blob: 67aa417f23eaa6d6d73c9f938e2470314c5d3dbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.share_interceptors;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'type_mask_system.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
/// Merges calls to `getInterceptor` when one call is in scope of the other.
/// Also replaces `getInterceptor` calls with an interceptor constant when
/// the result is known statically, and there is no interceptor already in
/// scope.
/// Should run after [LoopInvariantCodeMotion] so interceptors lifted out from
/// loops can be merged.
class ShareInterceptors extends RecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Share interceptors';
final Map<Primitive, Primitive> interceptorFor =
<Primitive, Primitive>{};
final Map<ConstantValue, Primitive> sharedConstantFor =
<ConstantValue, Primitive>{};
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
if (node.primitive is Interceptor) {
Interceptor interceptor = node.primitive;
Primitive input = interceptor.input.definition;
Primitive existing = interceptorFor[input];
if (existing != null) {
if (existing is Interceptor) {
} else if (interceptor.constantValue != null) {
InterceptorConstantValue value = interceptor.constantValue;
// There is no interceptor obtained from this particular input, but
// there might one obtained from another input that is known to
// have the same result, so try to reuse that.
Primitive shared = sharedConstantFor[value];
if (shared != null) {
} else {
Constant constant = new Constant(value);
constant.hint = interceptor.hint;
node.primitive = constant;
constant.parent = node;
interceptorFor[input] = constant;
sharedConstantFor[value] = constant;
pushAction(() {
if (constant.hasExactlyOneUse) {
// As a heuristic, always sink single-use interceptor constants
// to their use, even if it is inside a loop.
Expression use = getEnclosingExpression(constant.firstRef.parent);
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
parent.body = node.body;
node.body.parent = parent;
InteriorNode useParent = use.parent;
useParent.body = node;
node.body = use;
use.parent = node;
node.parent = useParent;
} else {
interceptorFor[input] = interceptor;
pushAction(() {
return node.body;
Expression getEnclosingExpression(Node node) {
while (node is! Expression) {
node = node.parent;
return node;