blob: 6c9b2b812b5f287986661d1aff0285e7ae6aca48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.List;
* Instances of the class {@code DartCascadeExpression} represent a sequence of cascaded expressions:
* expressions that share a common target. There are three kinds of expressions that can be used in
* a cascade expression: {@link DartArrayAccess}, {@link DartMethodInvocation} and {@link DartPropertyAccess}.
* <pre>
* cascadeExpression ::=
* {@link DartExpression conditionalExpression} cascadeSection*
* cascadeSection ::=
* '..' (cascadeSelector arguments*) (assignableSelector arguments*)* (assignmentOperator expressionWithoutCascade)?
* cascadeSelector ::=
* '[ ' expression '] '
* | identifier
* </pre>
public class DartCascadeExpression extends DartExpression {
* The target of the cascade sections.
private DartExpression target;
* The cascade sections sharing the common target.
private NodeList<DartExpression> cascadeSections = new NodeList<DartExpression>(this);
* Initialize a newly created cascade expression.
* @param target the target of the cascade sections
* @param cascadeSections the cascade sections sharing the common target
public DartCascadeExpression(DartExpression target, List<DartExpression> cascadeSections) { = becomeParentOf(target);
public <R> R accept(ASTVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.visitCascadeExpression(this);
* Return the cascade sections sharing the common target.
* @return the cascade sections sharing the common target
public NodeList<DartExpression> getCascadeSections() {
return cascadeSections;
* Return the target of the cascade sections.
* @return the target of the cascade sections
public DartExpression getTarget() {
return target;
* Set the target of the cascade sections to the given expression.
* @param target the target of the cascade sections
public void setTarget(DartExpression target) { = becomeParentOf(target);
public void visitChildren(ASTVisitor<?> visitor) {
safelyVisitChild(target, visitor);