blob: a31152aff586715a9a34dca8ef25e1c559dbf8b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// This code was auto-generated, is not intended to be edited, and is subject to
// significant change. Please see the README file for more information.
import 'source.dart';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:uri';
import 'java_core.dart';
import 'java_io.dart';
import 'sdk.dart' show DartSdk;
import 'engine.dart' show AnalysisContext;
export 'source.dart';
* Instances of the class {@code FileBasedSource} implement a source that represents a file.
* @coverage dart.engine.source
class FileBasedSource implements Source {
* The source factory that created this source and that should be used to resolve URI's against
* this source.
SourceFactory _factory;
* The file represented by this source.
JavaFile _file;
* A flag indicating whether this source is in one of the system libraries.
bool _inSystemLibrary = false;
* Initialize a newly created source object. The source object is assumed to not be in a system
* library.
* @param factory the source factory that created this source
* @param file the file represented by this source
FileBasedSource.con1(SourceFactory factory, JavaFile file) {
_jtd_constructor_302_impl(factory, file);
_jtd_constructor_302_impl(SourceFactory factory, JavaFile file) {
_jtd_constructor_303_impl(factory, file, false);
* Initialize a newly created source object.
* @param factory the source factory that created this source
* @param file the file represented by this source
* @param inSystemLibrary {@code true} if this source is in one of the system libraries
FileBasedSource.con2(SourceFactory factory2, JavaFile file3, bool inSystemLibrary2) {
_jtd_constructor_303_impl(factory2, file3, inSystemLibrary2);
_jtd_constructor_303_impl(SourceFactory factory2, JavaFile file3, bool inSystemLibrary2) {
this._factory = factory2;
this._file = file3;
this._inSystemLibrary = inSystemLibrary2;
bool operator ==(Object object) => object != null && identical(this.runtimeType, object.runtimeType) && _file == ((object as FileBasedSource))._file;
bool exists() => _factory.getContents(this) != null || (_file.exists() && !_file.isDirectory());
void getContents(Source_ContentReceiver receiver) {
String contents = _factory.getContents(this);
if (contents != null) {
AnalysisContext get context => _factory.context;
String get encoding => _file.toURI().toString();
String get fullName => _file.getAbsolutePath();
int get modificationStamp {
int stamp = _factory.getModificationStamp(this);
if (stamp != null) {
return stamp;
return _file.lastModified();
String get shortName => _file.getName();
int get hashCode => _file.hashCode;
bool isInSystemLibrary() => _inSystemLibrary;
Source resolve(String uri) => _factory.resolveUri(this, uri);
Source resolveRelative(Uri containedUri) {
try {
Uri resolvedUri = file.toURI().resolveUri(containedUri);
return new FileBasedSource.con1(_factory, new JavaFile.fromUri(resolvedUri));
} catch (exception) {
return null;
String toString() {
if (_file == null) {
return "<unknown source>";
return _file.getAbsolutePath();
* Return the file represented by this source. This is an internal method that is only intended to
* be used by {@link UriResolver}.
* @return the file represented by this source
JavaFile get file => _file;
* Instances of the class {@code DartUriResolver} resolve {@code dart} URI's.
* @coverage dart.engine.source
class DartUriResolver extends UriResolver {
* The Dart SDK against which URI's are to be resolved.
DartSdk _sdk;
* The name of the {@code dart} scheme.
static String _DART_SCHEME = "dart";
* Return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code dart:} URI.
* @param uri the URI being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code dart:} URI
static bool isDartUri(Uri uri) => uri.scheme == _DART_SCHEME;
* Initialize a newly created resolver to resolve Dart URI's against the given platform within the
* given Dart SDK.
* @param sdk the Dart SDK against which URI's are to be resolved
DartUriResolver(DartSdk sdk) {
this._sdk = sdk;
Source resolveAbsolute(SourceFactory factory, Uri uri) {
if (!isDartUri(uri)) {
return null;
JavaFile resolvedFile = _sdk.mapDartUri(uri.toString());
if (resolvedFile == null) {
return null;
return new FileBasedSource.con2(factory, resolvedFile, true);
* Instances of the class {@code PackageUriResolver} resolve {@code package} URI's in the context of
* an application.
* @coverage dart.engine.source
class PackageUriResolver extends UriResolver {
* The package directories that {@code package} URI's are assumed to be relative to.
List<JavaFile> _packagesDirectories;
* The name of the {@code package} scheme.
static String _PACKAGE_SCHEME = "package";
* Return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code package} URI.
* @param uri the URI being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code package} URI
static bool isPackageUri(Uri uri) => uri.scheme == _PACKAGE_SCHEME;
* Initialize a newly created resolver to resolve {@code package} URI's relative to the given
* package directories.
* @param packagesDirectories the package directories that {@code package} URI's are assumed to be
* relative to
PackageUriResolver(List<JavaFile> packagesDirectories) {
if (packagesDirectories.length < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one package directory must be provided");
this._packagesDirectories = packagesDirectories;
Source resolveAbsolute(SourceFactory factory, Uri uri) {
if (!isPackageUri(uri)) {
return null;
String path4 = uri.path;
if (path4 == null) {
path4 = uri.path;
if (path4 == null) {
return null;
for (JavaFile packagesDirectory in _packagesDirectories) {
JavaFile resolvedFile = new JavaFile.relative(packagesDirectory, path4);
if (resolvedFile.exists()) {
return new FileBasedSource.con1(factory, resolvedFile);
return new FileBasedSource.con1(factory, new JavaFile.relative(_packagesDirectories[0], path4));
* Instances of the class {@link DirectoryBasedSourceContainer} represent a source container that
* contains all sources within a given directory.
* @coverage dart.engine.source
class DirectoryBasedSourceContainer implements SourceContainer {
* Append the system file separator to the given path unless the path already ends with a
* separator.
* @param path the path to which the file separator is to be added
* @return a path that ends with the system file separator
static String appendFileSeparator(String path) {
if (path == null || path.length <= 0 || path.codeUnitAt(path.length - 1) == JavaFile.separatorChar) {
return path;
return "${path}${JavaFile.separator}";
* The container's path (not {@code null}).
String _path;
* Construct a container representing the specified directory and containing any sources whose{@link Source#getFullName()} starts with the directory's path. This is a convenience method,
* fully equivalent to {@link DirectoryBasedSourceContainer#DirectoryBasedSourceContainer(String)}.
* @param directory the directory (not {@code null})
DirectoryBasedSourceContainer.con1(JavaFile directory) {
_jtd_constructor_300_impl(JavaFile directory) {
* Construct a container representing the specified path and containing any sources whose{@link Source#getFullName()} starts with the specified path.
* @param path the path (not {@code null} and not empty)
DirectoryBasedSourceContainer.con2(String path3) {
_jtd_constructor_301_impl(String path3) {
this._path = appendFileSeparator(path3);
bool contains(Source source) => source.fullName.startsWith(_path);
bool operator ==(Object obj) => (obj is DirectoryBasedSourceContainer) && ((obj as DirectoryBasedSourceContainer)).path == path;
* Answer the receiver's path, used to determine if a source is contained in the receiver.
* @return the path (not {@code null}, not empty)
String get path => _path;
int get hashCode => _path.hashCode;
* Instances of the class {@code FileUriResolver} resolve {@code file} URI's.
* @coverage dart.engine.source
class FileUriResolver extends UriResolver {
* The name of the {@code file} scheme.
static String _FILE_SCHEME = "file";
* Return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code file} URI.
* @param uri the URI being tested
* @return {@code true} if the given URI is a {@code file} URI
static bool isFileUri(Uri uri) => uri.scheme == _FILE_SCHEME;
* Initialize a newly created resolver to resolve {@code file} URI's relative to the given root
* directory.
FileUriResolver() : super() {
Source resolveAbsolute(SourceFactory factory, Uri uri) {
if (!isFileUri(uri)) {
return null;
return new FileBasedSource.con1(factory, new JavaFile.fromUri(uri));