blob: b0e7cd2d5fc09a8ca24ee1fb0affeb80d234f3d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
import '../ast.dart';
/// Returns the type defined as `NonNull(type)` in the nnbd specification.
DartType computeNonNull(DartType type) {
return type.accept(const _NonNullVisitor()) ?? type;
/// Visitor that computes the `NonNull` function defined in the nnbd
/// specification.
/// The visitor returns `null` if `NonNull(T) = T`.
class _NonNullVisitor implements DartTypeVisitor<DartType?> {
const _NonNullVisitor();
DartType? defaultDartType(DartType node) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Unexpected DartType ${node} (${node.runtimeType})");
DartType? visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) {
// NonNull(dynamic) = dynamic
return null;
DartType? visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
// NonNull(T0 Function(...)) = T0 Function(...)
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? visitFutureOrType(FutureOrType node) {
// NonNull(FutureOr<T>) = FutureOr<T>
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
// Note that we should _not_ compute NonNull of the type argument. Consider
// NonNull(FutureOr<int?>?)
// We have that
// FutureOr<int?>? = Future<int?>? | int?
// and therefore that
// NonNull(FutureOr<int?>?) = NonNull(FutureOr<int?>?) | NonNull(int?)
// = FutureOr<int?> | int
// but that means that while `null` is not a possible value from `int` it
// is still a possible value from awaiting the future. Taking NonNull on
// the type argument as well as on the `FutureOr`:
// NonNull(FutureOr<int?>?) = NonNull(FutureOr<NonNull(int?)>?)
// = FutureOr<int>
// would be wrong since it would compute that the awaited result could not
// be `null`.
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return new FutureOrType(node.typeArgument, Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
// NonNull(C<T1, ... , Tn>) = C<T1, ... , Tn> for class C other
// than Null (including Object).
// NonNull(Function) = Function
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? visitExtensionType(ExtensionType node) {
// NonNull(C<T1, ... , Tn>) = C<T1, ... , Tn> for class C other
// than Null (including Object).
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) => null;
DartType? visitNeverType(NeverType node) {
// NonNull(Never) = Never
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return const NeverType.nonNullable();
DartType? visitNullType(NullType node) {
// NonNull(Null) = Never
return const NeverType.nonNullable();
DartType? visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
// NonNull(X) = X & NonNull(B), where B is the bound of X.
// NonNull(X & T) = X & NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
if (node.promotedBound != null) {
// NonNull(X & T) = X & NonNull(T)
if (node.promotedBound!.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
// The promoted bound is already non-nullable so we set the declared
// nullability to non-nullable.
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? promotedBound = node.promotedBound!.accept(this);
if (promotedBound == null) {
// The promoted bound could not be made non-nullable so we set the
// declared nullability to undetermined.
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
return null;
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
node.parameter, Nullability.undetermined, node.promotedBound!);
} else if (promotedBound.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
// The bound could be made non-nullable so we use it as the promoted
// bound.
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
node.parameter, Nullability.nonNullable, promotedBound);
} else {
// The bound could not be made non-nullable so we use it as the promoted
// bound with undetermined nullability.
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
node.parameter, Nullability.undetermined, promotedBound);
} else {
// NonNull(X) = X & NonNull(B), where B is the bound of X.
if (node.bound.nullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
// The bound is already non-nullable so we set the declared nullability
// to non-nullable.
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? bound = node.bound.accept(this);
if (bound == null) {
// The bound could not be made non-nullable so we set the declared
// nullability to undetermined.
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.undetermined) {
return null;
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.undetermined);
} else {
// The nullability is fully determined by the bound so we pass the
// default nullability for the declared nullability.
return new TypeParameterType.intersection(
DartType? visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
// NonNull(C<T1, ... , Tn>) = C<T1, ... , Tn> for class C other
// than Null (including Object).
// NonNull(T?) = NonNull(T)
// NonNull(T*) = NonNull(T)
if (node.declaredNullability == Nullability.nonNullable) {
return null;
return node.withDeclaredNullability(Nullability.nonNullable);
DartType? visitVoidType(VoidType node) {
// NonNull(void) = void
return null;