blob: 5fcb5cedaca77fd21e8d7481ea01515733d3b681 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart.js;
import 'dart:nativewrappers';
JsObject _cachedContext;
JsObject get _context native "Js_context_Callback";
JsObject get context {
if (_cachedContext == null) {
_cachedContext = _context;
return _cachedContext;
class JsObject extends NativeFieldWrapperClass2 {
factory JsObject(JsFunction constructor, [List arguments]) => _create(constructor, arguments);
static JsObject _create(JsFunction constructor, arguments) native "JsObject_constructorCallback";
* Expert users only:
* Use this constructor only if you want to gain access to JS expandos
* attached to a browser native object such as a Node.
* Not all native browser objects can be converted using fromBrowserObject.
* Currently the following types are supported:
* * Node
* * ArrayBuffer
* * Blob
* * ImageData
* * IDBKeyRange
* TODO(jacobr): support Event, Window and NodeList as well.
factory JsObject.fromBrowserObject(var object) {
if (object is num || object is String || object is bool || object == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"object cannot be a num, string, bool, or null");
return _fromBrowserObject(object);
* Converts a json-like [object] to a JavaScript map or array and return a
* [JsObject] to it.
factory JsObject.jsify(object) {
if ((object is! Map) && (object is! Iterable)) {
throw new ArgumentError("object must be a Map or Iterable");
return _jsify(object);
static JSObject _jsify(object) native "JsObject_jsify";
static JsObject _fromBrowserObject(object) native "JsObject_fromBrowserObject";
operator[](key) native "JsObject_[]";
operator[]=(key, value) native "JsObject_[]=";
int get hashCode native "JsObject_hashCode";
operator==(other) => other is JsObject && _identityEquality(this, other);
static bool _identityEquality(JsObject a, JsObject b) native "JsObject_identityEquality";
bool hasProperty(String property) native "JsObject_hasProperty";
void deleteProperty(String name) native "JsObject_deleteProperty";
bool instanceof(JsFunction type) native "JsObject_instanceof";
String toString() {
try {
return _toString();
} catch(e) {
return super.toString();
String _toString() native "JsObject_toString";
callMethod(String name, [List args]) {
try {
return _callMethod(name, args);
} catch(e) {
if (hasProperty(name)) {
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, new Symbol(name), args, null);
_callMethod(String name, List args) native "JsObject_callMethod";
class JsFunction extends JsObject {
* Returns a [JsFunction] that captures its 'this' binding and calls [f]
* with the value of this passed as the first argument.
factory JsFunction.withThis(Function f) => _withThis(f);
apply(List args, {thisArg}) native "JsFunction_apply";
* Internal only version of apply which uses debugger proxies of Dart objects
* rather than opaque handles. This method is private because it cannot be
* efficiently implemented in Dart2Js so should only be used by internal
* tools.
_applyDebuggerOnly(List args, {thisArg}) native "JsFunction_applyDebuggerOnly";
static JsFunction _withThis(Function f) native "JsFunction_withThis";
* Placeholder object for cases where we need to determine exactly how many
* args were passed to a function.
const _UNDEFINED = const Object();
// FIXME(jacobr): this method is a hack to work around the lack of proper dart
// support for varargs methods.
List _stripUndefinedArgs(List args) =>
args.takeWhile((i) => i != _UNDEFINED).toList();
* Returns a method that can be called with an arbitrary number (for n less
* than 11) of arguments without violating Dart type checks.
Function _wrapAsDebuggerVarArgsFunction(JsFunction jsFunction) =>