blob: 9103026b0b7e0711206c9c54035473d0bd1c69de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
* Logs performance metrics for internal development purposes. The output is
* formatted so it can be opened directly in the SpeedTracer Chrome extension.
* This class formats events using SpeedTracer's custom event feature. The html
* file output can be viewed by using Chrome to open the file on a Chrome
* browser that has the SpeedTracer extension installed.
* <p>
* Enable logging by setting the system property {@code dart.speedtracerlog} to
* the output file path.
* </p>
* NB: This class has been copied almost verbatim from the gwt source tree
public final class Tracer {
// Log file name (logging is enabled if this is non-null)
private static final String logFile = System.getProperty("dart.speedtracerlog");
// Allow a system property to override the default output format
private static final String defaultFormatString = System.getProperty("dart.speedtracerformat");
// Use cumulative multi-threaded process cpu time instead of wall time
private static final boolean logProcessCpuTime =
// Use per thread cpu time instead of wall time. If logProcessCpuTime is set,
// then this can remain false - we only need one or the other.
private static final boolean logThreadCpuTime =
// Turn on logging summarizing gc time during an event
private static final boolean logGcTime = getBooleanProperty("dart.speedtracer.logGcTime");
// Turn on logging estimating overhead used for speedtracer logging.
private static final boolean logOverheadTime =
static {
// verify configuration
if (logProcessCpuTime && logThreadCpuTime) {
throw new RuntimeException("System properties are misconfigured: "
+ "Specify one or the other of 'dart.speedtracer.logProcessCpuTime' "
+ "or 'dart.speedtracer.logThreadCpuTime', not both.");
* Represents a node in a tree of SpeedTracer events.
public class TraceEvent {
protected final EventType type;
List<TraceEvent> children;
List<String> data;
long elapsedDurationNanos;
long elapsedStartTimeNanos;
long processCpuDurationNanos;
long processCpuStartTimeNanos;
long threadCpuDurationNanos;
long threadCpuStartTimeNanos;
TraceEvent() {
if (enabled) {
recordStartTime(); = new ArrayList<String>();
this.children = new ArrayList<TraceEvent>();
} else {
this.processCpuStartTimeNanos = 0L;
this.threadCpuStartTimeNanos = 0L;
this.elapsedStartTimeNanos = 0L; = null;
this.children = null;
this.type = null;
TraceEvent(TraceEvent parent, EventType type, String... data) {
if (parent != null) {
this.type = type;
assert (data.length % 2 == 0);
recordStartTime(); = new ArrayList<String>();;
this.children = new ArrayList<TraceEvent>();
* @param data key/value pairs to add to JSON object.
public void addData(String... data) {
if (data != null) {
assert (data.length % 2 == 0);;
* Signals the end of the current event.
public void end(String... data) {
endImpl(this, data);
* Returns the event duration, in nanoseconds, for the log file. Depending
* on system properties, this will measured in elapsed time, process CPU
* time, or thread CPU time.
public long getDurationNanos() {
return logProcessCpuTime ? processCpuDurationNanos : (logThreadCpuTime
? threadCpuDurationNanos : elapsedDurationNanos);
public long getElapsedDurationNanos() {
return this.elapsedDurationNanos;
public long getElapsedStartTimeNanos() {
return this.elapsedStartTimeNanos;
* Returns the event start time, normalized in nanoseconds, for the log
* file. Depending on system properties, this will be normalized based on
* elapsed time, process CPU time, or thread CPU time.
public long getStartTimeNanos() {
return logProcessCpuTime ? processCpuStartTimeNanos : (logThreadCpuTime
? threadCpuStartTimeNanos : elapsedStartTimeNanos);
public EventType getType() {
return type;
public String toString() {
return type.getName();
* Extends the durations of the current event by the durations of the
* specified event.
void extendDuration(TraceEvent refEvent) {
elapsedDurationNanos += refEvent.elapsedDurationNanos;
processCpuDurationNanos += refEvent.processCpuDurationNanos;
threadCpuDurationNanos += refEvent.threadCpuDurationNanos;
* Sets the start time of this event to start immediately after the
* specified event ends.
void setStartsAfter(TraceEvent refEvent) {
elapsedStartTimeNanos = refEvent.elapsedStartTimeNanos + refEvent.elapsedDurationNanos;
processCpuStartTimeNanos =
refEvent.processCpuStartTimeNanos + refEvent.processCpuDurationNanos;
threadCpuStartTimeNanos = refEvent.threadCpuStartTimeNanos + refEvent.threadCpuDurationNanos;
JSONObject toJson() throws JSONException {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("type", -2);
json.put("typeName", type.getName());
json.put("color", type.getColor());
double startMs = convertToMilliseconds(getStartTimeNanos());
json.put("time", startMs);
double durationMs = convertToMilliseconds(getDurationNanos());
json.put("duration", durationMs);
JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i += 2) {
jsonData.put(data.get(i), data.get(i + 1));
json.put("data", jsonData);
JSONArray jsonChildren = new JSONArray();
for (TraceEvent child : children) {
json.put("children", jsonChildren);
return json;
* Records the duration of this event based on the current time and the
* event's recorded start time.
void updateDuration() {
long elapsedEndTimeNanos = elapsedTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
assert (elapsedEndTimeNanos >= elapsedStartTimeNanos);
elapsedDurationNanos = elapsedEndTimeNanos - elapsedStartTimeNanos;
// don't bother making expensive time keeping method calls unless
// necessary
if (logProcessCpuTime) {
long processCpuEndTimeNanos = processCpuTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
assert (processCpuEndTimeNanos >= processCpuStartTimeNanos);
processCpuDurationNanos = processCpuEndTimeNanos - processCpuStartTimeNanos;
} else if (logThreadCpuTime) {
long threadCpuEndTimeNanos = threadCpuTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
assert (threadCpuEndTimeNanos >= threadCpuStartTimeNanos);
threadCpuDurationNanos = threadCpuEndTimeNanos - threadCpuStartTimeNanos;
* Marks the start time for this event. Three different time measurements
* are used:
* <ol>
* <li>Elapsed (wall-clock) time</li>
* <li>Process CPU time</li>
* <li>Thread CPU time</li>
* </ol>
private void recordStartTime() {
elapsedStartTimeNanos = elapsedTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
// don't bother making expensive time keeping method calls unless
// necessary
if (logProcessCpuTime) {
processCpuStartTimeNanos = processCpuTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
} else if (logThreadCpuTime) {
threadCpuStartTimeNanos = threadCpuTimeKeeper.normalizedTimeNanos();
* Enumerated types for logging events implement this interface.
public interface EventType {
String getColor();
String getName();
static enum Format {
* Standard SpeedTracer log that includes JSON wrapped in HTML that will
* launch a SpeedTracer monitor session.
* Only the JSON data without any HTML wrappers.
* A dummy implementation to do nothing if logging has not been turned on.
private class DummyEvent extends TraceEvent {
public void addData(String... data) {
// do nothing
public void end(String... data) {
// do nothing
public String toString() {
return "Dummy";
* Provides functionality specific to garbage collection events.
private class GcEvent extends TraceEvent {
private TraceEvent refEvent;
* Constructs an event that represents garbage collection metrics.
* @param refEvent the event during which the garbage collections took place
* @param gcType the garbage collector type
* @param collectionCount the total number of collections for this garbage
* collector type
* @param durationNanos the total elapsed time spent in garbage collection
* during the span of {@code refEvent}
GcEvent(TraceEvent refEvent, String gcType, long collectionCount, long durationNanos) {
super(null, SpeedTracerEventType.GC, "Collector Type", gcType, "Cumulative Collection Count",
this.refEvent = refEvent;
// GarbageCollectorMXBean can only provide elapsed time, so that's all we
// record
this.elapsedDurationNanos = durationNanos;
* Returns elapsed duration since that is the only duration we can measure
* for garbage collection events.
public long getDurationNanos() {
return getElapsedDurationNanos();
* Returns a start time so that this event ends with its {@code refEvent}.
public long getElapsedStartTimeNanos() {
return refEvent.getElapsedStartTimeNanos() + refEvent.getElapsedDurationNanos()
- getElapsedDurationNanos();
* Returns a start time so that this event ends with its {@code refEvent}.
public long getStartTimeNanos() {
return refEvent.getStartTimeNanos() + refEvent.getDurationNanos() - getDurationNanos();
* Time keeper which uses wall time.
private class ElapsedNormalizedTimeKeeper {
private final long zeroTimeMillis;
public ElapsedNormalizedTimeKeeper() {
zeroTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
public long normalizedTimeNanos() {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() - zeroTimeMillis) * 1000000L;
public long zeroTimeMillis() {
return zeroTimeMillis;
* Time keeper which uses process cpu time. This can be greater than wall
* time, since it is cumulative over the multiple threads of a process.
private class ProcessNormalizedTimeKeeper {
private final OperatingSystemMXBean osMXBean;
private final Method getProcessCpuTimeMethod;
private final long zeroTimeNanos;
private final long zeroTimeMillis;
public ProcessNormalizedTimeKeeper() {
try {
osMXBean = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
* Find this method by reflection, since it's part of the Sun
* implementation for OperatingSystemMXBean, and we can't always assume
* that will be available.
getProcessCpuTimeMethod = osMXBean.getClass().getMethod("getProcessCpuTime");
zeroTimeNanos = (Long) getProcessCpuTimeMethod.invoke(osMXBean);
zeroTimeMillis = (long) convertToMilliseconds(zeroTimeNanos);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public long normalizedTimeNanos() {
try {
return (Long) getProcessCpuTimeMethod.invoke(osMXBean) - zeroTimeNanos;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
public long zeroTimeMillis() {
return zeroTimeMillis;
* Time keeper which uses per thread cpu time. It is assumed that individual
* events logged will be single threaded, and that top-level events will call
* {@link #resetTimeBase()} prior to logging time. The resettable time base is
* needed since each individual thread starts its timing at 0, regardless of
* when the thread is created. So we reset the time base at the beginning of
* an event, so that we can generate a chronologically representative output,
* although the relation to wall time is actually compressed within a logged
* event (thread cpu time does not include wait time, etc.).
private class ThreadNormalizedTimeKeeper {
private final ThreadMXBean threadMXBean;
private final ThreadLocal<Long> resettableTimeBase = new ThreadLocal<Long>();
private final long zeroTimeNanos;
private final long zeroTimeMillis;
public ThreadNormalizedTimeKeeper() {
threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
if (!threadMXBean.isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Current thread cpu time not supported");
zeroTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
zeroTimeMillis = (long) convertToMilliseconds(zeroTimeNanos);
public long normalizedTimeNanos() {
return threadMXBean.getCurrentThreadCpuTime() + resettableTimeBase.get();
public void resetTimeBase() {
* Since all threads start individually at time 0L, we use this to offset
* each event's time so we can generate chronological output.
resettableTimeBase.set(System.nanoTime() - zeroTimeNanos
- threadMXBean.getCurrentThreadCpuTime());
public long zeroTimeMillis() {
return zeroTimeMillis;
* Initializes the singleton on demand.
private static class LazySpeedTracerLoggerHolder {
public static Tracer singleton = new Tracer();
* Thread that converts log requests to JSON in the background.
private class LogWriterThread extends Thread {
private static final int FLUSH_TIMER_MSECS = 10000;
private final String fileName;
private final BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> threadEventQueue;
private final Writer writer;
public LogWriterThread(Writer writer, String fileName, final BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> eventQueue) {
this.writer = writer;
this.fileName = fileName;
this.threadEventQueue = eventQueue;
public void run() {
long nextFlush = System.currentTimeMillis() + FLUSH_TIMER_MSECS;
try {
while (true) {
TraceEvent event =
threadEventQueue.poll(nextFlush - System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (event == null) {
// ignore.
} else if (event == shutDownSentinel) {
} else if (event == flushSentinel) {
} else {
JSONObject json = event.toJson();
if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextFlush) {
nextFlush = System.currentTimeMillis() + FLUSH_TIMER_MSECS;
// All queued events have been written.
if (outputFormat.equals(Format.HTML)) {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to write to dart.speedtracerlog '"
+ (fileName == null ? "" : fileName) + "'");
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO(jat): Auto-generated catch block
} finally {
* Records a LOG_MESSAGE type of SpeedTracer event.
private class MarkTimelineEvent extends TraceEvent {
public MarkTimelineEvent(TraceEvent parent) {
if (parent != null) {
JSONObject toJson() throws JSONException {
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("type", 11);
double startMs = convertToMilliseconds(getStartTimeNanos());
json.put("time", startMs);
json.put("duration", 0.0);
JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i += 2) {
jsonData.put(data.get(i), data.get(i + 1));
json.put("data", jsonData);
return json;
* Annotate the current event on the top of the stack with more information.
* The method expects key, value pairs, so there must be an even number of
* parameters.
* @param data JSON property, value pair to add to current event.
public static void addData(String... data) {
* Create a new global instance. Force the zero time to be recorded and the
* log to be opened if the default logging is turned on with the <code>
* -Ddart.speedtracerlog</code> VM property.
* This method is only intended to be called once.
public static void init() {
* Returns true if the trace output file is configured. This is intended to be
* the quickest possible check, statically determined.
public static boolean canTrace() {
return logFile != null;
* Adds a LOG_MESSAGE SpeedTracer event to the log. This represents a single
* point in time and has a special representation in the SpeedTracer UI.
public static void markTimeline(String message) {
* Signals that a new event has started. You must end each event for each
* corresponding call to {@code start}. You may nest timing calls.
* @param type the type of event
* @param data a set of key-value pairs (each key is followed by its value)
* that contain additional information about the event
* @return an Event object to be ended by the caller
public static TraceEvent start(EventType type, String... data) {
return Tracer.get().startImpl(type, data);
private static double convertToMilliseconds(long nanos) {
return nanos / 1000000.0d;
* Convenience method for ending event, which might possibly be null.
public static void end(TraceEvent event, String... data) {
if (event != null) {
* For accessing the logger as a singleton, you can retrieve the global
* instance. It is prudent, but not necessary to first initialize the
* singleton with a call to {@link #init()} to set the base time.
* @return the current global {@link Tracer} instance.
private static Tracer get() {
return LazySpeedTracerLoggerHolder.singleton;
private static boolean getBooleanProperty(String propName) {
try {
return System.getProperty(propName) != null;
} catch (RuntimeException ruEx) {
return false;
private final boolean enabled;
private final DummyEvent dummyEvent = new DummyEvent();
private BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> eventsToWrite;
private final boolean fileLoggingEnabled;
private CountDownLatch flushLatch;
private TraceEvent flushSentinel;
private Format outputFormat;
private ThreadLocal<Stack<TraceEvent>> pendingEvents;
private CountDownLatch shutDownLatch;
private TraceEvent shutDownSentinel;
private List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcMXBeans;
private Map<String, Long> lastGcTimes;
private final ElapsedNormalizedTimeKeeper elapsedTimeKeeper;
private final ProcessNormalizedTimeKeeper processCpuTimeKeeper;
private final ThreadNormalizedTimeKeeper threadCpuTimeKeeper;
* Constructor intended for unit testing.
* @param writer alternative {@link Writer} to send speed tracer output.
Tracer(Writer writer, Format format) {
enabled = true;
fileLoggingEnabled = true;
outputFormat = format;
eventsToWrite = openLogWriter(writer, "");
pendingEvents = initPendingEvents();
elapsedTimeKeeper = new ElapsedNormalizedTimeKeeper();
processCpuTimeKeeper = new ProcessNormalizedTimeKeeper();
threadCpuTimeKeeper = new ThreadNormalizedTimeKeeper();
shutDownSentinel = new DummyEvent();
flushSentinel = new DummyEvent();
shutDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private Tracer() {
fileLoggingEnabled = logFile != null;
enabled = fileLoggingEnabled;
if (enabled) {
elapsedTimeKeeper = new ElapsedNormalizedTimeKeeper();
processCpuTimeKeeper = new ProcessNormalizedTimeKeeper();
threadCpuTimeKeeper = new ThreadNormalizedTimeKeeper();
if (fileLoggingEnabled) {
// Allow a system property to override the default output format
Format format = Format.HTML;
if (defaultFormatString != null) {
for (Format value : Format.values()) {
if ( {
format = value;
outputFormat = format;
eventsToWrite = openDefaultLogWriter();
shutDownSentinel = new TraceEvent();
flushSentinel = new TraceEvent();
shutDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
if (logGcTime) {
gcMXBeans = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans();
lastGcTimes = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>();
pendingEvents = initPendingEvents();
} else {
elapsedTimeKeeper = null;
processCpuTimeKeeper = null;
threadCpuTimeKeeper = null;
public void addDataImpl(String... data) {
Stack<TraceEvent> threadPendingEvents = pendingEvents.get();
if (threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to add data to an event that never started!");
TraceEvent currentEvent = threadPendingEvents.peek();
public void markTimelineImpl(String message) {
Stack<TraceEvent> threadPendingEvents = pendingEvents.get();
TraceEvent parent = null;
if (!threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
parent = threadPendingEvents.peek();
TraceEvent newEvent = new MarkTimelineEvent(parent);
newEvent.end("message", message);
void addGcEvents(TraceEvent refEvent) {
// we're not sending GC events to the dartboard, so we only record them
// to file
if (!fileLoggingEnabled) {
for (GarbageCollectorMXBean gcMXBean : gcMXBeans) {
String gcName = gcMXBean.getName();
Long lastGcTime = lastGcTimes.get(gcName);
long currGcTime = gcMXBean.getCollectionTime();
if (lastGcTime == null) {
lastGcTime = 0L;
if (currGcTime > lastGcTime) {
// create a new event
long gcDurationNanos = (currGcTime - lastGcTime) * 1000000L;
TraceEvent gcEvent =
new GcEvent(refEvent, gcName, gcMXBean.getCollectionCount(), gcDurationNanos);
lastGcTimes.put(gcName, currGcTime);
void addOverheadEvent(TraceEvent refEvent) {
TraceEvent overheadEvent = new TraceEvent(refEvent, SpeedTracerEventType.OVERHEAD);
// measure the time between the end of refEvent and now
void endImpl(TraceEvent event, String... data) {
if (!enabled) {
if (data.length % 2 == 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched data argument");
Stack<TraceEvent> threadPendingEvents = pendingEvents.get();
if (threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to end an event that never started!");
TraceEvent currentEvent = threadPendingEvents.pop();
while (currentEvent != event && !threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
// Missed a closing end for one or more frames! Try to sync back up.
"This event was closed without an explicit call to Event.end()");
currentEvent = threadPendingEvents.pop();
if (threadPendingEvents.isEmpty() && currentEvent != event) {
currentEvent.addData("Missed", "Fell off the end of the threadPending events");
if (logGcTime) {
if (logOverheadTime) {
if (threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
if (fileLoggingEnabled) {
* Notifies the background thread to finish processing all data in the queue.
* Blocks the current thread until the data is flushed in the Log Writer
* thread.
void flush() {
if (!fileLoggingEnabled) {
try {
// Wait for the other thread to drain the queue.
flushLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignored
TraceEvent startImpl(EventType type, String... data) {
if (!enabled) {
return dummyEvent;
if (data.length % 2 == 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched data argument");
Stack<TraceEvent> threadPendingEvents = pendingEvents.get();
TraceEvent parent = null;
if (!threadPendingEvents.isEmpty()) {
parent = threadPendingEvents.peek();
} else {
// reset the thread CPU time base for top-level events (so events can be
// properly sequenced chronologically)
TraceEvent newEvent = new TraceEvent(parent, type, data);
// Add a field to the top level event in order to track the base time
// so we can re-normalize the data
if (threadPendingEvents.size() == 0) {
long baseTime =
logProcessCpuTime ? processCpuTimeKeeper.zeroTimeMillis() : (logThreadCpuTime
? threadCpuTimeKeeper.zeroTimeMillis() : elapsedTimeKeeper.zeroTimeMillis());
newEvent.addData("baseTime", "" + baseTime);
return newEvent;
private ThreadLocal<Stack<TraceEvent>> initPendingEvents() {
return new ThreadLocal<Stack<TraceEvent>>() {
protected Stack<TraceEvent> initialValue() {
return new Stack<TraceEvent>();
private BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> openDefaultLogWriter() {
Writer writer = null;
if (enabled) {
try {
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFile));
return openLogWriter(writer, logFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to open dart.speedtracerlog '" + logFile + "'");
return null;
private BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> openLogWriter(final Writer writer, final String fileName) {
try {
if (outputFormat.equals(Format.HTML)) {
writer.write("<HTML isdump=\"true\"><body>"
+ "<style>body {font-family:Helvetica; margin-left:15px;}</style>"
+ "<h2>Performance dump from GWT</h2>"
+ "<div>This file contains data that can be viewed with the "
+ "<a href=\"\">SpeedTracer</a> "
+ "extension under the <a href=\"\">"
+ "Chrome</a> browser.</div><p><span id=\"info\">"
+ "(You must install the SpeedTracer extension to open this file)</span></p>"
+ "<div style=\"display: none\" id=\"traceData\" version=\"0.17\">\n");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Unable to write to dart.speedtracerlog '"
+ (fileName == null ? "" : fileName) + "'");
return null;
final BlockingQueue<TraceEvent> eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<TraceEvent>();
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
// Wait for the other thread to drain the queue.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignored
// Background thread to write SpeedTracer events to log
Thread logWriterWorker = new LogWriterThread(writer, fileName, eventQueue);
// Lower than normal priority.
logWriterWorker.setPriority((Thread.MIN_PRIORITY + Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) / 2);
* This thread must be daemon, otherwise shutdown hooks would never begin to
* run, and an app wouldn't finish.
logWriterWorker.setName("SpeedTracerLogger writer");
return eventQueue;