blob: ce8ab762c36e97621e6ca5f92fb4386e6487c1a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix/data_driven/transform_set_parser.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/analysis_context_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver_based_analysis_context.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/linter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/pub.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/manifest/manifest_validator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/pubspec/pubspec_validator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/options.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/file_paths.dart' as file_paths;
import 'package:analyzer/src/workspace/bazel.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/analyzer_converter.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathos;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// Enables watching of files generated by Bazel.
/// TODO(michalt): This is a temporary flag that we use to disable this
/// functionality due its performance issues. We plan to benchmark and optimize
/// it and re-enable it everywhere.
/// Not private to enable testing.
var experimentalEnableBazelWatching = false;
/// Class that maintains a mapping from included/excluded paths to a set of
/// folders that should correspond to analysis contexts.
abstract class ContextManager {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Support:
// setting the default analysis options
// setting the default content cache
// setting the default SDK
// telling server when a context has been added or removed
// (see onContextsChanged)
// telling server when a context needs to be re-analyzed
// notifying the client when results should be flushed
// using analyzeFileFunctions to determine which files to analyze
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Move this class to a public library.
/// Get the callback interface used to create, destroy, and update contexts.
ContextManagerCallbacks get callbacks;
/// Set the callback interface used to create, destroy, and update contexts.
set callbacks(ContextManagerCallbacks value);
/// A table mapping [Folder]s to the [AnalysisDriver]s associated with them.
Map<Folder, AnalysisDriver> get driverMap;
/// Return the list of excluded paths (folders and files) most recently passed
/// to [setRoots].
List<String> get excludedPaths;
/// Return the list of included paths (folders and files) most recently passed
/// to [setRoots].
List<String> get includedPaths;
/// Return the existing analysis context that should be used to analyze the
/// given [path], or `null` if the [path] is not analyzed in any of the
/// created analysis contexts.
DriverBasedAnalysisContext getContextFor(String path);
/// Return the [AnalysisDriver] for the "innermost" context whose associated
/// folder is or contains the given path. ("innermost" refers to the nesting
/// of contexts, so if there is a context for path /foo and a context for
/// path /foo/bar, then the innermost context containing /foo/bar/baz.dart is
/// the context for /foo/bar.)
/// If no driver contains the given path, `null` is returned.
AnalysisDriver getDriverFor(String path);
/// Determine whether the given [path], when interpreted relative to innermost
/// context root, contains a folder whose name starts with '.'.
/// TODO(scheglov) Remove it, just [isInAnalysisRoot] should be enough.
bool isContainedInDotFolder(String path);
/// Return `true` if the given absolute [path] is in one of the current
/// root folders and is not excluded.
bool isInAnalysisRoot(String path);
/// Rebuild the set of contexts from scratch based on the data last sent to
/// [setRoots].
void refresh();
/// Change the set of paths which should be used as starting points to
/// determine the context directories.
void setRoots(List<String> includedPaths, List<String> excludedPaths);
/// Callback interface used by [ContextManager] to (a) request that contexts be
/// created, destroyed or updated, (b) inform the client when "pub list"
/// operations are in progress, and (c) determine which files should be
/// analyzed.
/// TODO(paulberry): eliminate this interface, and instead have [ContextManager]
/// operations return data structures describing how context state should be
/// modified.
abstract class ContextManagerCallbacks {
/// Called after analysis contexts are created, usually when new analysis
/// roots are set, or after detecting a change that required rebuilding
/// the set of analysis contexts.
void afterContextsCreated();
/// Called after analysis contexts are destroyed.
void afterContextsDestroyed();
/// An [event] was processed, so analysis state might be different now.
void afterWatchEvent(WatchEvent event);
/// The given [file] was removed.
void applyFileRemoved(String file);
/// Sent the given watch [event] to any interested plugins.
void broadcastWatchEvent(WatchEvent event);
/// Add listeners to the [driver]. This must be the only listener.
/// TODO(scheglov) Just pass results in here?
void listenAnalysisDriver(AnalysisDriver driver);
/// Record error information for the file with the given [path].
void recordAnalysisErrors(String path, List<protocol.AnalysisError> errors);
/// Class that maintains a mapping from included/excluded paths to a set of
/// folders that should correspond to analysis contexts.
class ContextManagerImpl implements ContextManager {
/// The [ResourceProvider] using which paths are converted into [Resource]s.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/// The manager used to access the SDK that should be associated with a
/// particular context.
final DartSdkManager sdkManager;
/// The storage for cached results.
final ByteStore _byteStore;
/// The logger used to create analysis contexts.
final PerformanceLog _performanceLog;
/// The scheduler used to create analysis contexts, and report status.
final AnalysisDriverScheduler _scheduler;
/// The current set of analysis contexts.
AnalysisContextCollectionImpl _collection;
/// The context used to work with file system paths.
pathos.Context pathContext;
/// The list of excluded paths (folders and files) most recently passed to
/// [setRoots].
List<String> excludedPaths = <String>[];
/// The list of included paths (folders and files) most recently passed to
/// [setRoots].
List<String> includedPaths = <String>[];
/// The instrumentation service used to report instrumentation data.
final InstrumentationService _instrumentationService;
ContextManagerCallbacks callbacks;
final Map<Folder, AnalysisDriver> driverMap =
HashMap<Folder, AnalysisDriver>();
/// Stream subscription we are using to watch each analysis root directory for
/// changes.
final Map<Folder, StreamSubscription<WatchEvent>> changeSubscriptions =
<Folder, StreamSubscription<WatchEvent>>{};
/// For each root directory stores subscriptions and watchers that we
/// established to detect changes to Bazel generated files.
final Map<Folder, _BazelWorkspaceSubscription> bazelSubscriptions =
<Folder, _BazelWorkspaceSubscription>{};
) {
pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
DriverBasedAnalysisContext getContextFor(String path) {
try {
return _collection?.contextFor(path);
} on StateError {
return null;
AnalysisDriver getDriverFor(String path) {
return getContextFor(path)?.driver;
/// Determine whether the given [path], when interpreted relative to innermost
/// context root, contains a folder whose name starts with '.'.
bool isContainedInDotFolder(String path) {
for (var analysisContext in _collection.contexts) {
var contextImpl = analysisContext as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
if (_isContainedInDotFolder(contextImpl.contextRoot.root.path, path)) {
return true;
return false;
bool isInAnalysisRoot(String path) {
var collection = _collection;
if (collection == null) {
return false;
return collection.contexts.any(
(context) => context.contextRoot.isAnalyzed(path),
void refresh() {
void setRoots(List<String> includedPaths, List<String> excludedPaths) {
this.includedPaths = includedPaths;
this.excludedPaths = excludedPaths;
/// Use the given analysis [driver] to analyze the content of the analysis
/// options file at the given [path].
void _analyzeAnalysisOptionsYaml(AnalysisDriver driver, String path) {
var convertedErrors = const <protocol.AnalysisError>[];
try {
var content = _readFile(path);
var lineInfo = _computeLineInfo(content);
var errors = analyzeAnalysisOptions(
var converter = AnalyzerConverter();
convertedErrors = converter.convertAnalysisErrors(errors,
lineInfo: lineInfo, options: driver.analysisOptions);
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, fall through to clear any previous
// errors.
callbacks.recordAnalysisErrors(path, convertedErrors);
/// Use the given analysis [driver] to analyze the content of the
/// AndroidManifest file at the given [path].
void _analyzeAndroidManifestXml(AnalysisDriver driver, String path) {
var convertedErrors = const <protocol.AnalysisError>[];
try {
var content = _readFile(path);
var validator =
var lineInfo = _computeLineInfo(content);
var errors = validator.validate(
content, driver.analysisOptions.chromeOsManifestChecks);
var converter = AnalyzerConverter();
convertedErrors = converter.convertAnalysisErrors(errors,
lineInfo: lineInfo, options: driver.analysisOptions);
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, fall through to clear any previous
// errors.
callbacks.recordAnalysisErrors(path, convertedErrors);
/// Use the given analysis [driver] to analyze the content of the
/// data file at the given [path].
void _analyzeFixDataYaml(AnalysisDriver driver, String path) {
var convertedErrors = const <protocol.AnalysisError>[];
try {
var file = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
var packageName = file.parent2.parent2.shortName;
var content = _readFile(path);
var errorListener = RecordingErrorListener();
var errorReporter = ErrorReporter(errorListener, file.createSource());
var parser = TransformSetParser(errorReporter, packageName);
var converter = AnalyzerConverter();
convertedErrors = converter.convertAnalysisErrors(errorListener.errors,
lineInfo: _computeLineInfo(content), options: driver.analysisOptions);
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, fall through to clear any previous
// errors.
callbacks.recordAnalysisErrors(path, convertedErrors);
/// Use the given analysis [driver] to analyze the content of the pubspec file
/// at the given [path].
void _analyzePubspecYaml(AnalysisDriver driver, String path) {
var convertedErrors = const <protocol.AnalysisError>[];
try {
var content = _readFile(path);
var node = loadYamlNode(content);
if (node is YamlMap) {
var validator = PubspecValidator(
resourceProvider, resourceProvider.getFile(path).createSource());
var lineInfo = _computeLineInfo(content);
var errors = validator.validate(node.nodes);
var converter = AnalyzerConverter();
convertedErrors = converter.convertAnalysisErrors(errors,
lineInfo: lineInfo, options: driver.analysisOptions);
if (driver.analysisOptions.lint) {
var visitors = <LintRule, PubspecVisitor>{};
for (var linter in driver.analysisOptions.lintRules) {
if (linter is LintRule) {
var visitor = linter.getPubspecVisitor();
if (visitor != null) {
visitors[linter] = visitor;
if (visitors.isNotEmpty) {
var sourceUri = resourceProvider.pathContext.toUri(path);
var pubspecAst = Pubspec.parse(content,
sourceUrl: sourceUri, resourceProvider: resourceProvider);
var listener = RecordingErrorListener();
var reporter = ErrorReporter(listener,
isNonNullableByDefault: false);
for (var entry in visitors.entries) {
entry.key.reporter = reporter;
if (listener.errors.isNotEmpty) {
convertedErrors ??= <protocol.AnalysisError>[];
lineInfo: lineInfo,
options: driver.analysisOptions));
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, fall through to clear any previous
// errors.
callbacks.recordAnalysisErrors(path, convertedErrors);
void _checkForAndroidManifestXmlUpdate(String path) {
if (file_paths.isAndroidManifestXml(pathContext, path)) {
var context = getContextFor(path);
var driver = context.driver;
_analyzeAndroidManifestXml(driver, path);
void _checkForFixDataYamlUpdate(String path) {
if (file_paths.isFixDataYaml(pathContext, path)) {
var context = getContextFor(path);
var driver = context.driver;
_analyzeFixDataYaml(driver, path);
/// Compute line information for the given [content].
LineInfo _computeLineInfo(String content) {
var lineStarts = StringUtilities.computeLineStarts(content);
return LineInfo(lineStarts);
void _createAnalysisContexts() {
_collection = AnalysisContextCollectionImpl(
includedPaths: includedPaths,
excludedPaths: excludedPaths,
byteStore: _byteStore,
drainStreams: false,
enableIndex: true,
performanceLog: _performanceLog,
resourceProvider: resourceProvider,
scheduler: _scheduler,
sdkPath: sdkManager.defaultSdkDirectory,
for (var context in _collection.contexts) {
var contextImpl = context as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
var driver = contextImpl.driver;
var rootFolder = contextImpl.contextRoot.root;
driverMap[rootFolder] = driver;
changeSubscriptions[rootFolder] = rootFolder.changes
.listen(_handleWatchEvent, onError: _handleWatchInterruption);
_watchBazelFilesIfNeeded(rootFolder, driver);
for (var file in contextImpl.contextRoot.analyzedFiles()) {
if (_isContainedInDotFolder(contextImpl.contextRoot.root.path, file)) {
if (file_paths.isDart(pathContext, file)) {
var optionsFile = context.contextRoot.optionsFile;
if (optionsFile != null) {
_analyzeAnalysisOptionsYaml(driver, optionsFile.path);
var fixDataYamlFile = rootFolder
if (fixDataYamlFile.exists) {
_analyzeFixDataYaml(driver, fixDataYamlFile.path);
var pubspecFile = rootFolder.getChildAssumingFile(file_paths.pubspecYaml);
if (pubspecFile.exists) {
_analyzePubspecYaml(driver, pubspecFile.path);
void checkManifestFilesIn(Folder folder) {
// Don't traverse into dot directories.
if (folder.shortName.startsWith('.')) {
for (var child in folder.getChildren()) {
if (child is File) {
if (file_paths.isAndroidManifestXml(pathContext, child.path) &&
!excludedPaths.contains(child.path)) {
_analyzeAndroidManifestXml(driver, child.path);
} else if (child is Folder) {
if (!excludedPaths.contains(child.path)) {
/// Clean up and destroy the context associated with the given folder.
void _destroyAnalysisContext(DriverBasedAnalysisContext context) {
var rootFolder = context.contextRoot.root;
void _destroyAnalysisContexts() {
if (_collection != null) {
for (var analysisContext in _collection.contexts) {
var contextImpl = analysisContext as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
/// Establishes watch(es) for the Bazel generated files provided in
/// [notification].
/// Whenever the files change, we trigger re-analysis. This allows us to react
/// to creation/modification of files that were generated by Bazel.
void _handleBazelFileNotification(
Folder folder, BazelFileNotification notification) {
var fileSubscriptions = bazelSubscriptions[folder].fileSubscriptions;
if (fileSubscriptions.containsKey(notification.requested)) {
// We have already established a Watcher for this particular path.
var watcher = notification.watcher(
pollingDelayShort: Duration(seconds: 10),
pollingDelayLong: Duration(seconds: 30));
var subscription =;
fileSubscriptions[notification.requested] =
_BazelFilesSubscription(watcher, subscription);
/// Notifies the drivers that a generated Bazel file has changed.
void _handleBazelWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) {
if (event.type == ChangeType.ADD) {
for (var driver in driverMap.values) {
// Since the file has been created after we've searched for it, the
// URI resolution is likely wrong, so we need to reset it.
} else if (event.type == ChangeType.MODIFY) {
for (var driver in driverMap.values) {
} else if (event.type == ChangeType.REMOVE) {
for (var driver in driverMap.values) {
void _handleWatchEvent(WatchEvent event) {
void _handleWatchEventImpl(WatchEvent event) {
// Figure out which context this event applies to.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) If a file is explicitly included in one context
// but implicitly referenced in another context, we will only send a
// changeSet to the context that explicitly includes the file (because
// that's the only context that's watching the file).
var path = event.path;
var type = event.type;
_instrumentationService.logWatchEvent('<unknown>', path, type.toString());
if (file_paths.isAnalysisOptionsYaml(pathContext, path) ||
file_paths.isDotPackages(pathContext, path) ||
file_paths.isPackageConfigJson(pathContext, path) ||
file_paths.isPubspecYaml(pathContext, path) ||
false) {
if (file_paths.isDart(pathContext, path)) {
for (var analysisContext_ in _collection.contexts) {
var analysisContext = analysisContext_ as DriverBasedAnalysisContext;
switch (type) {
case ChangeType.ADD:
// TODO(scheglov) Why not `isInAnalysisRoot()`?
if (_isContainedInDotFolder(
analysisContext.contextRoot.root.path, path)) {
case ChangeType.MODIFY:
case ChangeType.REMOVE:
switch (type) {
case ChangeType.ADD:
case ChangeType.MODIFY:
case ChangeType.REMOVE:
/// On windows, the directory watcher may overflow, and we must recover.
void _handleWatchInterruption(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
// We've handled the error, so we only have to log it.
.logError('Watcher error; refreshing contexts.\n$error\n$stackTrace');
// TODO(mfairhurst): Optimize this, or perhaps be less complete.
/// Determine whether the given [path], when interpreted relative to the
/// context root [root], contains a folder whose name starts with '.' but is
/// not included in [exclude].
bool _isContainedInDotFolder(String root, String path,
{Set<String> exclude}) {
var pathDir = pathContext.dirname(path);
var rootPrefix = root + pathContext.separator;
if (pathDir.startsWith(rootPrefix)) {
var suffixPath = pathDir.substring(rootPrefix.length);
for (var pathComponent in pathContext.split(suffixPath)) {
if (pathComponent.startsWith('.') &&
!(exclude?.contains(pathComponent) ?? false)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Read the contents of the file at the given [path], or throw an exception
/// if the contents cannot be read.
String _readFile(String path) {
return resourceProvider.getFile(path).readAsStringSync();
/// Listens to files generated by Bazel that were found or searched for.
/// This is handled specially because the files are outside the package
/// folder, but we still want to watch for changes to them.
/// Does nothing if the [driver] is not in a Bazel workspace.
void _watchBazelFilesIfNeeded(Folder folder, AnalysisDriver analysisDriver) {
if (!experimentalEnableBazelWatching) return;
var workspace = analysisDriver.analysisContext.contextRoot.workspace;
if (workspace is BazelWorkspace &&
!bazelSubscriptions.containsKey(folder)) {
var subscription = workspace.bazelCandidateFiles.listen(
(notification) => _handleBazelFileNotification(folder, notification));
bazelSubscriptions[folder] = _BazelWorkspaceSubscription(subscription);
/// A watcher with subscription used to detect changes to some file.
class _BazelFilesSubscription {
final BazelFileWatcher watcher;
final StreamSubscription<WatchEvent> subscription;
_BazelFilesSubscription(this.watcher, this.subscription);
void cancel() {
/// A subscription to notifications from a Bazel workspace.
class _BazelWorkspaceSubscription {
final StreamSubscription<BazelFileNotification> workspaceSubscription;
/// For each absolute path that we searched for, provides the subscriptions
/// that we established to watch for changes.
/// Note that the absolute path used when searching for a file is not
/// necessarily the actual path of the file (see [BazelWorkspace.findFile] for
/// details on how the files are searched).
final fileSubscriptions = <String, _BazelFilesSubscription>{};
void cancel() {
fileSubscriptions.values.forEach((sub) => sub.cancel());