blob: 030cecb0ff9d6e8349771ca5644f2a8b8d002944 [file] [log] [blame]
// Instead modify 'tools/experimental_features.yaml' and run
// 'dart pkg/analyzer/tool/experiments/generate.dart' to update.
part of 'experiments.dart';
/// The current version of the Dart language (or, for non-stable releases, the
/// version of the language currently in the process of being developed).
const _currentVersion = '2.13.0';
/// A map containing information about all known experimental flags.
final _knownFeatures = <String, ExperimentalFeature>{
EnableString.constant_update_2018: ExperimentalFeatures.constant_update_2018,
EnableString.extension_methods: ExperimentalFeatures.extension_methods,
EnableString.generic_metadata: ExperimentalFeatures.generic_metadata,
EnableString.non_nullable: ExperimentalFeatures.non_nullable,
EnableString.set_literals: ExperimentalFeatures.set_literals,
EnableString.spread_collections: ExperimentalFeatures.spread_collections,
EnableString.triple_shift: ExperimentalFeatures.triple_shift,
EnableString.value_class: ExperimentalFeatures.value_class,
EnableString.variance: ExperimentalFeatures.variance,
/// Constant strings for enabling each of the currently known experimental
/// flags.
class EnableString {
/// String to enable the experiment "constant-update-2018"
static const String constant_update_2018 = 'constant-update-2018';
/// String to enable the experiment "control-flow-collections"
static const String control_flow_collections = 'control-flow-collections';
/// String to enable the experiment "extension-methods"
static const String extension_methods = 'extension-methods';
/// String to enable the experiment "generic-metadata"
static const String generic_metadata = 'generic-metadata';
/// String to enable the experiment "non-nullable"
static const String non_nullable = 'non-nullable';
/// String to enable the experiment "nonfunction-type-aliases"
static const String nonfunction_type_aliases = 'nonfunction-type-aliases';
/// String to enable the experiment "set-literals"
static const String set_literals = 'set-literals';
/// String to enable the experiment "spread-collections"
static const String spread_collections = 'spread-collections';
/// String to enable the experiment "triple-shift"
static const String triple_shift = 'triple-shift';
/// String to enable the experiment "value-class"
static const String value_class = 'value-class';
/// String to enable the experiment "variance"
static const String variance = 'variance';
class ExperimentalFeatures {
static final constant_update_2018 = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 0,
enableString: EnableString.constant_update_2018,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.constant_update_2018,
isExpired: IsExpired.constant_update_2018,
documentation: 'Enhanced constant expressions',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.0.0'),
static final control_flow_collections = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 1,
enableString: EnableString.control_flow_collections,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.control_flow_collections,
isExpired: IsExpired.control_flow_collections,
documentation: 'Control Flow Collections',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.0.0'),
static final extension_methods = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 2,
enableString: EnableString.extension_methods,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.extension_methods,
isExpired: IsExpired.extension_methods,
documentation: 'Extension Methods',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.6.0'),
static final generic_metadata = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 3,
enableString: EnableString.generic_metadata,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.generic_metadata,
isExpired: IsExpired.generic_metadata,
'Allow annotations to accept type arguments; also allow generic function types as type arguments',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: null,
static final non_nullable = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 4,
enableString: EnableString.non_nullable,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.non_nullable,
isExpired: IsExpired.non_nullable,
documentation: 'Non Nullable by default',
experimentalReleaseVersion: Version.parse('2.10.0'),
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.12.0'),
static final nonfunction_type_aliases = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 5,
enableString: EnableString.nonfunction_type_aliases,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.nonfunction_type_aliases,
isExpired: IsExpired.nonfunction_type_aliases,
documentation: 'Type aliases define a <type>, not just a <functionType>',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: null,
static final set_literals = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 6,
enableString: EnableString.set_literals,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.set_literals,
isExpired: IsExpired.set_literals,
documentation: 'Set Literals',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.0.0'),
static final spread_collections = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 7,
enableString: EnableString.spread_collections,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.spread_collections,
isExpired: IsExpired.spread_collections,
documentation: 'Spread Collections',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: Version.parse('2.0.0'),
static final triple_shift = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 8,
enableString: EnableString.triple_shift,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.triple_shift,
isExpired: IsExpired.triple_shift,
documentation: 'Triple-shift operator',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: null,
static final value_class = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 9,
enableString: EnableString.value_class,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.value_class,
isExpired: IsExpired.value_class,
documentation: 'Value class',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: null,
static final variance = ExperimentalFeature(
index: 10,
enableString: EnableString.variance,
isEnabledByDefault: IsEnabledByDefault.variance,
isExpired: IsExpired.variance,
documentation: 'Sound variance',
experimentalReleaseVersion: null,
releaseVersion: null,
/// Constant bools indicating whether each experimental flag is currently
/// enabled by default.
class IsEnabledByDefault {
/// Default state of the experiment "constant-update-2018"
static const bool constant_update_2018 = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "control-flow-collections"
static const bool control_flow_collections = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "extension-methods"
static const bool extension_methods = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "generic-metadata"
static const bool generic_metadata = false;
/// Default state of the experiment "non-nullable"
static const bool non_nullable = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "nonfunction-type-aliases"
static const bool nonfunction_type_aliases = false;
/// Default state of the experiment "set-literals"
static const bool set_literals = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "spread-collections"
static const bool spread_collections = true;
/// Default state of the experiment "triple-shift"
static const bool triple_shift = false;
/// Default state of the experiment "value-class"
static const bool value_class = false;
/// Default state of the experiment "variance"
static const bool variance = false;
/// Constant bools indicating whether each experimental flag is currently
/// expired (meaning its enable/disable status can no longer be altered from the
/// value in [IsEnabledByDefault]).
class IsExpired {
/// Expiration status of the experiment "constant-update-2018"
static const bool constant_update_2018 = true;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "control-flow-collections"
static const bool control_flow_collections = true;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "extension-methods"
static const bool extension_methods = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "generic-metadata"
static const bool generic_metadata = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "non-nullable"
static const bool non_nullable = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "nonfunction-type-aliases"
static const bool nonfunction_type_aliases = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "set-literals"
static const bool set_literals = true;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "spread-collections"
static const bool spread_collections = true;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "triple-shift"
static const bool triple_shift = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "value-class"
static const bool value_class = false;
/// Expiration status of the experiment "variance"
static const bool variance = false;
mixin _CurrentState {
/// Current state for the flag "constant-update-2018"
bool get constant_update_2018 =>
/// Current state for the flag "control-flow-collections"
bool get control_flow_collections =>
/// Current state for the flag "extension-methods"
bool get extension_methods =>
/// Current state for the flag "generic-metadata"
bool get generic_metadata => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.generic_metadata);
/// Current state for the flag "non-nullable"
bool get non_nullable => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.non_nullable);
/// Current state for the flag "nonfunction-type-aliases"
bool get nonfunction_type_aliases =>
/// Current state for the flag "set-literals"
bool get set_literals => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.set_literals);
/// Current state for the flag "spread-collections"
bool get spread_collections =>
/// Current state for the flag "triple-shift"
bool get triple_shift => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.triple_shift);
/// Current state for the flag "value-class"
bool get value_class => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.value_class);
/// Current state for the flag "variance"
bool get variance => isEnabled(ExperimentalFeatures.variance);
bool isEnabled(covariant ExperimentalFeature feature);