blob: 492167bf4e6e337e6c4a662ccca065f4d79a9ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/replacement_visitor.dart';
/// Normalizes all `FutureOr` types found in [type].
DartType normalizeFutureOr(DartType type, CoreTypes coreTypes) =>
type.accept1(_FutureOrNormalizer.instance(coreTypes), Variance.unrelated) ??
/// Visit methods returns a normalized version of `FutureOr` types or `null` if
/// no normalization was applied.
/// The `variance` parameters in the visit methods are unused in this type
/// replacement.
/// `FutureOr` types are normalized per the spec:
/// Any changes to the normalization logic here should be mirrored in the
/// classes.dart runtime library method named `normalizeFutureOr`.
class _FutureOrNormalizer extends ReplacementVisitor {
final CoreTypes _coreTypes;
static _FutureOrNormalizer? _instance;
factory _FutureOrNormalizer.instance(CoreTypes coreTypes) =>
_instance ?? (_instance = _FutureOrNormalizer._(coreTypes));
DartType? visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType futureOr, int variance) {
var normalizedTypeArg = futureOr.typeArgument.accept1(this, variance);
var typeArgument = normalizedTypeArg ?? futureOr.typeArgument;
if (typeArgument is DynamicType) {
// FutureOr<dynamic> --> dynamic
return typeArgument;
if (typeArgument is VoidType) {
// FutureOr<void> --> void
return typeArgument;
if (typeArgument is InterfaceType &&
typeArgument.classNode == _coreTypes.objectClass) {
// Normalize FutureOr of Object, Object?, Object*.
var nullable = futureOr.nullability == Nullability.nullable ||
typeArgument.nullability == Nullability.nullable;
var legacy = futureOr.nullability == Nullability.legacy ||
typeArgument.nullability == Nullability.legacy;
var nullability = nullable
? Nullability.nullable
: legacy
? Nullability.legacy
: Nullability.nonNullable;
return typeArgument.withDeclaredNullability(nullability);
} else if (typeArgument is NeverType) {
// FutureOr<Never> --> Future<Never>
return InterfaceType(
_coreTypes.futureClass, futureOr.nullability, [typeArgument]);
} else if (typeArgument is NullType) {
// FutureOr<Null> --> Future<Null>?
return InterfaceType(
_coreTypes.futureClass, Nullability.nullable, [typeArgument]);
} else if (futureOr.declaredNullability == Nullability.nullable &&
typeArgument.nullability == Nullability.nullable) {
// FutureOr<T?>? --> FutureOr<T?>
return futureOr.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
// The following is not part of the normalization spec but this is a
// convenient place to perform this change of nullability consistently. This
// only applies at compile-time and is not needed in the runtime version of
// the FutureOr normalization.
// FutureOr<T%>% --> FutureOr<T%>
// If the type argument has undetermined nullability the CFE propagates
// it to the FutureOr type as well. In this case we can represent the
// FutureOr type without any nullability wrappers and rely on the runtime to
// handle the nullability of the instantiated type appropriately.
if (futureOr.declaredNullability == Nullability.undetermined &&
typeArgument.declaredNullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
return futureOr.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
return null;