blob: c283fd2f0e9f2475d91eb8adce35dff472668a1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/client_configuration.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handlers.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/mapping.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/refactoring.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/refactoring/rename_unit_member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
class PrepareRenameHandler
extends MessageHandler<TextDocumentPositionParams, PlaceholderAndRange?> {
Method get handlesMessage => Method.textDocument_prepareRename;
LspJsonHandler<TextDocumentPositionParams> get jsonHandler =>
Future<ErrorOr<PlaceholderAndRange?>> handle(
TextDocumentPositionParams params,
MessageInfo message,
CancellationToken token) async {
if (!isDartDocument(params.textDocument)) {
return success(null);
final pos = params.position;
final path = pathOfDoc(params.textDocument);
final unit = await path.mapResult(requireResolvedUnit);
final offset = await unit.mapResult((unit) => toOffset(unit.lineInfo, pos));
return offset.mapResult((offset) async {
final node = await server.getNodeAtOffset(path.result, offset);
final element = server.getElementOfNode(node);
if (node == null || element == null) {
return success(null);
final refactorDetails =
RenameRefactoring.getElementToRename(node, element);
if (refactorDetails == null) {
return success(null);
final refactoring = RenameRefactoring.create(
server.refactoringWorkspace, unit.result, refactorDetails.element);
if (refactoring == null) {
return success(null);
// Check the rename is valid here.
final initStatus = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
if (initStatus.hasFatalError) {
return error(
ServerErrorCodes.RenameNotValid, initStatus.problem!.message, null);
return success(PlaceholderAndRange(
range: toRange(
// If the offset is set to -1 it means there is no location for the
// old name. However since we must provide a range for LSP, we'll use
// a 0-character span at the originally requested location to ensure
// it's valid.
refactorDetails.offset == -1 ? offset : refactorDetails.offset,
placeholder: refactoring.oldName,
class RenameHandler extends MessageHandler<RenameParams, WorkspaceEdit?> {
final _upperCasePattern = RegExp('[A-Z]');
LspGlobalClientConfiguration get config =>;
Method get handlesMessage => Method.textDocument_rename;
LspJsonHandler<RenameParams> get jsonHandler => RenameParams.jsonHandler;
/// Checks whether a client supports Rename resource operations.
bool get _clientSupportsRename {
final capabilities = server.clientCapabilities;
return (capabilities?.documentChanges ?? false) &&
(capabilities?.renameResourceOperations ?? false);
Future<ErrorOr<WorkspaceEdit?>> handle(
RenameParams params, MessageInfo message, CancellationToken token) async {
if (!isDartDocument(params.textDocument)) {
return success(null);
final pos = params.position;
final textDocument = params.textDocument;
final path = pathOfDoc(params.textDocument);
// If the client provided us a version doc identifier, we'll use it to ensure
// we're not computing a rename for an old document. If not, we'll just assume
// the version the server had at the time of recieving the request is valid
// and then use it to verify the document hadn't changed again before we
// send the edits.
final docIdentifier = await path.mapResult((path) => success(
textDocument is OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
? textDocument
: textDocument is VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
? OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
uri: textDocument.uri, version: textDocument.version)
: server.getVersionedDocumentIdentifier(path)));
final unit = await path.mapResult(requireResolvedUnit);
final offset = await unit.mapResult((unit) => toOffset(unit.lineInfo, pos));
return offset.mapResult((offset) async {
final node = await server.getNodeAtOffset(path.result, offset);
final element = server.getElementOfNode(node);
if (node == null || element == null) {
return success(null);
final refactorDetails =
RenameRefactoring.getElementToRename(node, element);
if (refactorDetails == null) {
return success(null);
final refactoring = RenameRefactoring.create(
server.refactoringWorkspace, unit.result, refactorDetails.element);
if (refactoring == null) {
return success(null);
// Check the rename is valid here.
final initStatus = await refactoring.checkInitialConditions();
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
if (initStatus.hasFatalError) {
return error(
ServerErrorCodes.RenameNotValid, initStatus.problem!.message, null);
// Check the name is valid.
refactoring.newName = params.newName;
final optionsStatus = refactoring.checkNewName();
if (optionsStatus.hasError) {
return error(ServerErrorCodes.RenameNotValid,
optionsStatus.problem!.message, null);
// Final validation.
final finalStatus = await refactoring.checkFinalConditions();
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
if (finalStatus.hasFatalError) {
return error(ServerErrorCodes.RenameNotValid,
finalStatus.problem!.message, null);
} else if (finalStatus.hasError || finalStatus.hasWarning) {
// Ask the user whether to proceed with the rename.
final userChoice = await server.showUserPrompt(
MessageActionItem(title: UserPromptActions.renameAnyway),
MessageActionItem(title: UserPromptActions.cancel),
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
if (userChoice.title != UserPromptActions.renameAnyway) {
// Return an empty workspace edit response so we do not perform any
// rename, but also so we do not cause the client to show the user an
// error after they clicked cancel.
return success(emptyWorkspaceEdit);
// Compute the actual change.
final change = await refactoring.createChange();
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
return cancelled();
// Before we send anything back, ensure the original file didn't change
// while we were computing changes.
if (fileHasBeenModified(path.result, docIdentifier.result.version)) {
return fileModifiedError;
var workspaceEdit = createWorkspaceEdit(server, change);
// Check whether we should handle renaming the file to match the class.
if (_clientSupportsRename && _isClassRename(refactoring)) {
final pathContext = server.resourceProvider.pathContext;
// The rename must always be performed on the file that defines the
// class which is not necessarily the one where the rename was invoked.
final declaringFile = (refactoring as RenameUnitMemberRefactoringImpl)
if (declaringFile != null) {
final folder = pathContext.dirname(declaringFile);
final actualFilename = pathContext.basename(declaringFile);
final oldComputedFilename =
final newFilename = _fileNameForClassName(params.newName);
// Only if the existing filename matches exactly what we'd expect for
// the original class name will we consider renaming.
if (actualFilename == oldComputedFilename) {
final renameConfig = config.renameFilesWithClasses;
final shouldRename = renameConfig == 'always' ||
(renameConfig == 'prompt' &&
await _promptToRenameFile(actualFilename, newFilename));
if (shouldRename) {
final newPath = pathContext.join(folder, newFilename);
final renameEdit = createRenameEdit(declaringFile, newPath);
workspaceEdit = mergeWorkspaceEdits([workspaceEdit, renameEdit]);
return success(workspaceEdit);
/// Computes a filename for a given class name (convert from PascalCase to
/// snake_case).
String _fileNameForClassName(String className) {
final fileName = className
(match) => match.start == 0 ? match[0]! : '_${match[0]}')
return '$fileName.dart';
bool _isClassRename(RenameRefactoring refactoring) =>
refactoring is RenameUnitMemberRefactoringImpl &&
refactoring.element is ClassElement;
/// Asks the user whether they would like to rename the file along with the
/// class.
Future<bool> _promptToRenameFile(
String oldFilename, String newFilename) async {
final userChoice = await server.showUserPrompt(
"Rename '$oldFilename' to '$newFilename'?",
MessageActionItem(title: UserPromptActions.yes),
return userChoice.title == UserPromptActions.yes;