blob: e1433159d518f14ee87c766e46e6da8fb2710c5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/packages.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/basic.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/bazel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/gn.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/package_build.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/pub.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/workspace.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// A utility class used to build an analysis context for a given directory.
/// The construction of analysis contexts is as follows:
/// 1. Determine how package: URI's are to be resolved. This follows the lookup
/// algorithm defined by the [package specification][1].
/// 2. Using the results of step 1, look in each package for an embedder file
/// (_embedder.yaml). If one exists then it defines the SDK. If multiple such
/// files exist then use the first one found. Otherwise, use the default SDK.
/// 3. Look for an analysis options file (`analysis_options.yaml`) and process
/// the options in the file.
/// 4. Create a new context. Initialize its source factory based on steps 1, 2
/// and 3. Initialize its analysis options from step 4.
/// [1]:
class ContextBuilder {
/// Return [Packages] to analyze a resource with the [rootPath].
static Packages createPackageMap({
required ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
required ContextBuilderOptions options,
required String rootPath,
}) {
var configPath = options.defaultPackageFilePath;
if (configPath != null) {
var configFile = resourceProvider.getFile(configPath);
return parsePackagesFile(resourceProvider, configFile);
} else {
var resource = resourceProvider.getResource(rootPath);
return findPackagesFrom(resourceProvider, resource);
/// If [packages] is provided, it will be used for the [Workspace],
/// otherwise the packages file from [options] will be used, or discovered
/// from [rootPath].
/// TODO(scheglov) Make [packages] required, remove [options] and discovery.
static Workspace createWorkspace({
required ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
required ContextBuilderOptions options,
Packages? packages,
required String rootPath,
bool lookForBazelBuildFileSubstitutes = true,
}) {
packages ??= ContextBuilder.createPackageMap(
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
options: options,
rootPath: rootPath,
var packageMap = <String, List<Folder>>{};
for (var package in packages.packages) {
packageMap[] = [package.libFolder];
if (_hasPackageFileInPath(resourceProvider, rootPath)) {
// A Bazel or Gn workspace that includes a '.packages' file is treated
// like a normal (non-Bazel/Gn) directory. But may still use
// package:build or Pub.
return PackageBuildWorkspace.find(
resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath) ??
PubWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath) ??
BasicWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath);
Workspace? workspace = BazelWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, rootPath,
lookForBuildFileSubstitutes: lookForBazelBuildFileSubstitutes);
workspace ??= GnWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, rootPath);
workspace ??=
PackageBuildWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath);
workspace ??= PubWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath);
workspace ??= BasicWorkspace.find(resourceProvider, packageMap, rootPath);
return workspace;
/// Return `true` if either the directory at [rootPath] or a parent of that
/// directory contains a `.packages` file.
static bool _hasPackageFileInPath(
ResourceProvider resourceProvider, String rootPath) {
var folder = resourceProvider.getFolder(rootPath);
return folder.withAncestors.any((current) {
return current.getChildAssumingFile('.packages').exists;
/// Options used by a [ContextBuilder].
class ContextBuilderOptions {
/// The file path of the analysis options file that should be used in place of
/// any file in the root directory or a parent of the root directory, or `null`
/// if the normal lookup mechanism should be used.
String? defaultAnalysisOptionsFilePath;
/// A table mapping variable names to values for the declared variables.
Map<String, String> declaredVariables = {};
/// The file path of the .packages file that should be used in place of any
/// file found using the normal (Package Specification DEP) lookup mechanism,
/// or `null` if the normal lookup mechanism should be used.
String? defaultPackageFilePath;
/// Initialize a newly created set of options
/// Given a package map, check in each package's lib directory for the existence
/// of an `_embedder.yaml` file. If the file contains a top level YamlMap, it
/// will be added to the [embedderYamls] map.
class EmbedderYamlLocator {
/// The name of the embedder files being searched for.
static const String EMBEDDER_FILE_NAME = '_embedder.yaml';
/// A mapping from a package's library directory to the parsed YamlMap.
final Map<Folder, YamlMap> embedderYamls = HashMap<Folder, YamlMap>();
/// Initialize a newly created locator by processing the packages in the given
/// [packageMap].
EmbedderYamlLocator(Map<String, List<Folder>>? packageMap) {
if (packageMap != null) {
/// Initialize with the given [libFolder] of `sky_engine` package.
EmbedderYamlLocator.forLibFolder(Folder libFolder) {
/// Programmatically add an `_embedder.yaml` mapping.
void addEmbedderYaml(Folder libDir, String embedderYaml) {
_processEmbedderYaml(libDir, embedderYaml);
/// Refresh the map of located files to those found by processing the given
/// [packageMap].
void refresh(Map<String, List<Folder>>? packageMap) {
// Clear existing.
if (packageMap != null) {
/// Given the yaml for an embedder ([embedderYaml]) and a folder ([libDir]),
/// setup the uri mapping.
void _processEmbedderYaml(Folder libDir, String embedderYaml) {
try {
YamlNode yaml = loadYaml(embedderYaml);
if (yaml is YamlMap) {
embedderYamls[libDir] = yaml;
} catch (_) {
// Ignored
/// Given a package list of folders ([libDirs]), process any
/// `_embedder.yaml` files that are found in any of the folders.
void _processPackage(List<Folder> libDirs) {
for (Folder libDir in libDirs) {
String? embedderYaml = _readEmbedderYaml(libDir);
if (embedderYaml != null) {
_processEmbedderYaml(libDir, embedderYaml);
/// Process each of the entries in the [packageMap].
void _processPackageMap(Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap) {
/// Read and return the contents of [libDir]/[EMBEDDER_FILE_NAME], or `null`
/// if the file doesn't exist.
String? _readEmbedderYaml(Folder libDir) {
var file = libDir.getChildAssumingFile(EMBEDDER_FILE_NAME);
try {
return file.readAsStringSync();
} on FileSystemException {
// File can't be read.
return null;