blob: 159d18eb74633b6083c18b92b2d9c790dfc741ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_color.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/diagnostic/diagnostic.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_context.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ColorComputerTest extends AbstractContextTest {
/// A map of Dart source code that represents different types/formats
/// that are valid in const contexts.
/// Values are the color that should be discovered (in 0xAARRGGBB format).
/// Color values may not match the actual Flutter framework but are
/// values that are more identifyable for ease of testing. They are
/// defined in:
/// - test/mock_packages/flutter/lib/src/material/colors.dart.
/// - test/mock_packages/flutter/lib/src/cupertino/colors.dart.
/// These values will be iterated in tests and inserted into various
/// code snippets for testing.
static const colorCodesConst = {
// dart:ui Colors
'Colors.white': 0xFFFFFFFF,
'Color(0xFF0000FF)': 0xFF0000FF,
'Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 255)': 0xFF0000FF,
'Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 255, 1)': 0xFF0000FF,
// Flutter Painting
'ColorSwatch(0xFF89ABCD, {})': 0xFF89ABCD,
// Flutter Material
'': 0xFFFF0000,
'Colors.redAccent': 0xFFFFAA00,
'MaterialAccentColor(0xFF89ABCD, {})': 0xFF89ABCD,
// Flutter Cupertino
'': 0xFF000000,
'CupertinoColors.systemBlue': 0xFF0000FF,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue': 0xFF0000FF,
/// A map of Dart source code that represents different types/formats
/// that are not valid in const contexts.
/// Values are the color that should be discovered (in 0xAARRGGBB format).
static const colorCodesNonConst = {
// Flutter Material
'': 0x10FF0000,
'[100]': 0x10FF0000,
// Flutter Cupertino
'CupertinoColors.systemBlue.color': 0xFF0000FF,
'CupertinoColors.systemBlue.darkColor': 0xFF000099,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.color': 0xFF0000FF,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.darkColor': 0xFF000099,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.highContrastColor': 0xFF000066,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.darkHighContrastColor': 0xFF000033,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.elevatedColor': 0xFF0000FF,
'CupertinoColors.activeBlue.darkElevatedColor': 0xFF000099,
/// A map of Dart source code that creates multiple nested color references.
/// The key is the source code, and the value is a map of the expressions and
/// colors that should be produced (where the null key represents the
/// entire expression).
static const colorCodesNested = {
// TODO(dantup): Remove this "const" when we can evaluate constructors
// in non-const contexts.
'const CupertinoDynamicColor.withBrightness(color: CupertinoColors.white, darkColor:':
null: 0xFFFFFFFF,
'CupertinoColors.white': 0xFFFFFFFF,
'': 0xFF000000,
late String testPath;
late String otherPath;
late ColorComputer computer;
/// Tests that all of the known color codes replaced into [code] produce the
/// expected nested color values.
/// If [onlyConst] is `true`, only the test values that are const will be
/// tested.
Future<void> checkAllColors(String code, {bool onlyConst = false}) async {
// Combine the flat and nested colours into the same format.
final allColorCodes = <String, Map<String?, int>>{, value) => MapEntry(key, {key: value})),
if (!onlyConst), value) => MapEntry(key, {key: value})),
for (final entry in allColorCodes.entries) {
final colorDartCode = entry.key;
final expectedColorValues =
// A null key means we should expect the full code.
(key, value) => MapEntry(key ?? colorDartCode, value),
await expectColors(
code.replaceAll('[[COLOR]]', colorDartCode),
/// Checks that all of [expectedColorValues] are produced for [dartCode].
Future<void> expectColors(
String dartCode,
Map<String, int> expectedColorValues, {
String? otherCode,
}) async {
dartCode = _withCommonImports(dartCode);
otherCode = otherCode != null ? _withCommonImports(otherCode) : null;
newFile(testPath, dartCode);
if (otherCode != null) {
newFile(otherPath, otherCode);
final otherResult = await (await session).getResolvedUnit(otherPath)
as ResolvedUnitResult;
final result =
await (await session).getResolvedUnit(testPath) as ResolvedUnitResult;
computer = ColorComputer(result);
final colors = computer.compute();
reason: '${expectedColorValues.length} colors should be detected in:\n'
expectedColorValues.entries.forEachIndexed((i, expectedColor) {
final color = colors[i];
final expectedColorCode = expectedColor.key;
final expectedColorValue = expectedColor.value;
final expectedAlpha = (0xff000000 & expectedColorValue) >> 24;
final expectedRed = (0x00ff0000 & expectedColorValue) >> 16;
final expectedGreen = (0x0000ff00 & expectedColorValue) >> 8;
final expectedBlue = (0x000000ff & expectedColorValue) >> 0;
final regionText =
dartCode.substring(color.offset, color.offset + color.length);
reason: 'Color $i expected $expectedColorCode but was $regionText',
void expectComponent(int actual, int expected, String name) => expect(
reason: '$name value for $expectedColorCode is not correct',
expectComponent(color.color.alpha, expectedAlpha, 'Alpha');
expectComponent(, expectedRed, 'Red');
expectComponent(, expectedGreen, 'Green');
expectComponent(, expectedBlue, 'Blue');
void expectNoErrors(ResolvedUnitResult result) {
// If the test code has errors, generate a suitable failure to help debug.
final errors = result.errors
.where((error) => error.severity == Severity.error)
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
throw 'Code has errors: $errors\n\n${result.content}';
void setUp() {
writeTestPackageConfig(flutter: true);
testPath = convertPath('$testPackageLibPath/test.dart');
otherPath = convertPath('$testPackageLibPath/other_file.dart');
Future<void> test_collectionLiteral_const() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
const colors = [
await checkAllColors(testCode, onlyConst: true);
Future<void> test_collectionLiteral_nonConst() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
final colors = [
await checkAllColors(testCode);
Future<void> test_customClass() async {
const testCode = '''
import 'other_file.dart';
void f() {
final a1 = MyTheme.staticWhite;
final a2 = MyTheme.staticMaterialRedAccent;
const theme = MyTheme();
final b1 = theme.instanceWhite;
final b2 = theme.instanceMaterialRedAccent;
const otherCode = '''
class MyTheme {
static const Color staticWhite = Colors.white;
static const MaterialAccentColor staticMaterialRedAccent = Colors.redAccent;
final Color instanceWhite;
final MaterialAccentColor instanceMaterialRedAccent;
const MyTheme()
: instanceWhite = Colors.white,
instanceMaterialRedAccent = Colors.redAccent;
await expectColors(
'MyTheme.staticWhite': 0xFFFFFFFF,
'MyTheme.staticMaterialRedAccent': 0xFFFFAA00,
'theme.instanceWhite': 0xFFFFFFFF,
'theme.instanceMaterialRedAccent': 0xFFFFAA00,
otherCode: otherCode,
Future<void> test_local_const() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
const a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode, onlyConst: true);
Future<void> test_local_nonConst() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
final a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode);
Future<void> test_namedParameter_const() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
const w = Widget(color: [[COLOR]]);
class Widget {
final Color? color;
const Widget({this.color});
await checkAllColors(testCode, onlyConst: true);
Future<void> test_namedParameter_nonConst() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
final w = Widget(color: [[COLOR]]);
class Widget {
final Color? color;
await checkAllColors(testCode);
Future<void> test_nested_const() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
const a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode, onlyConst: true);
Future<void> test_nested_nonConst() async {
const testCode = '''
void f() {
final a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode);
Future<void> test_topLevel_const() async {
const testCode = '''
const a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode, onlyConst: true);
Future<void> test_topLevel_nonConst() async {
const testCode = '''
final a = [[COLOR]];
await checkAllColors(testCode);
String _withCommonImports(String code) => '''
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';