blob: 3f934b97b1dd747a1bb9d3d99250cdfa1858d042 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library check_sdk_test;
import "test_pub.dart";
import "../../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart";
main() {
for (var command in ["install", "update"]) {
var success = new RegExp(r"Dependencies installed!$");
if (command == "update") {
success = new RegExp(r"Dependencies updated!$");
integration("gives a friendly message if there are no constraints", () {
dir(appPath, [
pubspec({"name": "myapp"}),
schedulePub(args: [command], output: success);
integration("gives an error if the root package does not match", () {
dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"environment": {"sdk": ">2.0.0"}
schedulePub(args: [command],
Some packages are not compatible with your SDK version 0.1.2+3:
- 'myapp' requires >2.0.0
You may be able to resolve this by upgrading to the latest Dart SDK
or adding a version constraint to use an older version of a package.
integration("gives an error if some dependencies do not match", () {
// Using an SDK source, but this should be true of all sources.
dir(sdkPath, [
dir("pkg", [
dir("foo", [
libPubspec("foo", "0.0.1", sdk: ">0.1.3"),
dir("bar", [
libPubspec("bar", "0.0.1", sdk: ">0.1.1"),
dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {
"foo": { "sdk": "foo" },
"bar": { "sdk": "bar" }
"environment": {"sdk": ">2.0.0"}
schedulePub(args: [command],
Some packages are not compatible with your SDK version 0.1.2+3:
- 'myapp' requires >2.0.0
- 'foo' requires >0.1.3
You may be able to resolve this by upgrading to the latest Dart SDK
or adding a version constraint to use an older version of a package.
integration("gives an error if a transitive dependency doesn't match", () {
// Using an SDK source, but this should be true of all sources.
dir(sdkPath, [
dir("pkg", [
dir("foo", [
libPubspec("foo", "0.0.1", deps: [
{"sdk": "bar"}
dir("bar", [
libPubspec("bar", "0.0.1", sdk: "<0.1.1"),
dir(appPath, [
"name": "myapp",
"dependencies": {
"foo": { "sdk": "foo" }
schedulePub(args: [command],
Some packages are not compatible with your SDK version 0.1.2+3:
- 'bar' requires <0.1.1
You may be able to resolve this by upgrading to the latest Dart SDK
or adding a version constraint to use an older version of a package.