blob: e75c659a92f1847b3becf4671e0dc63a0cfd4400 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Represents a Dart 'if' statement.
public class DartIfStatement extends DartStatement {
private DartExpression condition;
private DartStatement thenStmt;
private DartStatement elseStmt;
private final int closeParenOffset;
private final int elseTokenOffset;
public DartIfStatement(DartExpression condition, int closeParenOffset, DartStatement thenStmt,
int elseTokenOffset, DartStatement elseStmt) {
this.condition = becomeParentOf(condition);
this.closeParenOffset = closeParenOffset;
this.thenStmt = becomeParentOf(thenStmt);
this.elseTokenOffset = elseTokenOffset;
this.elseStmt = becomeParentOf(elseStmt);
public DartExpression getCondition() {
return condition;
public int getCloseParenOffset() {
return closeParenOffset;
public DartStatement getThenStatement() {
return thenStmt;
public int getElseTokenOffset() {
return elseTokenOffset;
public DartStatement getElseStatement() {
return elseStmt;
public void visitChildren(ASTVisitor<?> visitor) {
safelyVisitChild(condition, visitor);
safelyVisitChild(thenStmt, visitor);
safelyVisitChild(elseStmt, visitor);
public <R> R accept(ASTVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.visitIfStatement(this);