blob: 15bea048bc4fa58ad59b4d018155c51fb19329f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../driver_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FunctionExpressionTest extends DriverResolutionTest {
test_downward_argumentType_Never() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void foo(void Function(Never) a) {}
main() {
foo((x) {});
findNode.simpleParameter('x) {}'),
nullable: 'Object?',
legacy: 'Object',
test_downward_argumentType_Null() async {
await resolveTestCode(r'''
void foo(void Function(Null) a) {}
main() {
foo((x) {});
findNode.simpleParameter('x) {}'),
nullable: 'Object?',
legacy: 'Object',
test_returnType_async_blockBody() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () async {
return 0;
_assertReturnType('() async {', 'Future<int>');
test_returnType_async_expressionBody() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () async => 0;
_assertReturnType('() async =>', 'Future<int>');
test_returnType_asyncStar_blockBody() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () async* {
yield 0;
_assertReturnType('() async* {', 'Stream<int>');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () {
return 0;
_assertReturnType('() {', 'int');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_notNullable() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = (bool b) {
if (b) return 0;
return 1.2;
_assertReturnType('(bool b) {', 'num');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_notNullable_switch_onEnum() async {
var expectedErrors = expectedErrorsByNullability(
nullable: [],
legacy: [
error(HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, 28, 102),
await assertErrorsInCode('''
enum E { a, b }
main() {
(E e) {
switch (e) {
case E.a:
return 0;
case E.b:
return 1;
''', expectedErrors);
_assertReturnType('(E e) {', 'int');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_notNullable_switch_onEnum_imported() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
enum E { a, b }
var expectedErrors = expectedErrorsByNullability(
nullable: [],
legacy: [
error(HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, 34, 108),
await assertErrorsInCode('''
import 'a.dart' as p;
main() {
(p.E e) {
switch (e) {
case p.E.a:
return 0;
case p.E.b:
return 1;
''', expectedErrors);
_assertReturnType('(p.E e) {', 'int');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_null_hasReturn() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = (bool b) {
if (b) return;
_assertReturnType('(bool b) {', 'Null');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_null_noReturn() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () {};
_assertReturnType('() {}', 'Null');
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_nullable() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = (bool b) {
if (b) return 0;
'(bool b) {',
typeStringByNullability(nullable: 'int?', legacy: 'int'),
test_returnType_sync_blockBody_nullable_switch() async {
var expectedErrors = expectedErrorsByNullability(
nullable: [],
legacy: [
error(HintCode.MISSING_RETURN, 11, 68),
await assertErrorsInCode('''
main() {
(int a) {
switch (a) {
case 0:
return 0;
''', expectedErrors);
'(int a) {',
typeStringByNullability(nullable: 'int?', legacy: 'int'),
test_returnType_sync_expressionBody_Never() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () => throw 42;
'() =>',
typeStringByNullability(nullable: 'Never', legacy: 'Null'),
test_returnType_sync_expressionBody_notNullable() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () => 42;
_assertReturnType('() =>', 'int');
test_returnType_sync_expressionBody_Null() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () => null;
_assertReturnType('() =>', 'Null');
test_returnType_syncStar_blockBody() async {
await resolveTestCode('''
var v = () sync* {
yield 0;
_assertReturnType('() sync* {', 'Iterable<int>');
void _assertReturnType(String search, String expected) {
var element = findNode.functionExpression(search).declaredElement;
assertType(element.returnType, expected);
class FunctionExpressionWithNnbdTest extends FunctionExpressionTest {
AnalysisOptionsImpl get analysisOptions => AnalysisOptionsImpl()
..contextFeatures = FeatureSet.forTesting(
sdkVersion: '2.6.0', additionalFeatures: [Feature.non_nullable]);
bool get typeToStringWithNullability => true;
test_optOut_returnType_expressionBody_Null() async {
newFile('/test/lib/a.dart', content: r'''
void foo(Map<String, String> Function() f) {}
await resolveTestCode('''
// @dart = 2.5
import 'a.dart';
void main() {
foo(() => null);
_assertReturnType('() =>', 'Null*');