blob: 23bf702b96a4a24c35632956dd35d8ce2084d7ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of native;
/// This class is a temporary work-around until we get a more powerful DartType.
class SpecialType {
final String name;
const SpecialType._(;
/// The type Object, but no subtypes:
static const JsObject = const SpecialType._('=Object');
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
/// Description of the exception behaviour of native code.
/// TODO(sra): Replace with something that better supports specialization on
/// first argument properties.
class NativeThrowBehavior {
static const NativeThrowBehavior NEVER = const NativeThrowBehavior._(0);
static const NativeThrowBehavior MAY_THROW_ONLY_ON_FIRST_ARGUMENT_ACCESS =
const NativeThrowBehavior._(1);
static const NativeThrowBehavior MAY = const NativeThrowBehavior._(2);
static const NativeThrowBehavior MUST = const NativeThrowBehavior._(3);
final int _bits;
const NativeThrowBehavior._(this._bits);
bool get canThrow => this != NEVER;
/// Does this behavior always throw a noSuchMethod check on a null first
/// argument before any side effect or other exception?
// TODO(sra): Extend NativeThrowBehavior with the concept of NSM guard
// followed by other potential behavior.
/// Does this behavior always act as a null noSuchMethod check, and has no
/// other throwing behavior?
bool get isOnlyNullNSMGuard =>
/// Returns the behavior if we assume the first argument is not null.
NativeThrowBehavior get onNonNull {
return this;
String toString() {
if (this == NEVER) return 'never';
if (this == MAY) return 'may';
if (this == MAY_THROW_ONLY_ON_FIRST_ARGUMENT_ACCESS) return 'null(1)';
if (this == MUST) return 'must';
return 'NativeThrowBehavior($_bits)';
* A summary of the behavior of a native element.
* Native code can return values of one type and cause native subtypes of
* another type to be instantiated. By default, we compute both from the
* declared type.
* A field might yield any native type that 'is' the field type.
* A method might create and return instances of native subclasses of its
* declared return type, and a callback argument may be called with instances of
* the callback parameter type (e.g. Event).
* If there is one or more `@Creates` annotations, the union of the named types
* replaces the inferred instantiated type, and the return type is ignored for
* the purpose of inferring instantiated types.
* @Creates('IDBCursor') // Created asynchronously.
* @Creates('IDBRequest') // Created synchronously (for return value).
* IDBRequest openCursor();
* If there is one or more `@Returns` annotations, the union of the named types
* replaces the declared return type.
* @Returns('IDBRequest')
* IDBRequest openCursor();
* Types in annotations are non-nullable, so include `@Returns('Null')` if
* `null` may be returned.
class NativeBehavior {
/// [DartType]s or [SpecialType]s returned or yielded by the native element.
final List typesReturned = [];
/// [DartType]s or [SpecialType]s instantiated by the native element.
final List typesInstantiated = [];
// If this behavior is for a JS expression, [codeTemplate] contains the
// parsed tree.
js.Template codeTemplate;
final SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects.empty();
NativeThrowBehavior throwBehavior = NativeThrowBehavior.MAY;
bool isAllocation = false;
bool useGvn = false;
// TODO(sra): Make NativeBehavior immutable so PURE and PURE_ALLOCATION can be
// final constant-like objects.
static NativeBehavior get PURE => NativeBehavior._makePure();
static NativeBehavior get PURE_ALLOCATION =>
NativeBehavior._makePure(isAllocation: true);
String toString() {
return 'NativeBehavior('
'returns: ${typesReturned}'
', creates: ${typesInstantiated}'
', sideEffects: ${sideEffects}'
', throws: ${throwBehavior}'
'${isAllocation ? ", isAllocation" : ""}'
'${useGvn ? ", useGvn" : ""}'
static NativeBehavior _makePure({bool isAllocation: false}) {
NativeBehavior behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior.throwBehavior = NativeThrowBehavior.NEVER;
behavior.isAllocation = isAllocation;
return behavior;
/// Processes the type specification string of a call to JS and stores the
/// result in the [typesReturned] and [typesInstantiated]. It furthermore
/// computes the side effects, and, if given, invokes [setSideEffects] with
/// the computed effects. If no side effects are encoded in the [specString]
/// the [setSideEffects] method is not invoked.
/// Two forms of the string is supported:
/// 1) A single type string of the form 'void', '', 'var' or 'T1|...|Tn'
/// which defines the types returned and for the later form also created by
/// the call to JS.
/// 2) A sequence of <tag>:<value> pairs of the following kinds
/// <type-tag>:<type-string>
/// <effect-tag>:<effect-string>
/// throws:<throws-string>
/// gvn:<gvn-string>
/// new:<new-string>
/// A <type-tag> is either 'returns' or 'creates' and <type-string> is a
/// type string like in 1). The type string marked by 'returns' defines the
/// types returned and 'creates' defines the types created by the call to
/// JS.
/// An <effect-tag> is either 'effects' or 'depends' and <effect-string> is
/// either 'all', 'none' or a comma-separated list of 'no-index',
/// 'no-instance', 'no-static'.
/// The flag 'all' indicates that the call affects/depends on every
/// side-effect. The flag 'none' indicates that the call does not affect
/// (resp. depends on) anything.
/// 'no-index' indicates that the call does *not* do any array index-store
/// (for 'effects'), or depends on any value in an array (for 'depends').
/// The flag 'no-instance' indicates that the call does not modify (resp.
/// depends on) any instance variable. Similarly static variables are
/// indicated with 'no-static'. The flags 'effects' and 'depends' must be
/// used in unison (either both are present or none is).
/// The <throws-string> values are 'never', 'may', 'must', and 'null(1)'.
/// The default if unspecified is 'may'. 'null(1)' means that the template
/// expression throws if and only if the first template parameter is `null`
/// or `undefined`.
/// TODO(sra): Can we simplify to must/may/never and add null(1) by
/// inspection as an orthogonal attribute?
/// <gvn-string> values are 'true' and 'false'. The default if unspecified
/// is 'false'.
/// <new-string> values are 'true' and 'false'. The default if unspecified
/// is 'false'. A 'true' value means that each evaluation returns a fresh
/// (new) object that cannot be unaliased with existing objects.
/// Each tag kind (including the 'type-tag's) can only occur once in the
/// sequence.
/// [specString] is the specification string, [resolveType] resolves named
/// types into type values, [typesReturned] and [typesInstantiated] collects
/// the types defined by the specification string, and [objectType] and
/// [nullType] define the types for `Object` and `Null`, respectively. The
/// latter is used for the type strings of the form '' and 'var'.
/// [validTags] can be used to restrict which tags are accepted.
static void processSpecString(
DiagnosticListener listener,
Spannable spannable,
String specString,
{Iterable<String> validTags,
void setSideEffects(SideEffects newEffects),
void setThrows(NativeThrowBehavior throwKind),
void setIsAllocation(bool isAllocation),
void setUseGvn(bool useGvn),
dynamic resolveType(String typeString),
List typesReturned,
List typesInstantiated,
objectType, nullType}) {
bool seenError = false;
void reportError(String message) {
seenError = true;
listener.reportError(spannable, MessageKind.GENERIC, {'text': message});
const List<String> knownTags = const [
'creates', 'returns', 'depends', 'effects',
'throws', 'gvn', 'new'];
/// Resolve a type string of one of the three forms:
/// * 'void' - in which case [onVoid] is called,
/// * '' or 'var' - in which case [onVar] is called,
/// * 'T1|...|Tn' - in which case [onType] is called for each resolved Ti.
void resolveTypesString(String typesString,
{onVoid(), onVar(), onType(type)}) {
// Various things that are not in fact types.
if (typesString == 'void') {
if (onVoid != null) {
if (typesString == '' || typesString == 'var') {
if (onVar != null) {
for (final typeString in typesString.split('|')) {
if (!specString.contains(';') && !specString.contains(':')) {
// Form (1), types or pseudo-types like 'void' and 'var'.
resolveTypesString(specString.trim(), onVar: () {
}, onType: (type) {
List<String> specs = specString.split(';')
.map((s) => s.trim())
if (specs.last == "") specs.removeLast(); // Allow separator to terminate.
assert(validTags == null ||
if (validTags == null) validTags = knownTags;
Map<String, String> values = <String, String>{};
for (String spec in specs) {
List<String> tagAndValue = spec.split(':');
if (tagAndValue.length != 2) {
reportError("Invalid <tag>:<value> pair '$spec'.");
String tag = tagAndValue[0].trim();
String value = tagAndValue[1].trim();
if (validTags.contains(tag)) {
if (values[tag] == null) {
values[tag] = value;
} else {
reportError("Duplicate tag '$tag'.");
} else {
if (knownTags.contains(tag)) {
reportError("Tag '$tag' is not valid here.");
} else {
reportError("Unknown tag '$tag'.");
// Enum-like tags are looked up in a map. True signature is:
// T tagValueLookup<T>(String tag, Map<String, T> map);
dynamic tagValueLookup(String tag, Map<String, dynamic> map) {
String tagString = values[tag];
if (tagString == null) return null;
var value = map[tagString];
if (value == null) {
reportError("Unknown '$tag' specification: '$tagString'.");
return value;
String returns = values['returns'];
if (returns != null) {
resolveTypesString(returns, onVar: () {
}, onType: (type) {
String creates = values['creates'];
if (creates != null) {
resolveTypesString(creates, onVoid: () {
reportError("Invalid type string 'creates:$creates'");
}, onVar: () {
reportError("Invalid type string 'creates:$creates'");
}, onType: (type) {
const throwsOption = const <String, NativeThrowBehavior>{
'never': NativeThrowBehavior.NEVER,
'may': NativeThrowBehavior.MAY,
'must': NativeThrowBehavior.MUST };
const boolOptions = const<String, bool>{'true': true, 'false': false};
SideEffects sideEffects = processEffects(reportError,
values['effects'], values['depends']);
NativeThrowBehavior throwsKind = tagValueLookup('throws', throwsOption);
bool isAllocation = tagValueLookup('new', boolOptions);
bool useGvn = tagValueLookup('gvn', boolOptions);
if (isAllocation == true && useGvn == true) {
reportError("'new' and 'gvn' are incompatible");
if (seenError) return; // Avoid callbacks.
// TODO(sra): Simplify [throwBehavior] using [sideEffects].
if (sideEffects != null) setSideEffects(sideEffects);
if (throwsKind != null) setThrows(throwsKind);
if (isAllocation != null) setIsAllocation(isAllocation);
if (useGvn != null) setUseGvn(useGvn);
static SideEffects processEffects(
void reportError(String message),
String effects,
String depends) {
if (effects == null && depends == null) return null;
if (effects == null || depends == null) {
reportError("'effects' and 'depends' must occur together.");
return null;
SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects();
if (effects == "none") {
} else if (effects == "all") {
// Don't do anything.
} else {
List<String> splitEffects = effects.split(",");
if (splitEffects.isEmpty) {
reportError("Missing side-effect flag.");
for (String effect in splitEffects) {
switch (effect) {
case "no-index":
case "no-instance":
case "no-static":
reportError("Unrecognized side-effect flag: '$effect'.");
if (depends == "none") {
} else if (depends == "all") {
// Don't do anything.
} else {
List<String> splitDependencies = depends.split(",");
if (splitDependencies.isEmpty) {
reportError("Missing side-effect dependency flag.");
for (String dependency in splitDependencies) {
switch (dependency) {
case "no-index":
case "no-instance":
case "no-static":
reportError("Unrecognized side-effect flag: '$dependency'.");
return sideEffects;
static NativeBehavior ofJsCall(Send jsCall, Compiler compiler, resolver) {
// The first argument of a JS-call is a string encoding various attributes
// of the code.
// 'Type1|Type2'. A union type.
// '=Object'. A JavaScript Object, no subtype.
NativeBehavior behavior = new NativeBehavior();
var argNodes = jsCall.arguments;
if (argNodes.isEmpty || argNodes.tail.isEmpty) {
compiler.reportError(jsCall, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "JS expression takes two or more arguments."});
return behavior;
var specArgument = argNodes.head;
if (specArgument is !StringNode || specArgument.isInterpolation) {
compiler.reportError(specArgument, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "JS first argument must be a string literal."});
return behavior;
var codeArgument = argNodes.tail.head;
if (codeArgument is !StringNode || codeArgument.isInterpolation) {
compiler.reportError(codeArgument, MessageKind.GENERIC,
{'text': "JS second argument must be a string literal."});
return behavior;
behavior.codeTemplate =
String specString = specArgument.dartString.slowToString();
dynamic resolveType(String typeString) {
return _parseType(
(name) => resolver.resolveTypeFromString(specArgument, name),
bool sideEffectsAreEncodedInSpecString = false;
void setSideEffects(SideEffects newEffects) {
sideEffectsAreEncodedInSpecString = true;
bool throwBehaviorFromSpecString = false;
void setThrows(NativeThrowBehavior throwBehavior) {
throwBehaviorFromSpecString = true;
behavior.throwBehavior = throwBehavior;
void setIsAllocation(bool isAllocation) {
behavior.isAllocation = isAllocation;
void setUseGvn(bool useGvn) {
behavior.useGvn = useGvn;
processSpecString(compiler, specArgument,
setSideEffects: setSideEffects,
setThrows: setThrows,
setIsAllocation: setIsAllocation,
setUseGvn: setUseGvn,
resolveType: resolveType,
typesReturned: behavior.typesReturned,
typesInstantiated: behavior.typesInstantiated,
objectType: compiler.objectClass.computeType(compiler),
nullType: compiler.nullClass.computeType(compiler));
if (!sideEffectsAreEncodedInSpecString) {
new SideEffectsVisitor(behavior.sideEffects)
if (!throwBehaviorFromSpecString) {
behavior.throwBehavior =
new ThrowBehaviorVisitor().analyze(behavior.codeTemplate.ast);
return behavior;
static void _fillNativeBehaviorOfBuiltinOrEmbeddedGlobal(
NativeBehavior behavior,
Send jsBuiltinOrEmbeddedGlobalCall,
Compiler compiler,
ResolverVisitor resolver,
{bool isBuiltin,
List<String> validTags}) {
// The first argument of a JS-embedded global call is a string encoding
// the type of the code.
// 'Type1|Type2'. A union type.
// '=Object'. A JavaScript Object, no subtype.
String builtinOrGlobal = isBuiltin ? "builtin" : "embedded global";
Link<Node> argNodes = jsBuiltinOrEmbeddedGlobalCall.arguments;
if (argNodes.isEmpty) {
"JS $builtinOrGlobal expression has no type.");
// We don't check the given name. That needs to be done at a later point.
// This is, because we want to allow non-literals (like references to
// enums) as names.
if (argNodes.tail.isEmpty) {
'JS $builtinOrGlobal is missing name.');
if (!isBuiltin) {
if (!argNodes.tail.tail.isEmpty) {
'JS embedded global has more than 2 arguments');
LiteralString specLiteral = argNodes.head.asLiteralString();
if (specLiteral == null) {
// TODO(sra): We could accept a type identifier? e.g. JS(bool, '1<2'). It
// is not very satisfactory because it does not work for void, dynamic.
compiler.internalError(argNodes.head, "Unexpected first argument.");
String specString = specLiteral.dartString.slowToString();
dynamic resolveType(String typeString) {
return _parseType(
(name) => resolver.resolveTypeFromString(specLiteral, name),
void setSideEffects(SideEffects newEffects) {
processSpecString(compiler, jsBuiltinOrEmbeddedGlobalCall,
validTags: validTags,
resolveType: resolveType,
setSideEffects: setSideEffects,
typesReturned: behavior.typesReturned,
typesInstantiated: behavior.typesInstantiated,
objectType: compiler.objectClass.computeType(compiler),
nullType: compiler.nullClass.computeType(compiler));
static NativeBehavior ofJsBuiltinCall(Send jsBuiltinCall,
Compiler compiler,
ResolverVisitor resolver) {
NativeBehavior behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior.sideEffects.setTo(new SideEffects());
behavior, jsBuiltinCall, compiler, resolver, isBuiltin: true);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofJsEmbeddedGlobalCall(Send jsEmbeddedGlobalCall,
Compiler compiler,
ResolverVisitor resolver) {
NativeBehavior behavior = new NativeBehavior();
// TODO(sra): Allow the use site to override these defaults.
// Embedded globals are usually pre-computed data structures or JavaScript
// functions that never change.
behavior.sideEffects.setTo(new SideEffects.empty());
behavior.throwBehavior = NativeThrowBehavior.NEVER;
behavior, jsEmbeddedGlobalCall, compiler, resolver,
isBuiltin: false,
validTags: const ['returns', 'creates']);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofMethod(FunctionElement method, Compiler compiler) {
FunctionType type = method.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
if (!type.returnType.isVoid) {
// Declared types are nullable.
behavior._capture(type, compiler);
// TODO(sra): Optional arguments are currently missing from the
// DartType. This should be fixed so the following work-around can be
// removed.
(ParameterElement parameter) {
behavior._escape(parameter.type, compiler);
behavior._overrideWithAnnotations(method, compiler);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofFieldLoad(MemberElement field, Compiler compiler) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
// Declared types are nullable.
behavior._capture(type, compiler);
behavior._overrideWithAnnotations(field, compiler);
return behavior;
static NativeBehavior ofFieldStore(MemberElement field, Compiler compiler) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
var behavior = new NativeBehavior();
behavior._escape(type, compiler);
// We don't override the default behaviour - the annotations apply to
// loading the field.
return behavior;
void _overrideWithAnnotations(Element element, Compiler compiler) {
if (element.implementation.metadata.isEmpty) return;
DartType lookup(String name) {
Element e = element.buildScope().lookup(name);
if (e == null) return null;
if (e is! ClassElement) return null;
ClassElement cls = e;
return cls.thisType;
NativeEnqueuer enqueuer = compiler.enqueuer.resolution.nativeEnqueuer;
var creates = _collect(element, compiler, enqueuer.annotationCreatesClass,
var returns = _collect(element, compiler, enqueuer.annotationReturnsClass,
if (creates != null) {
if (returns != null) {
* Returns a list of type constraints from the annotations of
* [annotationClass].
* Returns `null` if no constraints.
static _collect(Element element, Compiler compiler, Element annotationClass,
lookup(str)) {
var types = null;
for (MetadataAnnotation annotation in element.implementation.metadata) {
ConstantValue value =
if (!value.isConstructedObject) continue;
ConstructedConstantValue constructedObject = value;
if (constructedObject.type.element != annotationClass) continue;
Iterable<ConstantValue> fields = constructedObject.fields.values;
// TODO(sra): Better validation of the constant.
if (fields.length != 1 || !fields.single.isString) {
PartialMetadataAnnotation partial = annotation;
'Annotations needs one string: ${partial.parseNode(compiler)}');
StringConstantValue specStringConstant = fields.single;
String specString = specStringConstant.toDartString().slowToString();
for (final typeString in specString.split('|')) {
var type = _parseType(typeString, compiler, lookup, annotation);
if (types == null) types = [];
return types;
/// Models the behavior of having intances of [type] escape from Dart code
/// into native code.
void _escape(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType functionType = type;
// A function might be called from native code, passing us novel
// parameters.
_escape(functionType.returnType, compiler);
for (DartType parameter in functionType.parameterTypes) {
_capture(parameter, compiler);
/// Models the behavior of Dart code receiving instances and methods of [type]
/// from native code. We usually start the analysis by capturing a native
/// method that has been used.
void _capture(DartType type, Compiler compiler) {
type = type.unalias(compiler);
if (type is FunctionType) {
FunctionType functionType = type;
_capture(functionType.returnType, compiler);
for (DartType parameter in functionType.parameterTypes) {
_escape(parameter, compiler);
} else {
static dynamic _parseType(String typeString, Compiler compiler,
lookup(name), locationNodeOrElement) {
if (typeString == '=Object') return SpecialType.JsObject;
if (typeString == 'dynamic') {
return const DynamicType();
var type = lookup(typeString);
if (type != null) return type;
int index = typeString.indexOf('<');
if (index < 1) {
_errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler),
{'text': "Type '$typeString' not found."});
return const DynamicType();
type = lookup(typeString.substring(0, index));
if (type != null) {
// TODO(sra): Parse type parameters.
return type;
_errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler),
{'text': "Type '$typeString' not found."});
return const DynamicType();
static _errorNode(locationNodeOrElement, compiler) {
if (locationNodeOrElement is Node) return locationNodeOrElement;
return locationNodeOrElement.parseNode(compiler);