blob: 922f6f9880ec07bdb44ff175aa88a484d654cd7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.isolate;
* The initial IsolateStream available by default for this isolate.
* This IsolateStream is created automatically and is commonly used
* to establish the first communication between isolates.
* (See [streamSpawnFunction].)
final IsolateStream stream = new IsolateStream._fromOriginalReceivePort(port);
* The creator of the [IsolateStream] and [IsolateSink]
* that allow an isolate to exchange messages with other isolates.
* Any message that is written into the [sink] (independent of the isolate) is
* sent to the [stream] where its subscribers can react to the messages.
class MessageBox {
final IsolateStream stream;
final IsolateSink sink;
external MessageBox.oneShot();
external MessageBox();
external bool _isCloseToken(var object);
* Together with [IsolateSink], the only means of
* communication between isolates.
* Each IsolateStream has a corresponding
* [IsolateSink]. Any message written into that sink will be delivered to
* the stream and then dispatched to the stream's subscribers.
class IsolateStream extends Stream<dynamic> {
bool _isClosed = false;
final ReceivePort _port;
StreamController _controller = new StreamController(sync: true);
IsolateStream._fromOriginalReceivePort(this._port) {
_port.receive((message, replyTo) {
assert(replyTo == null);
IsolateStream._fromOriginalReceivePortOneShot(this._port) {
_port.receive((message, replyTo) {
assert(replyTo == null);
void _add(var message) {
if (_isCloseToken(message)) {
} else {
* Closes the stream from the receiving end.
* Closing an already closed port has no effect.
void close() {
if (!_isClosed) {
_isClosed = true;
StreamSubscription listen(void onData(event),
{ void onError(error),
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
* The feed for an [IsolateStream].
* Any message written to [this] is delivered
* to its respective [IsolateStream].
* [IsolateSink]s are created by [MessageBox]es.
* [IsolateSink]s can be transmitted to other isolates.
abstract class IsolateSink extends EventSink<dynamic> {
// TODO(floitsch): Actually it should be a StreamSink (being able to flow-
// control).
* Sends an asynchronous [message] to the linked [IsolateStream];
* the message is copied to the receiving isolate.
* The content of [message] can be: primitive values (null, num, bool, double,
* String), instances of [IsolateSink]s, and lists and maps whose elements are
* any of these. List and maps are also allowed to be cyclic.
* In the special circumstances when two isolates share the same code and are
* running in the same process (e.g. isolates created via [spawnFunction]), it
* is also possible to send object instances (which would be copied in the
* process). This is currently only supported by the dartvm. For now, the
* dart2js compiler only supports the restricted messages described above.
void add(dynamic message);
void addError(errorEvent);
/** Closing multiple times is allowed. */
void close();
* Tests whether [other] is an [IsolateSink] feeding into the same
* [IsolateStream] as this one.
bool operator==(var other);
* Creates and spawns an isolate that shares the same code as the current
* isolate, but that starts from the specified function.
* The [topLevelFunction] argument must be
* a static top-level function or a static method that takes no arguments.
* When any isolate starts (even the main script of the application), a default
* [IsolateStream] is created for it. This sink is available from the top-level
* getter [stream] defined in this library.
* [spawnFunction] returns an [IsolateSink] feeding into the child isolate's
* default stream.
* The optional [unhandledExceptionCallback] argument is invoked whenever an
* exception inside the isolate is unhandled. It can be seen as a big
* `try/catch` around everything that is executed inside the isolate. The
* callback should return `true` if it was able to handle the exception.
external IsolateSink streamSpawnFunction(
void topLevelFunction(),
[bool unhandledExceptionCallback(IsolateUnhandledException e)]);