blob: d9859751826042829d86f41cc4353fe26c166478 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/bootstrap_natives.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
#include "vm/bigint_operations.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/native_entry.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
// TypedData.
// Checks to see if offset_in_bytes is in the range.
static bool RangeCheck(intptr_t offset_in_bytes, intptr_t length_in_bytes) {
return ((offset_in_bytes >= 0) &&
(length_in_bytes > 0) &&
(offset_in_bytes < length_in_bytes));
// Checks to see if offsetInBytes + num_bytes is in the range.
static void SetRangeCheck(intptr_t offset_in_bytes,
intptr_t num_bytes,
intptr_t length_in_bytes,
intptr_t element_size_in_bytes) {
if (!Utils::RangeCheck(offset_in_bytes, num_bytes, length_in_bytes)) {
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted(
"index (%"Pd") must be in the range [0..%"Pd")",
(offset_in_bytes / element_size_in_bytes),
(length_in_bytes / element_size_in_bytes)));
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1));
args.SetAt(0, error);
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kRange, args);
// Checks to see if a length will not result in an OOM error.
static void LengthCheck(intptr_t len, intptr_t max) {
ASSERT(len >= 0);
if (len > max) {
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted(
"insufficient memory to allocate a TypedData object of length (%"Pd")",
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1));
args.SetAt(0, error);
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kOutOfMemory, args);
static void PeerFinalizer(Dart_Handle handle, void* peer) {
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_length, 1) {
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0));
if (instance.IsTypedData()) {
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(instance);
return Smi::New(array.Length());
if (instance.IsExternalTypedData()) {
const ExternalTypedData& array = ExternalTypedData::Cast(instance);
return Smi::New(array.Length());
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted(
"Expected a TypedData object but found %s", instance.ToCString()));
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1));
args.SetAt(0, error);
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args);
return Integer::null();
#define COPY_DATA(type, dst, src) \
const type& dst_array = type::Cast(dst); \
const type& src_array = type::Cast(src); \
intptr_t element_size_in_bytes = dst_array.ElementSizeInBytes(); \
intptr_t length_in_bytes = length.Value() * element_size_in_bytes; \
intptr_t src_offset_in_bytes = src_start.Value() * element_size_in_bytes; \
intptr_t dst_offset_in_bytes = dst_start.Value() * element_size_in_bytes; \
SetRangeCheck(src_offset_in_bytes, \
length_in_bytes, \
src_array.LengthInBytes(), \
element_size_in_bytes); \
SetRangeCheck(dst_offset_in_bytes, \
length_in_bytes, \
dst_array.LengthInBytes(), \
element_size_in_bytes); \
type::Copy(dst_array, dst_offset_in_bytes, \
src_array, src_offset_in_bytes, \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_setRange, 5) {
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, dst, arguments->NativeArgAt(0));
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, dst_start, arguments->NativeArgAt(1));
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, length, arguments->NativeArgAt(2));
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, src, arguments->NativeArgAt(3));
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, src_start, arguments->NativeArgAt(4));
if (length.Value() < 0) {
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted(
"length (%"Pd") must be non-negative", length.Value()));
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1));
args.SetAt(0, error);
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args);
if ((dst.IsTypedData() || dst.IsExternalTypedData()) &&
(dst.clazz() == src.clazz())) {
if (dst.IsTypedData()) {
COPY_DATA(TypedData, dst, src);
} else {
COPY_DATA(ExternalTypedData, dst, src);
return Bool::True().raw();
return Bool::False().raw();
// We check the length parameter against a possible maximum length for the
// array based on available physical addressable memory on the system. The
// maximum possible length is a scaled value of kSmiMax which is set up based
// on whether the underlying architecture is 32-bit or 64-bit.
#define TYPED_DATA_NEW(name) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_##name##_new, 1) { \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, length, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
intptr_t cid = kTypedData##name##Cid; \
intptr_t len = length.Value(); \
intptr_t max = TypedData::MaxElements(cid); \
LengthCheck(len, max); \
return TypedData::New(cid, len); \
} \
// We check the length parameter against a possible maximum length for the
// array based on available physical addressable memory on the system. The
// maximum possible length is a scaled value of kSmiMax which is set up based
// on whether the underlying architecture is 32-bit or 64-bit.
#define EXT_TYPED_DATA_NEW(name) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(ExternalTypedData_##name##_new, 1) { \
const int kAlignment = 16; \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, length, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
intptr_t cid = kExternalTypedData##name##Cid; \
intptr_t len = length.Value(); \
intptr_t max = ExternalTypedData::MaxElements(cid); \
LengthCheck(len, max); \
intptr_t len_bytes = len * ExternalTypedData::ElementSizeInBytes(cid); \
uint8_t* data = OS::AllocateAlignedArray<uint8_t>(len_bytes, kAlignment); \
const ExternalTypedData& obj = \
ExternalTypedData::Handle(ExternalTypedData::New(cid, data, len)); \
obj.AddFinalizer(data, PeerFinalizer); \
return obj.raw(); \
} \
#define TYPED_DATA_NEW_NATIVE(name) \
#define TYPED_DATA_GETTER(getter, object) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_##getter, 2) { \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, offsetInBytes, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); \
if (instance.IsTypedData()) { \
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
return object::New(array.getter(offsetInBytes.Value())); \
} \
if (instance.IsExternalTypedData()) { \
const ExternalTypedData& array = ExternalTypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
return object::New(array.getter(offsetInBytes.Value())); \
} \
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( \
"Expected a TypedData object but found %s", instance.ToCString())); \
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); \
args.SetAt(0, error); \
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args); \
return object::null(); \
} \
#define TYPED_DATA_SETTER(setter, object, get_object_value) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_##setter, 3) { \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, offsetInBytes, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(object, value, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); \
if (instance.IsTypedData()) { \
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
array.setter(offsetInBytes.Value(), value.get_object_value()); \
} else if (instance.IsExternalTypedData()) { \
const ExternalTypedData& array = ExternalTypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
array.setter(offsetInBytes.Value(), value.get_object_value()); \
} else { \
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( \
"Expected a TypedData object but found %s", instance.ToCString())); \
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); \
args.SetAt(0, error); \
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args); \
} \
return Object::null(); \
#define TYPED_DATA_UINT64_GETTER(getter, object) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_##getter, 2) { \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, offsetInBytes, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); \
uint64_t value = 0; \
if (instance.IsTypedData()) { \
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
value = array.getter(offsetInBytes.Value()); \
} else if (instance.IsExternalTypedData()) { \
const ExternalTypedData& array = ExternalTypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
value = array.getter(offsetInBytes.Value()); \
} else { \
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( \
"Expected a TypedData object but found %s", instance.ToCString())); \
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); \
args.SetAt(0, error); \
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args); \
} \
Integer& result = Integer::Handle(); \
if (value > static_cast<uint64_t>(Mint::kMaxValue)) { \
result = BigintOperations::NewFromUint64(value); \
} else if (value > static_cast<uint64_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) { \
result = Mint::New(value); \
} else { \
result = Smi::New(value); \
} \
return result.raw(); \
} \
// TODO(asiva): Consider truncating the bigint value if it does not fit into
// a uint64_t value (see ASSERT(BigintOperations::FitsIntoUint64(bigint))).
#define TYPED_DATA_UINT64_SETTER(setter, object) \
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(TypedData_##setter, 3) { \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Instance, instance, arguments->NativeArgAt(0)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(Smi, offsetInBytes, arguments->NativeArgAt(1)); \
GET_NON_NULL_NATIVE_ARGUMENT(object, value, arguments->NativeArgAt(2)); \
uint64_t object_value; \
if (value.IsBigint()) { \
const Bigint& bigint = Bigint::Cast(value); \
ASSERT(BigintOperations::FitsIntoUint64(bigint)); \
object_value = BigintOperations::AbsToUint64(bigint); \
} else { \
ASSERT(value.IsMint() || value.IsSmi()); \
object_value = value.AsInt64Value(); \
} \
if (instance.IsTypedData()) { \
const TypedData& array = TypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
array.setter(offsetInBytes.Value(), object_value); \
} else if (instance.IsExternalTypedData()) { \
const ExternalTypedData& array = ExternalTypedData::Cast(instance); \
ASSERT(RangeCheck(offsetInBytes.Value(), array.LengthInBytes())); \
array.setter(offsetInBytes.Value(), object_value); \
} else { \
const String& error = String::Handle(String::NewFormatted( \
"Expected a TypedData object but found %s", instance.ToCString())); \
const Array& args = Array::Handle(Array::New(1)); \
args.SetAt(0, error); \
Exceptions::ThrowByType(Exceptions::kArgument, args); \
} \
return Object::null(); \
#define TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(name, getter, setter, object, get_object_value) \
TYPED_DATA_GETTER(getter, object) \
TYPED_DATA_SETTER(setter, object, get_object_value) \
#define TYPED_DATA_UINT64_NATIVES(name, getter, setter, object) \
TYPED_DATA_UINT64_GETTER(getter, object) \
TYPED_DATA_UINT64_SETTER(setter, object) \
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Int8Array, GetInt8, SetInt8, Smi, Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Uint8Array, GetUint8, SetUint8, Smi, Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Int16Array, GetInt16, SetInt16, Smi, Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Uint16Array, GetUint16, SetUint16, Smi, Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Int32Array, GetInt32, SetInt32, Integer, AsInt64Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Uint32Array, GetUint32, SetUint32, Integer, AsInt64Value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Int64Array, GetInt64, SetInt64, Integer, AsInt64Value)
TYPED_DATA_UINT64_NATIVES(Uint64Array, GetUint64, SetUint64, Integer)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Float32Array, GetFloat32, SetFloat32, Double, value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Float64Array, GetFloat64, SetFloat64, Double, value)
TYPED_DATA_NATIVES(Float32x4Array, GetFloat32x4, SetFloat32x4, Float32x4, value)
} // namespace dart