blob: 5973ca78bc1ae743f63126694358719fba37edaf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import '../barback/asset_environment.dart';
import '../command.dart';
import '../exit_codes.dart' as exit_codes;
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../utils.dart';
final _arrow = getSpecial('\u2192', '=>');
/// Handles the `run` pub command.
class RunCommand extends PubCommand {
bool get takesArguments => true;
bool get allowTrailingOptions => false;
String get description => "Run an executable from a package.";
String get usage => "pub run <executable> [args...]";
Future onRun() {
if ( {
usageError("Must specify an executable to run.");
// Unless the user overrides the verbosity, we want to filter out the
// normal pub output shown while loading the environment.
if (log.verbosity == log.Verbosity.NORMAL) {
log.verbosity = log.Verbosity.WARNING;
var environment;
var package =;
var rootDir;
var scriptPath;
var args;
return AssetEnvironment.create(entrypoint, BarbackMode.RELEASE,
WatcherType.NONE, useDart2JS: false)
.then((_environment) {
environment = _environment;
// Show in-progress errors, but not results. Those get handled
// implicitly by getAllAssets().
environment.barback.errors.listen((error) {
log.error("Build error:\n$error"));
var script =[0];
args =;
// A command like "foo:bar" runs the "bar" script from the "foo" package.
// If there is no colon prefix, default to the root package.
if (script.contains(":")) {
var components = split1(script, ":");
package = components[0];
script = components[1];
var dep = entrypoint.root.immediateDependencies.firstWhere(
(dep) => == package, orElse: () => null);
if (dep == null) {
if (environment.graph.packages.containsKey(package)) {
dataError('Package "$package" is not an immediate dependency.\n'
'Cannot run executables in transitive dependencies.');
} else {
dataError('Could not find package "$package". Did you forget to '
'add a dependency?');
// If the command has a path separator, then it's a path relative to the
// root of the package. Otherwise, it's implicitly understood to be in
// "bin".
var parts = path.split(script);
if (parts.length > 1) {
if (package != {
usageError("Can not run an executable in a subdirectory of a "
scriptPath = "${path.url.joinAll(parts.skip(1))}.dart";
rootDir = parts.first;
} else {
scriptPath = "$script.dart";
rootDir = "bin";
if (package == {
// Serve the entire root-most directory containing the entrypoint. That
// ensures that, for example, things like `import '../../utils.dart';`
// will work from within some deeply nested script.
return environment.serveDirectory(rootDir);
} else {
// For other packages, always use the "bin" directory.
return environment.servePackageBinDirectory(package);
}).then((server) {
// Try to make sure the entrypoint script exists (or is generated) before
// we spawn the process to run it.
return environment.barback.getAssetById(
new AssetId(package, path.url.join(rootDir, scriptPath))).then((_) {
// Run in checked mode.
// TODO(rnystrom): Make this configurable.
var mode = "--checked";
args = [mode, server.url.resolve(scriptPath).toString()]..addAll(args);
return Process.start(Platform.executable, args).then((process) {
// Note: we're not using process.std___.pipe(std___) here because
// that prevents pub from also writing to the output streams.
return process.exitCode;
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
if (error is! AssetNotFoundException) throw error;
var message = "Could not find ${path.join(rootDir, scriptPath)}";
if (package != {
message += " in package $package";
log.fine(new Chain.forTrace(stackTrace));
return flushThenExit(exit_codes.NO_INPUT);