blob: bf0eab9d06838c82aeca396974899c0865c7e0ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vm;
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../logging.dart';
import '../protocol_generated.dart';
import '../protocol_stream.dart';
import 'dart.dart';
/// A DAP Debug Adapter for running and debugging Dart CLI scripts.
class DartCliDebugAdapter extends DartDebugAdapter<DartLaunchRequestArguments,
DartAttachRequestArguments> {
Process? _process;
/// Process IDs to terminate during shutdown.
/// This may be populated with pids from the VM Service to ensure we clean up
/// properly where signals may not be passed through the shell to the
/// underlying VM process.
final pidsToTerminate = <int>{};
final parseLaunchArgs = DartLaunchRequestArguments.fromJson;
final parseAttachArgs = DartAttachRequestArguments.fromJson;
ByteStreamServerChannel channel, {
bool ipv6 = false,
bool enableDds = true,
bool enableAuthCodes = true,
Logger? logger,
}) : super(
ipv6: ipv6,
enableDds: enableDds,
enableAuthCodes: enableAuthCodes,
logger: logger,
) {
channel.closed.then((_) => shutdown());
/// Whether the VM Service closing should be used as a signal to terminate the
/// debug session.
/// If we have a process, we will instead use its termination as a signal to
/// terminate the debug session. Otherwise, we will use the VM Service close.
bool get terminateOnVmServiceClose => _process == null;
Future<void> debuggerConnected(vm.VM vmInfo) async {
if (!isAttach) {
// Capture the PID from the VM Service so that we can terminate it when
// cleaning up. Terminating the process might not be enough as it could be
// just a shell script (e.g. pub on Windows) and may not pass the
// signal on correctly.
// See:
final pid =;
if (pid != null) {
/// Called by [disconnectRequest] to request that we forcefully shut down the
/// app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
Future<void> disconnectImpl() async {
// TODO(dantup): In Dart-Code DAP, we first try again with sigint and wait
// for a few seconds before sending sigkill.
(pid) => Process.killPid(pid, ProcessSignal.sigkill),
/// Waits for [vmServiceInfoFile] to exist and become valid before returning
/// the VM Service URI contained within.
Future<Uri> waitForVmServiceInfoFile(File vmServiceInfoFile) async {
final completer = Completer<Uri>();
late final StreamSubscription<FileSystemEvent> vmServiceInfoFileWatcher;
Uri? tryParseServiceInfoFile(FileSystemEvent event) {
final uri = _readVmServiceInfoFile(vmServiceInfoFile);
if (uri != null && !completer.isCompleted) {
vmServiceInfoFileWatcher = vmServiceInfoFile.parent
.watch(events: FileSystemEvent.all)
.where((event) => event.path == vmServiceInfoFile.path)
onError: (e) => logger?.call('Ignoring exception from watcher: $e'),
// After setting up the watcher, also check if the file already exists to
// ensure we don't miss it if it was created right before we set the
// watched up.
final uri = _readVmServiceInfoFile(vmServiceInfoFile);
if (uri != null && !completer.isCompleted) {
return completer.future;
/// Called by [launchRequest] to request that we actually start the app to be
/// run/debugged.
/// For debugging, this should start paused, connect to the VM Service, set
/// breakpoints, and resume.
Future<void> launchImpl() async {
final args = this.args as DartLaunchRequestArguments;
final vmPath = Platform.resolvedExecutable;
File? vmServiceInfoFile;
final debug = !(args.noDebug ?? false);
if (debug) {
// Create a temp folder for the VM to write the service-info-file into.
// Using tmpDir.createTempory() is flakey on Windows+Linux (at least
// on GitHub Actions) complaining the file does not exist when creating a
// watcher. Creating/watching a folder and writing the file into it seems
// to be reliable.
final serviceInfoFilePath = path.join(
vmServiceInfoFile = File(serviceInfoFilePath);
.then((uri) => connectDebugger(uri, resumeIfStarting: true)));
final vmArgs = <String>[
if (debug) ...[
'--enable-vm-service=${args.vmServicePort ?? 0}${ipv6 ? '/::1' : ''}',
if (!enableAuthCodes) '--disable-service-auth-codes'
if (debug && vmServiceInfoFile != null) ...[
// Default to asserts on, this seems like the most useful behaviour for
// editor-spawned debug sessions.
if (args.enableAsserts ?? true) '--enable-asserts'
final processArgs = [
// Find the package_config file for this script.
// TODO(dantup): Remove this once
// is done as it will not be
// necessary.
var possibleRoot = path.isAbsolute(args.program)
? path.dirname(args.program)
: path.dirname(path.normalize(path.join(args.cwd ?? '', args.program)));
final packageConfig = _findPackageConfigFile(possibleRoot);
if (packageConfig != null) {
// If the client supports runInTerminal and args.console is set to either
// 'terminal' or 'runInTerminal' we won't run the process ourselves, but
// instead call the client to run it for us (this allows it to run in a
// terminal where the user can interact with `stdin`).
final canRunInTerminal =
initializeArgs?.supportsRunInTerminalRequest ?? false;
// The terminal kinds used by DAP are 'integrated' and 'external'.
final terminalKind = canRunInTerminal
? args.console == 'terminal'
? 'integrated'
: args.console == 'externalTerminal'
? 'external'
: null
: null;
// TODO(dantup): Support passing env to both of these.
if (terminalKind != null) {
await launchInEditorTerminal(debug, terminalKind, vmPath, processArgs);
} else {
await launchAsProcess(vmPath, processArgs);
/// Called by [attachRequest] to request that we actually connect to the app
/// to be debugged.
Future<void> attachImpl() async {
final args = this.args as DartAttachRequestArguments;
final vmServiceUri = args.vmServiceUri;
final vmServiceInfoFile = args.vmServiceInfoFile;
if ((vmServiceUri == null) == (vmServiceInfoFile == null)) {
throw DebugAdapterException(
'To attach, provide exactly one of vmServiceUri/vmServiceInfoFile',
// Find the package_config file for this script.
// TODO(dantup): Remove this once
// is done as it will not be
// necessary.
final cwd = args.cwd;
if (cwd != null) {
final packageConfig = _findPackageConfigFile(cwd);
if (packageConfig != null) {
final uri = vmServiceUri != null
? Uri.parse(vmServiceUri)
: await waitForVmServiceInfoFile(File(vmServiceInfoFile!));
unawaited(connectDebugger(uri, resumeIfStarting: false));
/// Calls the client (via a `runInTerminal` request) to spawn the process so
/// that it can run in a local terminal that the user can interact with.
Future<void> launchInEditorTerminal(
bool debug,
String terminalKind,
String vmPath,
List<String> processArgs,
) async {
final args = this.args as DartLaunchRequestArguments;
logger?.call('Spawning $vmPath with $processArgs in ${args.cwd}'
' via client ${terminalKind} terminal');
// runInTerminal is a DAP request that goes from server-to-client that
// allows the DA to ask the client editor to run the debugee for us. In this
// case we will have no access to the process (although we get the PID) so
// for debugging will rely on the process writing the service-info file that
// we can detect with the normal watching code.
final requestArgs = RunInTerminalRequestArguments(
args: [vmPath, ...processArgs],
cwd: args.cwd ?? path.dirname(args.program),
kind: terminalKind,
title: ?? 'Dart',
try {
final response = await sendRequest(requestArgs);
final body =
RunInTerminalResponseBody.fromJson(response as Map<String, Object?>);
'Client spawned process'
' (proc: ${body.processId}, shell: ${body.shellProcessId})',
} catch (e) {
logger?.call('Client failed to spawn process $e');
sendOutput('console', '\nFailed to spawn process: $e');
// When using `runInTerminal` and `noDebug`, we will not connect to the VM
// Service so we will have no way of knowing when the process completes, so
// we just send the termination event right away.
if (!debug) {
/// Launches the program as a process controlled by the debug adapter.
/// Output to `stdout`/`stderr` will be sent to the editor using
/// [OutputEvent]s.
Future<void> launchAsProcess(String vmPath, List<String> processArgs) async {
logger?.call('Spawning $vmPath with $processArgs in ${args.cwd}');
final process = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: args.cwd,
_process = process;
/// Find the `package_config.json` file for the program being launched.
/// TODO(dantup): Remove this once
/// is done as it will not be
/// necessary.
File? _findPackageConfigFile(String possibleRoot) {
File? packageConfig;
while (true) {
packageConfig =
File(path.join(possibleRoot, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json'));
// If this packageconfig exists, use it.
if (packageConfig.existsSync()) {
final parent = path.dirname(possibleRoot);
// If we can't go up anymore, the search failed.
if (parent == possibleRoot) {
packageConfig = null;
possibleRoot = parent;
return packageConfig;
/// Called by [terminateRequest] to request that we gracefully shut down the
/// app being run (or in the case of an attach, disconnect).
Future<void> terminateImpl() async {
(pid) => Process.killPid(pid, ProcessSignal.sigint),
await _process?.exitCode;
void _handleExitCode(int code) {
final codeSuffix = code == 0 ? '' : ' ($code)';
logger?.call('Process exited ($code)');
void _handleStderr(List<int> data) {
sendOutput('stderr', utf8.decode(data));
void _handleStdout(List<int> data) {
sendOutput('stdout', utf8.decode(data));
/// Attempts to read VM Service info from a watcher event.
/// If successful, returns the URI. Otherwise, returns null.
Uri? _readVmServiceInfoFile(File file) {
try {
final content = file.readAsStringSync();
final json = jsonDecode(content);
return Uri.parse(json['uri']);
} catch (e) {
// It's possible we tried to read the file before it was completely
// written so ignore and try again on the next event.
logger?.call('Ignoring error parsing vm-service-info file: $e');