blob: 169b0e99ef0863e0e9bceae93288e5f2eead756a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library uses the Dart analyzer to find the exports for a set of
/// libraries. It stores these exports in an [ExportMap]. This is used to
/// display exported members as part of the exporting library, since dart2js
/// doesn't provide this information itself.
library export_map;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer_experimental/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
import 'dartdoc/utils.dart';
/// A class that tracks which libraries export which other libraries.
class ExportMap {
/// A map from libraries to their [Export]s.
/// Each key is the absolute path of a library on the filesystem, and each
/// value is a list of [Export]s for that library. There's guaranteed to be
/// only one [Export] of a given library in a given list.
final Map<String, List<Export>> exports;
/// A cache of the transitive exports for each library. The keys are paths to
/// libraries. The values are maps from the exported path to the [Export]
/// objects, to make it easier to merge multiple exports of the same library.
final _transitiveExportsByPath = <String, Map<String, Export>>{};
/// Parse an export map from a set of [libraries], which should be Dart import
/// [Uri]s. [packageRoot] should be the path to the `packages` directory to
/// use when resolving `package:` imports and libraries. Libraries that are
/// not available on the local machine will be ignored.
/// In addition to parsing the exports in [libraries], this will parse the
/// exports in all libraries transitively reachable from [libraries] via
/// `import` or `export`.
factory ExportMap.parse(Iterable<Uri> libraries, String packageRoot) {
var exports = <String, List<Export>>{};
void traverse(String path) {
if (exports.containsKey(path)) return;
var importsAndExports;
try {
importsAndExports = _importsAndExportsForFile(path, packageRoot);
} on FileException catch (_) {
// Ignore unreadable/nonexistent files.
var exportsForLibrary = <String, Export>{};
for (var export in importsAndExports.last) {
addOrMergeExport(exportsForLibrary, export.path, export);
exports[path] = new List.from(exportsForLibrary.values);
exports[path].map((directive) => directive.path).forEach(traverse);
for (var library in libraries) {
var path = importUriToPath(library, packageRoot: packageRoot);
if (path != null) traverse(path);
return new ExportMap._(exports);
/// Returns a list of all the paths of exported libraries that [this] is aware
/// of.
List<String> get allExportedFiles => exports.values.expand((e) => e)
.map((directive) => directive.path).toList();
/// Returns a list of all exports that [library] transitively exports. This
/// means that if [library] exports another library that in turn exports a
/// third, the third library will be included in the returned list.
/// This will automatically handle nested `hide` and `show` directives on the
/// exports, as well as merging multiple exports of the same library.
List<Export> transitiveExports(String library) {
Map<String, Export> _getTransitiveExportsByPath(String path) {
if (_transitiveExportsByPath.containsKey(path)) {
return _transitiveExportsByPath[path];
var exportsByPath = <String, Export>{};
_transitiveExportsByPath[path] = exportsByPath;
if (exports[path] == null) return exportsByPath;
for (var export in exports[path]) {
exportsByPath[export.path] = export;
for (var export in exports[path]) {
for (var subExport in _getTransitiveExportsByPath(export.path).values) {
subExport = export.compose(subExport);
if (exportsByPath.containsKey(subExport.path)) {
subExport = subExport.merge(exportsByPath[subExport.path]);
exportsByPath[subExport.path] = subExport;
return exportsByPath;
var path = pathos.normalize(pathos.absolute(library));
return _getTransitiveExportsByPath(path).values.toList();
/// A class that represents one library exporting another.
class Export {
/// The absolute path of the library that contains this export.
final String exporter;
/// The absolute path of the library being exported.
final String path;
/// The set of identifiers that are explicitly being exported. If this is
/// non-empty, no identifiers other than these will be visible.
/// One or both of [show] and [hide] will always be empty.
Set<String> get show => _show;
Set<String> _show;
/// The set of identifiers that are not exported.
/// One or both of [show] and [hide] will always be empty.
Set<String> get hide => _hide;
Set<String> _hide;
/// Whether or not members exported are hidden by default.
bool get _hideByDefault => !show.isEmpty;
/// Creates a new export.
/// This will normalize [show] and [hide] so that if both are non-empty, only
/// [show] will be set.
Export(this.exporter, this.path, {Iterable<String> show,
Iterable<String> hide}) {
_show = new Set<String>.from(show == null ? [] : show);
_hide = new Set<String>.from(hide == null ? [] : hide);
if (!_show.isEmpty) {
_hide = new Set<String>();
/// Returns a new [Export] that represents [this] composed with [nested], as
/// though [this] was used to export a library that in turn exported [nested].
Export compose(Export nested) {
var show = new Set<String>();
var hide = new Set<String>();
if (this._hideByDefault) {
if (nested._hideByDefault) {
} else {
} else if (nested._hideByDefault) {
} else {
return new Export(this.exporter, nested.path, show: show, hide: hide);
/// Returns a new [Export] that merges [this] with [nested], as though both
/// exports were included in the same library.
/// [this] and [other] must have the same values for [exporter] and [path].
Export merge(Export other) {
if (this.path != other.path) {
throw new ArgumentError("Can't merge two Exports with different paths: "
"export '$path' from '$exporter' and export '${other.path}' from "
} if (this.exporter != other.exporter) {
throw new ArgumentError("Can't merge two Exports with different "
"exporters: export '$path' from '$exporter' and export "
"'${other.path}' from '${other.exporter}'.");
var show = new Set<String>();
var hide = new Set<String>();
if (this._hideByDefault) {
if (other._hideByDefault) {
} else {
} else {
if (other._hideByDefault) {
} else {
return new Export(exporter, path, show: show, hide: hide);
/// Returns whether or not a member named [name] is visible through this
/// import, as goverend by [show] and [hide].
bool isMemberVisible(String name) =>
_hideByDefault ? show.contains(name) : !hide.contains(name);
bool operator==(other) => other is Export && other.exporter == exporter &&
other.path == path && show.containsAll( && && hide.containsAll(other.hide) &&
int get hashCode {
var hashCode = exporter.hashCode ^ path.hashCode;
hashCode = show.reduce(hashCode, (hash, name) => hash ^ name.hashCode);
return hide.reduce(hashCode, (hash, name) => hash ^ name.hashCode);
String toString() {
var combinator = '';
if (!show.isEmpty) {
combinator = ' show ${show.join(', ')}';
} else if (!hide.isEmpty) {
combinator = ' hide ${hide.join(', ')}';
return "export '$path'$combinator (from $exporter)";
/// Returns a list of imports and a list of exports for the dart library at
/// [file]. [packageRoot] is used to resolve `package:` URLs.
/// The imports are a list of absolute paths, while the exports are [Export]
/// objects.
Pair<List<String>, List<Export>> _importsAndExportsForFile(String file,
String packageRoot) {
var collector = new _ImportExportCollector();
var imports = {
return _pathForDirective(import, pathos.dirname(file), packageRoot);
}).where((import) => import != null).toList();
var exports = {
var path = _pathForDirective(export, pathos.dirname(file), packageRoot);
if (path == null) return null;
path = pathos.normalize(pathos.absolute(path));
var show = export.combinators
.where((combinator) => combinator is ShowCombinator)
.expand((combinator) => =>;
var hide = export.combinators
.where((combinator) => combinator is HideCombinator)
.expand((combinator) => =>;
return new Export(file, path, show: show, hide: hide);
}).where((export) => export != null).toList();
return new Pair<List<String>, List<Export>>(imports, exports);
/// Returns the absolute path to the library imported by [directive], or `null`
/// if it doesn't refer to a file on the local filesystem.
/// [basePath] is the path from which relative imports should be resolved.
/// [packageRoot] is the path from which `package:` imports should be resolved.
String _pathForDirective(NamespaceDirective directive, String basePath,
String packageRoot) {
var uri = Uri.parse(stringLiteralToString(directive.uri));
var path = importUriToPath(uri, basePath: basePath, packageRoot: packageRoot);
if (path == null) return null;
return pathos.normalize(pathos.absolute(path));
/// A simple visitor that collects import and export nodes.
class _ImportExportCollector extends GeneralizingASTVisitor {
final imports = <ImportDirective>[];
final exports = <ExportDirective>[];
visitImportDirective(ImportDirective node) => imports.add(node);
visitExportDirective(ExportDirective node) => exports.add(node);