blob: 2f5ec0704b2af4728974ce82afa075325d7a3cf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Multitests are Dart test scripts containing lines of the form
/// " [some dart code] //# [key]: [error type]"
/// To support legacy multi tests we also handle lines of the form
/// " [some dart code] /// [key]: [error type]"
/// For each key in the file, a new test file is made containing all the normal
/// lines of the file, and all of the multitest lines containing that key, in
/// the same order as in the source file. The new test is expected to pass if
/// the error type listed is 'ok', and to fail if the error type is 'syntax
/// error', 'compile-time error', 'runtime error', or 'static type warning'.
/// There is also a test created from only the
/// untagged lines of the file, with key "none", which is expected to pass. This
/// library extracts these tests, writes them into a temporary directory, and
/// passes them to the test runner. These tests may be referred to in the status
/// files with the pattern `[test name]/[key]`.
/// For example, file i_am_a_multitest.dart:
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// bbb //# 02: runtime error
/// ccc //# 02: continued
/// ddd //# 07: static type warning
/// eee //# 10: ok
/// fff
/// ```
/// Create four test files:
/// i_am_a_multitest_none.dart:
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// fff
/// ```
/// i_am_a_multitest_02.dart:
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// bbb //# 02: runtime error
/// ccc //# 02: continued
/// fff
/// ```
/// i_am_a_multitest_07.dart:
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// ddd //# 07: static type warning
/// fff
/// ```
/// i_am_a_multitest_10.dart:
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// eee //# 10: ok
/// fff
/// ```
/// ```dart
/// aaa
/// ddd //# 07: static type warning
/// fff
/// ```
import "dart:io";
import "path.dart";
import "repository.dart";
import "test_file.dart";
import "utils.dart";
/// Until legacy multitests are ported we need to support both /// and //#
final multitestMarker = RegExp(r"//[/#]");
final _multitestOutcomes = {
'syntax error',
'compile-time error',
'runtime error',
// TODO(rnystrom): Remove these after Dart 1.0 tests are removed.
'static type warning', // This is still a valid analyzer test
'dynamic type error', // This is now a no-op
'checked mode compile-time error' // This is now a no-op
void _generateTestsFromMultitest(Path filePath, Map<String, String> tests,
Map<String, Set<String>> outcomes) {
var contents = File(filePath.toNativePath()).readAsStringSync();
var firstNewline = contents.indexOf('\n');
var lineSeparator =
(firstNewline == 0 || contents[firstNewline - 1] != '\r') ? '\n' : '\r\n';
var lines = contents.split(lineSeparator);
if (lines.last == '') lines.removeLast();
// Create the set of multitests, which will have a new test added each
// time we see a multitest line with a new key.
var testsAsLines = <String, List<String>>{};
// Add the default case with key "none".
testsAsLines['none'] = [];
outcomes['none'] = {};
var lineCount = 0;
for (var line in lines) {
var annotation = Annotation.tryParse(line);
if (annotation != null) {
annotation.key, () => List<String>.from(testsAsLines["none"]));
// Add line to test with annotation.key as key, empty line to the rest.
for (var key in testsAsLines.keys) {
testsAsLines[key].add(annotation.key == key ? line : "");
outcomes.putIfAbsent(annotation.key, () => <String>{});
if ( != 'continued') {
for (var nextOutcome in annotation.outcomes) {
if (_multitestOutcomes.contains(nextOutcome)) {
} else {
"${filePath.toNativePath()}: Invalid expectation "
"'$nextOutcome' on line $lineCount: $line");
} else {
for (var test in testsAsLines.values) {
// End marker, has a final line separator so we don't need to add it after
// joining the lines.
var marker =
'// Test created from multitest named ${filePath.toNativePath()}.'
for (var test in testsAsLines.values) {
// Check that every test (other than the none case) has at least one outcome.
var invalidTests = outcomes.keys
.where((test) => test != 'none' && outcomes[test].isEmpty)
for (var test in invalidTests) {
"${filePath.toNativePath()}: Test $test has no valid expectation. "
"Expected one of: ${_multitestOutcomes.toString()}");
// Copy all the tests into the output map tests, as multiline strings.
for (var key in testsAsLines.keys) {
tests[key] = testsAsLines[key].join(lineSeparator);
/// Split the given [multitest] into a series of separate tests for each
/// section.
/// Writes the resulting tests to [outputDir] and returns a list of [TestFile]s
/// for each of those generated tests.
List<TestFile> splitMultitest(
TestFile multitest, String outputDir, Path suiteDir,
{bool hotReload = false}) {
// Each key in the map tests is a multitest tag or "none", and the texts of
// the generated test is its value.
var tests = <String, String>{};
var outcomes = <String, Set<String>>{};
_generateTestsFromMultitest(multitest.path, tests, outcomes);
var sourceDir = multitest.path.directoryPath;
var targetDir = _createMultitestDirectory(outputDir, suiteDir, sourceDir);
assert(targetDir != null);
// Copy all the relative imports of the multitest.
var importsToCopy = _findAllRelativeImports(multitest.path);
for (var relativeImport in importsToCopy) {
var importPath = Path(relativeImport);
// Make sure the target directory exists.
var importDir = importPath.directoryPath;
if (!importDir.isEmpty) {
TestUtils.mkdirRecursive(targetDir, importDir);
// Copy file. Because some test suites may be read-only, we don't
// want to copy the permissions, so we create the copy by writing.
var contents =
var baseFilename = multitest.path.filenameWithoutExtension;
var testFiles = <TestFile>[];
for (var test in tests.keys) {
var sectionFilePath = targetDir.append('${baseFilename}_$test.dart');
_writeFile(sectionFilePath.toNativePath(), tests[test]);
var outcome = outcomes[test];
var hasStaticWarning = outcome.contains('static type warning');
var hasRuntimeError = outcome.contains('runtime error');
var hasSyntaxError = outcome.contains('syntax error');
var hasCompileError =
hasSyntaxError || outcome.contains('compile-time error');
if (hotReload && hasCompileError) {
// Running a test that expects a compilation error with hot reloading
// is redundant with a regular run of the test.
// Create a [TestFile] for each split out section test.
testFiles.add(multitest.split(sectionFilePath, test, tests[test],
hasSyntaxError: hasSyntaxError,
hasCompileError: hasCompileError,
hasRuntimeError: hasRuntimeError,
hasStaticWarning: hasStaticWarning));
return testFiles;
/// Writes [content] to [filePath] unless there is already a file at that path
/// with the same content.
void _writeFile(String filePath, String content) {
var file = File(filePath);
// Don't overwrite the file if the contents are the same. This way build
// systems don't think it has been modified.
if (file.existsSync()) {
var oldContent = file.readAsStringSync();
if (oldContent == content) return;
/// A multitest annotation in the special `//#` comment.
class Annotation {
/// Parses the annotation in [line] or returns `null` if the line isn't a
/// multitest annotation.
static Annotation tryParse(String line) {
// Do an early return with "null" if this is not a valid multitest
// annotation.
if (!line.contains(multitestMarker)) return null;
var parts = line
.map((s) => s.trim())
.where((s) => s.isNotEmpty)
if (parts.length <= 1) return null;
return Annotation._(parts[0], parts[1]);
final String key;
final String rest;
// TODO(rnystrom): After Dart 1.0 is no longer supported, I don't think we
// need to support more than a single outcome for each test.
final List<String> outcomes = [];
Annotation._(this.key, {
outcomes.addAll(rest.split(',').map((s) => s.trim()));
/// Finds all relative imports and copies them into the directory with the
/// generated tests.
Set<String> _findAllRelativeImports(Path topLibrary) {
var found = <String>{};
var libraryDir = topLibrary.directoryPath;
var relativeImportRegExp = RegExp(
'^(?:@.*\\s+)?' // Allow for a meta-data annotation.
'(?!(dart:|dart-ext:|data:|package:|/))' // Look-ahead: not in package.
'([^"\']*)' // The path to the imported file.
processFile(Path filePath) {
var file = File(filePath.toNativePath());
for (var line in file.readAsLinesSync()) {
var match = relativeImportRegExp.firstMatch(line);
if (match == null) continue;
var relativePath =;
// If a multitest deliberately imports a non-existent file, don't try to
// include it.
if (relativePath.contains("nonexistent")) continue;
// Handle import cycles.
if (!found.add(relativePath)) continue;
if (relativePath.contains("..")) {
// This is just for safety reasons, we don't want to unintentionally
// clobber files relative to the destination dir when copying them
// over.
DebugLogger.error("${filePath.toNativePath()}: "
"Relative import in multitest containing '..' is not allowed.");
return found;
String _suiteNameFromPath(Path suiteDir) {
var split = suiteDir.segments();
// co19 test suite is at tests/co19/src.
if (split.last == 'src') split.removeLast();
return split.last;
Path _createMultitestDirectory(
String outputDir, Path suiteDir, Path sourceDir) {
var relative = sourceDir.relativeTo(suiteDir);
var path = Path(outputDir)
TestUtils.mkdirRecursive(Path.workingDirectory, path);
return Path(File(path.toNativePath()).absolute.path);
/// Copies "tests/.dart_tool/package_config.json" to the multitest directory so
/// that multitests have the right language version.
/// Also fixes relative paths in that file.
void _createPackageConfig(String outputDir) {
var configDir =
TestUtils.mkdirRecursive(Path.workingDirectory, configDir);
var configFileSource = Repository.dir
var configFileDest = configDir.append('package_config.json');
var config = File(configFileSource.toNativePath()).readAsStringSync();
// The relative paths to the test "packages" ("language", "lib", etc.) are
// correct because they are also in the "generated_tests" directory. But the
// relative paths to the packages used by the tests ("expect",
// "async_helper") are now wrong because we need to walk farther out to get
// back to the repo's root directory.
// Was:
// <sdk>/tests/.dart_tool/package_config.json
// (2 levels from <sdk>)
// Now:
// <sdk>/build/ReleaseX64/generated_tests/.dart_tool/package_config.json
// (4 levels from <sdk>)
// TODO(rnystrom): This is a very hacky way to edit this file.
config = config.replaceAll('"../../', '"../../../../');
_writeFile(configFileDest.toNativePath(), config);