClassEntity contextClass = DartTypes.getClassContext(type);
jsAst.Expression onVariable(TypeVariableType v) {
return new jsAst.VariableUse(getTypeVariableName(v));
jsAst.Expression encoding =
getTypeRepresentation(emitter, type, onVariable);
if (contextClass == null && !alwaysGenerateFunction) {
return encoding;
} else {
List<String> parameters = const <String>[];
if (contextClass != null) {
parameters = _elementEnvironment
.map((DartType _type) {
TypeVariableType type = _type;
return getTypeVariableName(type);
return js('function(#) { return # }', [parameters, encoding]);
jsAst.Expression getSignatureEncoding(ModularNamer namer,
ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type, jsAst.Expression this_) {
ClassEntity contextClass = DartTypes.getClassContext(type);
jsAst.Expression encoding =
getTypeEncoding(emitter, type, alwaysGenerateFunction: true);
if (contextClass != null &&
// We only generate folding using 'computeSignature' if [contextClass]
// has reified type arguments. The 'computeSignature' function might not
// be emitted (if it's not needed elsewhere) and the generated signature
// will have `undefined` as its type variables in any case.
// This is needed specifically for --lax-runtime-type-to-string which
// may require a signature on a method that uses class type variables
// while at the same time not needing type arguments on the class.
_rtiNeed.classNeedsTypeArguments(contextClass)) {
jsAst.Name contextName = namer.className(contextClass);
return js('function () { return #(#, #, #); }', [
} else {
return encoding;
jsAst.Expression getJsInteropTypeArguments(int count) {
return _representationGenerator.getJsInteropTypeArguments(count);
/// Fixed strings used for runtime types encoding.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use different names for minified code?
class RuntimeTypeTags {
const RuntimeTypeTags();
String get functionTypeTag => r'func';
String get functionTypeVoidReturnTag => r'v';
String get functionTypeReturnTypeTag => r'ret';
String get functionTypeRequiredParametersTag => r'args';
String get functionTypeOptionalParametersTag => r'opt';
String get functionTypeNamedParametersTag => r'named';
String get functionTypeGenericBoundsTag => r'bounds';
String get futureOrTag => r'futureOr';
String get futureOrTypeTag => r'type';
class TypeRepresentationGenerator
implements DartTypeVisitor<jsAst.Expression, ModularEmitter> {
final RuntimeTypeTags _rtiTags;
final NativeBasicData _nativeData;
OnVariableCallback onVariable;
List<FunctionTypeVariable> functionTypeVariables = <FunctionTypeVariable>[];
TypeRepresentationGenerator(this._rtiTags, this._nativeData);
/// Creates a type representation for [type]. [onVariable] is called to
/// provide the type representation for type variables.
jsAst.Expression getTypeRepresentation(
ModularEmitter emitter, DartType type, OnVariableCallback onVariable) {
this.onVariable = onVariable;
jsAst.Expression representation = visit(type, emitter);
this.onVariable = null;
return representation;
jsAst.Expression getJavaScriptClassName(
Entity element, ModularEmitter emitter) {
return emitter.typeAccess(element);
jsAst.Expression getDynamicValue() => js('null');
jsAst.Expression getVoidValue() => js('-1');
jsAst.Expression getJsInteropTypeArgumentValue() => js('-2');
jsAst.Expression visit(DartType type, ModularEmitter emitter) =>
type.accept(this, emitter);
jsAst.Expression visitTypeVariableType(
TypeVariableType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
return onVariable(type);
jsAst.Expression visitLegacyType(LegacyType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
throw UnsupportedError('Legacy RTI does not support legacy types');
jsAst.Expression visitNullableType(
NullableType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
throw UnsupportedError('Legacy RTI does not support nullable types');
jsAst.Expression visitNeverType(NeverType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
throw UnsupportedError('Legacy RTI does not support the Never type');
jsAst.Expression visitFunctionTypeVariable(
FunctionTypeVariable type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
int position = functionTypeVariables.indexOf(type);
assert(position >= 0);
return js.number(functionTypeVariables.length - position - 1);
jsAst.Expression visitDynamicType(DynamicType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
return getDynamicValue();
jsAst.Expression visitErasedType(ErasedType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
throw UnsupportedError('Legacy RTI does not support erased types');
jsAst.Expression visitAnyType(AnyType type, ModularEmitter emitter) =>
jsAst.Expression getJsInteropTypeArguments(int count,
{jsAst.Expression name}) {
List<jsAst.Expression> elements = <jsAst.Expression>[];
if (name != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(elements);
jsAst.Expression visitInterfaceType(
InterfaceType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
jsAst.Expression name = getJavaScriptClassName(type.element, emitter);
jsAst.Expression result;
if (type.typeArguments.isEmpty) {
result = name;
} else {
// Visit all type arguments. This is done even for jsinterop classes to
// enforce the invariant that [onVariable] is called for each type
// variable in the type.
result = visitList(type.typeArguments, emitter, head: name);
if (_nativeData.isJsInteropClass(type.element)) {
// Replace type arguments of generic jsinterop classes with 'any' type.
result =
getJsInteropTypeArguments(type.typeArguments.length, name: name);
return result;
jsAst.Expression visitList(List<DartType> types, ModularEmitter emitter,
{jsAst.Expression head}) {
List<jsAst.Expression> elements = <jsAst.Expression>[];
if (head != null) {
for (DartType type in types) {
jsAst.Expression element = visit(type, emitter);
if (element is jsAst.LiteralNull) {
elements.add(new jsAst.ArrayHole());
} else {
return new jsAst.ArrayInitializer(elements);
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a function type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFunctionType {
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("'${_rtiTags.functionTypeTag}' in #");
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is a FutureOr type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsFutureOrType {
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("'${_rtiTags.futureOrTag}' in #");
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the void type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsVoidType {
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("# === -1");
/// Returns the JavaScript template to determine at runtime if a type object
/// is the dynamic type.
jsAst.Template get templateForIsDynamicType {
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("# == null");
jsAst.Template get templateForIsJsInteropTypeArgument {
return jsAst.js.expressionTemplateFor("# === -2");
jsAst.Expression visitFunctionType(
FunctionType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
List<jsAst.Property> properties = <jsAst.Property>[];
void addProperty(String name, jsAst.Expression value) {
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.string(name), value));
// Type representations for functions have a property which is a tag marking
// them as function types. The value is not used, so '1' is just a dummy.
addProperty(_rtiTags.functionTypeTag, js.number(1));
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
// Generic function types have type parameters which are reduced to de
// Bruijn indexes.
for (FunctionTypeVariable variable in type.typeVariables.reversed) {
// TODO(sra): This emits `P.Object` for the common unbounded case. We
// could replace the Object bounds with an array hole for a compact `[,,]`
// representation.
visitList( => v.bound).toList(), emitter));
if (type.returnType is! DynamicType) {
_rtiTags.functionTypeReturnTypeTag, visit(type.returnType, emitter));
if (!type.parameterTypes.isEmpty) {
visitList(type.parameterTypes, emitter));
if (!type.optionalParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
visitList(type.optionalParameterTypes, emitter));
if (!type.namedParameterTypes.isEmpty) {
List<jsAst.Property> namedArguments = <jsAst.Property>[];
List<String> names = type.namedParameters;
List<DartType> types = type.namedParameterTypes;
assert(types.length == names.length);
for (int index = 0; index < types.length; index++) {
jsAst.Expression name = js.string(names[index]);
.add(new jsAst.Property(name, visit(types[index], emitter)));
new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(namedArguments));
// Exit generic function scope.
if (type.typeVariables.isNotEmpty) {
functionTypeVariables.length -= type.typeVariables.length;
return new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
jsAst.Expression visitVoidType(VoidType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
return getVoidValue();
jsAst.Expression visitFutureOrType(
FutureOrType type, ModularEmitter emitter) {
List<jsAst.Property> properties = <jsAst.Property>[];
void addProperty(String name, jsAst.Expression value) {
properties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.string(name), value));
// Type representations for FutureOr have a property which is a tag marking
// them as FutureOr types. The value is not used, so '1' is just a dummy.
addProperty(_rtiTags.futureOrTag, js.number(1));
if (type.typeArgument is! DynamicType) {
addProperty(_rtiTags.futureOrTypeTag, visit(type.typeArgument, emitter));
return new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(properties);
class TypeCheckMapping implements TypeChecks {
final Map<ClassEntity, ClassChecks> map = new Map<ClassEntity, ClassChecks>();
ClassChecks operator [](ClassEntity element) {
ClassChecks result = map[element];
return result != null ? result : const ClassChecks.empty();
void operator []=(ClassEntity element, ClassChecks checks) {
map[element] = checks;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get classes => map.keys;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (ClassEntity holder in classes) {
for (TypeCheck check in this[holder].checks) {
sb.write('${} <: ${}, ');
return '[$sb]';
class ArgumentCollector extends DartTypeVisitor<void, void> {
final Set<ClassEntity> classes = new Set<ClassEntity>();
void addClass(ClassEntity cls) {
void collect(DartType type) {
visit(type, null);
/// Collect all types in the list as if they were arguments of an
/// InterfaceType.
void collectAll(List<DartType> types) => types.forEach(collect);
void visitLegacyType(LegacyType type, _) {
void visitNullableType(NullableType type, _) {
void visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType type, _) {
void visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, _) {
void visitFunctionType(FunctionType type, _) {
enum TypeVisitorState {
class TypeVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<void, TypeVisitorState> {
Set<FunctionTypeVariable> _visitedFunctionTypeVariables =
new Set<FunctionTypeVariable>();
final void Function(ClassEntity entity, {TypeVisitorState state}) onClass;
final void Function(TypeVariableEntity entity, {TypeVisitorState state})
final void Function(FunctionType type, {TypeVisitorState state})
TypeVisitor({this.onClass, this.onTypeVariable, this.onFunctionType});
void visitType(DartType type, TypeVisitorState state) =>
type.accept(this, state);
TypeVisitorState covariantArgument(TypeVisitorState state) {
switch (state) {
return TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument:
return TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument:
return TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral:
return TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected TypeVisitorState $state");
TypeVisitorState contravariantArgument(TypeVisitorState state) {
switch (state) {
return TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument:
return TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.contravariantTypeArgument:
return TypeVisitorState.covariantTypeArgument;
case TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral:
return TypeVisitorState.typeLiteral;
throw new UnsupportedError("Unexpected TypeVisitorState $state");
void visitTypes(List<DartType> types, TypeVisitorState state) {
for (DartType type in types) {
visitType(type, state);
void visitLegacyType(LegacyType type, TypeVisitorState state) =>
visitType(type.baseType, state);
void visitNullableType(NullableType type, TypeVisitorState state) =>
visitType(type.baseType, state);
void visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType type, TypeVisitorState state) =>
visitType(type.typeArgument, state);
void visitTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type, TypeVisitorState state) {
if (onTypeVariable != null) {
onTypeVariable(type.element, state: state);
visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type, TypeVisitorState state) {
if (onClass != null) {
onClass(type.element, state: state);
visitTypes(type.typeArguments, covariantArgument(state));
visitFunctionType(FunctionType type, TypeVisitorState state) {
if (onFunctionType != null) {
onFunctionType(type, state: state);
// Visit all nested types as type arguments; these types are not runtime
// instances but runtime type representations.
visitType(type.returnType, covariantArgument(state));
visitTypes(type.parameterTypes, contravariantArgument(state));
visitTypes(type.optionalParameterTypes, contravariantArgument(state));
visitTypes(type.namedParameterTypes, contravariantArgument(state));
visitFunctionTypeVariable(FunctionTypeVariable type, TypeVisitorState state) {
if (_visitedFunctionTypeVariables.add(type)) {
visitType(type.bound, state);
/// Runtime type usage for a class.
class ClassUse {
/// Whether the class is directly or indirectly instantiated.
/// For instance `A` and `B` in:
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// main() => new B();
bool instance = false;
/// Whether the class is directly instantiated.
/// For instance `B` in:
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// main() => new B();
bool directInstance = false;
/// Whether objects are checked to be instances of the class.
/// For instance `A` in:
/// class A {}
/// main() => null is A;
bool checkedInstance = false;
/// Whether the class is passed as a type argument at runtime.
/// For instance `A` in:
/// class A {}
/// main() => new List<A>() is List<String>;
bool typeArgument = false;
/// Whether the class is checked as a type argument at runtime.
/// For instance `A` in:
/// class A {}
/// main() => new List<String>() is List<A>;
bool checkedTypeArgument = false;
/// Whether the class is used in a constant type literal.
/// For instance `A`:
/// class A {}
/// main() => A;
bool typeLiteral = false;
/// The function type of the class, if any.
/// This is only set if the function type is needed at runtime. For instance,
/// if no function types are checked at runtime then the function type isn't
/// needed.
/// Furthermore optimization might also omit function type that are known not
/// to be valid in any subtype test.
ClassFunctionType functionType;
/// `true` if the class is 'live' either through instantiation or use in
/// type arguments.
bool get isLive => directInstance || typeArgument;
String toString() {
List<String> properties = <String>[];
if (instance) {
if (directInstance) {
if (checkedInstance) {
if (typeArgument) {
if (checkedTypeArgument) {
if (typeLiteral) {
if (functionType != null) {
return 'ClassUse(${properties.join(',')})';