blob: 61851ffa32e97d3e329c5ef81f366f777345bf98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Benchmark for UTF-8 encoding
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:benchmark_harness/benchmark_harness.dart';
import 'datext_latin1_10k.dart';
import 'entext_ascii_10k.dart';
import 'netext_3_10k.dart';
import 'rutext_2_10k.dart';
import 'sktext_10k.dart';
import 'zhtext_10k.dart';
class Utf8Encode extends BenchmarkBase {
final String language;
final String originalText;
// Size is measured in number of runes rather than number of bytes.
// This differs from the Utf8Decode benchmark, but runes are the input
// to the encode function which makes them more natural than bytes here.
final int size;
List<String> benchmarkTextChunks;
static String _makeName(String language, int size) {
String name = 'Utf8Encode.$language.';
name += size >= 1000000
? '${size ~/ 1000000}M'
: size >= 1000
? '${size ~/ 1000}k'
: '$size';
return name;
Utf8Encode(this.language, this.originalText, this.size)
: super(_makeName(language, size));
void setup() {
final int nRunes = originalText.runes.toList().length;
final String repeatedText = originalText * (size / nRunes).ceil();
final List<int> runes = repeatedText.runes.toList();
final int nChunks = (size < nRunes) ? (nRunes / size).floor() : 1;
benchmarkTextChunks = List<String>.filled(nChunks, null);
for (int i = 0; i < nChunks; i++) {
final offset = i * size;
benchmarkTextChunks[i] =
String.fromCharCodes(runes.sublist(offset, offset + size));
void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < benchmarkTextChunks.length; i++) {
final encoded = utf8.encode(benchmarkTextChunks[i]);
if (encoded.length < benchmarkTextChunks[i].length) {
throw 'There should be at least as many encoded bytes as runes';
void exercise() {
// Only a single run per measurement.
double measure() {
// Report time per input rune.
return super.measure() / size / benchmarkTextChunks.length;
void report() {
// Report time in nanoseconds.
final double score = measure() * 1000.0;
print('$name(RunTime): $score ns.');
void main(List<String> args) {
const texts = {
'en': en,
'da': da,
'sk': sk,
'ru': ru,
'ne': ne,
'zh': zh,
final benchmarks = [
for (int size in [10, 10000, 10000000])
for (String language in texts.keys)
() => Utf8Encode(language, texts[language], size)
for (var bm in benchmarks) {