blob: 87115556d24cc328740a116b12d7ba29bb893e48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'basic_types.dart';
/// A side of a border of a box.
/// A [Border] consists of four [BorderSide] objects: [],
/// [Border.left], [Border.right], and [Border.bottom].
/// Note that setting [BorderSide.width] to 0.0 will result in hairline
/// rendering. A more involved explanation is present in [BorderSide.width].
/// {@tool sample}
/// This sample shows how [BorderSide] objects can be used in a [Container], via
/// a [BoxDecoration] and a [Border], to decorate some [Text]. In this example,
/// the text has a thick bar above it that is light blue, and a thick bar below
/// it that is a darker shade of blue.
/// ```dart
/// Container(
/// padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
/// decoration: BoxDecoration(
/// border: Border(
/// top: BorderSide(width: 16.0, color: Colors.lightBlue.shade50),
/// bottom: BorderSide(width: 16.0, color: Colors.lightBlue.shade900),
/// ),
/// ),
/// child: Text('Flutter in the sky', textAlign:,
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [Border], which uses [BorderSide] objects to represent its sides.
/// * [BoxDecoration], which optionally takes a [Border] object.
/// * [TableBorder], which is similar to [Border] but has two more sides
/// ([TableBorder.horizontalInside] and [TableBorder.verticalInside]), both
/// of which are also [BorderSide] objects.
class BorderSide {
/// A hairline black border that is not rendered.
static const BorderSide none =
BorderSide(width: 0.0, style: BorderStyle.none);
/// The color of this side of the border.
final Color color;
/// The width of this side of the border, in logical pixels.
/// Setting width to 0.0 will result in a hairline border. This means that
/// the border will have the width of one physical pixel. Also, hairline
/// rendering takes shortcuts when the path overlaps a pixel more than once.
/// This means that it will render faster than otherwise, but it might
/// double-hit pixels, giving it a slightly darker/lighter result.
/// To omit the border entirely, set the [style] to [BorderStyle.none].
final double width;
/// The style of this side of the border.
/// To omit a side, set [style] to [BorderStyle.none]. This skips
/// painting the border, but the border still has a [width].
final BorderStyle style;
/// Creates the side of a border.
/// By default, the border is 1.0 logical pixels wide and solid black.
const BorderSide({
this.color = const Color(0xFF000000),
this.width = 1.0, = BorderStyle.solid,
}) : assert(color != null),
assert(width != null),
assert(width >= 0.0),
assert(style != null);
/// Creates a copy of this border but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
BorderSide copyWith({
Color color,
double width,
BorderStyle style,
}) {
assert(width == null || width >= 0.0);
return BorderSide(
color: color ?? this.color,
width: width ?? this.width,
style: style ??,
/// The style of line to draw for a [BorderSide] in a [Border].
enum BorderStyle {
/// Skip the border.
/// Draw the border as a solid line.
// if you add more, think about how they will lerp
/// Base class for shape outlines.
/// This class handles how to add multiple borders together. Subclasses define
/// various shapes, like circles ([CircleBorder]), rounded rectangles
/// ([RoundedRectangleBorder]), continuous rectangles
/// ([ContinuousRectangleBorder]), or beveled rectangles
/// ([BeveledRectangleBorder]).
/// See also:
/// * [ShapeDecoration], which can be used with [DecoratedBox] to show a shape.
/// * [Material] (and many other widgets in the Material library), which takes
/// a [ShapeBorder] to define its shape.
/// * [NotchedShape], which describes a shape with a hole in it.
abstract class ShapeBorder {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const ShapeBorder();