blob: cc9611328846323651b2b136cdae7d535cf075a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// An object that represents the location of a Boolean value.
class BooleanProducer extends Producer {
/// Initialize a location whose valid values are Booleans.
const BooleanProducer();
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
yield identifier('true');
yield identifier('false');
/// An object that represents the location of an arbitrary value. They serve as
/// placeholders when there are no reasonable suggestions for a given location.
class EmptyProducer extends Producer {
/// Initialize a location whose valid values are arbitrary.
const EmptyProducer();
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
// Returns nothing.
/// An object that represents the location of a value from a finite set of
/// choices.
class EnumProducer extends Producer {
/// The list of valid values at this location.
final List<String> values;
/// Initialize a location whose valid values are in the list of [values].
const EnumProducer(this.values);
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
for (var value in values) {
yield identifier(value);
/// An object that represents the location of a possibly relative file path.
class FilePathProducer extends Producer {
/// Initialize a producer whose valid values are file paths.
const FilePathProducer();
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
// This currently assumes that all paths will be posix paths, but we might
// want to support platform-specific paths at some point, in which case we
// should add a flag to the constructor and use that to choose between the
// hard-coded `path.posix` and `provider.pathContext`;
var provider = request.resourceProvider;
var context = path.posix;
var separator = context.separator;
var precedingText = request.precedingText;
String parentDirectory;
if (precedingText.isEmpty || precedingText.endsWith(separator)) {
parentDirectory = precedingText;
} else {
parentDirectory = context.dirname(precedingText);
if (parentDirectory == '.') {
parentDirectory = '';
} else if (parentDirectory.endsWith(separator)) {
parentDirectory = parentDirectory.substring(
0, parentDirectory.length - separator.length);
if (context.isRelative(parentDirectory)) {
parentDirectory =
context.join(context.dirname(request.filePath), parentDirectory);
parentDirectory = context.normalize(parentDirectory);
var dir = provider.getResource(parentDirectory);
if (dir is Folder) {
try {
for (var child in dir.getChildren()) {
var name = child.shortName;
if (child is Folder) {
if (!name.startsWith('.')) {
yield identifier(name);
} else if (child is File) {
yield identifier(name);
} on FileSystemException {
// Guard against I/O exceptions.
/// An object that represents the location of the keys/values in a map.
abstract class KeyValueProducer extends Producer {
/// Initialize a producer representing a key/value pair in a map.
const KeyValueProducer();
/// Returns a producer for values of the given [key].
Producer producerForKey(String key);
/// An object that represents the location of an element in a list.
class ListProducer extends Producer {
/// The producer used to produce suggestions for an element of the list.
final Producer element;
/// Initialize a location whose valid values are determined by the [element]
/// producer.
const ListProducer(this.element);
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
for (var suggestion in element.suggestions(request)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider prepending the suggestion with a hyphen
// when the current node isn't already preceded by a hyphen. The
// cleanest way to do this is probably to access the [element] producer
// in the place where we're choosing a producer in that situation.
// suggestion.completion = '- ${suggestion.completion}';
yield suggestion;
/// An object that represents the location of the keys in a map.
class MapProducer extends KeyValueProducer {
/// A table from the value of a key to the producer used to make suggestions
/// for the value following the key.
final Map<String, Producer> _children;
/// Initialize a location whose valid values are the keys of a map as encoded
/// by the map of [children].
const MapProducer(this._children);
Producer producerForKey(String key) => _children[key];
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(
YamlCompletionRequest request) sync* {
for (var entry in _children.entries) {
if (entry.value is ListProducer) {
yield identifier('${entry.key}:');
} else {
yield identifier('${entry.key}: ');
/// An object that represents a specific location in the structure of the valid
/// YAML representation and can produce completion suggestions appropriate for
/// that location.
abstract class Producer {
/// Initialize a newly created instance of this class.
const Producer();
/// A utility method used to create a suggestion for the [identifier].
CompletionSuggestion identifier(String identifier) => CompletionSuggestion(
/// Return the completion suggestions appropriate to this location.
Iterable<CompletionSuggestion> suggestions(YamlCompletionRequest request);
/// The information provided to a [Producer] when requesting completions.
class YamlCompletionRequest {
/// The resource provider used to access the file system.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// The absolute path of the file in which completions are being requested.
final String filePath;
/// The text to the left of the cursor.
final String precedingText;
/// Initialize a newly created completion request.
{@required this.filePath,
@required this.precedingText,
@required this.resourceProvider});