blob: 775a08ea6addb9750634964b70b1b35cc7d5dab9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
patch class _WindowsCodePageDecoder {
/* patch */ static String _decodeBytes(List<int> bytes)
native "SystemEncodingToString";
patch class _WindowsCodePageEncoder {
/* patch */ static List<int> _encodeString(String string)
native "StringToSystemEncoding";
patch class Process {
/* patch */ static Future<Process> start(String executable,
List<String> arguments,
[ProcessOptions options]) {
_ProcessImpl process = new _ProcessImpl(executable, arguments, options);
return process._start();
/* patch */ static Future<ProcessResult> run(String executable,
List<String> arguments,
[ProcessOptions options]) {
return _runNonInteractiveProcess(executable, arguments, options);
patch class _ProcessUtils {
/* patch */ static void _exit(int status) native "Process_Exit";
/* patch */ static void _setExitCode(int status)
native "Process_SetExitCode";
/* patch */ static void _sleep(int millis) native "Process_Sleep";
/* patch */ static int _pid(Process process) native "Process_Pid";
class _ProcessStartStatus {
int _errorCode; // Set to OS error code if process start failed.
String _errorMessage; // Set to OS error message if process start failed.
class _ProcessImpl extends NativeFieldWrapperClass1 implements Process {
_ProcessImpl(String path, List<String> arguments, ProcessOptions options) {
if (path is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError("Path is not a String: $path");
_path = path;
if (arguments is !List) {
throw new ArgumentError("Arguments is not a List: $arguments");
int len = arguments.length;
_arguments = new List<String>(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var arg = arguments[i];
if (arg is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError("Non-string argument: $arg");
_arguments[i] = arguments[i];
if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
_arguments[i] = _windowsArgumentEscape(_arguments[i]);
if (options != null && options.workingDirectory != null) {
_workingDirectory = options.workingDirectory;
if (_workingDirectory is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"WorkingDirectory is not a String: $_workingDirectory");
if (options != null && options.environment != null) {
var env = options.environment;
if (env is !Map) {
throw new ArgumentError("Environment is not a map: $env");
_environment = [];
env.forEach((key, value) {
if (key is !String || value is !String) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Environment key or value is not a string: ($key, $value)");
// stdin going to process.
_stdin = new _StdSink(new _Socket._writePipe());
// stdout coming from process.
_stdout = new _StdStream(new _Socket._readPipe());
// stderr coming from process.
_stderr = new _StdStream(new _Socket._readPipe());
_exitHandler = new _Socket._readPipe();
_ended = false;
_started = false;
String _windowsArgumentEscape(String argument) {
var result = argument;
if (argument.contains('\t') || argument.contains(' ')) {
// Produce something that the C runtime on Windows will parse
// back as this string.
// Replace any number of '\' followed by '"' with
// twice as many '\' followed by '\"'.
var backslash = '\\'.codeUnitAt(0);
var sb = new StringBuffer();
var nextPos = 0;
var quotePos = argument.indexOf('"', nextPos);
while (quotePos != -1) {
var numBackslash = 0;
var pos = quotePos - 1;
while (pos >= 0 && argument.codeUnitAt(pos) == backslash) {
sb.write(argument.substring(nextPos, quotePos - numBackslash));
for (var i = 0; i < numBackslash; i++) {
nextPos = quotePos + 1;
quotePos = argument.indexOf('"', nextPos);
sb.write(argument.substring(nextPos, argument.length));
result = sb.toString();
// Add '"' at the beginning and end and replace all '\' at
// the end with two '\'.
sb = new StringBuffer('"');
nextPos = argument.length - 1;
while (argument.codeUnitAt(nextPos) == backslash) {
result = sb.toString();
return result;
int _intFromBytes(List<int> bytes, int offset) {
return (bytes[offset] +
(bytes[offset + 1] << 8) +
(bytes[offset + 2] << 16) +
(bytes[offset + 3] << 24));
Future<Process> _start() {
var completer = new Completer();
// TODO(ager): Make the actual process starting really async instead of
// simulating it with a timer. {
var status = new _ProcessStartStatus();
bool success = _startNative(_path,
if (!success) {
new ProcessException(_path,
_started = true;
// Setup an exit handler to handle internal cleanup and possible
// callback when a process terminates.
int exitDataRead = 0;
final int EXIT_DATA_SIZE = 8;
List<int> exitDataBuffer = new List<int>(EXIT_DATA_SIZE);
_exitHandler.listen((data) {
int exitCode(List<int> ints) {
var code = _intFromBytes(ints, 0);
var negative = _intFromBytes(ints, 4);
assert(negative == 0 || negative == 1);
return (negative == 0) ? code : -code;
void handleExit() {
_ended = true;
// Kill stdin, helping hand if the user forgot to do it.
exitDataBuffer.setRange(exitDataRead, exitDataRead + data.length, data);
exitDataRead += data.length;
if (exitDataRead == EXIT_DATA_SIZE) {
return completer.future;
bool _startNative(String path,
List<String> arguments,
String workingDirectory,
List<String> environment,
_NativeSocket stdin,
_NativeSocket stdout,
_NativeSocket stderr,
_NativeSocket exitHandler,
_ProcessStartStatus status) native "Process_Start";
Stream<List<int>> get stdout {
return _stdout;
Stream<List<int>> get stderr {
return _stderr;
IOSink get stdin {
return _stdin;
Future<int> get exitCode => _exitCode.future;
bool kill([ProcessSignal signal = ProcessSignal.SIGTERM]) {
if (signal is! ProcessSignal) {
throw new ArgumentError(
"Argument 'signal' must be a ProcessSignal");
if (_ended) return false;
return _kill(this, signal._signalNumber);
bool _kill(Process p, int signal) native "Process_Kill";
int get pid => _ProcessUtils._pid(this);
String _path;
List<String> _arguments;
String _workingDirectory;
List<String> _environment;
// Private methods of Socket are used by _in, _out, and _err.
_StdSink _stdin;
_StdStream _stdout;
_StdStream _stderr;
Socket _exitHandler;
bool _ended;
bool _started;
final Completer<int> _exitCode = new Completer<int>();
// _NonInteractiveProcess is a wrapper around an interactive process
// that buffers output so it can be delivered when the process exits.
// _NonInteractiveProcess is used to implement the
// method.
Future<ProcessResult> _runNonInteractiveProcess(String path,
List<String> arguments,
ProcessOptions options) {
// Extract output encoding options and verify arguments.
var stdoutEncoding = Encoding.SYSTEM;
var stderrEncoding = Encoding.SYSTEM;
if (options != null) {
if (options.stdoutEncoding != null) {
stdoutEncoding = options.stdoutEncoding;
if (stdoutEncoding is !Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'stdoutEncoding option is not an encoding: $stdoutEncoding');
if (options.stderrEncoding != null) {
stderrEncoding = options.stderrEncoding;
if (stderrEncoding is !Encoding) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'stderrEncoding option is not an encoding: $stderrEncoding');
// Start the underlying process.
return Process.start(path, arguments, options).then((Process p) {
int pid =;
// Make sure the process stdin is closed.
// Setup stdout handling.
Future<StringBuffer> stdout = p.stdout
.transform(new StringDecoder(stdoutEncoding))
new StringBuffer(),
(buf, data) {
return buf;
Future<StringBuffer> stderr = p.stderr
.transform(new StringDecoder(stderrEncoding))
new StringBuffer(),
(buf, data) {
return buf;
return Future.wait([p.exitCode, stdout, stderr]).then((result) {
return new _ProcessResult(pid,
class _ProcessResult implements ProcessResult {
const _ProcessResult(int,
int this.exitCode,
String this.stdout,
String this.stderr);
final int pid;
final int exitCode;
final String stdout;
final String stderr;