blob: c87e763719e1a02b33c329ba71e2ec21115bc090 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library _interceptors;
import 'dart:collection';
part 'js_array.dart';
part 'js_number.dart';
part 'js_string.dart';
* The interceptor class for all non-primitive objects. All its
* members are synthethized by the compiler's emitter.
class ObjectInterceptor {
const ObjectInterceptor();
* Get the interceptor for [object]. Called by the compiler when it needs
* to emit a call to an intercepted method, that is a method that is
* defined in an interceptor class.
getInterceptor(object) {
if (object is String) return const JSString();
if (isJsArray(object)) return const JSArray();
if (object is int) return const JSInt();
if (object is double) return const JSDouble();
if (object is bool) return const JSBool();
if (object == null) return const JSNull();
if (JS('String', 'typeof #', object) == 'function') return const JSFunction();
return const ObjectInterceptor();
* The interceptor class for tear-off static methods. Unlike
* tear-off instance methods, tear-off static methods are just the JS
* function, and methods inherited from Object must therefore be
* intercepted.
class JSFunction implements Function {
const JSFunction();
String toString() => 'Closure';
* The interceptor class for [bool].
class JSBool implements bool {
const JSBool();
String toString() => JS('String', r'String(#)', this);
// The values here are SMIs, co-prime and differ about half of the bit
// positions, including the low bit, so they are different mod 2^k.
int get hashCode => this ? (2 * 3 * 23 * 3761) : (269 * 811);
Type get runtimeType => bool;
* The interceptor class for [Null].
class JSNull implements Null {
const JSNull();
String toString() => 'null';
int get hashCode => 0;
Type get runtimeType => createRuntimeType('Null');