blob: dc5df74fe5deddb164042d1ada79d96ced4a50bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:typed_data';
// wasmer_result_t
const int WasmerResultOk = 1;
const int WasmerResultError = 2;
// wasmer_value_tag
const int WasmerValueTagI32 = 0;
const int WasmerValueTagI64 = 1;
const int WasmerValueTagF32 = 2;
const int WasmerValueTagF64 = 3;
// The void tag is not part of the C API. It's used to represent the return type
// of a void function.
const int WasmerValueTagVoid = -1;
// wasmer_import_export_kind
const int WasmerImpExpKindFunction = 0;
const int WasmerImpExpKindGlobal = 1;
const int WasmerImpExpKindMemory = 2;
const int WasmerImpExpKindTable = 3;
// wasmer_module_t
class WasmerModule extends Struct {}
// wasmer_instance_t
class WasmerInstance extends Struct {}
// wasmer_exports_t
class WasmerExports extends Struct {}
// wasmer_export_t
class WasmerExport extends Struct {}
// wasmer_export_func_t
class WasmerExportFunc extends Struct {}
// wasmer_import_t
class WasmerImport extends Struct {
Pointer<Uint8> module_name;
int module_name_length;
Pointer<Uint8> import_name;
int import_name_length;
// wasmer_import_export_kind
int tag;
// wasmer_import_export_value, which is a union of wasmer_import_func_t*,
// wasmer_table_t*, wasmer_memory_t*, and wasmer_global_t*. The tag determines
// which type it is.
Pointer<Void> value;
// wasmer_byte_array
class WasmerByteArray extends Struct {
Pointer<Uint8> bytes;
int length;
Uint8List get list => bytes.asTypedList(length);
// wasmer_value_t
class WasmerValue extends Struct {
// wasmer_value_tag
int tag;
// wasmer_value, which is a union of int32_t, int64_t, float, and double. The
// tag determines which type it is. It's declared as an int64_t because that's
// large enough to hold all the types. We use ByteData to get the other types.
int value;
int get _off32 => == Endian.little ? 0 : 4;
int get i64 => value;
ByteData get _getterBytes => ByteData(8)..setInt64(0, value,;
int get i32 => _getterBytes.getInt32(_off32,;
double get f32 => _getterBytes.getFloat32(_off32,;
double get f64 => _getterBytes.getFloat64(0,;
set i64(int val) => value = val;
set _val(ByteData bytes) => value = bytes.getInt64(0,;
set i32(int val) => _val = ByteData(8)..setInt32(_off32, val,;
set f32(num val) => _val = ByteData(8)..setFloat32(_off32, val,;
set f64(num val) => _val = ByteData(8)..setFloat64(0, val,;
bool get isI32 => tag == WasmerValueTagI32;
bool get isI64 => tag == WasmerValueTagI64;
bool get isF32 => tag == WasmerValueTagF32;
bool get isF64 => tag == WasmerValueTagF64;
// wasmer_compile
typedef NativeWasmerCompileFn = Uint32 Function(
Pointer<Pointer<WasmerModule>>, Pointer<Uint8>, Uint32);
typedef WasmerCompileFn = int Function(
Pointer<Pointer<WasmerModule>>, Pointer<Uint8>, int);
// wasmer_module_instantiate
typedef NativeWasmerInstantiateFn = Uint32 Function(Pointer<WasmerModule>,
Pointer<Pointer<WasmerInstance>>, Pointer<WasmerImport>, Int32);
typedef WasmerInstantiateFn = int Function(Pointer<WasmerModule>,
Pointer<Pointer<WasmerInstance>>, Pointer<WasmerImport>, int);
// wasmer_instance_exports
typedef NativeWasmerInstanceExportsFn = Void Function(
Pointer<WasmerInstance>, Pointer<Pointer<WasmerExports>>);
typedef WasmerInstanceExportsFn = void Function(
Pointer<WasmerInstance>, Pointer<Pointer<WasmerExports>>);
// wasmer_exports_len
typedef NativeWasmerExportsLenFn = Int32 Function(Pointer<WasmerExports>);
typedef WasmerExportsLenFn = int Function(Pointer<WasmerExports>);
// wasmer_exports_get
typedef NativeWasmerExportsGetFn = Pointer<WasmerExport> Function(
Pointer<WasmerExports>, Int32);
typedef WasmerExportsGetFn = Pointer<WasmerExport> Function(
Pointer<WasmerExports>, int);
// wasmer_export_name
typedef NativeWasmerExportNameFn = WasmerByteArray Function(
typedef WasmerExportNameFn = WasmerByteArray Function(Pointer<WasmerExport>);
// wasmer_export_kind
typedef NativeWasmerExportKindFn = Uint32 Function(Pointer<WasmerExport>);
typedef WasmerExportKindFn = int Function(Pointer<WasmerExport>);
// wasmer_export_to_func
typedef NativeWasmerExportToFuncFn = Pointer<WasmerExportFunc> Function(
typedef WasmerExportToFuncFn = Pointer<WasmerExportFunc> Function(
// wasmer_export_func_returns_arity
typedef NativeWasmerExportFuncReturnsArityFn = Uint32 Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>);
typedef WasmerExportFuncReturnsArityFn = int Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>);
// wasmer_export_func_returns
typedef NativeWasmerExportFuncReturnsFn = Uint32 Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>, Uint32);
typedef WasmerExportFuncReturnsFn = int Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>, int);
// wasmer_export_func_params_arity
typedef NativeWasmerExportFuncParamsArityFn = Uint32 Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>);
typedef WasmerExportFuncParamsArityFn = int Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>);
// wasmer_export_func_params
typedef NativeWasmerExportFuncParamsFn = Uint32 Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>, Uint32);
typedef WasmerExportFuncParamsFn = int Function(
Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>, Pointer<Uint32>, int);
// wasmer_export_func_call
typedef NativeWasmerExportFuncCallFn = Uint32 Function(
typedef WasmerExportFuncCallFn = int Function(Pointer<WasmerExportFunc>,
Pointer<WasmerValue>, int, Pointer<WasmerValue>, int);