blob: 6ef9fc3cb99c5b127fbe1abc3d36c2aff7cbb874 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of js_backend;
class NativeEmitter {
CodeEmitterTask emitter;
CodeBuffer nativeBuffer;
// Classes that participate in dynamic dispatch. These are the
// classes that contain used members.
Set<ClassElement> classesWithDynamicDispatch;
// Native classes found in the application.
Set<ClassElement> nativeClasses;
// Caches the native subtypes of a native class.
Map<ClassElement, List<ClassElement>> subtypes;
// Caches the direct native subtypes of a native class.
Map<ClassElement, List<ClassElement>> directSubtypes;
// Caches the methods that have a native body.
Set<FunctionElement> nativeMethods;
// Do we need the native emitter to take care of handling
// noSuchMethod for us? This flag is set to true in the emitter if
// it finds any native class that needs noSuchMethod handling.
bool handleNoSuchMethod = false;
: classesWithDynamicDispatch = new Set<ClassElement>(),
nativeClasses = new Set<ClassElement>(),
subtypes = new Map<ClassElement, List<ClassElement>>(),
directSubtypes = new Map<ClassElement, List<ClassElement>>(),
nativeMethods = new Set<FunctionElement>(),
nativeBuffer = new CodeBuffer();
Compiler get compiler => emitter.compiler;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
String get _ => emitter._;
String get n => emitter.n;
String get N => emitter.N;
String get dynamicName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('dynamicFunction'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get dynamicFunctionTableName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('dynamicFunctionTable'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get dynamicSetMetadataName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('dynamicSetMetadata'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get typeNameOfName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('getTypeNameOf'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get defPropName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('defineProperty'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get toStringHelperName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('toStringForNativeObject'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get hashCodeHelperName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('hashCodeForNativeObject'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get dispatchPropertyNameVariable {
Element element = compiler.findInterceptor(
const SourceString('dispatchPropertyName'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get defineNativeMethodsName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('defineNativeMethods'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get defineNativeMethodsNonleafName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('defineNativeMethodsNonleaf'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
String get defineNativeMethodsFinishName {
Element element = compiler.findHelper(
const SourceString('defineNativeMethodsFinish'));
return backend.namer.isolateAccess(element);
bool isNativeGlobal(String quotedName) {
return identical(quotedName[1], '@');
String toNativeTag(ClassElement cls) {
String quotedName = cls.nativeTagInfo.slowToString();
if (isNativeGlobal(quotedName)) {
// Global object, just be like the other types for now.
return quotedName.substring(3, quotedName.length - 1);
} else {
return quotedName.substring(2, quotedName.length - 1);
void generateNativeClass(ClassElement classElement, CodeBuffer mainBuffer) {
ClassElement superclass = classElement.superclass;
assert(superclass != null);
// Fix superclass. TODO(sra): make native classes inherit from Interceptor.
if (superclass == compiler.objectClass) {
superclass = backend.jsInterceptorClass;
String superName = backend.namer.getName(superclass);
ClassBuilder builder = new ClassBuilder();
emitter.emitClassConstructor(classElement, builder);
emitter.emitSuper(superName, builder);
bool hasFields = emitter.emitClassFields(classElement, builder,
classIsNative: true,
superClass: superName);
emitter.emitClassGettersSetters(classElement, builder);
emitter.emitInstanceMembers(classElement, builder);
// An empty native class may be omitted since the superclass methods can be
// located via the dispatch metadata.
// TODO(sra): Also need to check there are no subclasses that will reference
// this class.
// bool hasOnlyGeneratedFields = == 1;
// if (hasOnlyGeneratedFields == 1 && !hasFields) return;
// Define interceptor class for [classElement].
String className = backend.namer.getName(classElement);
jsAst.Expression init =
mainBuffer.write(jsAst.prettyPrint(init, compiler));
emitter.needsDefineClass = true;
// Define dispatch for [classElement].
String nativeTag = toNativeTag(classElement);
String definer = directSubtypes[classElement] == null
? defineNativeMethodsName
: defineNativeMethodsNonleafName;
// TODO(sra): Fix DOM generation. There is a missing proto in the picture
// the DOM gives of the proto chain. We might need an annotation.
if (nativeTag == 'HTMLElement') definer = defineNativeMethodsNonleafName;
jsAst.Expression definition =
nativeBuffer.add(jsAst.prettyPrint(definition, compiler));
void finishGenerateNativeClasses() {
// TODO(sra): Put specialized version of getNativeMethods on
// `Object.prototype` to avoid checking in `getInterceptor` and
// specializations.
// jsAst.Expression call = js(defineNativeMethodsFinishName)([]);
// nativeBuffer.add(jsAst.prettyPrint(call, compiler));
// nativeBuffer.add('$N$n');
List<ClassElement> getDirectSubclasses(ClassElement cls) {
List<ClassElement> result = directSubtypes[cls];
return result == null ? const<ClassElement>[] : result;
void potentiallyConvertDartClosuresToJs(
List<jsAst.Statement> statements,
FunctionElement member,
List<jsAst.Parameter> stubParameters) {
FunctionSignature parameters = member.computeSignature(compiler);
Element converter =
compiler.findHelper(const SourceString('convertDartClosureToJS'));
String closureConverter = backend.namer.isolateAccess(converter);
Set<String> stubParameterNames = new Set<String>.from( =>;
parameters.forEachParameter((Element parameter) {
String name =;
// If [name] is not in [stubParameters], then the parameter is an optional
// parameter that was not provided for this stub.
for (jsAst.Parameter stubParameter in stubParameters) {
if ( == name) {
DartType type = parameter.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
// The parameter type is a function type either directly or through
// typedef(s).
int arity = type.computeArity();
js('$name = $closureConverter($name, $arity)').toStatement());
List<jsAst.Statement> generateParameterStubStatements(
Element member,
bool isInterceptedMethod,
String invocationName,
List<jsAst.Parameter> stubParameters,
List<jsAst.Expression> argumentsBuffer,
int indexOfLastOptionalArgumentInParameters) {
// The target JS function may check arguments.length so we need to
// make sure not to pass any unspecified optional arguments to it.
// For example, for the following Dart method:
// foo([x, y, z]);
// The call:
// foo(y: 1)
// must be turned into a JS call to:
// foo(null, y).
ClassElement classElement = member.enclosingElement;
String nativeTagInfo = classElement.nativeTagInfo.slowToString();
List<jsAst.Statement> statements = <jsAst.Statement>[];
potentiallyConvertDartClosuresToJs(statements, member, stubParameters);
String target;
jsAst.Expression receiver;
List<jsAst.Expression> arguments;
if (!nativeMethods.contains(member)) {
// When calling a method that has a native body, we call it with our
// calling conventions.
target = backend.namer.getName(member);
arguments = argumentsBuffer;
} else {
// When calling a JS method, we call it with the native name, and only the
// arguments up until the last one provided.
target = member.fixedBackendName();
if (isInterceptedMethod) {
receiver = argumentsBuffer[0];
arguments = argumentsBuffer.sublist(1,
indexOfLastOptionalArgumentInParameters + 1);
} else {
receiver = js('this');
arguments = argumentsBuffer.sublist(0,
indexOfLastOptionalArgumentInParameters + 1);
statements.add(new jsAst.Return(receiver[target](arguments)));
return statements;
void emitDynamicDispatchMetadata() {
if (classesWithDynamicDispatch.isEmpty) return;
int length = classesWithDynamicDispatch.length;
if (!compiler.enableMinification) {
nativeBuffer.add('// $length dynamic classes.\n');
// Build a pre-order traversal over all the classes and their subclasses.
Set<ClassElement> seen = new Set<ClassElement>();
List<ClassElement> classes = <ClassElement>[];
void visit(ClassElement cls) {
if (seen.contains(cls)) return;
List<ClassElement> preorderDispatchClasses = classes.where(
(cls) => !getDirectSubclasses(cls).isEmpty &&
if (!compiler.enableMinification) {
nativeBuffer.add('// ${classes.length} classes\n');
Iterable<ClassElement> classesThatHaveSubclasses = classes.where(
(ClassElement t) => !getDirectSubclasses(t).isEmpty);
if (!compiler.enableMinification) {
nativeBuffer.add('// ${classesThatHaveSubclasses.length} !leaf\n');
// Generate code that builds the map from cls tags used in dynamic dispatch
// to the set of cls tags of classes that extend (TODO: or implement) those
// classes. The set is represented as a string of tags joined with '|'.
// This is easily split into an array of tags, or converted into a regexp.
// To reduce the size of the sets, subsets are CSE-ed out into variables.
// The sets could be much smaller if we could make assumptions about the
// cls tags of other classes (which are constructor names or part of the
// result of Object.protocls.toString). For example, if objects that are
// Dart objects could be easily excluded, then we might be able to simplify
// the test, replacing dozens of HTMLxxxElement classes with the regexp
// /HTML.*Element/.
// Temporary variables for common substrings.
List<String> varNames = <String>[];
// Values of temporary variables.
Map<String, jsAst.Expression> varDefns = new Map<String, jsAst.Expression>();
// Expression to compute tags string for a class. The expression will
// initially be a string or expression building a string, but may be
// replaced with a variable reference to the common substring.
Map<ClassElement, jsAst.Expression> tagDefns =
new Map<ClassElement, jsAst.Expression>();
jsAst.Expression makeExpression(ClassElement classElement) {
// Expression fragments for this set of cls keys.
List<jsAst.Expression> expressions = <jsAst.Expression>[];
// TODO: Remove if cls is abstract.
List<String> subtags = [toNativeTag(classElement)];
void walk(ClassElement cls) {
for (final ClassElement subclass in getDirectSubclasses(cls)) {
ClassElement tag = subclass;
jsAst.Expression existing = tagDefns[tag];
if (existing == null) {
// [subclass] is still within the subtree between dispatch classes.
} else {
// [subclass] is one of the preorderDispatchClasses, so CSE this
// reference with the previous reference.
jsAst.VariableUse use = existing.asVariableUse();
if (use != null && varDefns.containsKey( {
// We end up here if the subclasses have a DAG structure. We
// don't have DAGs yet, but if the dispatch is used for mixins
// that will be a possibility.
// Re-use the previously created temporary variable.
} else {
String varName = 'v${varNames.length}_${}';
varDefns[varName] = existing;
tagDefns[tag] = js(varName);
if (!subtags.isEmpty) {
jsAst.Expression expression;
if (expressions.length == 1) {
expression = expressions[0];
} else {
jsAst.Expression array = new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from(expressions);
expression = array['join']([js.string('|')]);
return expression;
for (final ClassElement classElement in preorderDispatchClasses) {
tagDefns[classElement] = makeExpression(classElement);
// Write out a thunk that builds the metadata.
if (!tagDefns.isEmpty) {
List<jsAst.Statement> statements = <jsAst.Statement>[];
List<jsAst.VariableInitialization> initializations =
for (final String varName in varNames) {
new jsAst.VariableInitialization(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration(varName),
if (!initializations.isEmpty) {
new jsAst.ExpressionStatement(
new jsAst.VariableDeclarationList(initializations)));
// [table] is a list of lists, each inner list of the form:
// [dynamic-dispatch-tag, tags-of-classes-implementing-dispatch-tag]
// E.g.
// [['Node', 'Text|HTMLElement|HTMLDivElement|...'], ...]
jsAst.Expression table =
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from( =>
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from([
statements.add(js('$dynamicSetMetadataName(#)', table).toStatement());
// (function(){statements})();
if (emitter.compiler.enableMinification) nativeBuffer.add(';');
new jsAst.ExpressionStatement(
new jsAst.Call(new jsAst.Fun([], new jsAst.Block(statements)),
bool isSupertypeOfNativeClass(Element element) {
if (element.isTypeVariable()) {
compiler.cancel("Is check for type variable", element: element);
return false;
if (element.computeType(compiler).unalias(compiler) is FunctionType) {
// The element type is a function type either directly or through
// typedef(s).
return false;
if (!element.isClass()) {
compiler.cancel("Is check does not handle element", element: element);
return false;
return subtypes[element] != null;
bool requiresNativeIsCheck(Element element) {
if (!element.isClass()) return false;
ClassElement cls = element;
if (cls.isNative()) return true;
return isSupertypeOfNativeClass(element);
void assembleCode(CodeBuffer targetBuffer) {
List<jsAst.Property> objectProperties = <jsAst.Property>[];
void addProperty(String name, jsAst.Expression value) {
objectProperties.add(new jsAst.Property(js.string(name), value));
// Because of native classes, we have to generate some is checks
// by calling a method, instead of accessing a property. So we
// attach to the JS Object prototype these methods that return
// false, and will be overridden by subclasses when they have to
// return true.
void emitIsChecks() {
for (ClassElement element in
Elements.sortedByPosition(emitter.checkedClasses)) {
if (!requiresNativeIsCheck(element)) continue;
if (element.isObject(compiler)) continue;
// Add function for the is-test.
String name = backend.namer.operatorIs(element);
addProperty(name,[], js.return_(js('false'))));
// Add a function for the (trivial) substitution.
addProperty(backend.namer.substitutionName(element),[], js.return_(js('null'))));
if (!nativeClasses.isEmpty) {
// If the native emitter has been asked to take care of the
// noSuchMethod handlers, we do that now.
if (handleNoSuchMethod) {
// If we have any properties to add to Object.prototype, we run
// through them and add them using defineProperty.
if (!objectProperties.isEmpty) {
jsAst.Expression init =['table'],
new jsAst.ForIn(
new jsAst.VariableDeclarationList(
[new jsAst.VariableInitialization(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration('key'),
new jsAst.ExpressionStatement(
js('$defPropName(Object.prototype, key, table[key])'))))(
new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(objectProperties));
if (emitter.compiler.enableMinification) targetBuffer.add(';');
new jsAst.ExpressionStatement(init), compiler));